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Synopsis As Introduced Amends the Motor Fuel Sales Act. Repeals language providing that the Act does not apply to gasoline or service stations offering motor fuel for sale only at self-service islands. Requires a station that offers motor fuel for sale only at self-service islands to provide at one or more islands a calling device that allows a person with a decal, a device, or registration plates issued to a person with disabilities to request assistance in dispensing motor fuel. Sets forth requirements for the calling device and signage. Provides that the station may not impose an additional charge for the assistance in dispensing motor fuel. Sets forth circumstances under which: (i) a station is not required to provide a calling device or (ii) a station is required to provide a calling device only during certain hours. Provides that the requirements of the Act do not apply if the driver or a passenger is reasonably capable of dispensing motor fuel. Provides that a gasoline station owner who violates either of these provisions is guilty of a petty offense and subject to a fine of not less than $300 and not more than $600.
Deletes everything after the enacting clause. Reinserts some of the provisions of the original bill, with changes, additions and deletions. Deletes the provision setting forth requirements for gasoline stations providing service only at self-service islands. Deletes language providing that a gasoline or service station that does not comply with the requirements for stations providing self-service and full service is subject to a fine. Deletes language providing that the requirements of the Act do not apply if the driver or a passenger is reasonably capable of dispensing motor fuel. Provides that gasoline and service stations in this State are subject to the federal Americans with Disabilities Act and must provide refueling service to persons with disabilities without additional charge and must provide signage informing those persons of the availability of that service. Provides that the station owner shall designate the signage to be posted. Sets requirements for posting the signage. Provides that it is a Class C misdemeanor to use a telephone to request refueling assistance for a person with disabilities if that service is not really required. Requires the Secretary of State and the Department of Human Services to provide information regarding the availability of refueling assistance for persons with disabilities. Provides that the Department of Transportation shall work with appropriate industry representatives to increase the signage at gasoline and service stations on interstate highways with regard to the availability of refueling assistance.
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