Illinois General Assembly - Bill Status for HB1269
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 Bill Status of HB1269  104th General Assembly


House Sponsors
Rep. John M. Cabello

Elementary & Secondary Education: Administration, Licensing & Charter Schools Hearing Feb 19 2025 2:30PM Capitol Building Room 115 Springfield, IL

Last Action
DateChamber Action
  2/11/2025HouseAssigned to Elementary & Secondary Education: Administration, Licensing & Charter Schools

Statutes Amended In Order of Appearance
105 ILCS 5/10-31 new

Synopsis As Introduced
Amends the School Boards Article of the School Code. Requires a school district that administers a self-report survey to its students that may reveal personal, protected information to obtain parental or guardian consent in writing if the student is under the age of 18 before the student may participate in the self-report survey. Requires a school district to afford a parent or guardian the opportunity to review, either electronically or in person, the scope of the questions to be asked. Provides that refusal to grant consent for a student to participate in the self-report survey shall not be a reason for disciplinary action, academic penalty, suspension, or expulsion or any other sanction of the student. Effective immediately.

DateChamber Action
  1/10/2025HouseFiled with the Clerk by Rep. John M. Cabello
  1/28/2025HouseFirst Reading
  1/28/2025HouseReferred to Rules Committee
  2/11/2025HouseAssigned to Elementary & Secondary Education: Administration, Licensing & Charter Schools

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