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2 | AMENDMENT NO. ______. Amend House Bill 5126, AS AMENDED, | ||||||
3 | with reference to page and line numbers of House Amendment No. | ||||||
4 | 1, on page 2, lines 3 and 4 by deleting " , as defined in Section | ||||||
5 | 1-169.3 of this Code, "; and | ||||||
6 | on page 10, lines 20 and 21 by changing " a Certificate of | ||||||
7 | Title, " to "a Certificate of Title,"; and
| ||||||
8 | on page 10, line 21 by changing " or , " to ", or "; and
| ||||||
9 | on page 11, line 14 by changing " a Certificate of Title, " to "a | ||||||
10 | Certificate of Title,"; and
| ||||||
11 | on page 11, line 15 by changing " or , " to ", or "; and
| ||||||
12 | on page 11, line 25 by changing " Certificate of Title, " to | ||||||
13 | "Certificate of Title, a "; and
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | on page 11, line 26 by changing "or" to " , or"; and
| ||||||
2 | on page 12, lines 2 and 3 by changing " Certificate of Title, " | ||||||
3 | to "Certificate of Title,"; and
| ||||||
4 | on page 12, line 3 by changing "or" to " , or"; and
| ||||||
5 | on page 12, line 10 by changing " Certificate of Title, " to | ||||||
6 | "Certificate of Title,"; and
| ||||||
7 | on page 12, by inserting " , " at the end of line 10; and
| ||||||
8 | on page 13, lines 8 and 9 by deleting " to purchases of vehicles | ||||||
9 | or vehicle essential parts, "; and
| ||||||
10 | on page 13, line 26 by inserting " up to " after " of "; and
| ||||||
11 | on page 14, line 11 by changing " Certificate of Title, " to | ||||||
12 | "Certificate of Title,"; and
| ||||||
13 | on page 14, line 11 by changing " or , " to ", or "; and | ||||||
14 | on page 14, line 26 by deleting " or recyclable metal dealer "; | ||||||
15 | and |
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1 | on page 16, by replacing lines 8 through 11 with the following: | ||||||
2 | "at the time of the disposition of the essential part. If the
| ||||||
3 | licensee disposes of several essential parts in the same
| ||||||
4 | transaction, the licensee may issue one Uniform Invoice
| ||||||
5 | covering all essential parts disposed of in that transaction. "; | ||||||
6 | and | ||||||
7 | by replacing lines 24 through 26 on page 23 and lines 1 through | ||||||
8 | 3 on page 24 with the following: | ||||||
9 | "(i) (Blank). The requirements of this Section shall not | ||||||
10 | apply to the
disposition of an essential part other than a cowl | ||||||
11 | which has
been damaged or altered to a state in which it can no | ||||||
12 | longer be
returned to a usable condition and which is being | ||||||
13 | sold or
transferred to a scrap processor or for delivery to a | ||||||
14 | scrap
processor. "; and
| ||||||
15 | on page 24, line 4 by deleting " and recyclable metal dealers "; | ||||||
16 | and | ||||||
17 | on page 24, line 6, after " Chapter. ", by inserting " Any person | ||||||
18 | found in violation of this subsection (j) shall be guilty of a | ||||||
19 | Class 2 felony. ".