Illinois General Assembly - Bill Status for HB1191
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 Bill Status of HB1191  104th General Assembly


House Sponsors
Rep. Steven Reick

Last Action
DateChamber Action
  1/9/2025HouseReferred to Rules Committee

Statutes Amended In Order of Appearance
40 ILCS 5/16-169.1
40 ILCS 5/16-169.2 new
40 ILCS 5/16-199from Ch. 108 1/2, par. 16-199
40 ILCS 5/17-143.5
40 ILCS 5/17-143.6 new
40 ILCS 5/17-149.1from Ch. 108 1/2, par. 17-149.1

Synopsis As Introduced
Amends the Downstate Teacher and Chicago Teacher Articles of the Illinois Pension Code. Provides that none of the benefits provided for in either Article shall be paid to a person if the person first becomes a member on or after the effective date of the amendatory Act and a board, after an administrative hearing, determines that the person sexually abused a student. Provides that an employer must notify a board if a retiring member has been accused of sexually abusing a student. Provides that a board may, through an administrative hearing, review the claim of sexual abuse and may order that benefits be forfeited. Provides that the changes made by the amendatory Act shall not operate to impair any contract or vested right acquired before the effective date of the amendatory Act nor to preclude the right to a refund. Provides that all teachers entering service on or after the effective date of the amendatory Act shall be deemed to have consented to the provisions of the amendatory Act as a condition of membership. Makes conforming changes. Effective immediately.

DateChamber Action
  1/9/2025HouseFiled with the Clerk by Rep. Steven Reick
  1/9/2025HouseFirst Reading
  1/9/2025HouseReferred to Rules Committee

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