Illinois General Assembly - Bill Status for SB0092
Illinois General Assembly

Previous General Assemblies

 Bill Status of SB0092  103rd General Assembly

Short Description:  HEALTH INS CHOICE

Senate Sponsors
Sen. William R. Haine - Bill Brady

Last Action
DateChamber Action
  1/13/2009SenateSession Sine Die

Statutes Amended In Order of Appearance
New Act
35 ILCS 5/218 new
215 ILCS 5/352from Ch. 73, par. 964

Synopsis As Introduced
Creates the Health Insurance Choice Act. Requires certain small employer carriers to offer health insurance choice policies to employees of eligible employers, and requires eligible employers to facilitate insurers offering the coverage. Requires eligible employers to offer their employees a group health plan. For a health insurance choice policy, establishes the maximum aggregate benefits for each enrollee and the standard required benefits. Sets forth the policy requirements. Requires employers to perform means testing to determine eligibility requirements. Designates conditions for the guaranteed renewability and availability of a health insurance choice policy. Sets forth language to be included in enrollment applications and policies. Requires insurers to provide written disclosure statements. Applies the Small Employer Health Insurance Rating Act to health insurance choice policies under certain conditions. Amends the Illinois Income Tax Act. Creates an income tax credit for taxpayers that are eligible employers under the Health Insurance Choice Act in an amount equal to 33% of the amount of any contribution made by the taxpayer towards the premium of a health insurance choice policy. Amends the Illinois Insurance Code to exempt the Health Insurance Choice Act from the Accident and Health Insurance Article of the Code. Effective immediately.

DateChamber Action
  1/31/2007SenateFiled with Secretary by Sen. William R. Haine
  1/31/2007SenateFirst Reading
  1/31/2007SenateReferred to Rules
  2/8/2007SenateAdded as Chief Co-Sponsor Sen. Bill Brady
  1/13/2009SenateSession Sine Die

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