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1 | AN ACT concerning regulation.
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||
2 | Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||
3 | represented in the General Assembly:
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||
4 | Section 5. The Public Utilities Act is amended by changing | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
5 | Section 8-406.1 as follows: | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
6 | (220 ILCS 5/8-406.1) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
7 | Sec. 8-406.1. Certificate of public convenience and | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
8 | necessity; expedited procedure. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
9 | (a) A public utility may apply for a certificate of public | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
10 | convenience and necessity pursuant to this Section for the | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
11 | construction of any new high voltage electric service line that | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
12 | does not exceed 5 miles in length nor advance contiguously to a | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
13 | project filed with the Commission during 2012 and related | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
14 | facilities (Project). To facilitate the expedited review | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
15 | process of an application filed pursuant to this Section, an | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
16 | application shall include all of the following: | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
17 | (1) Information in support of the application that | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
18 | shall include the following: | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
19 | (A) A detailed description of the Project, | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
20 | including location maps and plot plans to scale showing | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
21 | all major components. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
22 | (B) The following engineering data: | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
23 | (i) a detailed Project description including: |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | (I) name and destination of the Project; | ||||||
2 | (II) design voltage rating (kV); | ||||||
3 | (III) operating voltage rating (kV); and | ||||||
4 | (IV) normal peak operating current rating; | ||||||
5 | (ii) a conductor, structures, and substations | ||||||
6 | description including: | ||||||
7 | (I) conductor size and type; | ||||||
8 | (II) type of structures; | ||||||
9 | (III) height of typical structures; | ||||||
10 | (IV) an explanation why these structures | ||||||
11 | were selected; | ||||||
12 | (V) dimensional drawings of the typical | ||||||
13 | structures to be used in the Project; and | ||||||
14 | (VI) a list of the names of all new (and | ||||||
15 | existing if applicable) substations or | ||||||
16 | switching stations that will be associated | ||||||
17 | with the proposed new high voltage electric | ||||||
18 | service line; | ||||||
19 | (iii) the location of the site and | ||||||
20 | right-of-way including: | ||||||
21 | (I) miles of right-of-way; | ||||||
22 | (II) miles of circuit; | ||||||
23 | (III) width of the right-of-way; and | ||||||
24 | (IV) a brief description of the area | ||||||
25 | traversed by the proposed high voltage | ||||||
26 | electric service line, including a description |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | of the general land uses in the area and the | ||||||
2 | type of terrain crossed by the proposed line; | ||||||
3 | (iv) assumptions, bases, formulae, and methods | ||||||
4 | used in the development and preparation of the | ||||||
5 | diagrams and accompanying data, and a technical | ||||||
6 | description providing the following information: | ||||||
7 | (I) number of circuits, with | ||||||
8 | identification as to whether the circuit is | ||||||
9 | overhead or underground; | ||||||
10 | (II) the operating voltage and frequency; | ||||||
11 | and | ||||||
12 | (III) conductor size and type and number | ||||||
13 | of conductors per phase; | ||||||
14 | (v) if the proposed interconnection is an | ||||||
15 | overhead line, the following additional | ||||||
16 | information also must be provided: | ||||||
17 | (I) the wind and ice loading design | ||||||
18 | parameters; | ||||||
19 | (II) a full description and drawing of a | ||||||
20 | typical supporting structure, including | ||||||
21 | strength specifications; | ||||||
22 | (III) structure spacing with typical | ||||||
23 | ruling and maximum spans; | ||||||
24 | (IV) conductor (phase) spacing; and | ||||||
25 | (V) the designed line-to-ground and | ||||||
26 | conductor-side clearances; |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | (vi) if an underground or underwater | ||||||
2 | interconnection is proposed, the following | ||||||
3 | additional information also must be provided: | ||||||
4 | (I) burial depth; | ||||||
5 | (II) type of cable and a description of any | ||||||
6 | required supporting equipment, such as | ||||||
7 | insulation medium pressurizing or forced | ||||||
8 | cooling; | ||||||
9 | (III) cathodic protection scheme; and | ||||||
10 | (IV) type of dielectric fluid and | ||||||
11 | safeguards used to limit potential spills in | ||||||
12 | waterways; | ||||||
13 | (vii) technical diagrams that provide | ||||||
14 | clarification of any item under this item (1) | ||||||
15 | should be included; and | ||||||
16 | (viii) applicant shall provide and identify a | ||||||
17 | primary right-of-way and one or more alternate | ||||||
18 | rights-of-way for the Project as part of the | ||||||
19 | filing. To the extent applicable, for each | ||||||
20 | right-of-way, an applicant shall provide the | ||||||
21 | information described in this subsection (a). Upon | ||||||
22 | a showing of good cause in its filing, an applicant | ||||||
23 | may be excused from providing and identifying | ||||||
24 | alternate rights-of-way. | ||||||
25 | (2) An application fee of $100,000, which shall be paid | ||||||
26 | into the Public Utility Fund at the time the Chief Clerk of |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | the Commission deems it complete and accepts the filing. | ||||||
2 | (3) Information showing that the utility has held a | ||||||
3 | minimum of 3 pre-filing public meetings to receive public | ||||||
4 | comment concerning the Project in each county where the | ||||||
5 | Project is to be located, no earlier than 6 months prior to | ||||||
6 | the filing of the application. Notice of the public meeting | ||||||
7 | shall be published in a newspaper of general circulation | ||||||
8 | within the affected county once a week for 3 consecutive | ||||||
9 | weeks, beginning no earlier than one month prior to the | ||||||
10 | first public meeting. If the Project traverses 2 contiguous | ||||||
11 | counties and where in one county the transmission line | ||||||
12 | mileage and number of landowners over whose property the | ||||||
13 | proposed route traverses is 1/5 or less of the transmission | ||||||
14 | line mileage and number of such landowners of the other | ||||||
15 | county, then the utility may combine the 3 pre-filing | ||||||
16 | meetings in the county with the greater transmission line | ||||||
17 | mileage and affected landowners. All other requirements | ||||||
18 | regarding pre-filing meetings shall apply in both | ||||||
19 | counties. Notice of the public meeting, including a | ||||||
20 | description of the Project, must be provided in writing to | ||||||
21 | the clerk of each county where the Project is to be | ||||||
22 | located. A representative of the Commission shall be | ||||||
23 | invited to each pre-filing public meeting. | ||||||
24 | (b) At the first status hearing the administrative law | ||||||
25 | judge shall set a schedule for discovery that shall take into | ||||||
26 | consideration the expedited nature of the proceeding. |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | (c) Nothing in this Section prohibits a utility from | ||||||
2 | requesting, or the Commission from approving, protection of | ||||||
3 | confidential or proprietary information under applicable law. | ||||||
4 | The public utility may seek confidential protection of any of | ||||||
5 | the information provided pursuant to this Section, subject to | ||||||
6 | Commission approval. | ||||||
7 | (d) The public utility shall publish notice of its | ||||||
8 | application in the official State newspaper within 10 days | ||||||
9 | following the date of the application's filing. | ||||||
10 | (e) The public utility shall establish a dedicated website | ||||||
11 | for the Project 3 weeks prior to the first public meeting and | ||||||
12 | maintain the website until construction of the Project is | ||||||
13 | complete. The website address shall be included in all public | ||||||
14 | notices. | ||||||
15 | (f) The Commission shall, after notice and hearing, grant a | ||||||
16 | certificate of public convenience and necessity filed in | ||||||
17 | accordance with the requirements of this Section if, based upon | ||||||
18 | the application filed with the Commission and the evidentiary | ||||||
19 | record, it finds the Project will promote the public | ||||||
20 | convenience and necessity and that all of the following | ||||||
21 | criteria are satisfied: | ||||||
22 | (1) That the Project is necessary to provide adequate, | ||||||
23 | reliable, and efficient service to the public utility's | ||||||
24 | customers and is the least-cost means of satisfying the | ||||||
25 | service needs of the public utility's customers or that the | ||||||
26 | Project will promote the development of an effectively |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | competitive electricity market that operates efficiently, | ||||||
2 | is equitable to all customers, and is the least cost means | ||||||
3 | of satisfying those objectives. | ||||||
4 | (2) That the public utility is capable of efficiently | ||||||
5 | managing and supervising the construction process and has | ||||||
6 | taken sufficient action to ensure adequate and efficient | ||||||
7 | construction and supervision of the construction. | ||||||
8 | (3) That the public utility is capable of financing the | ||||||
9 | proposed construction without significant adverse | ||||||
10 | financial consequences for the utility or its customers. | ||||||
11 | (g) The Commission shall issue its decision with findings | ||||||
12 | of fact and conclusions of law granting or denying the | ||||||
13 | application no later than 150 days after the application is | ||||||
14 | filed. The Commission may extend the 150-day deadline upon | ||||||
15 | notice by an additional 75 days if, on or before the 30th day | ||||||
16 | after the filing of the application, the Commission finds that | ||||||
17 | good cause exists to extend the 150-day period. | ||||||
18 | (h) In the event the Commission grants a public utility's | ||||||
19 | application for a certificate pursuant to this Section, the | ||||||
20 | public utility shall pay a one-time construction fee to each | ||||||
21 | county in which the Project is constructed within 30 days after | ||||||
22 | the completion of construction. The construction fee shall be | ||||||
23 | $20,000 per mile of high voltage electric service line | ||||||
24 | constructed in that county, or a proportionate fraction of that | ||||||
25 | fee. The fee shall be in lieu of any permitting fees that | ||||||
26 | otherwise would be imposed by a county. Counties receiving a |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | payment under this subsection (h) may distribute all or | ||||||
2 | portions of the fee to local taxing districts in that county. | ||||||
3 | (i) Notwithstanding any other provisions of this Act, a | ||||||
4 | decision granting a certificate under this Section shall | ||||||
5 | include an order pursuant to Section 8-503 of this Act | ||||||
6 | authorizing or directing the construction of the high voltage | ||||||
7 | electric service line and related facilities as approved by the | ||||||
8 | Commission, in the manner and within the time specified in said | ||||||
9 | order.
| ||||||
10 | (j) No transmission line may be constructed within 1.5 | ||||||
11 | miles of the following: agricultural zoned land;
| ||||||
12 | Amish religious and educational sites;
archaeological sites;
| ||||||
13 | cemeteries;
commercial use areas;
communication | ||||||
14 | towers or radio towers;
conservation or sensitive management | ||||||
15 | areas;
designated critical habitats;
designated recreational | ||||||
16 | use areas;
designated open spaces or preserves;
existing | ||||||
17 | residential use areas;
geologically sensitive areas;
licensed | ||||||
18 | day care centers;
national historic landmarks;
nursing or | ||||||
19 | assisted living facilities;
planned development areas;
planned | ||||||
20 | residential areas;
protected species area of known occurrence | ||||||
21 | or potential habitats;
scenic highways, byways, or trails;
| ||||||
22 | schools;
State, regional, and local parks;
traditional | ||||||
23 | cultural properties;
trees or woodlots;
water well sites; or
| ||||||
24 | wetlands. | ||||||
25 | (k) The amendatory changes made to this Section by this | ||||||
26 | amendatory Act of the 98th General Assembly shall apply to all |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | applications filed on or after the effective date of this | ||||||
2 | amendatory Act of the 98th General Assembly and to all | ||||||
3 | applications filed before the effective date of this amendatory | ||||||
4 | Act for which the Commission has not issued a decision before | ||||||
5 | the effective date of this amendatory Act. | ||||||
6 | (Source: P.A. 96-1348, eff. 7-28-10.)
| ||||||
7 | Section 99. Effective date. This Act takes effect upon | ||||||
8 | becoming law.