Illinois General Assembly - Bill Status for HB4781
Illinois General Assembly

Previous General Assemblies

 Bill Status of HB4781  103rd General Assembly

Short Description:  DCFS-KINSHIP IN DEMAND

House Sponsors
Rep. Marcus C. Evans, Jr. - Mary E. Flowers - Joyce Mason - Camille Y. Lilly, Debbie Meyers-Martin, Rita Mayfield, Suzanne M. Ness, Kevin John Olickal, Dagmara Avelar, Lilian Jiménez, Edgar González, Jr., Maurice A. West, II, Yolonda Morris, Kelly M. Cassidy, Anna Moeller, Abdelnasser Rashid, Sonya M. Harper, Diane Blair-Sherlock, Cyril Nichols, Gregg Johnson, Hoan Huynh, Justin Slaughter, Will Guzzardi, Michelle Mussman, Lindsey LaPointe, Jawaharial Williams, Jehan Gordon-Booth, Matt Hanson, Steven Reick, Kimberly Du Buclet, Amy L. Grant, Robyn Gabel, Stephanie A. Kifowit, Sue Scherer, Michael J. Kelly, Jenn Ladisch Douglass and Norma Hernandez

Senate Sponsors
(Sen. Mattie Hunter - Elgie R. Sims, Jr., Sue Rezin, Adriane Johnson, Michael W. Halpin, Laura Fine, Mary Edly-Allen, Emil Jones, III, Mike Simmons, Christopher Belt, Rachel Ventura, Doris Turner, Karina Villa, Kimberly A. Lightford and Lakesia Collins)

Last Action
DateChamber Action
  2/5/2025HousePublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-1061

Statutes Amended In Order of Appearance
20 ILCS 505/4d
20 ILCS 505/5
20 ILCS 505/6afrom Ch. 23, par. 5006a
20 ILCS 505/7from Ch. 23, par. 5007
20 ILCS 505/7.3
20 ILCS 505/50 new
20 ILCS 505/55 new
225 ILCS 10/2.05from Ch. 23, par. 2212.05
225 ILCS 10/2.17from Ch. 23, par. 2212.17
225 ILCS 10/2.35
225 ILCS 10/2.36 new
225 ILCS 10/2.37 new
225 ILCS 10/2.38 new
225 ILCS 10/2.39 new
225 ILCS 10/3.4 new
225 ILCS 10/4from Ch. 23, par. 2214
225 ILCS 10/4.3from Ch. 23, par. 2214.3
225 ILCS 10/5from Ch. 23, par. 2215
225 ILCS 10/7.3
225 ILCS 10/7.4
705 ILCS 405/1-3from Ch. 37, par. 801-3
705 ILCS 405/1-5from Ch. 37, par. 801-5
705 ILCS 405/2-9from Ch. 37, par. 802-9
705 ILCS 405/2-10from Ch. 37, par. 802-10
705 ILCS 405/2-13from Ch. 37, par. 802-13
705 ILCS 405/2-21from Ch. 37, par. 802-21
705 ILCS 405/2-22from Ch. 37, par. 802-22
705 ILCS 405/2-23from Ch. 37, par. 802-23
705 ILCS 405/2-27from Ch. 37, par. 802-27
705 ILCS 405/2-28
750 ILCS 50/15.1from Ch. 40, par. 1519.1

Synopsis As Introduced
Provides that the amendatory Act may be referred to as the Kinship in Demand (KIND) Act. Provides that the KIND Act creates the statutory vision and authority for the Department of Children and Family Services to execute a kin-first approach to service delivery and directs the juvenile courts to provide necessary oversight of the Department's obligations to maintain family connections and promote equitable opportunities for youth and families to thrive with relational permanence. Amends the Children and Family Services Act. Contains provisions concerning Department rules on relative, kinship, and licensed foster care; grants to subsidized guardians of hard-to-place children; a requirement on the Department to make reasonable efforts to place a child with a relative; documentation of the Department's reasons for failing to secure a relative placement; foster care maintenance payments for relatives who qualify for certification as a kinship caregiver home; subsidized guardianship support services for children and their guardians; certification and background checks on relative caregivers; annual reports regarding relative and kinship care placements; performance audits; and other matters. Amends the Child Care Act of 1969. Requires the Department to adopt standards for certifying kinship caregiver family homes that are different from licensing standards used for non-relative foster family homes. Contains provisions concerning background screenings of prospective kinship caregivers; a requirement that the Department assist relatives and prospective kinship caregivers with completing the steps required for approval as a kinship caregiver home; orientation activities for prospective kinship caregivers; Guardianship Assistance Program payments and services for relative caregivers; and other matters. Amends the Juvenile Court Act of 1987. Makes changes to provisions concerning "best interest" determinations; emergency placement of a minor with a willing relative pending a temporary custody hearing; court assessments on the Department's effort to place a minor with a relative; court ordered family-finding efforts; required notification to a minor's located relatives that the minor has been removed from the custody of the minor's parents; and other matters. Effective immediately.

House Committee Amendment No. 2
Deletes reference to:
20 ILCS 505/50 new
225 ILCS 10/2.35
705 ILCS 405/2-9
Adds reference to:
20 ILCS 505/46 new
225 ILCS 10/2.39 new
225 ILCS 10/2.40 new
705 ILCS 405/2-27.3 new
705 ILCS 405/2-28.1
705 ILCS 405/5-745
750 ILCS 50/4.1from Ch. 40, par. 1506

Replaces everything after the enacting clause. Provides that the amendatory Act may be referred to as the Kinship in Demand (KIND) Act. Provides that the KIND Act creates the statutory vision and authority for the Department of Children and Family Services to execute a kin-first approach to service delivery and directs the juvenile courts to provide necessary oversight of the Department's obligations to maintain family connections and promote equitable opportunities for youth and families to thrive with relational permanence. Amends the Children and Family Services Act. Contains provisions concerning Department rules on relative and licensed foster care; grants to subsidized guardians of hard-to-place children; a requirement on the Department to make diligent efforts to place a child with a relative; documentation of the Department's reasons for failing to secure a relative placement; foster care maintenance payments for relatives who qualify for certification as a relative caregiver home under the Child Care Act of 1969; subsidized guardianship support services for children and their guardians; certification and background checks on persons seeking relative caregiver approval; annual reports regarding relative and certified relative caregiver placements; performance audits; and other matters. Amends the Child Care Act of 1969. Requires the Department to adopt standards for certified relative caregiver family homes that are different from licensing standards used for non-relative foster family homes. Contains provisions concerning background screenings of prospective relative caregiver homes; a requirement that the Department assist prospective certified relative caregivers with completing the steps required for approval as a certified relative caregiver home; orientation activities for certified relative caregivers; and other matters. Amends the Juvenile Court Act of 1987. Makes changes to provisions concerning "best interest" determinations; court assessments on the Department's effort to place a minor with a relative; inquiries by a court on the Department's family finding and relative engagement efforts; required notification to a minor's located relatives that the minor has been removed from the custody of the minor's parents; and other matters. Some provisions take effect immediately, some provisions take effect January 1, 2025 and some provisions take effect July 1, 2025.

House Committee Amendment No. 3
Moves to a different location in House Amendment No. 2 a provision requiring the Department of Children and Family Services to make reasonable efforts to identify and locate relatives to serve as visitation resources for the child and potential future placement resources unless excused by the court.

House Floor Amendment No. 5
Further amends the Children and Family Services Act. In the definition of "fictive kin", removes language providing that a fictive kin means a person with close ties with the child or the child's family prior to the child's placement with the person. Further amends the Child Care Act of 1969. In provisions concerning standards for certified relative caregiver homes, provides that the Department of Children and Family Services or a licensed child welfare agency (rather than a licensed child welfare agency) shall complete the home safety and needs assessment and assess the ability of the prospective certified relative caregiver to care for the physical, emotional, medical, and educational needs of the specific child or children being placed by the Department. Makes conforming changes.

Senate Committee Amendment No. 1
Replaces everything after the enacting clause. Reinserts the provisions of the engrossed bill with the following changes: In provisions concerning the adoption of rules concerning a relative support program, a review process for relative placement, certification, and visitation denials, and other matters, requires the Department of Children and Family Services to adopt such rules by July 1, 2025 (rather than January 1, 2025). Provides that the rules shall outline the essential elements of each form used in the implementation and enforcement of the provisions of the amendatory Act. Changes the date by which relative caregiver payments shall be made to relative caregiver homes to July 1, 2025 (rather than January 1, 2025). Makes changes to the definition of "caregiver". Requires the Department to review complaints made to child welfare agencies by residents of prospective and current certified relative caregiver homes. Requires the Department to notify the General Assembly on the Department's progress in pursuing federal funding for the kinship navigator program. Permits the public to make anonymous requests to the Department concerning its subsidized guardianship and adoption support services. Changes the effective date by making some provisions effective immediately and some provisions effective July 1, 2025.

DateChamber Action
  2/5/2024HouseFiled with the Clerk by Rep. Marcus C. Evans, Jr.
  2/6/2024HouseFirst Reading
  2/6/2024HouseReferred to Rules Committee
  3/5/2024HouseAssigned to Adoption & Child Welfare Committee
  3/12/2024HouseAdded Chief Co-Sponsor Rep. Mary E. Flowers
  4/2/2024HouseTo Foster Care Placement Subcommittee
  4/3/2024HouseAdded Chief Co-Sponsor Rep. Debbie Meyers-Martin
  4/3/2024HouseRemove Chief Co-Sponsor Rep. Debbie Meyers-Martin
  4/5/2024HouseCommittee Deadline Extended-Rule 9(b) April 19, 2024
  4/10/2024HouseAdded Co-Sponsor Rep. Norma Hernandez
  4/10/2024HouseAdded Co-Sponsor Rep. Joyce Mason
  4/10/2024HouseAdded Co-Sponsor Rep. Rita Mayfield
  4/10/2024HouseRecommends Do Pass Subcommittee/ Adoption & Child Welfare Committee; 004-000-000
  4/10/2024HouseReported Back To Adoption & Child Welfare Committee;
  4/10/2024HouseRemoved Co-Sponsor Rep. Joyce Mason
  4/11/2024HouseAdded Co-Sponsor Rep. Kevin John Olickal
  4/11/2024HouseAdded Co-Sponsor Rep. Dagmara Avelar
  4/11/2024HouseAdded Co-Sponsor Rep. Lilian Jiménez
  4/11/2024HouseAdded Co-Sponsor Rep. Edgar González, Jr.
  4/11/2024HouseAdded Co-Sponsor Rep. Maurice A. West, II
  4/11/2024HouseAdded Co-Sponsor Rep. Yolonda Morris
  4/11/2024HouseAdded Co-Sponsor Rep. Kelly M. Cassidy
  4/16/2024HouseHouse Committee Amendment No. 1 Filed with Clerk by Rep. Marcus C. Evans, Jr.
  4/16/2024HouseHouse Committee Amendment No. 1 Referred to Rules Committee
  4/16/2024HouseHouse Committee Amendment No. 2 Filed with Clerk by Rep. Marcus C. Evans, Jr.
  4/16/2024HouseHouse Committee Amendment No. 2 Referred to Rules Committee
  4/17/2024HouseHouse Committee Amendment No. 1 Rules Refers to Adoption & Child Welfare Committee
  4/17/2024HouseHouse Committee Amendment No. 2 Rules Refers to Adoption & Child Welfare Committee
  4/17/2024HouseHouse Committee Amendment No. 3 Filed with Clerk by Rep. Marcus C. Evans, Jr.
  4/17/2024HouseHouse Committee Amendment No. 3 Referred to Rules Committee
  4/18/2024HouseCommittee/3rd Reading Deadline Extended-Rule May 24, 2024
  4/19/2024HouseAdded Co-Sponsor Rep. Anna Moeller
  4/19/2024HouseAdded Co-Sponsor Rep. Abdelnasser Rashid
  4/19/2024HouseAdded Co-Sponsor Rep. Sonya M. Harper
  4/19/2024HouseAdded Co-Sponsor Rep. Diane Blair-Sherlock
  4/19/2024HouseAdded Co-Sponsor Rep. Cyril Nichols
  4/19/2024HouseAdded Co-Sponsor Rep. Gregg Johnson
  4/19/2024HouseAdded Co-Sponsor Rep. Hoan Huynh
  4/19/2024HouseAdded Co-Sponsor Rep. Justin Slaughter
  4/19/2024HouseAdded Co-Sponsor Rep. Will Guzzardi
  4/19/2024HouseAdded Co-Sponsor Rep. Michelle Mussman
  4/24/2024HouseHouse Committee Amendment No. 3 Rules Refers to Adoption & Child Welfare Committee
  4/30/2024HouseHouse Committee Amendment No. 2 Adopted in Adoption & Child Welfare Committee; by Voice Vote
  4/30/2024HouseHouse Committee Amendment No. 3 Adopted in Adoption & Child Welfare Committee; by Voice Vote
  4/30/2024HouseDo Pass as Amended / Short Debate Adoption & Child Welfare Committee; 012-000-000
  4/30/2024HouseHouse Committee Amendment No. 1 Tabled
  5/1/2024HousePlaced on Calendar 2nd Reading - Short Debate
  5/1/2024HouseHouse Floor Amendment No. 4 Filed with Clerk by Rep. Marcus C. Evans, Jr.
  5/1/2024HouseHouse Floor Amendment No. 4 Referred to Rules Committee
  5/1/2024HouseSecond Reading - Short Debate
  5/1/2024HouseHeld on Calendar Order of Second Reading - Short Debate
  5/6/2024HouseHouse Floor Amendment No. 4 Rules Refers to Adoption & Child Welfare Committee
  5/7/2024HouseHouse Floor Amendment No. 5 Filed with Clerk by Rep. Marcus C. Evans, Jr.
  5/7/2024HouseHouse Floor Amendment No. 5 Referred to Rules Committee
  5/9/2024HouseAdded Co-Sponsor Rep. Lindsey LaPointe
  5/13/2024HouseHouse Floor Amendment No. 5 Rules Refers to Adoption & Child Welfare Committee
  5/14/2024HouseAdded Co-Sponsor Rep. Jawaharial Williams
  5/14/2024HouseAdded Co-Sponsor Rep. Jehan Gordon-Booth
  5/14/2024HouseHouse Floor Amendment No. 5 Recommends Be Adopted Adoption & Child Welfare Committee; 012-000-000
  5/15/2024HouseHouse Floor Amendment No. 5 Adopted
  5/15/2024HousePlaced on Calendar Order of 3rd Reading - Short Debate
  5/15/2024HouseThird Reading - Short Debate - Passed 113-000-000
  5/15/2024HouseHouse Floor Amendment No. 4 Tabled
  5/15/2024HouseAdded Chief Co-Sponsor Rep. Joyce Mason
  5/15/2024HouseAdded Chief Co-Sponsor Rep. Camille Y. Lilly
  5/15/2024HouseAdded Co-Sponsor Rep. Matt Hanson
  5/15/2024SenateArrive in Senate
  5/15/2024SenatePlaced on Calendar Order of First Reading
  5/15/2024SenateChief Senate Sponsor Sen. Don Harmon
  5/15/2024SenateFirst Reading
  5/15/2024SenateReferred to Assignments
  5/16/2024SenateAdded as Alternate Co-Sponsor Sen. Sue Rezin
  5/16/2024SenateAdded as Alternate Co-Sponsor Sen. Adriane Johnson
  5/16/2024SenateAdded as Alternate Co-Sponsor Sen. Michael W. Halpin
  5/17/2024SenateAdded as Alternate Co-Sponsor Sen. Laura Fine
  5/17/2024SenateAdded as Alternate Chief Co-Sponsor Sen. Sally J. Turner
  5/17/2024SenateAdded as Alternate Co-Sponsor Sen. Mary Edly-Allen
  5/21/2024SenateAdded as Alternate Chief Co-Sponsor Sen. Javier L. Cervantes
  5/21/2024SenateAdded as Alternate Co-Sponsor Sen. Emil Jones, III
  5/21/2024SenateAdded as Alternate Co-Sponsor Sen. Mike Simmons
  5/21/2024SenateAdded as Alternate Co-Sponsor Sen. Christopher Belt
  5/21/2024SenateAdded as Alternate Co-Sponsor Sen. Rachel Ventura
  5/22/2024SenateAdded as Alternate Co-Sponsor Sen. Doris Turner
  5/22/2024SenateAdded as Alternate Co-Sponsor Sen. Karina Villa
  5/23/2024SenateAssigned to Judiciary
  5/23/2024SenateRule 2-10 Committee Deadline Established As May 24, 2024
  5/23/2024SenateRule 2-10 Third Reading/Passage Deadline Established As May 24, 2024
  5/23/2024SenateAlternate Chief Sponsor Changed to Sen. Mattie Hunter
  5/24/2024SenateRule 2-10 Committee/3rd Reading Deadline Established As May 25, 2024
  5/25/2024SenateRule 2-10 Committee/3rd Reading Deadline Established As May 26, 2024
  6/26/2024SenatePursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments
  11/14/2024SenateAdded as Alternate Co-Sponsor Sen. Kimberly A. Lightford
  11/19/2024SenateRe-assigned to Judiciary
  11/19/2024SenateSenate Committee Amendment No. 1 Filed with Secretary by Sen. Mattie Hunter
  11/19/2024SenateSenate Committee Amendment No. 1 Referred to Assignments
  11/19/2024SenateSenate Committee Amendment No. 1 Assignments Refers to Judiciary
  11/19/2024SenateWaive Posting Notice
  11/19/2024SenateAdded as Alternate Chief Co-Sponsor Sen. Elgie R. Sims, Jr.
  11/19/2024SenateSenate Committee Amendment No. 1 Adopted
  11/19/2024SenateDo Pass as Amended Judiciary; 008-000-000
  11/19/2024SenatePlaced on Calendar Order of 2nd Reading November 20, 2024
  11/20/2024SenateSecond Reading
  11/20/2024SenatePlaced on Calendar Order of 3rd Reading November 21, 2024
  11/21/2024Senate3/5 Vote Required
  11/21/2024SenateThird Reading - Passed; 056-000-000
  11/21/2024HouseArrived in House
  11/21/2024HousePlaced on Calendar Order of Concurrence Senate Amendment(s) 1
  12/4/2024SenateAdded as Alternate Co-Sponsor Sen. Lakesia Collins
  12/22/2024HouseRule 19(b) / Re-referred to Rules Committee
  1/5/2025HouseFinal Action Deadline Extended-9(b) January 8, 2025
  1/5/2025HouseApproved for Consideration Rules Committee; 003-002-000
  1/5/2025HousePlaced on Calendar Order of Concurrence Senate Amendment(s) 1
  1/5/2025HouseSenate Committee Amendment No. 1 Motion Filed Concur Rep. Marcus C. Evans, Jr.
  1/5/2025HouseSenate Committee Amendment No. 1 Motion to Concur Referred to Rules Committee
  1/5/2025HouseAdded Co-Sponsor Rep. Steven Reick
  1/5/2025HouseAdded Co-Sponsor Rep. Kimberly Du Buclet
  1/5/2025HouseSenate Committee Amendment No. 1 Motion to Concur Rules Referred to Adoption & Child Welfare Committee
  1/5/2025HouseSenate Committee Amendment No. 1 Motion to Concur Recommends Be Adopted Adoption & Child Welfare Committee; 012-000-000
  1/6/2025HouseAdded Co-Sponsor Rep. Amy L. Grant
  1/6/2025HouseAdded Co-Sponsor Rep. Robyn Gabel
  1/6/2025HouseAdded Co-Sponsor Rep. Stephanie A. Kifowit
  1/6/2025HouseAdded Co-Sponsor Rep. Sue Scherer
  1/6/2025HouseAdded Co-Sponsor Rep. Michael J. Kelly
  1/6/2025HouseAdded Co-Sponsor Rep. Jenn Ladisch Douglass
  1/6/2025HouseSenate Committee Amendment No. 1 House Concurs 114-000-000
  1/6/2025HousePassed Both Houses
  1/6/2025HouseAdded Co-Sponsor Rep. Norma Hernandez
  1/22/2025HouseSent to the Governor
  2/5/2025HouseGovernor Approved
  2/5/2025HouseEffective Date February 5, 2025; some provisions effective 7-1-25
  2/5/2025HousePublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-1061

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