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Synopsis As Introduced Creates the Commission on the Eradication of Poverty Act. Provides for appointments and terms of members. Provides for funding through the Department of Human Rights. Requires meetings and reports. Effective immediately.
Fiscal Note (Dept. of Human Rights)
HB 4369 will have a total fiscal impact of $197,097.
House Committee Amendment No. 1 Deletes everything after the enacting clause. Reinserts the provisions of the introduced bill with changes. Changes the name of the Commission to the Commission on the Elimination of Poverty. Changes the membership. Provides that a representative of the Governor's Office and of a service-based human rights organization shall be co-chairs. Provides for the creation of a Steering Committee. Makes other changes. Effective immediately.
House Floor Amendment No. 2 In the findings, deletes a statement that freedom from poverty is a human right, and states that Illinois has no comprehensive plan for the elimination of poverty (instead of extreme poverty). Provides that the initial meeting of the Commission on the Elimination of Poverty shall be within 30 days after at least 50% of the members (instead of voting members) have been appointed. Provides that administrative support from the Department of Human Services shall be subject to appropriation. Makes other changes.
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