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Synopsis As Introduced Creates the Statewide Health Improvement Plan Act. Contains only a short title provision.
House Committee Amendment No. 1 Deletes everything after the enacting clause. Creates the State Health Improvement Plan (instead of Statewide Health Improvement Plan Act). Provides that the Governor shall deliver a Statewide Health Improvement Plan to the General Assembly. Provides that the Plan shall recommend strategies to improve the public health system and focus on prevention as a key strategy for long-term health improvement in the State. Provides that the Plan shall address health improvement and strategies to reduce and eliminate racial and ethnic health disparities in the State. Provides that planning shall incorporate all State agencies with health and public health related responsibilities. Provides that the Governor shall appoint a Task Force to develop each Plan.
Fiscal Note (Department of Public Health)
The fiscal impact for House Bill 4612 is approximately $42,000.
Deletes everything after the enacting clause. Amends the Civil Administrative Code of Illinois. Provides that the State Board of Health shall include one representative of the business community, one representative of the non-profit public interest community, and 2 (rather than 4) citizens at large. Provides that the terms of all members of the State Board of Health shall be three years, except that members shall continue to serve on the Board until a replacement is appointed. Provides that the Board shall deliver to the Governor a State Health Improvement Plan (rather than make recommendations to the Governor concerning the development and periodic updating of Statewide health objectives).
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