Sen. William R. Haine
Filed: 3/3/2008
| |||||||
| |||||||
| ||||||
2 | AMENDMENT NO. ______. Amend Senate Bill 2002 by replacing | ||||||
3 | everything after the enacting clause with the following:
| ||||||
4 | "Section 5. The State Employees Group Insurance Act of 1971 | ||||||
5 | is amended by changing Section 10 as follows:
| ||||||
6 | (5 ILCS 375/10) (from Ch. 127, par. 530)
| ||||||
7 | Sec. 10. Payments by State; premiums.
| ||||||
8 | (a) The State shall pay the cost of basic non-contributory | ||||||
9 | group life
insurance and, subject to member paid contributions | ||||||
10 | set by the Department or
required by this Section, the basic | ||||||
11 | program of group health benefits on each
eligible member, | ||||||
12 | except a member, not otherwise
covered by this Act, who has | ||||||
13 | retired as a participating member under Article 2
of the | ||||||
14 | Illinois Pension Code but is ineligible for the retirement | ||||||
15 | annuity under
Section 2-119 of the Illinois Pension Code, and | ||||||
16 | part of each eligible member's
and retired member's premiums |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | for health insurance coverage for enrolled
dependents as | ||||||
2 | provided by Section 9. The State shall pay the cost of the | ||||||
3 | basic
program of group health benefits only after benefits are | ||||||
4 | reduced by the amount
of benefits covered by Medicare for all | ||||||
5 | members and dependents
who are eligible for benefits under | ||||||
6 | Social Security or
the Railroad Retirement system or who had | ||||||
7 | sufficient Medicare-covered
government employment, except that | ||||||
8 | such reduction in benefits shall apply only
to those members | ||||||
9 | and dependents who (1) first become eligible
for such Medicare | ||||||
10 | coverage on or after July 1, 1992; or (2) are
Medicare-eligible | ||||||
11 | members or dependents of a local government unit which began
| ||||||
12 | participation in the program on or after July 1, 1992; or (3) | ||||||
13 | remain eligible
for, but no longer receive Medicare coverage | ||||||
14 | which they had been receiving on
or after July 1, 1992. The | ||||||
15 | Department may determine the aggregate level of the
State's | ||||||
16 | contribution on the basis of actual cost of medical services | ||||||
17 | adjusted
for age, sex or geographic or other demographic | ||||||
18 | characteristics which affect
the costs of such programs.
| ||||||
19 | The cost of participation in the basic program of group | ||||||
20 | health benefits
for the dependent or survivor of a living or | ||||||
21 | deceased retired employee who was
formerly employed by the | ||||||
22 | University of Illinois in the Cooperative Extension
Service and | ||||||
23 | would be an annuitant but for the fact that he or she was made
| ||||||
24 | ineligible to participate in the State Universities Retirement | ||||||
25 | System by clause
(4) of subsection (a) of Section 15-107 of the | ||||||
26 | Illinois Pension Code shall not
be greater than the cost of |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | participation that would otherwise apply to that
dependent or | ||||||
2 | survivor if he or she were the dependent or survivor of an
| ||||||
3 | annuitant under the State Universities Retirement System.
| ||||||
4 | (a-1) Beginning January 1, 1998, for each person who | ||||||
5 | becomes a new SERS
annuitant and participates in the basic | ||||||
6 | program of group health benefits, the
State shall contribute | ||||||
7 | toward the cost of the annuitant's
coverage under the basic | ||||||
8 | program of group health benefits an amount equal
to 5% of that | ||||||
9 | cost for each full year of creditable service upon which the
| ||||||
10 | annuitant's retirement annuity is based, up to a maximum of | ||||||
11 | 100% for an
annuitant with 20 or more years of creditable | ||||||
12 | service.
The remainder of the cost of a new SERS annuitant's | ||||||
13 | coverage under the basic
program of group health benefits shall | ||||||
14 | be the responsibility of the
annuitant. In the case of a new | ||||||
15 | SERS annuitant who has elected to receive an alternative | ||||||
16 | retirement cancellation payment under Section 14-108.5 of the | ||||||
17 | Illinois Pension Code in lieu of an annuity, for the purposes | ||||||
18 | of this subsection the annuitant shall be deemed to be | ||||||
19 | receiving a retirement annuity based on the number of years of | ||||||
20 | creditable service that the annuitant had established at the | ||||||
21 | time of his or her termination of service under SERS.
| ||||||
22 | (a-2) Beginning January 1, 1998, for each person who | ||||||
23 | becomes a new SERS
survivor and participates in the basic | ||||||
24 | program of group health benefits, the
State shall contribute | ||||||
25 | toward the cost of the survivor's
coverage under the basic | ||||||
26 | program of group health benefits an amount equal
to 5% of that |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | cost for each full year of the deceased employee's or deceased
| ||||||
2 | annuitant's creditable service in the State Employees' | ||||||
3 | Retirement System of
Illinois on the date of death, up to a | ||||||
4 | maximum of 100% for a survivor of an
employee or annuitant with | ||||||
5 | 20 or more years of creditable service. The
remainder of the | ||||||
6 | cost of the new SERS survivor's coverage under the basic
| ||||||
7 | program of group health benefits shall be the responsibility of | ||||||
8 | the survivor. In the case of a new SERS survivor who was the | ||||||
9 | dependent of an annuitant who elected to receive an alternative | ||||||
10 | retirement cancellation payment under Section 14-108.5 of the | ||||||
11 | Illinois Pension Code in lieu of an annuity, for the purposes | ||||||
12 | of this subsection the deceased annuitant's creditable service | ||||||
13 | shall be determined as of the date of termination of service | ||||||
14 | rather than the date of death.
| ||||||
15 | (a-3) Beginning January 1, 1998, for each person who | ||||||
16 | becomes a new SURS
annuitant and participates in the basic | ||||||
17 | program of group health benefits, the
State shall contribute | ||||||
18 | toward the cost of the annuitant's
coverage under the basic | ||||||
19 | program of group health benefits an amount equal
to 5% of that | ||||||
20 | cost for each full year of creditable service upon which the
| ||||||
21 | annuitant's retirement annuity is based, up to a maximum of | ||||||
22 | 100% for an
annuitant with 20 or more years of creditable | ||||||
23 | service.
The remainder of the cost of a new SURS annuitant's | ||||||
24 | coverage under the basic
program of group health benefits shall | ||||||
25 | be the responsibility of the
| ||||||
26 | (a-4) (Blank).
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | (a-5) Beginning January 1, 1998, for each person who | ||||||
2 | becomes a new SURS
survivor and participates in the basic | ||||||
3 | program of group health benefits, the
State shall contribute | ||||||
4 | toward the cost of the survivor's coverage under the
basic | ||||||
5 | program of group health benefits an amount equal to 5% of that | ||||||
6 | cost for
each full year of the deceased employee's or deceased | ||||||
7 | annuitant's creditable
service in the State Universities | ||||||
8 | Retirement System on the date of death, up to
a maximum of 100% | ||||||
9 | for a survivor of an
employee or annuitant with 20 or more | ||||||
10 | years of creditable service. The
remainder of the cost of the | ||||||
11 | new SURS survivor's coverage under the basic
program of group | ||||||
12 | health benefits shall be the responsibility of the survivor.
| ||||||
13 | (a-6) Beginning July 1, 1998, for each person who becomes a | ||||||
14 | new TRS
State annuitant and participates in the basic program | ||||||
15 | of group health benefits,
the State shall contribute toward the | ||||||
16 | cost of the annuitant's coverage under
the basic program of | ||||||
17 | group health benefits an amount equal to 5% of that cost
for | ||||||
18 | each full year of creditable service
as a teacher as defined in | ||||||
19 | paragraph (2), (3), or (5) of Section 16-106 of the
Illinois | ||||||
20 | Pension Code
upon which the annuitant's retirement annuity is | ||||||
21 | based, up to a maximum of
except that
the State | ||||||
22 | contribution shall be 12.5% per year (rather than 5%) for each | ||||||
23 | full
year of creditable service as a regional superintendent or | ||||||
24 | assistant regional
superintendent of schools. The
remainder of | ||||||
25 | the cost of a new TRS State annuitant's coverage under the | ||||||
26 | basic
program of group health benefits shall be the |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | responsibility of the
| ||||||
2 | (a-7) Beginning July 1, 1998, for each person who becomes a | ||||||
3 | new TRS
State survivor and participates in the basic program of | ||||||
4 | group health benefits,
the State shall contribute toward the | ||||||
5 | cost of the survivor's coverage under the
basic program of | ||||||
6 | group health benefits an amount equal to 5% of that cost for
| ||||||
7 | each full year of the deceased employee's or deceased | ||||||
8 | annuitant's creditable
as a teacher as defined in | ||||||
9 | paragraph (2), (3), or (5) of Section 16-106 of the
Illinois | ||||||
10 | Pension Code
on the date of death, up to a maximum of 100%;
| ||||||
11 | except that the State contribution shall be 12.5% per year | ||||||
12 | (rather than 5%) for
each full year of the deceased employee's | ||||||
13 | or deceased annuitant's creditable
service as a regional | ||||||
14 | superintendent or assistant regional superintendent of
| ||||||
15 | schools.
The remainder of
the cost of the new TRS State | ||||||
16 | survivor's coverage under the basic program of
group health | ||||||
17 | benefits shall be the responsibility of the survivor.
| ||||||
18 | (a-8) A new SERS annuitant, new SERS survivor, new SURS
| ||||||
19 | annuitant, new SURS survivor, new TRS State
annuitant, or new | ||||||
20 | TRS State survivor may waive or terminate coverage in
the | ||||||
21 | program of group health benefits. Any such annuitant or | ||||||
22 | survivor
who has waived or terminated coverage may enroll or | ||||||
23 | re-enroll in the
program of group health benefits only during | ||||||
24 | the annual benefit choice period,
as determined by the | ||||||
25 | Director; except that in the event of termination of
coverage | ||||||
26 | due to nonpayment of premiums, the annuitant or survivor
may |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | not re-enroll in the program.
| ||||||
2 | (a-9) No later than May 1 of each calendar year, the | ||||||
3 | Director
of Central Management Services shall certify in | ||||||
4 | writing to the Executive
Secretary of the State Employees' | ||||||
5 | Retirement System of Illinois the amounts
of the Medicare | ||||||
6 | supplement health care premiums and the amounts of the
health | ||||||
7 | care premiums for all other retirees who are not Medicare | ||||||
8 | eligible.
| ||||||
9 | A separate calculation of the premiums based upon the | ||||||
10 | actual cost of each
health care plan shall be so certified.
| ||||||
11 | The Director of Central Management Services shall provide | ||||||
12 | to the
Executive Secretary of the State Employees' Retirement | ||||||
13 | System of
Illinois such information, statistics, and other data | ||||||
14 | as he or she
may require to review the premium amounts | ||||||
15 | certified by the Director
of Central Management Services.
| ||||||
16 | The Department of Healthcare and Family Services, or any | ||||||
17 | successor agency designated to procure healthcare contracts | ||||||
18 | pursuant to this Act, is authorized to establish funds, | ||||||
19 | separate accounts provided by any bank or banks as defined by | ||||||
20 | the Illinois Banking Act, or separate accounts provided by any | ||||||
21 | savings and loan association or associations as defined by the | ||||||
22 | Illinois Savings and Loan Act of 1985 to be held by the | ||||||
23 | Director, outside the State treasury, for the purpose of | ||||||
24 | receiving the transfer of moneys from the Local Government | ||||||
25 | Health Insurance Reserve Fund. The Department may promulgate | ||||||
26 | rules further defining the methodology for the transfers. Any |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | interest earned by moneys in the funds or accounts shall inure | ||||||
2 | to the Local Government Health Insurance Reserve Fund. The | ||||||
3 | transferred moneys, and interest accrued thereon, shall be used | ||||||
4 | exclusively for transfers to administrative service | ||||||
5 | organizations or their financial institutions for payments of | ||||||
6 | claims to claimants and providers under the self-insurance | ||||||
7 | health plan. The transferred moneys, and interest accrued | ||||||
8 | thereon, shall not be used for any other purpose including, but | ||||||
9 | not limited to, reimbursement of administration fees due the | ||||||
10 | administrative service organization pursuant to its contract | ||||||
11 | or contracts with the Department.
| ||||||
12 | (b) State employees who become eligible for this program on | ||||||
13 | or after January
1, 1980 in positions normally requiring actual | ||||||
14 | performance of duty not less
than 1/2 of a normal work period | ||||||
15 | but not equal to that of a normal work period,
shall be given | ||||||
16 | the option of participating in the available program. If the
| ||||||
17 | employee elects coverage, the State shall contribute on behalf | ||||||
18 | of such employee
to the cost of the employee's benefit and any | ||||||
19 | applicable dependent supplement,
that sum which bears the same | ||||||
20 | percentage as that percentage of time the
employee regularly | ||||||
21 | works when compared to normal work period.
| ||||||
22 | (c) The basic non-contributory coverage from the basic | ||||||
23 | program of
group health benefits shall be continued for each | ||||||
24 | employee not in pay status or
on active service by reason of | ||||||
25 | (1) leave of absence due to illness or injury,
(2) authorized | ||||||
26 | educational leave of absence or sabbatical leave, or (3)
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | military leave with pay and benefits. This coverage shall | ||||||
2 | continue until
expiration of authorized leave and return to | ||||||
3 | active service, but not to exceed
24 months for leaves under | ||||||
4 | item (1) or (2). This 24-month limitation and the
requirement | ||||||
5 | of returning to active service shall not apply to persons | ||||||
6 | receiving
ordinary or accidental disability benefits or | ||||||
7 | retirement benefits through the
appropriate State retirement | ||||||
8 | system or benefits under the Workers' Compensation
or | ||||||
9 | Occupational Disease Act.
| ||||||
10 | (d) The basic group life insurance coverage shall continue, | ||||||
11 | with
full State contribution, where such person is (1) absent | ||||||
12 | from active
service by reason of disability arising from any | ||||||
13 | cause other than
self-inflicted, (2) on authorized educational | ||||||
14 | leave of absence or
sabbatical leave, or (3) on military leave | ||||||
15 | with pay and benefits.
| ||||||
16 | (e) Where the person is in non-pay status for a period in | ||||||
17 | excess of
30 days or on leave of absence, other than by reason | ||||||
18 | of disability,
educational or sabbatical leave, or military | ||||||
19 | leave with pay and benefits, such
person may continue coverage | ||||||
20 | only by making personal
payment equal to the amount normally | ||||||
21 | contributed by the State on such person's
behalf. Such payments | ||||||
22 | and coverage may be continued: (1) until such time as
the | ||||||
23 | person returns to a status eligible for coverage at State | ||||||
24 | expense, but not
to exceed 24 months, (2) until such person's | ||||||
25 | employment or annuitant status
with the State is terminated, or | ||||||
26 | (3) for a maximum period of 4 years for
members on military |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | leave with pay and benefits and military leave without pay
and | ||||||
2 | benefits (exclusive of any additional service imposed pursuant | ||||||
3 | to law).
| ||||||
4 | (f) The Department shall establish by rule the extent to | ||||||
5 | which other
employee benefits will continue for persons in | ||||||
6 | non-pay status or who are
not in active service.
| ||||||
7 | (g) The State shall not pay the cost of the basic | ||||||
8 | non-contributory
group life insurance, program of health | ||||||
9 | benefits and other employee benefits
for members who are | ||||||
10 | survivors as defined by paragraphs (1) and (2) of
subsection | ||||||
11 | (q) of Section 3 of this Act. The costs of benefits for these
| ||||||
12 | survivors shall be paid by the survivors or by the University | ||||||
13 | of Illinois
Cooperative Extension Service, or any combination | ||||||
14 | thereof.
However, the State shall pay the amount of the | ||||||
15 | reduction in the cost of
participation, if any, resulting from | ||||||
16 | the amendment to subsection (a) made
by this amendatory Act of | ||||||
17 | the 91st General Assembly.
| ||||||
18 | (h) Those persons occupying positions with any department | ||||||
19 | as a result
of emergency appointments pursuant to Section 8b.8 | ||||||
20 | of the Personnel Code
who are not considered employees under | ||||||
21 | this Act shall be given the option
of participating in the | ||||||
22 | programs of group life insurance, health benefits and
other | ||||||
23 | employee benefits. Such persons electing coverage may | ||||||
24 | participate only
by making payment equal to the amount normally | ||||||
25 | contributed by the State for
similarly situated employees. Such | ||||||
26 | amounts shall be determined by the
Director. Such payments and |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | coverage may be continued until such time as the
person becomes | ||||||
2 | an employee pursuant to this Act or such person's appointment | ||||||
3 | is
| ||||||
4 | (i) Any unit of local government within the State of | ||||||
5 | Illinois
may apply to the Director to have its employees, | ||||||
6 | annuitants, and their
dependents provided group health | ||||||
7 | coverage under this Act on a non-insured
basis. To participate, | ||||||
8 | a unit of local government must agree to enroll
all of its | ||||||
9 | employees, who may select coverage under either the State group
| ||||||
10 | health benefits plan or a health maintenance organization that | ||||||
11 | has
contracted with the State to be available as a health care | ||||||
12 | provider for
employees as defined in this Act. A unit of local | ||||||
13 | government must remit the
entire cost of providing coverage | ||||||
14 | under the State group health benefits plan
or, for coverage | ||||||
15 | under a health maintenance organization, an amount determined
| ||||||
16 | by the Director based on an analysis of the sex, age, | ||||||
17 | geographic location, or
other relevant demographic variables | ||||||
18 | for its employees, except that the unit of
local government | ||||||
19 | shall not be required to enroll those of its employees who are
| ||||||
20 | covered spouses or dependents under this plan or another group | ||||||
21 | policy or plan
providing health benefits as long as (1) an | ||||||
22 | appropriate official from the unit
of local government attests | ||||||
23 | that each employee not enrolled is a covered spouse
or | ||||||
24 | dependent under this plan or another group policy or plan , and | ||||||
25 | (2) at least
85% of the employees are enrolled and the unit of | ||||||
26 | local government remits
the entire cost of providing coverage |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | to those employees, except that a
participating school district | ||||||
2 | must have enrolled at least 85% of its full-time
employees who | ||||||
3 | have not waived coverage under the district's group health
plan | ||||||
4 | by participating in a component of the district's cafeteria | ||||||
5 | plan . A
participating school district is not required to enroll | ||||||
6 | a full-time employee
who has waived coverage under the | ||||||
7 | district's health plan, provided that an
appropriate official | ||||||
8 | from the participating school district attests that the
| ||||||
9 | full-time employee has waived coverage by participating in a | ||||||
10 | component of the
district's cafeteria plan. For the purposes of | ||||||
11 | this subsection, "participating
school district" includes a | ||||||
12 | unit of local government whose primary purpose is
education as | ||||||
13 | defined by the Department's rules.
| ||||||
14 | Employees of a participating unit of local government who | ||||||
15 | are not enrolled
due to coverage under another group health | ||||||
16 | policy or plan may enroll in
the event of a qualifying change | ||||||
17 | in status, special enrollment, special
circumstance as defined | ||||||
18 | by the Director, or during the annual Benefit Choice
Period. A | ||||||
19 | participating unit of local government may also elect to cover | ||||||
20 | its
annuitants. Dependent coverage shall be offered on an | ||||||
21 | optional basis, with the
costs paid by the unit of local | ||||||
22 | government, its employees, or some combination
of the two as | ||||||
23 | determined by the unit of local government. The unit of local
| ||||||
24 | government shall be responsible for timely collection and | ||||||
25 | transmission of
dependent premiums.
| ||||||
26 | The Director shall annually determine monthly rates of |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | payment, subject
to the following constraints:
| ||||||
2 | (1) In the first year of coverage, the rates shall be | ||||||
3 | equal to the
amount normally charged to State employees for | ||||||
4 | elected optional coverages
or for enrolled dependents | ||||||
5 | coverages or other contributory coverages, or
contributed | ||||||
6 | by the State for basic insurance coverages on behalf of its
| ||||||
7 | employees, adjusted for differences between State | ||||||
8 | employees and employees
of the local government in age, | ||||||
9 | sex, geographic location or other relevant
demographic | ||||||
10 | variables, plus an amount sufficient to pay for the | ||||||
11 | additional
administrative costs of providing coverage to | ||||||
12 | employees of the unit of
local government and their | ||||||
13 | dependents.
| ||||||
14 | (2) In subsequent years, a further adjustment shall be | ||||||
15 | made to reflect
the actual prior years' claims experience | ||||||
16 | of the employees of the unit of
local government.
| ||||||
17 | In the case of coverage of local government employees under | ||||||
18 | a health
maintenance organization, the Director shall annually | ||||||
19 | determine for each
participating unit of local government the | ||||||
20 | maximum monthly amount the unit
may contribute toward that | ||||||
21 | coverage, based on an analysis of (i) the age,
sex, geographic | ||||||
22 | location, and other relevant demographic variables of the
| ||||||
23 | unit's employees and (ii) the cost to cover those employees | ||||||
24 | under the State
group health benefits plan. The Director may | ||||||
25 | similarly determine the
maximum monthly amount each unit of | ||||||
26 | local government may contribute toward
coverage of its |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | employees' dependents under a health maintenance organization.
| ||||||
2 | Monthly payments by the unit of local government or its | ||||||
3 | employees for
group health benefits plan or health maintenance | ||||||
4 | organization coverage shall
be deposited in the Local | ||||||
5 | Government Health Insurance Reserve Fund.
| ||||||
6 | The Local Government Health Insurance Reserve Fund is | ||||||
7 | hereby created as a nonappropriated trust fund to be held | ||||||
8 | outside the State Treasury, with the State Treasurer as | ||||||
9 | custodian. The Local Government Health Insurance Reserve Fund | ||||||
10 | shall be a continuing
fund not subject to fiscal year | ||||||
11 | limitations. All revenues arising from the administration of | ||||||
12 | the health benefits program established under this Section | ||||||
13 | shall be deposited into the Local Government Health Insurance | ||||||
14 | Reserve Fund. Any interest earned on moneys in the Local | ||||||
15 | Government Health Insurance Reserve Fund shall be deposited | ||||||
16 | into the Fund. All expenditures from this Fund
shall be used | ||||||
17 | for payments for health care benefits for local government and | ||||||
18 | rehabilitation facility
employees, annuitants, and dependents, | ||||||
19 | and to reimburse the Department or
its administrative service | ||||||
20 | organization for all expenses incurred in the
administration of | ||||||
21 | benefits. No other State funds may be used for these
| ||||||
22 | A local government employer's participation or desire to | ||||||
23 | participate
in a program created under this subsection shall | ||||||
24 | not limit that employer's
duty to bargain with the | ||||||
25 | representative of any collective bargaining unit
of its | ||||||
26 | employees.
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | (j) Any rehabilitation facility within the State of | ||||||
2 | Illinois may apply
to the Director to have its employees, | ||||||
3 | annuitants, and their eligible
dependents provided group | ||||||
4 | health coverage under this Act on a non-insured
basis. To | ||||||
5 | participate, a rehabilitation facility must agree to enroll all
| ||||||
6 | of its employees and remit the entire cost of providing such | ||||||
7 | coverage for
its employees, except that the rehabilitation | ||||||
8 | facility shall not be
required to enroll those of its employees | ||||||
9 | who are covered spouses or
dependents under this plan or | ||||||
10 | another group policy or plan providing health
benefits as long | ||||||
11 | as (1) an appropriate official from the rehabilitation
facility | ||||||
12 | attests that each employee not enrolled is a covered spouse or
| ||||||
13 | dependent under this plan or another group policy or plan , and | ||||||
14 | (2) at least
85% of the employees are enrolled and the | ||||||
15 | rehabilitation facility remits
the entire cost of providing | ||||||
16 | coverage to those employees . Employees of a
participating | ||||||
17 | rehabilitation facility who are not enrolled due to coverage
| ||||||
18 | under another group health policy or plan may enroll
in the | ||||||
19 | event of a qualifying change in status, special enrollment, | ||||||
20 | special
circumstance as defined by the Director, or during the | ||||||
21 | annual Benefit Choice
Period. A participating rehabilitation | ||||||
22 | facility may also elect
to cover its annuitants. Dependent | ||||||
23 | coverage shall be offered on an optional
basis, with the costs | ||||||
24 | paid by the rehabilitation facility, its employees, or
some | ||||||
25 | combination of the 2 as determined by the rehabilitation | ||||||
26 | facility. The
rehabilitation facility shall be responsible for |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | timely collection and
transmission of dependent premiums.
| ||||||
2 | The Director shall annually determine quarterly rates of | ||||||
3 | payment, subject
to the following constraints:
| ||||||
4 | (1) In the first year of coverage, the rates shall be | ||||||
5 | equal to the amount
normally charged to State employees for | ||||||
6 | elected optional coverages or for
enrolled dependents | ||||||
7 | coverages or other contributory coverages on behalf of
its | ||||||
8 | employees, adjusted for differences between State | ||||||
9 | employees and
employees of the rehabilitation facility in | ||||||
10 | age, sex, geographic location
or other relevant | ||||||
11 | demographic variables, plus an amount sufficient to pay
for | ||||||
12 | the additional administrative costs of providing coverage | ||||||
13 | to employees
of the rehabilitation facility and their | ||||||
14 | dependents.
| ||||||
15 | (2) In subsequent years, a further adjustment shall be | ||||||
16 | made to reflect
the actual prior years' claims experience | ||||||
17 | of the employees of the
rehabilitation facility.
| ||||||
18 | Monthly payments by the rehabilitation facility or its | ||||||
19 | employees for
group health benefits shall be deposited in the | ||||||
20 | Local Government Health
Insurance Reserve Fund.
| ||||||
21 | (k) Any domestic violence shelter or service within the | ||||||
22 | State of Illinois
may apply to the Director to have its | ||||||
23 | employees, annuitants, and their
dependents provided group | ||||||
24 | health coverage under this Act on a non-insured
basis. To | ||||||
25 | participate, a domestic violence shelter or service must agree | ||||||
26 | to
enroll all of its employees and pay the entire cost of |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | providing such coverage
for its employees. A participating | ||||||
2 | domestic violence shelter may also elect
to cover its | ||||||
3 | annuitants. Dependent coverage shall be offered on an optional
| ||||||
4 | basis, with
employees, or some combination of the 2 as | ||||||
5 | determined by the domestic violence
shelter or service. The | ||||||
6 | domestic violence shelter or service shall be
responsible for | ||||||
7 | timely collection and transmission of dependent premiums.
| ||||||
8 | The Director shall annually determine rates of payment,
| ||||||
9 | subject to the following constraints:
| ||||||
10 | (1) In the first year of coverage, the rates shall be | ||||||
11 | equal to the
amount normally charged to State employees for | ||||||
12 | elected optional coverages
or for enrolled dependents | ||||||
13 | coverages or other contributory coverages on
behalf of its | ||||||
14 | employees, adjusted for differences between State | ||||||
15 | employees and
employees of the domestic violence shelter or | ||||||
16 | service in age, sex, geographic
location or other relevant | ||||||
17 | demographic variables, plus an amount sufficient
to pay for | ||||||
18 | the additional administrative costs of providing coverage | ||||||
19 | to
employees of the domestic violence shelter or service | ||||||
20 | and their dependents.
| ||||||
21 | (2) In subsequent years, a further adjustment shall be | ||||||
22 | made to reflect
the actual prior years' claims experience | ||||||
23 | of the employees of the domestic
violence shelter or | ||||||
24 | service.
| ||||||
25 | Monthly payments by the domestic violence shelter or | ||||||
26 | service or its employees
for group health insurance shall be |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | deposited in the Local Government Health
Insurance Reserve | ||||||
2 | Fund.
| ||||||
3 | (l) A public community college or entity organized pursuant | ||||||
4 | to the
Public Community College Act may apply to the Director | ||||||
5 | initially to have
only annuitants not covered prior to July 1, | ||||||
6 | 1992 by the district's health
plan provided health coverage | ||||||
7 | under this Act on a non-insured basis. The
community college | ||||||
8 | must execute a 2-year contract to participate in the
Local | ||||||
9 | Government Health Plan.
Any annuitant may enroll in the event | ||||||
10 | of a qualifying change in status, special
enrollment, special | ||||||
11 | circumstance as defined by the Director, or during the
annual | ||||||
12 | Benefit Choice Period.
| ||||||
13 | The Director shall annually determine monthly rates of | ||||||
14 | payment subject to
the following constraints: for those | ||||||
15 | community colleges with annuitants
only enrolled, first year | ||||||
16 | rates shall be equal to the average cost to cover
claims for a | ||||||
17 | State member adjusted for demographics, Medicare
| ||||||
18 | participation, and other factors; and in the second year, a | ||||||
19 | further adjustment
of rates shall be made to reflect the actual | ||||||
20 | first year's claims experience
of the covered annuitants.
| ||||||
21 | (l-5) The provisions of subsection (l) become inoperative | ||||||
22 | on July 1, 1999.
| ||||||
23 | (m) The Director shall adopt any rules deemed necessary for
| ||||||
24 | implementation of this amendatory Act of 1989 (Public Act | ||||||
25 | 86-978).
| ||||||
26 | (n) Any child advocacy center within the State of Illinois |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | may apply to the Director to have its employees, annuitants, | ||||||
2 | and their dependents provided group health coverage under this | ||||||
3 | Act on a non-insured basis. To participate, a child advocacy | ||||||
4 | center must agree to enroll all of its employees and pay the | ||||||
5 | entire cost of providing coverage for its employees , except | ||||||
6 | that the child advocacy center shall not be required to enroll | ||||||
7 | those of its employees who are covered spouses or dependents | ||||||
8 | under this plan or another group policy or plan providing | ||||||
9 | health benefits as long as an appropriate official from the | ||||||
10 | child advocacy center attests that each employee not enrolled | ||||||
11 | is a covered spouse or dependent under this plan or another | ||||||
12 | group policy or plan . A participating child advocacy center may | ||||||
13 | also elect to cover its annuitants. Dependent coverage shall be | ||||||
14 | offered on an optional basis, with the costs paid by the child | ||||||
15 | advocacy center, its employees, or some combination of the 2 as | ||||||
16 | determined by the child advocacy center. The child advocacy | ||||||
17 | center shall be responsible for timely collection and | ||||||
18 | transmission of dependent premiums. | ||||||
19 | The Director shall annually determine rates of payment, | ||||||
20 | subject to the following constraints: | ||||||
21 | (1) In the first year of coverage, the rates shall be | ||||||
22 | equal to the amount normally charged to State employees for | ||||||
23 | elected optional coverages or for enrolled dependents | ||||||
24 | coverages or other contributory coverages on behalf of its | ||||||
25 | employees, adjusted for differences between State | ||||||
26 | employees and employees of the child advocacy center in |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | age, sex, geographic location, or other relevant | ||||||
2 | demographic variables, plus an amount sufficient to pay for | ||||||
3 | the additional administrative costs of providing coverage | ||||||
4 | to employees of the child advocacy center and their | ||||||
5 | dependents. | ||||||
6 | (2) In subsequent years, a further adjustment shall be | ||||||
7 | made to reflect the actual prior years' claims experience | ||||||
8 | of the employees of the child advocacy center. | ||||||
9 | Monthly payments by the child advocacy center or its | ||||||
10 | employees for group health insurance shall be deposited into | ||||||
11 | the Local Government Health Insurance Reserve Fund. | ||||||
12 | (Source: P.A. 94-839, eff. 6-6-06; 94-860, eff. 6-16-06; | ||||||
13 | 95-331, eff. 8-21-07; 95-632, eff. 9-25-07; 95-707, eff. | ||||||
14 | 1-11-08.)
| ||||||
15 | Section 99. Effective date. This Act takes effect upon | ||||||
16 | becoming law.".