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Deletes everything after the enacting clause. Amends the Restricted Call Registry Act. Provides that beginning October 1, 2003 (instead of July 1, 2003), it is a violation of the Act for any person or entity to make or cause to be made any telephone solicitation calls to any residential subscriber more than 45 days after the person or entity obtains the Registry or any update of the Registry on which the residential subscriber's telephone number or numbers appears. Provides that the national "do-not-call" registry established and maintained by the Federal Trade Commission shall serve as the Registry provided by the Act. Provides that residential subscribers may cause their telephone number or numbers to appear on the Registry in any manner prescribed by the Federal Trade Commission. Requires any person or entity conducting telephone solicitation calls to purchase the Restricted Call Registry and updates no less frequently than every 3 months exclusively from the Federal Trade Commission. Removes existing language concerning the fee for and updates to the Registry. Removes language concerning enrollment on the Registry. Extends the date concerning public notification developed for dissemination to July 1, 2003 (from March 1, 2003). Provides that the Illinois Commerce Commission shall develop language to be used by local exchange telecommunication carriers regarding public notification. Makes other changes. Effective immediately.
Senate Committee Amendment No. 1 Provides that a local exchange telecommunications company shall provide a notice about obtaining information from the Illinois Commerce Commission relating to the restricted call registry at least once per year in either a message contained in a customer's bill or in the information section of all telephone directories distributed to customers rather than both.
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