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Synopsis As Introduced Amends the Counties Code. Changes the application of provisions concerning allowing management and mitigation of the effects of urbanization on stormwater drainage in metropolitan counties located in the area served by the Northeastern Illinois Planning Commission to those located in the area served by the Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning. Authorizes all counties (currently, only specified counties) to adopt stormwater management plans. Provides that counties' minimum standards for floodplain and stormwater management should have an emphasis on the use of cost effective, nature-based solutions and provides examples of such solutions. Provides that the stormwater management plans shall evaluate water quality and flooding problems caused by urban flooding. Defines "urban flooding" as the flooding of public and private land in urban areas that results from stormwater or snowmelt runoff overwhelming the existing drainage infrastructure, unrelated to the overflow of any river or lake, whether or not that land is located in or near a floodplain. Provides that a stormwater management planning committee may make grants to units of local government and landowners under specified conditions.
Replaces everything after the enacting clause. Reinserts the provisions of introduced bill with the following changes: Further amends the Counties Code. Provides that the purposes of the provisions shall be achieved by setting minimum standards for floodplain and stormwater management with an emphasis on the use of cost-effective, nature-based solutions to flooding problems (rather than cost-effective, nature-based solutions to water quality and flooding problems). Provides that a purpose of provisions concerning stormwater management include collection of runoff for reuse as appropriate considering the local conditions that as a byproduct also results in improved water conditions. Changes "urban areas" to "urbanized areas". Defines "urbanized areas". Provides that specified counties (rather than all counties) and counties containing all or a part of an urbanized area may adopt stormwater management plans. Provides that any other county may adopt stormwater management plans if approved by referendum. Provides for representatives of drainage districts and soil and water conservation districts to be represented on the stormwater management planning committee in specified counties. Provides that a stormwater management planning committee may make grants to units of local government, not-for-profit organizations, and landowners under specified conditions (rather than units of local government and landowners). Provides that before specified municipalities may receive grant moneys, the municipality must be a member in the Federal Emergency Management Agency's National Flood Insurance Program and adopt an ordinance requiring actions consistent with the stormwater management plan. Provides that questions for the levy of an annual tax for stormwater management purposes shall be held at a general election.
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