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Synopsis As Introduced Creates the Grow Our Own Teacher Education Act. Establishes the Grow Our Own Teacher Education Initiative to prepare highly skilled, committed teachers who will teach in hard-to-staff schools and hard-to-staff positions and who will remain in these schools for substantial periods of time. Provides that the Board of Higher Education shall administer the Initiative as a grant competition to fund consortia that will carry out Grow Our Own Teacher preparation programs. Provides for an independent program evaluation. Effective July 1, 2004.
Fiscal Note (Illinois Board of Higher Education)
The estimated cost of this legislation is $13.0 million over fiscal years 2005-2009. The bill directs the Board of Higher Education to request the following appropriations for this initiative during this period: FY05: $1.2 million, FY06: $2.2 million, FY07: $3.2 million, FY08: $3.2 million, FY09: $3.2 million. The legislation specifies that $200,000 of the amount appropriated each year shall be allocated to carry out the independent program evaluation with the remainder allocated to participating consortia. There may also be an operating impact to the Board of Higher Education associated with the implementation and management of this initiative. The legislation does not specifically indicate if the program will continue after fiscal year 2009.
House Floor Amendment No. 1 Deletes everything after the enacting clause. Creates the Grow Our Own Teacher Education Act. Establishes the Grow Our Own Teacher Education Initiative to prepare highly skilled, committed teachers who will teach in hard-to-staff schools and hard-to-staff positions and who will remain in these schools for substantial periods of time. Provides that the Board of Higher Education shall administer the Initiative as a grant competition to fund consortia that will carry out Grow Our Own Teacher preparation programs. Provides for an independent program evaluation. Effective January 1, 2005.
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