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Synopsis As Introduced Amends the State Finance Act and the Illinois Controlled Substances Act. Creates the Methamphetamine Manufacturing Facility Cleanup Fund in the State treasury. Provides that a person convicted of illegally manufacturing methamphetamine or of illegally possessing a methamphetamine manufacturing chemical with the intent to manufacture methamphetamine shall be assessed an additional fine by the court to pay for the cost of cleanup of the facility in which the methamphetamine was being manufactured.
House Committee Amendment No. 1 Provides that the court shall assess a $5 fine upon each person convicted of manufacturing methamphetamine or possessing a methamphetamine manufacturing chemical or a methamphetamine precursor with the intent to manufacture methamphetamine. Provides that the proceeds of the fine shall be deposited into the Methamphetamine Manufacturing Facility Cleanup Fund.
House Floor Amendment No. 2 Deletes all. Reinserts the provisions of the bill as amended by House Amendment No.1. Also, provides that the Methamphetamine Manufacturing Facility Cleanup Fund shall be administered by the Environmental Protection Agency. Provides that the court shall impose a minimum fine of $5. Provides that the Agency shall make grants from the Fund to units of local government to pay for the cleanup of the facility manufacturing methamphetamine.
House Bill 3493, as amended by House Amendment #1, which would increase certain civil penalties for methamphetamine and create the Methamphetamine Manufacturing Facility, would not impose any costs on the Illinois EPA.
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