Illinois General Assembly - Bill Status for HB1272
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 Bill Status of HB1272  104th General Assembly


House Sponsors
Rep. Maurice A. West, II

Appropriations-Health and Human Services Committee Hearing Feb 20 2025 10:30AM Capitol Building Room 114 Springfield, IL

Last Action
DateChamber Action
  2/11/2025HouseAssigned to Appropriations-Health and Human Services Committee

Statutes Amended In Order of Appearance
New Act

Synopsis As Introduced
Creates the Wholesale Prescription Drug Importation Program Act. Requires the Department of Public Health to establish the Wholesale Prescription Drug Importation Program. Provides that the Department shall implement the program by: contracting with one or more prescription drug wholesalers and Canadian suppliers to import prescription drugs and provide prescription drug cost savings to consumers in this State; developing a registration process for health benefit plan issuers, health care providers, and pharmacies to obtain and dispense prescription drugs imported under the program; developing a list of prescription drugs, including the prices of those drugs, that meet certain requirements set forth under the Act and publishing the list on the Department's website; establishing an outreach and marketing plan to generate program awareness; ensuring the program and the prescription drug wholesalers that contract with this State comply with certain federal tracking, tracing, verification, and identification requirements; and other actions. Sets forth eligibility criteria for prescription drugs that may be imported into the State under the program. Contains provisions concerning anticompetitive behavior monitoring; program funding; program expansion; audit procedures; annual reporting requirements; the adoption of rules to implement the Act; and federal waiver or authorization requirements. Effective July 1, 2025.

DateChamber Action
  1/10/2025HouseFiled with the Clerk by Rep. Maurice A. West, II
  1/28/2025HouseFirst Reading
  1/28/2025HouseReferred to Rules Committee
  2/11/2025HouseAssigned to Appropriations-Health and Human Services Committee

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