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Synopsis As Introduced Creates the Green Cleaning Schools Act. Requires the Illinois Green Government Coordinating Council (IGGCC), in consultation with other agencies, to establish and amend on an annual basis guidelines and specifications for environmentally-sensitive cleaning and maintenance products for use in school facilities. Provides that by no later than 90 days after implementation of the guidelines and specifications, all elementary and secondary public and non-public schools shall establish a green cleaning policy and exclusively purchase and use environmentally-sensitive cleaning products pursuant to the guidelines and specifications, except that a school may deplete its existing cleaning and maintenance supply stocks and implement the new requirements in the procurement cycle for the following school year. Provides for dissemination of the guidelines and specifications to schools. Amends the State Mandates Act to require implementation without reimbursement. Effective immediately.
House Committee Amendment No. 1 Makes changes concerning whom the IGGCC must consult with regarding its guidelines and specifications for environmentally-sensitive cleaning and maintenance products, including requiring the IGGCC to consult with a panel of interested stakeholders. Removes references to the Chicago Department of Environment.
House Committee Amendment No. 2 Requires a school to establish a green cleaning policy and purchase and use environmentally-sensitive cleaning products only when it is economically feasible. Provides that adopting a green cleaning policy is not economically feasible if such adoption would result in an increase in the cleaning costs of the school. Provides that if adopting a green cleaning policy is not economically feasible, then the school must provide annual written notification to the Illinois Green Government Coordinating Council (IGGCC) that the development and implementation of a green cleaning policy is not economically feasible until such time that it is economically feasible. Requires the IGGCC to provide multiple avenues by which cleaning products may be determined to be environmentally-sensitive under its guidelines.
House Floor Amendment No. 3 Provides that only elementary and secondary non-public schools with 50 or more students (instead of all elementary and secondary non-public schools) shall establish a green cleaning policy and exclusively purchase and use environmentally-sensitive cleaning products; makes related changes.
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