Illinois General Assembly - Bill Status for SB0678
Illinois General Assembly

Previous General Assemblies

 Bill Status of SB0678  103rd General Assembly


Senate Sponsors
Sen. James F. Clayborne, Jr. - Michael Bond - Matt Murphy - Dan Kotowski - Pamela J. Althoff, Don Harmon, William E. Peterson, Dale E. Risinger, Iris Y. Martinez and Jacqueline Y. Collins

House Sponsors
(Rep. James D. Brosnahan - Eddie Washington - William B. Black - Thomas Holbrook - Marlow H. Colvin, Kurt M. Granberg, Constance A. Howard, James H. Meyer, Karen A. Yarbrough, William Davis, Michael P. McAuliffe, David E. Miller, John A. Fritchey, Aaron Schock, Cynthia Soto, Edward J. Acevedo, Luis Arroyo, Daniel J. Burke, Esther Golar, Lisa M. Dugan, Patrick J Verschoore, Michael K. Smith, Charles E. Jefferson, Monique D. Davis, Careen M Gordon, Richard T. Bradley, Kevin A. McCarthy, Dan Reitz and Kevin Joyce)

Last Action
DateChamber Action
  6/30/2007SenatePublic Act . . . . . . . . . 95-0009

Statutes Amended In Order of Appearance
New Act

Synopsis As Introduced
Creates the High Speed Internet Services and Information Technology Law and amends the State Finance Act. Provides that the Lieutenant Governor, with the advice of the Broadband Deployment Council, shall enlist a nonprofit corporation to implement a comprehensive, statewide high speed Internet deployment strategy and adoption initiative. Specifies the duties of the nonprofit organization. Provides that nothing in the High Speed Internet Services and Information Technology Law shall be construed as giving the Lieutenant Governor, the Broadband Deployment Council, the nonprofit organization, or other entities any additional authority, regulatory or otherwise, over providers of telecommunications, broadband, and information technology. Creates the High Speed Internet Services and Information Technology Fund as a special fund in the State treasury, to be used, subject to appropriation, by the Lieutenant Governor for purposes of providing grants to the nonprofit organization enlisted under the Law. Provides that on the effective date of the Law, all moneys in the Digital Divide Elimination Infrastructure Fund which have not already been distributed or ordered distributed by the Illinois Commerce Commission shall be transferred to the High Speed Internet Services and Information Technology Fund. Contains other provisions concerning local governmental entities who undertake local broadband projects. Amends the Universal Telephone Service Protection Law of 1985 in the Public Utilities Act. Provides that a telecommunications carrier that is not subject to regulation under an alternative regulation plan pursuant to specified provisions may reduce the rate or charge for a noncompetitive service, service element, feature, or functionality offered to customers on a separate, stand-alone basis or as part of a bundled service offering by filing with the Commission a tariff that shows the reduced rate or charge and all applicable terms and conditions of the noncompetitive service, service element, feature, or functionality or bundled offering. Provides that provisions concerning basic local exchange service quality and the consumer complaint resolution process do not apply to telephone cooperatives. Changes the repeal date of the Universal Telephone Service Protection Law of 1985 from July 1, 2007 to July 1, 2009.

Senate Floor Amendment No. 1
Deletes surplus language.

 Fiscal Note, House Floor Amendment No. 3 (Office of the Lieutenant Governor)
 SB 678 (H-AM 3), if enacted, will not require the expenditure of State funds or decrease State revenues.

 Correctional Note, House Floor Amendment No. 3 (Dept of Corrections)
 Correction Population Impact: None; Fiscal Impact: None.

 State Debt Impact Note, House Floor Amendment No. 3 (Government Forecasting & Accountability)
 SB 678 (H-AM 3) would not change the amount of authorization for any type of State-issued or State-supported bond, and, therefore, would not affect the level of State indebtedness.

 Pension Note, House Floor Amendment No. 3 (Government Forecasting & Accountability)
 SB 678 (H-AM 3) will not impact any public pension fund or retirement system in Illinois.

House Floor Amendment No. 4
Adds reference to:
30 ILCS 105/5.675 new
220 ILCS 5/13-505.4from Ch. 111 2/3, par. 13-505.4
220 ILCS 5/13-701from Ch. 111 2/3, par. 13-701
220 ILCS 5/13-1200
220 ILCS 5/Art. XXI heading new
220 ILCS 5/21-100 new
220 ILCS 5/21-101 new
220 ILCS 5/21-101.1 new
220 ILCS 5/21-201 new
220 ILCS 5/21-301 new
220 ILCS 5/21-401 new
220 ILCS 5/21-601 new
220 ILCS 5/21-701 new
220 ILCS 5/21-801 new
220 ILCS 5/21-901 new
220 ILCS 5/21-1001 new
220 ILCS 5/21-1101 new
220 ILCS 5/21-1201 new
220 ILCS 5/21-1301 new
220 ILCS 5/21-1401 new
220 ILCS 5/21-1501 new
220 ILCS 5/21-1601 new
5 ILCS 100/1-5from Ch. 127, par. 1001-5
15 ILCS 205/6.5
55 ILCS 5/5-1095from Ch. 34, par. 5-1095
55 ILCS 5/5-1096.5 new
65 ILCS 5/11-42-11from Ch. 24, par. 11-42-11
65 ILCS 5/11-42-11.2 new
220 ILCS 5/13-507.1 new
220 ILCS 5/Art. 70 heading new
220 ILCS 5/70-501 new
220 ILCS 5/70-502 new
220 ILCS 5/70-503 new
30 ILCS 805/8.31 new

Deletes everything after the enacting clause. Reinserts the contents of the engrossed bill, with additions. Creates the Cable and Video Competition Law of 2007 as a new Article in the Public Utilities Act. Contains provisions concerning the eligibility for a person or entity seeking to provide cable service or video service in the State to (1) obtain a State-issued authorization; (2) obtain authorization pursuant to the Illinois Municipal Code; or (3) obtain authorization pursuant to the Counties Code. Contains provisions concerning the application process for a person or entity seeking to provide cable service or video service pursuant to the Law. Contains provisions concerning the requirements for public, education, and government access. Contains provisions concerning the emergency alert system. Contains provisions concerning the process for a local unit of government requiring the holder of a State-issued authorization to submit to audits. Contains provisions concerning the authority of a local unit of government. Contains provisions concerning the requirements to provide video services. Contains provisions concerning service and multiple-unit dwellings. Contains provisions concerning the enforcement of provisions of the Law, and the penalties for violating those provisions. Preempts home rule. Repeals the Law on October 1, 2013. That the Commission shall not allow any subsidy of Internet services, cable service, or video service by the rates or charges for specified services. Amends the Illinois Administrative Procedure Act to provide that if any provision of the Act conflicts with provisions of Article XXI in the Public Utilities Act, the provisions of Article XXI control. Amends the Attorney General Act to include cable and video as part of the Consumer Utilities Unit. Creates the Cable and Video Customer Protection Law as a new Article in the Public Utilities Act. Contains provisions concerning customer service and privacy protection. Amends the Illinois Municipal Code and the Counties Code to add provisions concerning cable and video competition. Adds a State mandate exemption. Effective immediately.

 Correctional Note, House Floor Amendment No. 4 (Dept of Corrections)
 Corrections Population Impact: None; Fiscal Impact: None.

 Home Rule Note, House Floor Amendment No. 3 (Dept. of Commerce & Economic Opportunity)
 SB 678 (H-AM 3) does pre-empt home rule authority.

 State Mandates Fiscal Note, House Floor Amendment No. 3 (Dept. of Commerce & Economic Opportunity)
 SB 678 (H-AM 3) creates a non reimbursable State Mandate.

 Housing Affordability Impact Note, House Floor Amendment No. 3 (Housing Development Authority)
 This legislation will have no effect on constructing, purchasing, owning, or selling a single-family residence.

 State Debt Impact Note, House Floor Amendment No. 4 (Government Forecasting & Accountability)
 SB 678 (H-AM 4) would not change the amount of authorization for any type of State-issued or State-supported bond, and, therefore, would not affect the level of State indebtedness.

 Fiscal Note, House Floor Amendment No. 4 (Office of the Lieutenant Governor)
 SB 678 (H-AM 4) will not require the expenditure of State funds or decrease State revenues.

 Judicial Note, House Floor Amendment No. 3 (Admin Office of the Illinois Courts)
 This bill would neither increase nor decrease the number of judges needed in the State.

 Judicial Note, House Floor Amendment No. 4 (Admin Office of the Illinois Courts)
 This bill would neither increase nor decrease the number of judges needed in the State.

House Floor Amendment No. 5
Deletes reference to:
30 ILCS 105/5.675 new

Deletes provisions concerning the High Speed Internet Services and Information Technology Law.

 Home Rule Note, House Floor Amendment No. 4 (Dept. of Commerce & Economic Opportunity)
 SB 678 (H-AM 4) does pre-empt home rule authority.

 State Mandates Fiscal Note, House Floor Amendment No. 4 (Dept. of Commerce & Economic Opportunity)
 SB 678 (H-AM 4) creates a non reimbursable State Mandate.

 Housing Affordability Impact Note, House Floor Amendment No. 4 (Housing Development Authority)
 This legislation will have no effect on constructing, purchasing, owning, or selling a single-family residence.

DateChamber Action
  2/8/2007SenateFiled with Secretary by Sen. Michael Bond
  2/8/2007SenateFirst Reading
  2/8/2007SenateReferred to Rules
  2/21/2007SenateAssigned to Transportation
  3/7/2007SenateDo Pass Transportation; 009-000-000
  3/7/2007SenatePlaced on Calendar Order of 2nd Reading March 8, 2007
  3/8/2007SenateSecond Reading
  3/8/2007SenatePlaced on Calendar Order of 3rd Reading March 13, 2007
  3/15/2007SenateSenate Floor Amendment No. 1 Filed with Secretary by Sen. Michael Bond
  3/15/2007SenateSenate Floor Amendment No. 1 Referred to Rules
  3/15/2007SenateAdded as Chief Co-Sponsor Sen. Matt Murphy
  3/15/2007SenateChief Co-Sponsor Changed to Sen. Matt Murphy
  3/21/2007SenateSenate Floor Amendment No. 1 Rules Refers to Transportation
  3/22/2007SenateSenate Floor Amendment No. 1 Recommend Do Adopt Transportation; 007-000-000
  3/29/2007SenateAdded as Chief Co-Sponsor Sen. Dan Kotowski
  3/29/2007SenateAdded as Chief Co-Sponsor Sen. Pamela J. Althoff
  3/29/2007SenateRecalled to Second Reading
  3/29/2007SenateSenate Floor Amendment No. 1 Adopted; Bond
  3/29/2007SenatePlaced on Calendar Order of 3rd Reading
  3/29/2007SenateThird Reading - Passed; 057-000-000
  3/29/2007SenateChief Co-Sponsor Changed to Sen. Dan Kotowski
  3/29/2007SenateChief Co-Sponsor Changed to Sen. Pamela J. Althoff
  3/30/2007HouseArrived in House
  3/30/2007HousePlaced on Calendar Order of First Reading
  3/30/2007HouseChief House Sponsor Rep. Eddie Washington
  4/9/2007HouseFirst Reading
  4/9/2007HouseReferred to Rules Committee
  4/18/2007HouseAdded Alternate Co-Sponsor Rep. Kurt M. Granberg
  4/30/2007HouseAssigned to Railroad Safety Committee
  5/17/2007HouseDo Pass / Short Debate Railroad Safety Committee; 008-000-000
  5/17/2007HousePlaced on Calendar 2nd Reading - Short Debate
  5/17/2007HouseAdded Alternate Chief Co-Sponsor Rep. Shane Cultra
  5/24/2007HouseAdded Alternate Chief Co-Sponsor Rep. Mike Fortner
  5/24/2007HouseSecond Reading - Short Debate
  5/24/2007HousePlaced on Calendar Order of 3rd Reading - Short Debate
  5/29/2007HouseHouse Floor Amendment No. 1 Filed with Clerk by Rep. Eddie Washington
  5/29/2007HouseHouse Floor Amendment No. 2 Filed with Clerk by Rep. Eddie Washington
  5/29/2007HouseHouse Floor Amendment No. 2 Referred to Rules Committee
  5/29/2007HouseHouse Floor Amendment No. 1 Motion Filed to Table Rep. Eddie Washington
  5/29/2007HouseHouse Floor Amendment No. 2 Rules Refers to Telecommunications Committee
  5/29/2007HouseHouse Floor Amendment No. 2 Recommends Be Adopted Telecommunications Committee; 023-000-000
  5/31/2007HouseAdded Alternate Chief Co-Sponsor Rep. Constance A. Howard
  5/31/2007HouseAdded Alternate Chief Co-Sponsor Rep. Sidney H. Mathias
  5/31/2007HouseHouse Floor Amendment No. 3 Filed with Clerk by Rep. Eddie Washington
  5/31/2007HouseHouse Floor Amendment No. 3 Referred to Rules Committee
  5/31/2007HouseHouse Floor Amendment No. 3 Rules Refers to Telecommunications Committee
  5/31/2007HouseAlternate Chief Sponsor Changed to Rep. James D. Brosnahan
  5/31/2007HouseHouse Floor Amendment No. 3 Recommends Be Adopted Telecommunications Committee; 022-002-001
  5/31/2007HouseHouse Floor Amendment No. 3 Fiscal Note Filed as Amended
  5/31/2007HouseHouse Floor Amendment No. 3 Correctional Note Filed as Amended
  5/31/2007HouseHouse Floor Amendment No. 3 State Debt Impact Note Filed as Amended
  5/31/2007HouseHouse Floor Amendment No. 3 Pension Note Filed as Amended
  5/31/2007HouseHouse Floor Amendment No. 4 Filed with Clerk by Rep. James D. Brosnahan
  5/31/2007HouseHouse Floor Amendment No. 4 Referred to Rules Committee
  5/31/2007HouseAlternate Chief Co-Sponsor Removed Rep. Shane Cultra
  5/31/2007HouseAlternate Chief Co-Sponsor Removed Rep. Mike Fortner
  5/31/2007HouseAlternate Chief Co-Sponsor Removed Rep. Constance A. Howard
  5/31/2007HouseAlternate Chief Co-Sponsor Removed Rep. Sidney H. Mathias
  5/31/2007HouseAdded Alternate Chief Co-Sponsor Rep. Eddie Washington
  5/31/2007HouseAdded Alternate Chief Co-Sponsor Rep. William B. Black
  5/31/2007HouseAdded Alternate Chief Co-Sponsor Rep. Thomas Holbrook
  5/31/2007HouseAdded Alternate Chief Co-Sponsor Rep. Marlow H. Colvin
  5/31/2007HouseAdded Alternate Co-Sponsor Rep. Constance A. Howard
  5/31/2007HouseAdded Alternate Co-Sponsor Rep. James H. Meyer
  5/31/2007HouseHouse Floor Amendment No. 4 Correctional Note Filed as Amended
  5/31/2007HouseHouse Floor Amendment No. 3 Home Rule Note Filed as Amended
  5/31/2007HouseHouse Floor Amendment No. 3 State Mandates Fiscal Note Filed as Amended
  5/31/2007HouseHouse Floor Amendment No. 3 Housing Affordability Impact Note Filed as Amended
  5/31/2007HouseAdded Alternate Co-Sponsor Rep. Karen A. Yarbrough
  5/31/2007HouseAdded Alternate Co-Sponsor Rep. William Davis
  5/31/2007HouseHouse Floor Amendment No. 4 Recommends Be Adopted Rules Committee; 003-000-000
  5/31/2007HouseHouse Floor Amendment No. 4 State Debt Impact Note Filed as Amended
  5/31/2007HouseHouse Floor Amendment No. 4 Fiscal Note Filed as Amended
  5/31/2007HouseHouse Floor Amendment No. 3 Judicial Note Filed as Amended
  5/31/2007HouseHouse Floor Amendment No. 4 Judicial Note Filed as Amended
  5/31/2007HouseHouse Floor Amendment No. 5 Filed with Clerk by Rep. James D. Brosnahan
  5/31/2007HouseHouse Floor Amendment No. 5 Referred to Rules Committee
  5/31/2007HouseHouse Floor Amendment No. 5 Recommends Be Adopted Rules Committee; 003-000-000
  5/31/2007HouseHouse Floor Amendment No. 4 Home Rule Note Filed as Amended
  5/31/2007HouseHouse Floor Amendment No. 4 State Mandates Fiscal Note Filed as Amended
  5/31/2007HouseHouse Floor Amendment No. 4 Housing Affordability Impact Note Filed as Amended
  5/31/2007HouseRecalled to Second Reading - Short Debate
  5/31/2007HouseHouse Floor Amendment No. 2 Withdrawn by Rep. Eddie Washington
  5/31/2007HouseHouse Floor Amendment No. 3 Withdrawn by Rep. Eddie Washington
  5/31/2007HouseHouse Floor Amendment No. 4 Adopted by Voice Vote
  5/31/2007HouseHouse Floor Amendment No. 5 Adopted by Voice Vote
  5/31/2007HousePlaced on Calendar Order of 3rd Reading - Short Debate
  5/31/2007HouseRemoved from Short Debate Status
  5/31/2007HousePlaced on Calendar Order of 3rd Reading - Extended Debate
  5/31/2007HouseThird Reading - Extended Debate - Passed 113-000-002
  5/31/2007HouseHouse Floor Amendment No. 1 Tabled Pursuant to Rule 40(a)
  5/31/2007HouseAdded Alternate Co-Sponsor Rep. Michael P. McAuliffe
  5/31/2007HouseAdded Alternate Co-Sponsor Rep. David E. Miller
  5/31/2007HouseAdded Alternate Co-Sponsor Rep. John A. Fritchey
  5/31/2007HouseAdded Alternate Co-Sponsor Rep. Aaron Schock
  5/31/2007HouseAdded Alternate Co-Sponsor Rep. Cynthia Soto
  5/31/2007HouseAdded Alternate Co-Sponsor Rep. Edward J. Acevedo
  5/31/2007HouseAdded Alternate Co-Sponsor Rep. Luis Arroyo
  5/31/2007HouseAdded Alternate Co-Sponsor Rep. Daniel J. Burke
  5/31/2007HouseAdded Alternate Co-Sponsor Rep. Esther Golar
  5/31/2007HouseAdded Alternate Co-Sponsor Rep. Lisa M. Dugan
  5/31/2007HouseAdded Alternate Co-Sponsor Rep. Patrick J Verschoore
  5/31/2007HouseAdded Alternate Co-Sponsor Rep. Michael K. Smith
  5/31/2007HouseAdded Alternate Co-Sponsor Rep. Charles E. Jefferson
  5/31/2007HouseAdded Alternate Co-Sponsor Rep. Monique D. Davis
  5/31/2007HouseAdded Alternate Co-Sponsor Rep. Careen M Gordon
  5/31/2007HouseAdded Alternate Co-Sponsor Rep. Richard T. Bradley
  5/31/2007HouseAdded Alternate Co-Sponsor Rep. Kevin A. McCarthy
  5/31/2007HouseAdded Alternate Co-Sponsor Rep. Dan Reitz
  5/31/2007HouseAdded Alternate Co-Sponsor Rep. Kevin Joyce
  5/31/2007SenateSecretary's Desk - Concurrence House Amendment(s) 04,05
  5/31/2007SenatePlaced on Calendar Order of Concurrence House Amendment(s) 04,05 - June 1, 2007
  5/31/2007SenateChief Sponsor Changed to Sen. James F. Clayborne, Jr.
  5/31/2007SenateAdded as Chief Co-Sponsor Sen. Michael Bond
  5/31/2007SenateHouse Floor Amendment No. 4 Motion to Concur Filed with Secretary Sen. James F. Clayborne, Jr.
  5/31/2007SenateHouse Floor Amendment No. 4 Motion to Concur Referred to Rules
  5/31/2007SenateHouse Floor Amendment No. 5 Motion to Concur Filed with Secretary Sen. James F. Clayborne, Jr.
  5/31/2007SenateHouse Floor Amendment No. 5 Motion to Concur Referred to Rules
  6/1/2007SenateAdded as Co-Sponsor Sen. Don Harmon
  6/1/2007SenateAdded as Co-Sponsor Sen. William E. Peterson
  6/1/2007SenateAdded as Co-Sponsor Sen. Dale E. Risinger
  6/6/2007SenateAdded as Co-Sponsor Sen. Iris Y. Martinez
  6/14/2007SenateHouse Floor Amendment No. 4 Motion to Concur Referred to Environment and Energy
  6/14/2007SenateHouse Floor Amendment No. 5 Motion to Concur Referred to Environment and Energy
  6/14/2007SenateHouse Floor Amendment No. 4 Motion To Concur Recommended Do Adopt Environment and Energy; 012-000-000
  6/14/2007SenateHouse Floor Amendment No. 5 Motion To Concur Recommended Do Adopt Environment and Energy; 012-000-000
  6/19/2007SenateAdded as Co-Sponsor Sen. Jacqueline Y. Collins
  6/19/2007Senate3/5 Vote Required
  6/19/2007SenateHouse Floor Amendment No. 4 Senate Concurs 054-000-001
  6/19/2007SenateHouse Floor Amendment No. 5 Senate Concurs 054-000-001
  6/19/2007SenatePassed Both Houses
  6/22/2007SenateSent to the Governor
  6/30/2007SenateGovernor Approved
  6/30/2007SenateEffective Date June 30, 2007
  6/30/2007SenatePublic Act . . . . . . . . . 95-0009

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