Illinois General Assembly - Bill Status for HB0055
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 Bill Status of HB0055  104th General Assembly


House Sponsors
Rep. Charles Meier and Tony M. McCombie

Last Action
DateChamber Action
  2/4/2025HouseAssigned to Appropriations-Health and Human Services Committee

Statutes Amended In Order of Appearance
210 ILCS 135/4from Ch. 91 1/2, par. 1704

Synopsis As Introduced
Amends the Community-Integrated Living Arrangements Licensure and Certification Act. Removes provisions allowing the Department of Human Services to conduct site visits to an agency licensed under the Act, or to any program or placement certified by the agency, and inspect the records or premises, or both, of such agency, program or placement as it deems appropriate, for the purpose of determining compliance with the Act, the Mental Health and Developmental Disabilities Code, and applicable Department rules and regulations. Requires the Department to establish a system of regular, ongoing, and unannounced on-site inspections, that shall occur at least annually, of each agency licensed under the Act or any program or placement certified by an agency licensed under the Act under the Department's jurisdiction. Provides that the inspections shall be conducted by the Department's central office to achieve specified goals.

DateChamber Action
  12/11/2024HousePrefiled with Clerk by Rep. Charles Meier
  1/9/2025HouseFirst Reading
  1/9/2025HouseReferred to Rules Committee
  1/15/2025HouseAdded Co-Sponsor Rep. Tony M. McCombie
  2/4/2025HouseAssigned to Appropriations-Health and Human Services Committee

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