Illinois General Assembly - Bill Status for SB3715
Illinois General Assembly

Previous General Assemblies

 Bill Status of SB3715  103rd General Assembly


Senate Sponsors
Sen. Chapin Rose

Last Action
DateChamber Action
  1/10/2023SenateSession Sine Die

Statutes Amended In Order of Appearance
5 ILCS 100/5-45.21 new
625 ILCS 5/6-106.1from Ch. 95 1/2, par. 6-106.1

Synopsis As Introduced
Amends the Illinois Vehicle Code. Provides that the Secretary of State shall accept all required school bus permit renewal materials and fees by electronic means. Provides that the Secretary, in accordance with established rules, shall establish an online or electronic renewal process. Amends the Illinois Administrative Procedure Act to allow the Secretary to adopt emergency rules. Effective immediately.

DateChamber Action
  1/21/2022SenateFiled with Secretary by Sen. Chapin Rose
  1/21/2022SenateFirst Reading
  1/21/2022SenateReferred to Assignments
  2/1/2022SenateAssigned to Transportation
  2/10/2022SenateRule 2-10 Committee Deadline Established As February 18, 2022
  2/18/2022SenateRule 2-10 Committee Deadline Established As February 25, 2022
  2/22/2022SenatePostponed - Transportation
  2/25/2022SenateRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments
  1/10/2023SenateSession Sine Die

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