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Synopsis As Introduced Amends the Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund (IMRF) Article of the Illinois Pension Code. Provides that a person who is an elected municipal official shall not be considered a participating employee, unless (1) the person has elected to become a participating employee; (2) the participating municipality has filed a resolution certifying that a person in that position is expected to work more than 600 hours (or 1,000 hours if the participating municipality has adopted a specified resolution); and (3) the person has submitted logs evidencing that he or she has met the hourly standard. Requires the resolution to be adopted and filed with the Fund no more than 90 days after the general election in which any municipal official was elected. Provides that with respect to a participant who holds elected municipal office on the effective date, the resolution requirement does not affect participation by that elected municipal official with respect to that term of office until 90 days after the effective date. Contains provisions specifying the manner of documenting and submitting the time spent on official government business. Provides that an elected municipal official who fails to submit time sheets or fails to conduct official government business for either 600 or 1,000 hours (whichever is applicable) with respect to that position shall not be permitted to continue participation in the Fund as an elected municipal official. Effective immediately.
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