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Synopsis As Introduced Amends the Stalking No Contact Order Act. Provides that stalking does not include an exercise of the right to free speech or assembly that is otherwise lawful or picketing that is otherwise lawful (rather than, "an exercise of the right to free speech or assembly that is otherwise lawful or picketing occurring at the workplace that is otherwise lawful and arises out of a bona fide labor dispute, including any controversy concerning wages, salaries, hours, working conditions or benefits, including health and welfare, sick leave, insurance, and pension or retirement provisions, the making or maintaining of collective bargaining agreements, and the terms to be included in those agreements"). Amends the Criminal Code of 2012. Provides that a person commits stalking when he or she knowingly engages in a course of conduct directed at a specific person, and he or she knows or should know that this course of conduct would cause a reasonable person to fear for his or her safety or the safety of a third person (rather than, in addition, to suffer other emotional distress). Provides that a person commits cyberstalking when he or she engages in a course of conduct using electronic communication directed at a specific person, and he or she knows or should know that would cause a reasonable person to fear for his or her safety (rather than, in addition, to suffer other emotional distress). Effective immediately.
House Committee Amendment No. 1 Replaces everything after the enacting clause. Reinserts the provisions of the introduced bill with changes. Provides that stalking does not include an exercise of the right to free speech or assembly that is otherwise lawful or picketing, including, but not limited to, picketing occurring at the workplace that is otherwise lawful, and arises out of a bona fide labor dispute, including any controversy concerning wages, salaries, hours, working conditions or benefits, including health and welfare, sick leave, insurance, and pension or retirement provisions, the making or maintaining of collective bargaining agreements, and the terms to be included in those agreements (in the introduced bill, stalking does not include an exercise of the right to free speech or assembly that is otherwise lawful or picketing that is otherwise lawful). Effective immediately.
Correctional Note, House Committee Amendment No. 1 (Dept of Corrections)
There is no corrections population impact or fiscal impact to the Department of Corrections.
Judicial Note, House Committee Amendment No. 1 (Admin Office of the Illinois Courts)
This bill would neither increase nor decrease the number of judges needed in the State of Illinois.
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