09500HB4440ham001 |
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1 |
| needs of Illinois families.
2 |
| (2) Consumers continue to request the care of |
3 |
| direct-entry midwives.
4 |
| (3) Direct-entry midwives have continued to provide |
5 |
| services to families
Illinois despite being unregulated |
6 |
| since 1963 and have participated in national
credentialing |
7 |
| organized to meet professional standards.
8 |
| (4) The Midwives Model of Care, as defined by the |
9 |
| Midwifery Task Force,
includes (i) monitoring the |
10 |
| physical,
psychological, and social well-being of the |
11 |
| mother throughout the childbearing
cycle, (ii)
providing |
12 |
| the mother with individualized education, counseling, and |
13 |
| prenatal
continuous hands-on assistance during labor |
14 |
| and delivery, and postpartum support, (iii)
minimizing |
15 |
| technological interventions, and (iv) identifying and |
16 |
| referring women who
require obstetrical attention. The |
17 |
| application of this woman-centered model of care has
been |
18 |
| proven to reduce the incidence of birth injury, trauma, and |
19 |
| Cesarean section.
20 |
| (5) In recognition of major changes in health care |
21 |
| regulation and
practice, the Pew
Health Professions |
22 |
| Commission, through its Taskforce on Health Care Workforce
23 |
| Regulation, recommends that "until national models for |
24 |
| scopes of practice can
be developed and adopted, states |
25 |
| should explore and develop mechanisms for
26 |
| professions to evolve their existing scopes of practice and |
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1 |
| for new professions
previously unregulated |
2 |
| professions) to emerge", and further recommends that "a
3 |
| number of professions and disciplines that use |
4 |
| non-mainstream therapies safely
and effectively should
be |
5 |
| recognized and regulated as appropriate".
6 |
| (6) In its April 1999 report, the Pew Health |
7 |
| Professions Commission, in
conjunction with the Center for |
8 |
| the Health Professions, recommended that
should |
9 |
| be recognized as independent and collaborative |
10 |
| practitioners" and
recommended "legislative action that |
11 |
| ensures: appropriate entry-to-practice
and the
12 |
| "elimination of requirements that midwives be directed or |
13 |
| supervised by other
health care
14 |
| (7) In its resolution, "Increasing access to |
15 |
| out-of-hospital maternity
care services
through |
16 |
| state-regulated and nationally-certified direct-entry |
17 |
| midwives", the
Public Health Association (i) |
18 |
| supports efforts to increase access to
19 |
| maternity care services and increase the range of quality |
20 |
| maternity care
choices available
to consumers, through |
21 |
| recognition that legally regulated and nationally
22 |
| certified direct-entry midwives can serve clients desiring |
23 |
| safe, planned,
out-of-hospital maternity care
services, |
24 |
| and (ii) encourages the development and implementation of |
25 |
| guidelines
for the
licensing and certification of |
26 |
| direct-entry midwives and the practice of
midwifery for use |
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1 |
| by state and local health agencies, health planners,
2 |
| maternity care providers, and professional organizations.
3 |
| Section 10. Definitions. As used in this Act:
4 |
| "Approved program of midwifery education" means an |
5 |
| education program
accredited or pre-accredited by a |
6 |
| direct-entry midwifery accreditation agency
recognized by the |
7 |
| United States Department of Education, such as the Midwifery
8 |
| Education
Council (MEAC) or its successor.
9 |
| "Certified professional midwife" means a person who has met |
10 |
| the
for certification set by the North American |
11 |
| Registry of Midwives or its
successor and has
been awarded this |
12 |
| credential.
13 |
| "Consultation" means the process whereby a licensed |
14 |
| midwife seeks the advice
opinion of a physician or another |
15 |
| member of a health care team.
16 |
| "Council" means the Licensed Midwife Council.
17 |
| "Department" means the Department of Financial and |
18 |
| Professional Regulation.
19 |
| "Secretary" means the Secretary of Financial and |
20 |
| Professional Regulation.
21 |
| "Informed consent" means a document that includes, but is |
22 |
| not limited to,
disclosure of the midwife's education, skill |
23 |
| level, liability insurance
coverage, and
written plan for |
24 |
| medical emergencies.
25 |
| "Licensed midwife" means a person who is licensed under |
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1 |
| this Act.
2 |
| "Midwifery" means the provision, on a continuing basis and |
3 |
| within a health
care system that provides for consultation and |
4 |
| referral as needed, of the
necessary care and education to |
5 |
| women during pregnancy, labor, and the
postpartum and |
6 |
| interpartum periods;
attending deliveries that the individual |
7 |
| is responsible for; and caring for the
newborn infant.
8 |
| "Midwifery" also includes the provision of additional primary |
9 |
| health care
services to women and their families, which |
10 |
| include, but are not limited to,
gynecological |
11 |
| services such as non-pharmacological family planning and |
12 |
| routine
13 |
| "North American Registry of Midwives" or "NARM" means the |
14 |
| international
agency, or its successor, that has established |
15 |
| and has continued to administer
for the |
16 |
| credentialing of certified professional midwives.
17 |
| "Peer review" means an educational review process in |
18 |
| accordance with
current NARM peer review standards that |
19 |
| includes a certificate of participation
20 |
| "Referral" means the process whereby a licensed midwife |
21 |
| directs the client
to a
physician or other health care |
22 |
| professional for management of a particular
problem or
aspect |
23 |
| of the client's care.
24 |
| Section 15. License required.
25 |
| (a) Beginning July 1, 2009, no person shall practice |
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| midwifery in
this State without a license under this Act, |
2 |
| except as provided in Section 20.
3 |
| (b) No person shall use in connection with the person's |
4 |
| name any
letters, words, or insignia indicating or implying |
5 |
| that the person is a
midwife unless the person is |
6 |
| licensed in accordance with this Act. A person so
licensed may |
7 |
| use the abbreviation "L.M." in connection with the person's |
8 |
| name.
9 |
| Section 20. Exemptions. Nothing in this Act shall be |
10 |
| construed to
prohibit or to require registration under this |
11 |
| Act, with regard to any of the
12 |
| (1) The gratuitous rendering of services.
13 |
| (2) The rendering of services by a person if such |
14 |
| attendance is in
with the person's religious |
15 |
| faith and is rendered to persons with a similar
religious |
16 |
| faith.
17 |
| (3) Certified nurse midwives authorized under the |
18 |
| Advanced Practice Nursing
Board to practice in Illinois.
19 |
| (4) Licensed physicians or other licensed health care |
20 |
| providers authorized
provide maternity care.
21 |
| (5) Midwifery that is included in the educational |
22 |
| programs of student
enrolled in approved programs |
23 |
| of midwifery education.
24 |
| Section 25. Licensed Midwife Council. There shall
be |
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| established within the Department of Financial and |
2 |
| Professional Regulation a
Licensed Midwife Council composed of |
3 |
| 7 members appointed by the Secretary.
The appointed members of |
4 |
| the Council shall include 4 licensed
midwives and 3 consumers.
5 |
| A consumer is a person who (i) has never been a midwife nor |
6 |
| studied to be a
(ii) has no financial interest in the |
7 |
| practice of midwifery or in any health
care facility,
agency, |
8 |
| or insurer, and (iii) has engaged a provider who practices or |
9 |
| has
practiced as a
midwife in an out-of-hospital birth setting.
10 |
| Of the members first appointed to
the Council, 3 members shall |
11 |
| be appointed for a term of 3 years, 2 members
be |
12 |
| appointed for a term of 2 years, and 2 members shall be |
13 |
| appointed for a term
of one year. Thereafter, all members shall |
14 |
| serve 3-year terms. In making
appointments to the Council, the |
15 |
| Secretary shall consider the recommendations of
individuals |
16 |
| and organizations directly involved with midwifery in this |
17 |
| State. A
vacancy in an unexpired term shall be filled in the |
18 |
| same manner as the original
appointment. The Secretary may |
19 |
| remove a Council member for misconduct,
incapacity, or neglect |
20 |
| of duty, but only after notice and a public hearing,
unless the |
21 |
| notice and hearing are waived by the member in writing. The |
22 |
| Council
shall elect from its membership a chairperson. The |
23 |
| Council may meet as needed,
but shall meet at least twice a |
24 |
| year.
25 |
| Section 30. Powers of the Council. The Licensed
Midwife |
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1 |
| Council is authorized to:
2 |
| (1) Conduct hearings and disciplinary conferences on |
3 |
| disciplinary charges
those licensed as provided in |
4 |
| Section 75 and those in violation of Section 15.
5 |
| (2) Report to the Department, upon completion of a |
6 |
| hearing, the disciplinary
actions recommended to be taken |
7 |
| against a person violating this Act.
8 |
| (3) Approve, deny, or withdraw approval of required |
9 |
| education and
educational programs.
10 |
| Section 35. Council members; immunity from suit. The |
11 |
| members of the Council
immune from suit in any action based |
12 |
| upon disciplinary proceedings or
other acts
performed as |
13 |
| members of the Council, except those involving willful or |
14 |
| wanton
15 |
| Section 40. Council members; compensation. Members of the |
16 |
| Council shall serve
without compensation, but shall be |
17 |
| reimbursed for actual expenses necessarily
incurred in the |
18 |
| discharge of their duties.
19 |
| Section 45. Powers and duties of the Department.
20 |
| (a) The Department shall exercise the powers and duties |
21 |
| necessary
to effectuate the purposes of this Act. None of the |
22 |
| functions, powers, or
duties of the Department with respect to |
23 |
| licensure shall be exercised by the
Department except upon |
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| review and approval by the Council.
2 |
| (b) The Department shall have the authority and |
3 |
| responsibility to:
4 |
| (1) license individuals who qualify for licensure;
5 |
| (2) issue quarterly reports to the Council on the |
6 |
| status of all formal
complaints filed by the Department and |
7 |
| on significant issues as determined by
the Council.
8 |
| Section 50. Eligibility.
9 |
| (a) A person is eligible to be licensed as a midwife if |
10 |
| that person
meets the following qualifications:
11 |
| (1) holds the credential of certified professional |
12 |
| midwife;
13 |
| (2) has completed an approved program of midwifery |
14 |
| education with a
minimum of 1,800 contact hours or its |
15 |
| equivalent;
16 |
| (3) is in good standing with the North American |
17 |
| Registry of Midwives;
18 |
| (4) participates in peer review at least twice per |
19 |
| year; and
20 |
| (5) provides the Department with an annually updated |
21 |
| informed consent
22 |
| (b) For a period of 5 years following the effective date of |
23 |
| this Act, the
shall have the authority and discretion |
24 |
| to license applicants who have
midwifery prior to the |
25 |
| effective date of this Act and have had an application
accepted |
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1 |
| by
the North American Registry of Midwives for certification. |
2 |
| Such license
terminate automatically 2 years after the |
3 |
| date of registration unless the
applicant has, by
such time, |
4 |
| successfully completed the examination provided by the North
5 |
| American
Registry of Midwives.
6 |
| Section 55. Scope of practice; informed consent.
7 |
| (a) A licensed midwife may perform any of the midwifery |
8 |
| services
and skills established by the North American Registry |
9 |
| of Midwives, including,
but not limited to, antepartum, |
10 |
| intrapartum, and postpartum care of women;
newborn assessment |
11 |
| and care of newborns; and well-woman gynecology and
12 |
| non-prescriptive family
planning. However, the midwife must |
13 |
| practice within the standards for practice
and code of ethics |
14 |
| of the North American Registry of Midwives.
15 |
| (b) A copy of the informed consent document, signed and |
16 |
| dated by the
client, must be kept in each client's chart.
17 |
| Section 60. Application for license. A person
shall apply |
18 |
| for licensure as a midwife to the Secretary on a form furnished |
19 |
| by
the Department. The application shall be accompanied by |
20 |
| payment of the
specified fee and evidence that the person meets |
21 |
| the eligibility requirements
this Act.
22 |
| Section 65. Renewals. A midwife license must be renewed |
23 |
| every 3
years. An applicant for renewal shall submit to the |
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| Department (i) a renewal
application and (ii) a
renewal fee.
2 |
| Section 70. Fees. The Department shall have the authority |
3 |
| to (i)
charge each candidate for licensure a fee, which must be |
4 |
| submitted with his or
her application
and (ii) charge each |
5 |
| licensed midwife a fee for renewal of his or her license.
6 |
| Section 75. Disciplinary action.
7 |
| (a) A licensed midwife or applicant for licensure, renewal, |
8 |
| or
reinstatement shall not engage in unprofessional conduct, |
9 |
| which includes:
10 |
| (1) fraudulently procuring or using a license;
11 |
| (2) willfully making or filing false reports or |
12 |
| records, willfully impeding
obstructing the filing of |
13 |
| reports or records, or willfully failing to file
required |
14 |
| reports or records in the practice of midwifery;
15 |
| (3) using dishonest or misleading advertising;
16 |
| (4) failing to comply with any statutes related to the |
17 |
| practice of
18 |
| (5) conviction of a crime related to the practice of |
19 |
| midwifery as
described in
this Act;
20 |
| (6) failing to provide, in a timely manner, copies of |
21 |
| all records of the
provided to a person after a |
22 |
| written request is received from the person who
received |
23 |
| care; and
24 |
| (7) engaging in gross or repeated malpractice.
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1 |
| (b) After a hearing, and upon making a finding of |
2 |
| unprofessional
conduct, the Licensed Midwife Council shall (i) |
3 |
| reprimand
the licensed midwife or applicant, (ii) revoke the |
4 |
| license or refuse
to issue or renew a license, or (iii) seek an |
5 |
| injunction against the
continuation of the conduct.
6 |
| Section 80. Penalties. A person who knowingly violates any |
7 |
| of the
provisions of this Act is guilty of a Class A |
8 |
| misdemeanor.
9 |
| Section 85. Reimbursement. A midwife licensed to practice |
10 |
| midwifery
is eligible for compensation as a provider under the |
11 |
| Illinois Medicaid program
and any other third party |
12 |
| reimbursement plan, including Medicare, subject to
laws of |
13 |
| this State and applicable federal law.
14 |
| Section 90. Advertising. A person licensed under this Act |
15 |
| may
advertise the availability of professional services in the |
16 |
| public media or on
the premises where such professional |
17 |
| services are rendered, provided that the
advertising is |
18 |
| truthful and not misleading.
19 |
| Section 95. Women's rights regarding the birth of the baby.
20 |
| Women have a right to give birth where and with whom they |
21 |
| choose. This Act
does not prohibit the attendance at birth of |
22 |
| the mother's choice of family,
friends, and other persons.
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1 |
| Section 100. Liability of licensed midwives. Licensed |
2 |
| midwives shall be
for their acts or omissions in the |
3 |
| performance of the services that they
provide, and no
4 |
| physician, nurse, pre-hospital emergency personnel, or health |
5 |
| care institution
shall be
liable for any act or omission |
6 |
| resulting from the administration of services by
licensed |
7 |
| midwife. The provisions of this Section shall not relieve any |
8 |
| other
midwife, physician, nurse, pre-hospital |
9 |
| emergency personnel, or health care
from liability |
10 |
| for any willful or wanton act or omission or any act or
11 |
| omission
constituting gross negligence, or under circumstances |
12 |
| where a licensed midwife
has a
business relationship with any |
13 |
| such licensed midwife, physician, nurse,
14 |
| emergency personnel, or health care institution. A physician, |
15 |
| nurse,
emergency personnel, or health care |
16 |
| institution shall not be deemed to have
established a
business |
17 |
| relationship solely by providing consultation or accepting a |
18 |
| referral
from the
midwife in accordance with this Act.
19 |
| Section 105. No authority to make or promulgate rules. |
20 |
| Notwithstanding any other rulemaking authority that may exist, |
21 |
| neither the Governor nor any agency or agency head under the |
22 |
| jurisdiction of the Governor has any authority to make or |
23 |
| promulgate rules to implement or enforce the provisions of this |
24 |
| Act. If, however, the Governor believes that rules are |
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1 |
| necessary to implement or enforce the provisions of this Act, |
2 |
| the Governor may suggest rules to the General Assembly by |
3 |
| filing them with the Clerk of the House and Secretary of the |
4 |
| Senate and by requesting that the General Assembly authorize |
5 |
| such rulemaking by law, enact those suggested rules into law, |
6 |
| or take any other appropriate action in the General Assembly's |
7 |
| discretion. Nothing contained in this Act shall be interpreted |
8 |
| to grant rulemaking authority under any other Illinois statute |
9 |
| where such authority is not otherwise explicitly given. For the |
10 |
| purposes of this Act, "rules" is given the meaning contained in |
11 |
| Section 1-70 of the Illinois Administrative Procedure Act, and |
12 |
| "agency" and "agency head" are given the meanings contained in |
13 |
| Sections 1-20 and 1-25 of the Illinois Administrative Procedure |
14 |
| Act to the extent that such definitions apply to agencies or |
15 |
| agency heads under the jurisdiction of the Governor. |
16 |
| Section 900. The Regulatory Sunset Act is amended by adding |
17 |
| Section 4.29 as follows: |
18 |
| (5 ILCS 80/4.29 new)
19 |
| Sec. 4.29. Act repealed on January 1, 2019. The following |
20 |
| Act is repealed on January 1, 2019: |
21 |
| The Certified Professional Midwife Licensure Act.
22 |
| Section 905. The Medical Practice Act of 1987 is amended by |
23 |
| changing
Section 4 as follows:
09500HB4440ham001 |
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LRB095 14153 RAS 46701 a |
1 |
| (225 ILCS 60/4) (from Ch. 111, par. 4400-4)
2 |
| (Section scheduled to be repealed on December 31, 2008)
3 |
| Sec. 4. Exemptions.
4 |
| (a) This Act does not apply to the following:
5 |
| (1) persons lawfully carrying on their particular |
6 |
| profession or business
under any valid existing regulatory |
7 |
| Act of this State;
8 |
| (2) persons rendering gratuitous services in cases of |
9 |
| emergency; or
10 |
| (3) persons treating human ailments by prayer or |
11 |
| spiritual means as an
exercise or enjoyment of religious |
12 |
| freedom.
13 |
| (b) (Blank).
14 |
| (c) Nothing in this Act shall be construed as prohibiting |
15 |
| the practice of
midwifery by persons licensed under the |
16 |
| Certified Professional Midwife
Licensure Act.
17 |
| (Source: P.A. 93-379, eff. 7-24-03 .)
18 |
| Section 910. The Nurse Practice Act is amended by
changing |
19 |
| Section 50-15 as follows:
20 |
| (225 ILCS 65/50-15)
(was 225 ILCS 65/5-15)
21 |
| (Section scheduled to be repealed on January 1, 2018)
22 |
| Sec. 50-15. Policy; application of Act. |
23 |
| (a) For the protection of life and the
promotion of health, |
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1 |
| and the prevention of illness and communicable diseases,
any |
2 |
| person practicing or offering to practice advanced,
3 |
| professional, or practical
nursing in Illinois shall submit |
4 |
| evidence that he or she is qualified to
practice, and shall be |
5 |
| licensed as provided under this Act. No person shall
practice |
6 |
| or offer to practice advanced, professional, or practical |
7 |
| nursing in Illinois or
use any title, sign, card or device to |
8 |
| indicate that such a person is
practicing professional or |
9 |
| practical nursing unless such person has been
licensed under |
10 |
| the provisions of this Act.
11 |
| (b) This Act does not prohibit the following:
12 |
| (1) The practice of nursing in Federal employment in |
13 |
| the discharge of the
employee's duties by a person who is |
14 |
| employed by the United States
government or any bureau, |
15 |
| division or agency thereof and is a legally
qualified and |
16 |
| licensed nurse of another state or territory and not in
17 |
| conflict with Sections 50-50, 55-10, 60-10, and 70-5 of |
18 |
| this
19 |
| (2) Nursing that is included in the program of study by
20 |
| students
enrolled in programs of nursing or in current |
21 |
| nurse practice update courses
approved by the Department.
22 |
| (3) The furnishing of nursing assistance in an |
23 |
| emergency.
24 |
| (4) The practice of nursing by a nurse who holds an |
25 |
| active license in
another state when providing services to |
26 |
| patients in Illinois during a bonafide
emergency or in |
09500HB4440ham001 |
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1 |
| immediate preparation for or during interstate
2 |
| (5) The incidental care of the sick by members of the |
3 |
| family, domestic
servants or housekeepers, or care of the |
4 |
| sick where treatment is by prayer
or spiritual means.
5 |
| (6) Persons from being employed as unlicensed |
6 |
| assistive personnel in private homes, long term care |
7 |
| facilities,
nurseries, hospitals or other institutions.
8 |
| (7) The practice of practical nursing by one who is a |
9 |
| licensed practical
nurse under the laws of another U.S. |
10 |
| jurisdiction and has applied in writing
to the Department, |
11 |
| in form and substance satisfactory to the Department,
for a |
12 |
| license as a licensed practical nurse and who is qualified |
13 |
| to receive
such license under this Act, until (i) the |
14 |
| expiration of 6 months after
the filing of such written |
15 |
| application, (ii) the withdrawal of such application,
or |
16 |
| (iii) the denial of such application by the Department.
17 |
| (8) The practice of advanced practice nursing by one |
18 |
| who is an advanced practice nurse under the laws of another |
19 |
| state, territory of the United States, or country and has |
20 |
| applied in writing to the Department, in form and substance |
21 |
| satisfactory to the Department, for a license as an |
22 |
| advanced practice nurse and who is qualified to receive |
23 |
| such license under this Act, until (i) the expiration of 6 |
24 |
| months after the filing of such written application, (ii) |
25 |
| the withdrawal of such application, or (iii) the denial of |
26 |
| such application by the Department.
09500HB4440ham001 |
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LRB095 14153 RAS 46701 a |
1 |
| (9) The practice of professional nursing by one who is |
2 |
| a registered
professional nurse under the laws of another |
3 |
| state, territory of the United
States or country and has |
4 |
| applied in writing to the Department, in form and
substance |
5 |
| satisfactory to the Department, for a license as a |
6 |
| registered
professional nurse and who is qualified to |
7 |
| receive such license under
Section 55-10, until (1) the |
8 |
| expiration of 6 months after the filing of
such written |
9 |
| application, (2) the withdrawal of such application, or (3)
10 |
| the denial of such application by the Department.
11 |
| (10) The practice of professional nursing that is |
12 |
| included in a program of
study by one who is a registered |
13 |
| professional nurse under the laws of
another state or |
14 |
| territory of the United States or foreign country,
15 |
| territory or province and who is enrolled in a graduate |
16 |
| nursing education
program or a program for the completion |
17 |
| of a baccalaureate nursing degree in
this State, which |
18 |
| includes clinical supervision by faculty as
determined by |
19 |
| the educational institution offering the program and the
20 |
| health care organization where the practice of nursing |
21 |
| occurs.
22 |
| (11) Any person licensed in this State under any other |
23 |
| Act from engaging
in the practice for which she or he is |
24 |
| licensed.
25 |
| (12) Delegation to authorized direct care staff |
26 |
| trained under Section 15.4
of the Mental Health and
09500HB4440ham001 |
- 19 - |
LRB095 14153 RAS 46701 a |
1 |
| Developmental Disabilities Administrative Act consistent |
2 |
| with the policies of the Department. |
3 |
| (13) The practice of midwifery by persons licensed |
4 |
| under the Certified Professional Midwife Licensure Act.
5 |
| (13) Nothing in this Act shall be construed to limit the |
6 |
| delegation of tasks or duties by a physician, dentist, or |
7 |
| podiatrist to a licensed practical nurse, a registered |
8 |
| professional nurse, or other persons.
9 |
| (Source: P.A. 95-639, eff. 10-5-07; revised 12-7-07.)
10 |
| Section 999. Effective date. This Act takes effect upon |
11 |
| becoming law.".