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Synopsis As Introduced Amends the Public Utilities Act and the Energy Assistance Act of 1989 to create the Percentage of Income Payment Plan. Provides for the Department of Commerce and Community Affairs to establish a percentage of income payment plan for utility service to operate in conjunction with the energy assistance program. Provides that eligible households shall be required to pay not more than 6% of the residents' annual income for gas and electric service. Requires the Commerce Commission to establish a universal service surcharge to be imposed upon gas and electric service provided to consumers in Illinois. Provides for the moneys received under the surcharge to be deposited into the Universal Service Surcharge Fund, a special fund in the State Treasury. Provides for moneys in the fund to be used, subject to appropriation, to pay a provider of gas or electricity the amount by which the cost of gas or electricity provided to consumers participating in the Percentage of Income Payment Plan exceeded the amount paid by those participants to the provider for that gas or electricity. Amends the State Finance Act to add the Universal Service Surcharge Fund to the list of special funds.
State Mandates Fiscal Note (Housing Development Authority)
This legislation will have no effect on the cost of constructing, purchasing, owning, or selling a single-family residence.
Home Rule Note (Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity)
House Bill 2380 (House Amendment No. 2) does not pre-empt home rule authority.
Housing Affordability Impact Note (Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity)
House Bill 2380 (House Amendment No. 2) does not create a State Mandate under the State Mandates Act.
Judicial Note (Admin Office of the Illinois Courts)
Based on a review of the bill, it has been determined that House Bill 2380, as amended by House Amendment No. 2, would neither increase nor decrease the number of judges needed in the State.
State Debt Impact Note (Economic and Fiscal Commission)
House Bill 2380, as amended by House Floor Amendment No. 2, would not change the amount of authorization for any type of State-issued or State-supported bond, and, therefore, would not affect the level of State indebtedness.
Pension Note (Economic and Fiscal Commission)
House Bill 2380, as amended by House Amendment No. 2, would not impact any public pension fund or retirement system in Illinois.
Correctional Note (Dept of Corrections)
There is no corrections population or fiscal impact on the Department of Corrections.
Deletes everything. Amends the Riverboat Gambling Act. Provides that an amount equal to 1% of the adjusted gross receipts of each riverboat shall be paid from the State Gaming Fund to the Supplemental Low-Income Energy Assistance Fund. Provides that the General Assembly shall appropriate an equal amount from the General Revenue Fund to the Education Assistance Fund. Removes certain revisory changes.
Fiscal Note (Department of Revenue)
House Bill 2380, as amended by House Amendment No. 2, will divert approximately $17 million to $18 million from the Education Assistance Fund and instead direct that money into the Supplemental Low-Income Energy Fund.
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