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Synopsis As Introduced Amends the Illinois Police Training Act to provide instruction for the handling of domestic violence complaints with the guidelines developed by the Illinois Law Enforcement Training Standards Board and representatives from named State and private offices with an interest in preventing domestic violence. Amends the Illinois Domestic Violence Act of 1986 to mandate the implementation of a system for recording domestic violence calls and annually reporting the number of those calls. Provides that law enforcement officers shall also annotate signs of whether the alleged abuser was under the influence of alcohol or a controlled substance.
Fiscal Note (Ill. Law Enforcement Training Standards Board)
To implement the provisions of House Bill 206, the Law Enforcement Training Standards Board will expend approximately $50,000 for development of a course of instruction. (This is based upon the $100,000 in federal grant funds used by the Board for 8 years). Annual training costs would be $192,500 per hour ($11 per training hour for half the 35,000 Illinois law enforcement officers). The above-referenced federal grant produced a 24-hour course. To provide that course for Illinois law enforcement officers every other year would cost $4.6 million. (These figures do not include any funds for local law enforcement agency-advanced officer training programs). Using the Board's in-service training delivery system would result in the Board paying $3.9 million and local governments paying $70,000. In Fiscal Year 2003, the Board's in-service training delivery method is projected to cost $3.7 million. Thus, this requirement would double the Board's and the local government's expenditure on the Board's in-service training delivery system or would displace all other training, both mandatory and optional, to comply with the provisions of House Bill 206.
Deletes everything. Amends the Code of Criminal Procedure of 1963 and the Illinois Domestic Violence Act of 1986. Provides that a violation of any order of protection shall (now, may) be enforced by a criminal court under certain circumstances.
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