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2 | WHEREAS, The ancient Greeks developed the concept of | ||||||
3 | democracy, in which the supreme power to govern was vested in | ||||||
4 | the people;
and | ||||||
5 | WHEREAS, On March 25, 1821, the Feast Day of the | ||||||
6 | Annunciation, the Greek nation reclaimed its ancient heritage | ||||||
7 | as the "Cradle of Democracy" by throwing off the yoke of | ||||||
8 | oppression which had enslaved its people since the fall of | ||||||
9 | Constantinople in 1453; conquered by the Ottoman Turks in the | ||||||
10 | 15th century, Greece waged a successful War of Independence | ||||||
11 | (1821-1829) and reinstituted a democratic form of government;
| ||||||
12 | and | ||||||
13 | WHEREAS, Greece celebrates two important events in its | ||||||
14 | history on March 25, the beginning of the revolution that freed | ||||||
15 | the Greek people from the Ottoman Empire, and the Greek | ||||||
16 | Orthodox Feast of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary;
| ||||||
17 | and | ||||||
18 | WHEREAS, It was for that reason that on March 25, 1821, | ||||||
19 | Bishop Germanos of Patras chose that day to deliver a message | ||||||
20 | of a new life to the people of Greece and hoisted the Greek | ||||||
21 | flag in defiance of the Turks at the Monastery of Ayia Lavra | ||||||
22 | near Kalavrita;
and |
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1 | WHEREAS, The Founding Fathers of the United States drew | ||||||
2 | heavily on the political experience and philosophy of ancient | ||||||
3 | Greece in forming our representative democracy;
and | ||||||
4 | WHEREAS, Greek Commander in Chief Petros Mavromichalis, a | ||||||
5 | founder of the modern Greek state, said to the citizens of the | ||||||
6 | United States in 1821 that "it is in your land that liberty has | ||||||
7 | fixed her abode and in imitating you, we shall imitate our | ||||||
8 | ancestors and be thought worthy of them if we succeed in | ||||||
9 | resembling you";
and | ||||||
10 | WHEREAS, Greece played a major role in the World War II | ||||||
11 | struggle to protect freedom and democracy through such bravery | ||||||
12 | as was shown in the historic Battle of Crete, which provided | ||||||
13 | the Axis land war with its first major setback, setting off a | ||||||
14 | chain of events that significantly affected the outcome of | ||||||
15 | World War II;
and | ||||||
16 | WHEREAS, The price for Greece in holding our common values | ||||||
17 | in their region was high as hundreds of thousands of civilians | ||||||
18 | were killed in Greece during World War II;
and | ||||||
19 | WHEREAS, Throughout the 20th century, Greece was 1 of only | ||||||
20 | 3 countries in the world beyond the former British Empire that | ||||||
21 | allied with the United States in every major international | ||||||
22 | conflict;
and |
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1 | WHEREAS, Greece is a strategic partner and ally of the | ||||||
2 | United States in bringing political stability and economic | ||||||
3 | development to the volatile Balkan region, having invested over | ||||||
4 | $10,000,000,000 in the region;
and | ||||||
5 | WHEREAS, Greece was extraordinarily responsive to requests | ||||||
6 | by the United States during the war in Iraq, as Greece | ||||||
7 | immediately granted unlimited access to its airspace and the | ||||||
8 | base in Souda Bay, and many ships of the United States that | ||||||
9 | delivered troops, cargo, and supplies to Iraq were refueled in | ||||||
10 | Greece; and
| ||||||
11 | WHEREAS, In August 2004, the Olympic games came home to | ||||||
12 | Athens, Greece, the land of their ancient birthplace 2,500 | ||||||
13 | years ago, and the city of their modern revival in 1896;
and | ||||||
14 | WHEREAS, Greece received world-wide praise for its | ||||||
15 | extraordinary handling of over 14,000 athletes from 202 | ||||||
16 | countries and over 2,000,000 spectators and journalists during | ||||||
17 | the 2004 Olympics, which it did so efficiently, securely, and | ||||||
18 | with its famous Greek hospitality; and | ||||||
19 | WHEREAS, The unprecedented security effort in Greece for | ||||||
20 | the first Olympics to be held after the attacks on the United | ||||||
21 | States on September 11, 2001, included a record-setting |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | expenditure of over $1,390,000,000 and an assignment of over | ||||||
2 | 70,000 security personnel, as well as the utilization of an | ||||||
3 | 8-country Olympic Security Advisory Group that included the | ||||||
4 | United States; and | ||||||
5 | WHEREAS, Greece, located in a region where Christianity | ||||||
6 | meets Islam and Judaism, maintains excellent relations with | ||||||
7 | both Muslim nations and Israel;
and | ||||||
8 | WHEREAS, the Government of Greece has had extraordinary | ||||||
9 | success in recent years in furthering cross-cultural | ||||||
10 | understanding and reducing tensions between themselves and | ||||||
11 | Turkey; and | ||||||
12 | WHEREAS, Greece and the United States are at the forefront | ||||||
13 | of the effort for freedom, democracy, peace, stability, and | ||||||
14 | human rights; and | ||||||
15 | WHEREAS, Those ideals, as well as others, have forged a | ||||||
16 | close bond between these 2 nations and their peoples; and | ||||||
17 | WHEREAS, March 25, 2007, marks the 186th anniversary of the | ||||||
18 | beginning of the revolution that freed the Greek people from | ||||||
19 | the nearby Ottoman Empire; and | ||||||
20 | WHEREAS, It is proper and desirable to celebrate this |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | anniversary with the Greek people and to reaffirm the | ||||||
2 | democratic principles from which these two great nations were | ||||||
3 | born; therefore, be it
| ||||||
6 | designate March 25, 2007 as Greek Independence Day and | ||||||
7 | encourage the people of the State of Illinois to observe the | ||||||
8 | day with appropriate ceremonies and activities; and be it | ||||||
9 | further
| ||||||
10 | RESOLVED, That a suitable copy of this resolution be | ||||||
11 | presented to the Greek Orthodox Metropolis of Chicago, the | ||||||
12 | Consul General of Greece in Chicago, and ENOSIS, The Federation | ||||||
13 | of Hellenic-American Organizations in Illinois.