| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | AN ACT concerning business.
| ||||||
2 | Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
| ||||||
3 | represented in the General Assembly:
| ||||||
4 | Section 5. The Business Corporation Act of 1983 is amended | ||||||
5 | by changing Sections 9.05, 9.20, 12.45, and 13.60, as follows:
| ||||||
6 | (805 ILCS 5/9.05) (from Ch. 32, par. 9.05)
| ||||||
7 | Sec. 9.05. Power of corporation to acquire its own shares.
| ||||||
8 | (a) A corporation may acquire its own shares, subject to | ||||||
9 | limitations set
forth in Section 9.10 of this Act.
| ||||||
10 | (b) If a corporation acquires its own shares after the | ||||||
11 | effective date of
this amendatory Act of 1993, the shares | ||||||
12 | constitute treasury shares
until cancelled as provided by | ||||||
13 | subsection (d) of this Section.
| ||||||
14 | (c) A corporation shall file a report under Section 14.25 | ||||||
15 | of this
Act in the case of its acquisition of its own shares | ||||||
16 | that occurs
either prior to January 1, 1991 or on or prior to | ||||||
17 | the last day of the third
month immediately preceding the | ||||||
18 | corporation's anniversary month in 1991. A
corporation shall | ||||||
19 | file a report under Section 14.30 of this Act in the case
of | ||||||
20 | its acquisition and cancellation of its own shares that occurs | ||||||
21 | after
both December 31, 1990 and the last day of such third | ||||||
22 | month. However, if the articles of incorporation provide that
| ||||||
23 | the
number of authorized shares is reduced by an acquisition | ||||||
24 | and cancellation
of shares, then the corporation shall, within | ||||||
25 | 60 days after the date of
acquisition, execute and file in | ||||||
26 | duplicate in accordance with Section 1.10 of
this Act, a | ||||||
27 | statement of cancellation which sets forth:
| ||||||
28 | (1) The name of the corporation.
| ||||||
29 | (2) The aggregate number of shares which the | ||||||
30 | corporation has authority
to issue, itemized by classes and | ||||||
31 | series, if any, within a class before
giving effect to the | ||||||
32 | cancellation.
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | (3) The aggregate number of issued shares, itemized by | ||||||
2 | classes and series,
if any, within a class before giving | ||||||
3 | effect to the cancellation.
| ||||||
4 | (4) The number of shares cancelled, itemized by classes | ||||||
5 | and series, if
any, within a class.
| ||||||
6 | (5) The aggregate number of shares which the | ||||||
7 | corporation has the authority
to issue, itemized by classes | ||||||
8 | and series, if any, within a class after giving
effect to | ||||||
9 | the cancellation.
| ||||||
10 | (6) The aggregate number of issued shares, itemized by | ||||||
11 | classes and series,
if any, within a class, after giving | ||||||
12 | effect to the cancellation.
| ||||||
13 | (7) A statement, expressed in dollars, of the amount of | ||||||
14 | the paid-in
capital of the corporation before giving effect | ||||||
15 | to the cancellation.
| ||||||
16 | (8) A statement, expressed in dollars, of the amount of | ||||||
17 | the paid-in
capital of the corporation after giving effect | ||||||
18 | to the cancellation.
| ||||||
19 | Upon the filing of the statement of cancellation by the
| ||||||
20 | Secretary of State, the paid-in
capital of the corporation | ||||||
21 | shall be deemed to be reduced by that part of
the paid-in | ||||||
22 | capital which was, at the time of the cancellation,
represented | ||||||
23 | by the shares so cancelled , to the extent of the cost from the | ||||||
24 | paid-in capital of the reacquired and cancelled shares or a | ||||||
25 | lesser amount as may be elected by the corporation, and the | ||||||
26 | statement of cancellation
shall operate as an amendment to the | ||||||
27 | articles of incorporation so as to
reduce the number of | ||||||
28 | authorized shares by the number of shares so cancelled.
| ||||||
29 | (d) A corporation, by resolution of the board of directors, | ||||||
30 | may cancel any
of its treasury shares. When cancelled, the | ||||||
31 | shares shall constitute authorized
but unissued shares unless | ||||||
32 | the articles of incorporation provide that the
shares shall not | ||||||
33 | be reissued, in which case the number of authorized shares
| ||||||
34 | shall be reduced by the number of shares cancelled.
| ||||||
35 | (e) Until the report required by subsection (c) of this | ||||||
36 | Section, or
the report required by Section 14.25 or Section |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | 14.30 of this Act
reporting a reduction in paid-in capital, | ||||||
2 | shall have been filed in
the office of the Secretary of State, | ||||||
3 | the basis of the annual franchise tax
payable by the | ||||||
4 | corporation shall not be reduced, provided, however, in no
| ||||||
5 | event shall the annual franchise tax for any taxable year be | ||||||
6 | reduced if
such report is not filed prior to the first day of | ||||||
7 | the anniversary month
or, in the case of a corporation which | ||||||
8 | has established an extended
filing month, the extended filing | ||||||
9 | month of that taxable year and before
payment of its annual | ||||||
10 | franchise tax.
| ||||||
11 | (Source: P.A. 88-151.)
| ||||||
12 | (805 ILCS 5/9.20)
| ||||||
13 | Sec. 9.20. Reduction of paid-in capital.
| ||||||
14 | (a) A corporation may reduce its paid-in capital:
| ||||||
15 | (1) by resolution of its board of directors by charging | ||||||
16 | against its
paid-in capital (i) the paid-in capital | ||||||
17 | represented by shares acquired and
cancelled by the | ||||||
18 | corporation as permitted by law, to the extent of the cost
| ||||||
19 | from
the paid-in capital of the reacquired and cancelled | ||||||
20 | shares or a lesser amount
as may be elected by the | ||||||
21 | corporation, (ii) dividends paid on preferred shares,
or | ||||||
22 | (iii) distributions as liquidating dividends;
| ||||||
23 | (2) pursuant to an approved reorganization in | ||||||
24 | bankruptcy that specifically
directs the reduction to be | ||||||
25 | effected.
| ||||||
26 | (b) Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in | ||||||
27 | this Act, at no
time shall the paid-in capital be reduced to an | ||||||
28 | amount less than the aggregate
par value of all issued shares | ||||||
29 | having a par value.
| ||||||
30 | (c) Until the report under Section 14.30 has been filed in | ||||||
31 | the Office of the
Secretary of State showing a reduction in | ||||||
32 | paid-in capital, the basis of the
annual franchise tax payable | ||||||
33 | by the corporation shall not be reduced; provided,
however, | ||||||
34 | that in no event shall the annual franchise tax for any taxable | ||||||
35 | year
be reduced if the report is not filed prior to the first |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | day of the anniversary
month or, in the case of a corporation | ||||||
2 | that has established an extended filing
month, the extended | ||||||
3 | filing month of the corporation of that taxable year and
before | ||||||
4 | payment of its annual franchise tax.
| ||||||
5 | (d) A corporation that reduced its paid-in capital after | ||||||
6 | December 31,
1986 by one or more of the methods described in | ||||||
7 | subsection (a)
report the reduction pursuant to Section | ||||||
8 | 14.30, subject to the restrictions of
subsections (b) and (c) | ||||||
9 | of this Section.
A reduction in paid-in capital reported | ||||||
10 | pursuant to this subsection shall have
no effect for any | ||||||
11 | purpose under this Act with respect to a taxable year ending
| ||||||
12 | before the report is filed.
| ||||||
13 | (e) Nothing in this Section shall be construed to forbid | ||||||
14 | any reduction in
paid-in capital to be effected under Section | ||||||
15 | 9.05 of this Act.
| ||||||
16 | (f) In the case of a vertical merger, the paid-in capital | ||||||
17 | of a subsidiary
may be eliminated if either (1) it was created, | ||||||
18 | totally funded, and
or wholly owned
by the parent or (2) the | ||||||
19 | amount of the parent's investment in the subsidiary
was equal | ||||||
20 | to or exceeded the subsidiary's paid-in capital.
| ||||||
21 | (Source: P.A. 92-33, eff. 7-1-01.)
| ||||||
22 | (805 ILCS 5/12.45) (from Ch. 32, par. 12.45)
| ||||||
23 | Sec. 12.45. Reinstatement following administrative | ||||||
24 | dissolution.
| ||||||
25 | (a) A domestic corporation administratively dissolved | ||||||
26 | under Section 12.40
be reinstated by the Secretary of State | ||||||
27 | within five years following the
date of issuance of the | ||||||
28 | certificate of dissolution upon:
| ||||||
29 | (1) The filing of an application for reinstatement.
| ||||||
30 | (2) The filing with the Secretary of State by the | ||||||
31 | corporation of all
reports then due and theretofore | ||||||
32 | becoming due.
| ||||||
33 | (3) The payment to the Secretary of State by the | ||||||
34 | corporation of all fees,
franchise taxes, and penalties | ||||||
35 | then due and theretofore becoming due.
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | (b) The application for reinstatement shall be executed and | ||||||
2 | filed in
duplicate in accordance with Section 1.10 of this Act | ||||||
3 | and shall set forth:
| ||||||
4 | (1) The name of the corporation at the time of the | ||||||
5 | issuance of the
certificate of dissolution.
| ||||||
6 | (2) If such name is not available for use as determined | ||||||
7 | by the Secretary
of State at the time of filing the | ||||||
8 | application for reinstatement, the name
of the corporation | ||||||
9 | as changed, provided however, and any change of name
is | ||||||
10 | properly effected pursuant to Section 10.05 and Section | ||||||
11 | 10.30 of this Act.
| ||||||
12 | (3) The date of the issuance of the certificate of | ||||||
13 | dissolution.
| ||||||
14 | (4) The address, including street and number, or rural | ||||||
15 | route number
of the registered office of the corporation | ||||||
16 | upon reinstatement thereof, and
the name of its registered | ||||||
17 | agent at such address upon the reinstatement of
the | ||||||
18 | corporation, provided however, that any change from either | ||||||
19 | the
registered office or the registered agent at the time | ||||||
20 | of dissolution is
properly reported pursuant to Section | ||||||
21 | 5.10 of this Act.
| ||||||
22 | (c) When a dissolved corporation has complied with the | ||||||
23 | provisions of this
Sec the Secretary of State shall file the | ||||||
24 | application for reinstatement.
| ||||||
25 | (d) Upon the filing of the application for reinstatement, | ||||||
26 | the corporate
existence shall be deemed to have continued | ||||||
27 | without interruption from the
date of the issuance of the | ||||||
28 | certificate of dissolution, and the corporation
shall stand | ||||||
29 | revived with such powers, duties and obligations as if it had
| ||||||
30 | not been dissolved; and all acts and proceedings of its | ||||||
31 | officers, directors
and shareholders, acting or purporting to | ||||||
32 | act as such, which would have
been legal and valid but for such | ||||||
33 | dissolution, shall stand ratified and
| ||||||
34 | (Source: P.A. 92-33, eff. 7-1-01.)
| ||||||
35 | (805 ILCS 5/13.60) (from Ch. 32, par. 13.60)
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | Sec. 13.60. Reinstatement following revocation.
| ||||||
2 | (a) A foreign corporation
revoked under Section 13.55 may | ||||||
3 | be reinstated by the Secretary of State
within five years
| ||||||
4 | following the date of issuance of the certificate of
revocation | ||||||
5 | upon:
| ||||||
6 | (1) The filing of an application for reinstatement.
| ||||||
7 | (2) The filing with the Secretary of State by the | ||||||
8 | corporation of all
then due and theretofore | ||||||
9 | becoming due.
| ||||||
10 | (3) The payment to the Secretary of State by the | ||||||
11 | corporation of all fees,
franchise taxes, and penalties | ||||||
12 | then due and theretofore becoming due.
| ||||||
13 | (b) The application for reinstatement shall be executed and | ||||||
14 | filed in
in accordance with Section 1.10 of this Act | ||||||
15 | and shall set forth:
| ||||||
16 | (1) The name of the corporation at the time of the | ||||||
17 | issuance of the
certificate of revocation.
| ||||||
18 | (2) If such name is not available for use as determined | ||||||
19 | by the Secretary
of State at the time of filing the | ||||||
20 | application for reinstatement, the name
of the corporation | ||||||
21 | as changed; provided, however, that any change of name
is | ||||||
22 | properly effected pursuant to Section 13.30 and Section | ||||||
23 | 13.40 of this Act.
| ||||||
24 | (3) The date of the issuance of the certificate of | ||||||
25 | revocation.
| ||||||
26 | (4) The address, including street and number, or rural | ||||||
27 | route number,
of the registered
office of the corporation | ||||||
28 | upon reinstatement thereof, and the name of its
registered | ||||||
29 | agent at such address upon the reinstatement of the | ||||||
30 | corporation;
provided, however, that any change from | ||||||
31 | either the registered office or the
registered agent at the | ||||||
32 | time of revocation is properly reported pursuant
to Section | ||||||
33 | 5.10 of this act.
| ||||||
34 | (c) When a revoked corporation has complied with the | ||||||
35 | provisions of this
Section, the Secretary of State shall file | ||||||
36 | the application for reinstatement.
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | (d) Upon the filing of the application for reinstatement, | ||||||
2 | the authority
of the corporation to transact business in this | ||||||
3 | State shall be deemed to
have continued without interruption | ||||||
4 | from the date of the issuance of the
certificate of revocation, | ||||||
5 | and the corporation shall stand revived as if
its certificate | ||||||
6 | of authority had not been revoked; and all acts and proceedings
| ||||||
7 | of its officers, directors and shareholders, acting or | ||||||
8 | purporting to act
as such, which would have been legal and | ||||||
9 | valid but for such revocation,
shall stand ratified and | ||||||
10 | confirmed.
| ||||||
11 | (Source: P.A. 92-33, eff. 7-1-01.)
| ||||||
12 | Section 10. The General Not For Profit Corporation Act of | ||||||
13 | 1986 is amended by changing Sections 105.10, 112.45, 113.60, | ||||||
14 | 114.05, and 115.10 as follows:
| ||||||
15 | (805 ILCS 105/105.10) (from Ch. 32, par. 105.10)
| ||||||
16 | Sec. 105.10. Change of registered office or registered | ||||||
17 | agent.
| ||||||
18 | (a) A domestic corporation or a foreign corporation
may | ||||||
19 | from time to time change the address of its registered
office. | ||||||
20 | A domestic corporation or a foreign corporation
shall change | ||||||
21 | its registered agent if the office of
registered agent shall | ||||||
22 | become vacant for any reason, or if
its registered agent | ||||||
23 | becomes disqualified or incapacitated
to act, or if the | ||||||
24 | corporation revokes the appointment of its
registered agent.
| ||||||
25 | (b) A domestic corporation or a foreign corporation may
| ||||||
26 | change the address of its registered office or change its
| ||||||
27 | registered agent, or both,
by so indicating on the statement of | ||||||
28 | change on the annual report of that
corporation filed pursuant | ||||||
29 | to Section 114.10 of this Act or
by executing and
filing in | ||||||
30 | duplicate, in accordance with Section 101.10 of this Act, a
| ||||||
31 | statement setting forth:
| ||||||
32 | (1) the name of the corporation;
| ||||||
33 | (2) the address, including street and number, or rural | ||||||
34 | route number,
of its then registered office;
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | (3) if the address of its registered office be
changed, | ||||||
2 | the address, including street and number, or rural route | ||||||
3 | number,
to which the registered office is to be changed;
| ||||||
4 | (4) the name of its then registered agent;
| ||||||
5 | (5) if its registered agent be changed, the name of
its | ||||||
6 | successor registered agent;
| ||||||
7 | (6) that the address of its registered office and the
| ||||||
8 | address of the business office of its registered agent, as
| ||||||
9 | changed, will be identical;
| ||||||
10 | (7) that such change was authorized by resolution duly
| ||||||
11 | adopted by the board of directors.
| ||||||
12 | (c) (Blank).
A legible copy of the statement of change as | ||||||
13 | on the annual report
returned by the Secretary of State shall | ||||||
14 | be filed for record within the time
prescribed by this Act in | ||||||
15 | the office of the Recorder of the county in which the
| ||||||
16 | registered office of the corporation in this State was situated | ||||||
17 | before the
filing of the statement in the Office of the | ||||||
18 | Secretary of State.
| ||||||
19 | (d) If the registered office is changed from one county to | ||||||
20 | another
county, then the corporation shall also file for record | ||||||
21 | within the time
prescribed by this Act in the office of the | ||||||
22 | Recorder of the county to which
such registered office is | ||||||
23 | changed:
| ||||||
24 | (1) In the case of a domestic corporation:
| ||||||
25 | (i) A copy of its articles of incorporation | ||||||
26 | certified by the Secretary
| ||||||
27 | (ii) A copy of the statement of change of address | ||||||
28 | of its registered
office, certified by the Secretary of | ||||||
29 | State.
| ||||||
30 | (2) In the case of a foreign corporation:
| ||||||
31 | (i) A copy of its application for authority to
| ||||||
32 | transact business in this
State, certified
by the | ||||||
33 | Secretary of State.
| ||||||
34 | (ii) A copy of all amendments to such certificate | ||||||
35 | of authority, if any,
likewise certified by the | ||||||
36 | Secretary of State.
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | (iii) A copy of the statement of change of address | ||||||
2 | of its registered
office certified by the Secretary of | ||||||
3 | State.
| ||||||
4 | (e) The change of address of the registered office, or
| ||||||
5 | change of registered agent, or both, as the case may be,
shall | ||||||
6 | become effective upon the filing of such statement by
the | ||||||
7 | Secretary of State.
| ||||||
8 | (Source: P.A. 91-357, eff. 7-29-99; 92-33, eff. 7-1-01.)
| ||||||
9 | (805 ILCS 105/112.45) (from Ch. 32, par. 112.45)
| ||||||
10 | Sec. 112.45. Reinstatement following administrative
| ||||||
11 | dissolution.
| ||||||
12 | (a) A domestic corporation administratively
dissolved | ||||||
13 | under Section 112.40 of this Act may be reinstated
by the | ||||||
14 | Secretary of State within five years following the
date of | ||||||
15 | issuance of the certificate of dissolution upon:
| ||||||
16 | (1) The filing of an application for reinstatement;
| ||||||
17 | (2) The filing with the Secretary of State by the
| ||||||
18 | corporation of all reports then due and theretofore | ||||||
19 | becoming
| ||||||
20 | (3) The payment to the Secretary of State by the
| ||||||
21 | corporation of all fees and penalties then due and
| ||||||
22 | theretofore becoming due.
| ||||||
23 | (b) The application for reinstatement shall be executed and
| ||||||
24 | filed in duplicate in accordance with Section 101.10 of this
| ||||||
25 | Act and shall set forth:
| ||||||
26 | (1) The name of the corporation at the time of the
| ||||||
27 | issuance of the certificate of dissolution;
| ||||||
28 | (2) If such name is not available for use as
determined | ||||||
29 | by the Secretary of State at the time of filing
the | ||||||
30 | application for reinstatement, the name of the
corporation | ||||||
31 | as changed; provided, however, that any change
of name is | ||||||
32 | properly effected pursuant to Section 110.05 and
Section | ||||||
33 | 110.30 of this Act;
| ||||||
34 | (3) The date of the issuance of the certificate of
| ||||||
35 | dissolution;
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | (4) The address, including street and number, or rural | ||||||
2 | route number, of
the registered office of the corporation | ||||||
3 | upon reinstatement thereof, and
the name of its registered | ||||||
4 | agent at such address upon the reinstatement of
the | ||||||
5 | corporation, provided however, that any change from either | ||||||
6 | the
registered office or the registered agent at the time | ||||||
7 | of dissolution is
properly reported pursuant to Section | ||||||
8 | 105.10 of this Act.
| ||||||
9 | (c) When a dissolved corporation has complied with the
| ||||||
10 | provisions of this Section, the Secretary of State shall
file | ||||||
11 | the application for reinstatement.
| ||||||
12 | (d) Upon the filing of the application for reinstatement,
| ||||||
13 | the corporate existence shall be deemed to have continued
| ||||||
14 | without interruption from the date of the issuance of the
| ||||||
15 | certificate of dissolution, and the corporation shall stand
| ||||||
16 | revived with such powers, duties and obligations as if it
had | ||||||
17 | not been dissolved; and all acts and proceedings of its
| ||||||
18 | officers, directors and members, acting or purporting to act
as | ||||||
19 | such, which would have been legal and valid but for such
| ||||||
20 | dissolution, shall stand ratified and confirmed.
| ||||||
21 | (Source: P.A. 92-33, eff. 7-1-01.)
| ||||||
22 | (805 ILCS 105/113.60) (from Ch. 32, par. 113.60)
| ||||||
23 | Sec. 113.60. Reinstatement following revocation.
| ||||||
24 | (a) A
foreign corporation revoked under Section 113.55 of | ||||||
25 | this Act
may be reinstated by the Secretary of State within | ||||||
26 | five
years following the date of issuance of the certificate of
| ||||||
27 | revocation upon:
| ||||||
28 | (1) The filing of an application for reinstatement;
| ||||||
29 | (2) The filing with the Secretary of State by the
| ||||||
30 | corporation of all reports then due and theretofore | ||||||
31 | becoming
due; and
| ||||||
32 | (3) The payment to the Secretary of State by the
| ||||||
33 | corporation of all fees and penalties then due and
| ||||||
34 | theretofore becoming due.
| ||||||
35 | (b) The application for reinstatement shall be executed and
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | filed in duplicate in accordance with Section 101.10 of this
| ||||||
2 | Act and shall set forth:
| ||||||
3 | (1) The name of the corporation at the time of the
| ||||||
4 | issuance of the certificate of revocation;
| ||||||
5 | (2) If such name is not available for use as
determined | ||||||
6 | by the Secretary of State at the time of filing
the | ||||||
7 | application for reinstatement, the name of the
corporation | ||||||
8 | as changed, or the assumed corporate name which
the | ||||||
9 | corporation elects to adopt for use in this State in
| ||||||
10 | accordance with Section 104.05; provided, however, that | ||||||
11 | any
change of name is properly effected pursuant to | ||||||
12 | Sections
113.30 and Section 113.40 of this Act, and any | ||||||
13 | adoption of
assumed corporate name is properly effected | ||||||
14 | pursuant to
Section 104.15 of this Act;
| ||||||
15 | (3) The date of the issuance of the certificate of
| ||||||
16 | revocation; and
| ||||||
17 | (4) The address, including street and number, or rural | ||||||
18 | route number,
of the registered office of the corporation | ||||||
19 | upon
reinstatement thereof, and the name of its registered | ||||||
20 | agent
at such address upon the reinstatement of the | ||||||
21 | corporation;
provided, however, that any change from | ||||||
22 | either the
registered office or the registered agent at the | ||||||
23 | time of
revocation is properly reported pursuant to Section | ||||||
24 | 105.10
of this Act.
| ||||||
25 | (c) When a revoked corporation has complied with the
| ||||||
26 | provisions of this Section, the Secretary of State shall
file | ||||||
27 | the application for reinstatement.
| ||||||
28 | (d) Upon the filing of the application for reinstatement,
| ||||||
29 | the authority of the corporation to conduct affairs in this
| ||||||
30 | State shall be deemed to have continued without interruption
| ||||||
31 | from the date of the issuance of the certificate of
revocation, | ||||||
32 | and the corporation shall stand revived as if
its authority had | ||||||
33 | not been revoked; and all
acts and proceedings of its officers, | ||||||
34 | directors and members,
acting or purporting to act as such, | ||||||
35 | which would have been
legal and valid but for such revocation, | ||||||
36 | shall stand
ratified and confirmed.
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | (Source: P.A. 92-33, eff. 7-1-01.)
| ||||||
2 | (805 ILCS 105/114.05) (from Ch. 32, par. 114.05)
| ||||||
3 | Sec. 114.05. Annual report of domestic or foreign
| ||||||
4 | corporation. Each domestic corporation organized under this
| ||||||
5 | Act, and each foreign corporation authorized to conduct
affairs | ||||||
6 | in this State, shall file, within the time
prescribed by this | ||||||
7 | Act, an annual report setting forth:
| ||||||
8 | (a) The name of the corporation.
| ||||||
9 | (b) The address, including street and number, or rural | ||||||
10 | route number, of
its registered office in this State, and the | ||||||
11 | name of its
registered agent at such address and a statement of | ||||||
12 | change of its registered
office or registered agent, or both, | ||||||
13 | if any .
| ||||||
14 | (c) The address, including street and number, if any, of
| ||||||
15 | its principal office.
| ||||||
16 | (d) The names and respective addresses,
including street | ||||||
17 | and number, or rural route number, of its directors and
| ||||||
18 | officers.
| ||||||
19 | (e) A brief statement of the character of the affairs which | ||||||
20 | the
corporation is actually conducting from among the purposes | ||||||
21 | authorized in
Section 103.05 of this Act.
| ||||||
22 | (f) Whether the corporation is a Condominium Association as
| ||||||
23 | established
under the Condominium Property Act, a Cooperative | ||||||
24 | Housing Corporation
defined in Section 216 of the Internal | ||||||
25 | Revenue Code of 1954 or a Homeowner
Association which | ||||||
26 | administers a common-interest community as defined in
| ||||||
27 | subsection (c) of Section 9-102 of the Code of Civil Procedure.
| ||||||
28 | (g) Such additional information as may be necessary or
| ||||||
29 | appropriate in order to enable the Secretary of State to
| ||||||
30 | administer this Act and to verify the proper amount of fees
| ||||||
31 | payable by the corporation.
| ||||||
32 | Such annual report shall be made on forms prescribed and
| ||||||
33 | furnished by the Secretary of State, and the information
| ||||||
34 | therein required by subsections (a) to (d), both inclusive,
of | ||||||
35 | this Section, shall be given as of the date of the
execution of |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | the annual report. It shall be executed by the
corporation by | ||||||
2 | any authorized officer and verified by him or
her, or, if the | ||||||
3 | corporation is in the hands of a receiver or
trustee, it shall | ||||||
4 | be executed on behalf of the corporation
and verified by such | ||||||
5 | receiver or trustee.
| ||||||
6 | (Source: P.A. 92-33, eff. 7-1-01; 93-59, eff. 7-1-03.)
| ||||||
7 | (805 ILCS 105/115.10) (from Ch. 32, par. 115.10)
| ||||||
8 | Sec. 115.10. Fees for filing documents. The Secretary of | ||||||
9 | State shall charge and collect for:
| ||||||
10 | (a) Filing articles of incorporation, $50.
| ||||||
11 | (b) Filing articles of amendment, $25, unless the amendment | ||||||
12 | is a
restatement of the articles of incorporation, in which | ||||||
13 | case the fee shall
be $100.
| ||||||
14 | (c) Filing articles of merger or consolidation, $25.
| ||||||
15 | (d) Filing articles of dissolution, $5.
| ||||||
16 | (e) Filing application to reserve a corporate name, $25.
| ||||||
17 | (f) Filing a notice of transfer or cancellation of a | ||||||
18 | reserved corporate
name, $25.
| ||||||
19 | (g) Filing statement of change of address of registered | ||||||
20 | office or change
of registered agent, or both, if other than on | ||||||
21 | an annual report, $5.
| ||||||
22 | (h) Filing an application of a foreign corporation for | ||||||
23 | authority to
conduct affairs in this State, $50.
| ||||||
24 | (i) Filing an application of a foreign corporation for
| ||||||
25 | amended authority to conduct affairs in this
State, $25.
| ||||||
26 | (j) Filing a copy of amendment to the articles of | ||||||
27 | incorporation of a
foreign corporation holding authority to | ||||||
28 | conduct affairs in this State, $25,
unless the amendment is a | ||||||
29 | restatement of the articles of incorporation, in
which case the | ||||||
30 | fee shall be $100.
| ||||||
31 | (k) Filing a copy of articles of merger of a foreign | ||||||
32 | corporation holding
authority to conduct affairs in this State, | ||||||
33 | $25.
| ||||||
34 | (l) Filing an application for withdrawal and final report | ||||||
35 | or a copy of
articles of dissolution of a foreign corporation, |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | $5.
| ||||||
2 | (m) Filing an annual report of a domestic or foreign | ||||||
3 | corporation, $5.
| ||||||
4 | (n) Filing an application for reinstatement of a domestic
| ||||||
5 | or a foreign corporation, $25.
| ||||||
6 | (o) Filing an application for use of an assumed corporate
| ||||||
7 | name,
$150 for each year or part thereof ending in 0 or 5, $120 | ||||||
8 | for each year or part
thereof ending in 1 or 6, $90 for each | ||||||
9 | year or part thereof ending in 2 or 7,
$60 for each year or part | ||||||
10 | thereof ending in 3 or 8, $30 for each year or part
thereof | ||||||
11 | ending in 4 or 9, and a renewal fee for each assumed corporate | ||||||
12 | name,
| ||||||
13 | (p) Filing an application for change or cancellation of an | ||||||
14 | assumed
corporate name, $5.
| ||||||
15 | (q) Filing an application to register the corporate name of
| ||||||
16 | a foreign corporation, $50; and an annual renewal fee for
the | ||||||
17 | registered name, $50.
| ||||||
18 | (r) Filing an application for cancellation of a registered
| ||||||
19 | name of a foreign corporation, $5.
| ||||||
20 | (s) Filing a statement of correction, $25.
| ||||||
21 | (t) Filing an election to accept this Act, $25.
| ||||||
22 | (u) Filing any other statement or report, $5.
| ||||||
23 | (Source: P.A. 92-33, eff. 7-1-01; 92-651, eff. 7-11-02; 93-59, | ||||||
24 | eff.
| ||||||
25 | Section 15. The Limited Liability Company Act is amended by | ||||||
26 | changing Sections 1-35, 35-40, 45-65, 50-10, and 50-15 and by | ||||||
27 | adding Sections 1-36 and 1-37 as follows:
| ||||||
28 | (805 ILCS 180/1-35)
| ||||||
29 | Sec. 1-35. Registered office and registered agent.
| ||||||
30 | (a) Each limited liability company and foreign limited
| ||||||
31 | liability company shall continuously maintain in this State a
| ||||||
32 | registered agent and registered office, which agent must be
an | ||||||
33 | individual resident of this State, a domestic corporation,
or a | ||||||
34 | foreign corporation having a place of business in, and
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | authorized to do business in, this State. If the agent is a
| ||||||
2 | corporation, the corporation must be authorized by its
articles | ||||||
3 | of incorporation to act as an agent.
| ||||||
4 | (b) A limited liability company or foreign limited
| ||||||
5 | liability company may change its registered agent or the
| ||||||
6 | address of its registered office pursuant to Section 1-36 and | ||||||
7 | the registered agent of a limited liability company or a | ||||||
8 | foreign limited liability company may change the address of its | ||||||
9 | registered office pursuant to Section 1-37
5-15 .
| ||||||
10 | (c) The registered agent may at any time resign by
filing | ||||||
11 | in the Office of the Secretary of State written notice
thereof | ||||||
12 | and by mailing a copy thereof to the limited
liability company | ||||||
13 | or foreign limited liability company at its
principal office as | ||||||
14 | it is known to the resigning registered
agent. The notice must | ||||||
15 | be mailed at least 10 days before the
date of filing thereof | ||||||
16 | with the Secretary of State. The
notice shall be executed by | ||||||
17 | the registered agent, if an individual, or by a
principal | ||||||
18 | officer, if the registered agent is a corporation. The notice
| ||||||
19 | shall set forth all of the
| ||||||
20 | (1) The name of the limited
liability company for which | ||||||
21 | the registered agent is acting.
| ||||||
22 | (2) The name of the registered agent.
| ||||||
23 | (3) The address,
including street, number, city and | ||||||
24 | county of the limited
liability company's then registered | ||||||
25 | office in this State.
| ||||||
26 | (4) That the registered agent resigns.
| ||||||
27 | (5) The effective date of the resignation,
which shall | ||||||
28 | not be sooner than 30 days after the date
of filing.
| ||||||
29 | (6) The address of the principal office of the
limited | ||||||
30 | liability company as it is known to the registered
| ||||||
31 | (7) A statement that a copy of the notice has been
sent | ||||||
32 | by registered or certified mail to the principal office
of | ||||||
33 | the limited liability company within the time and in the | ||||||
34 | manner
prescribed by this Section.
| ||||||
35 | (d) A new registered agent must be placed on record within | ||||||
36 | 60 days after a
registered agent's notice of resignation under |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | this Section.
| ||||||
2 | (Source: P.A. 90-424, eff. 1-1-98; 91-354, eff. 1-1-00.)
| ||||||
3 | (805 ILCS 180/1-36 new) | ||||||
4 | Sec. 1-36. Change of registered office or registered agent. | ||||||
5 | (a) A domestic limited liability company or a foreign | ||||||
6 | limited liability company may from time to time change the | ||||||
7 | address of its registered office. A domestic limited liability | ||||||
8 | company or a foreign limited liability company shall change its | ||||||
9 | registered agent if the office of registered agent shall become | ||||||
10 | vacant for any reason, or if its registered agent becomes | ||||||
11 | disqualified or incapacitated to act.
| ||||||
12 | (b) A domestic limited liability company or a foreign | ||||||
13 | limited liability company may change the address of its | ||||||
14 | registered office or change its registered agent, or both, by | ||||||
15 | executing and filing, in duplicate, in accordance with Section | ||||||
16 | 5-45 of this Act a statement setting forth:
| ||||||
17 | (1) The name of the limited liability company.
| ||||||
18 | (2) The address, including street and number, or rural | ||||||
19 | route number, of its then registered office.
| ||||||
20 | (3) If the address of its registered office be changed, | ||||||
21 | the address, including street and number, or rural route | ||||||
22 | number, to which the registered office is to be changed.
| ||||||
23 | (4) The name of its then registered agent.
| ||||||
24 | (5) If its registered agent be changed, the name of its | ||||||
25 | successor registered agent.
| ||||||
26 | (6) That the address of its registered office and the | ||||||
27 | address of the business office of its registered agent, as | ||||||
28 | changed, will be identical.
| ||||||
29 | (7) That such change was authorized by resolution duly | ||||||
30 | adopted by the members or managers.
| ||||||
31 | (c) The change of address of the registered office, or the | ||||||
32 | change of registered agent, or both, as the case may be, shall | ||||||
33 | become effective upon the filing of such statement by the | ||||||
34 | Secretary of State.
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | (805 ILCS 180/1-37 new) | ||||||
2 | Sec. 1-37. Change of address of registered agent. | ||||||
3 | (a) A registered agent may change the address of the | ||||||
4 | registered office of the domestic limited liability company or | ||||||
5 | of the foreign limited liability company, for which he or she | ||||||
6 | or it is a registered agent, to another address in this State, | ||||||
7 | by filing, in duplicate, in accordance with Section 5-45 of | ||||||
8 | this Act a statement setting forth:
| ||||||
9 | (1) The name of the limited liability company.
| ||||||
10 | (2) The address, including street and number, or rural | ||||||
11 | route number, of its then registered office.
| ||||||
12 | (3) The address, including street and number, or rural | ||||||
13 | route number, to which the registered office is to be | ||||||
14 | changed.
| ||||||
15 | (4) The name of its registered agent.
| ||||||
16 | (5) That the address of its registered office and the | ||||||
17 | address of the business office of its registered agent, as | ||||||
18 | changed, will be identical.
| ||||||
19 | Such statement shall be executed by the registered agent.
| ||||||
20 | (b) The change of address of the registered office shall | ||||||
21 | become effective upon the filing of such statement by the | ||||||
22 | Secretary of State.
| ||||||
23 | (805 ILCS 180/35-40)
| ||||||
24 | Sec. 35-40. Reinstatement following administrative
| ||||||
25 | dissolution.
| ||||||
26 | (a) A limited liability company administratively
dissolved | ||||||
27 | under Section 35-25 may be reinstated by the
Secretary of State | ||||||
28 | within 5 years following the date of
issuance of the notice of | ||||||
29 | dissolution upon the occurrence of
all of the following :
| ||||||
30 | (1) The filing of an application for
| ||||||
31 | (2) The filing with the Secretary of State by the
| ||||||
32 | limited liability company of all reports then due and
| ||||||
33 | theretofore becoming due.
| ||||||
34 | (3) The payment to the Secretary of State by the
| ||||||
35 | limited liability company of all fees and penalties then
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | due and theretofore becoming due.
| ||||||
2 | (b) The application for reinstatement shall be executed
and | ||||||
3 | filed in duplicate in accordance with Section 5-45 of
this Act | ||||||
4 | and shall set forth all of the following:
| ||||||
5 | (1) The name of the limited liability company at
the | ||||||
6 | time of the issuance of the notice of dissolution.
| ||||||
7 | (2) If the name is not available for use as
determined | ||||||
8 | by the Secretary of State at the time of
filing the | ||||||
9 | application for reinstatement, the name of
the limited | ||||||
10 | liability company as changed, provided
that any change of | ||||||
11 | name is properly effected under
Section 1-10 and Section | ||||||
12 | 5.25
1-15 of this Act.
| ||||||
13 | (3) The date of issuance of the notice of
| ||||||
14 | (4) The address, including street and number
rural | ||||||
15 | route number of the registered office of the
limited | ||||||
16 | liability company upon reinstatement thereof
and the name | ||||||
17 | of its registered agent at that address
upon the | ||||||
18 | reinstatement of the limited liability
provided | ||||||
19 | that any change from either the
registered office or the | ||||||
20 | registered agent at the
time of
dissolution is properly | ||||||
21 | reported under Section
1-35 of this Act.
| ||||||
22 | (c) When a dissolved limited liability company has
complied | ||||||
23 | with the provisions of the Section, the Secretary of
State | ||||||
24 | shall file the application for
| ||||||
25 | (d) Upon the filing of the application for
reinstatement, | ||||||
26 | the limited liability company existence shall
be deemed to have | ||||||
27 | continued without interruption from the
date of the issuance of | ||||||
28 | the notice of dissolution, and the
limited liability company | ||||||
29 | shall stand revived with the
powers, duties, and obligations as | ||||||
30 | if it had not been
dissolved; and all acts and proceedings of | ||||||
31 | its members or
managers, acting or purporting to act in that | ||||||
32 | capacity, that
would have been legal and valid but for the | ||||||
33 | dissolution,
shall stand ratified and confirmed.
| ||||||
34 | (Source: P.A. 92-33, eff. 7-1-01.)
| ||||||
35 | (805 ILCS 180/45-65)
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | Sec. 45-65. Reinstatement following revocation.
| ||||||
2 | (a) A limited liability company whose admission has been | ||||||
3 | revoked under
45-35 may be reinstated by the Secretary | ||||||
4 | of State within 5
years following the date of issuance of the | ||||||
5 | certificate of revocation upon the
occurrence of all of the | ||||||
6 | following :
| ||||||
7 | (1) The filing of the application for reinstatement.
| ||||||
8 | (2) The filing with the Secretary of State by the | ||||||
9 | limited liability
company of
all reports then due and | ||||||
10 | becoming due.
| ||||||
11 | (3) The payment to the Secretary of State by the | ||||||
12 | limited liability company
all fees and penalties then | ||||||
13 | due and becoming due.
| ||||||
14 | (b) The application for reinstatement shall be executed and | ||||||
15 | filed in
in accordance with Section 5-45 and shall | ||||||
16 | set forth all of
the following:
| ||||||
17 | (1) The name of the limited liability company at the | ||||||
18 | time of the issuance
of the notice of revocation.
| ||||||
19 | (2) If the name is not available for use as determined | ||||||
20 | by the Secretary of
State at the time of filing the | ||||||
21 | application for reinstatement, the name of
the limited | ||||||
22 | liability company as changed, provided that any change is | ||||||
23 | properly
effected under Sections 1-10 and 45-25.
| ||||||
24 | (3) The date of the issuance of the notice of | ||||||
25 | revocation.
| ||||||
26 | (4) The address, including street and number or rural | ||||||
27 | route number of the
registered office of the limited | ||||||
28 | liability company upon reinstatement
and the name of its | ||||||
29 | registered agent at that address upon the
reinstatement of | ||||||
30 | the limited liability company, provided that any change | ||||||
31 | from
either the registered office or the registered agent | ||||||
32 | at the time of revocation
is properly reported under | ||||||
33 | Section 1-35.
| ||||||
34 | (c) When a limited liability company whose admission has | ||||||
35 | been revoked has
complied with the provisions of this Section, | ||||||
36 | the Secretary of
State shall file the application for
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | reinstatement.
| ||||||
2 | (d) Upon the filing of the application for reinstatement: | ||||||
3 | (i) the admission
the limited liability company to transact | ||||||
4 | business in this State shall be
deemed to have continued | ||||||
5 | without interruption from the date of the issuance of
the | ||||||
6 | notice of revocation, (ii) the limited liability company shall
| ||||||
7 | stand revived with the powers, duties, and obligations as if | ||||||
8 | its admission had
not been revoked, and (iii) all acts and | ||||||
9 | proceedings of its members or
managers, acting or purporting to | ||||||
10 | act in that capacity, that would have been
legal and valid but | ||||||
11 | for the revocation, shall stand ratified and
| ||||||
12 | (Source: P.A. 92-33, eff. 7-1-01.)
| ||||||
13 | (805 ILCS 180/50-10)
| ||||||
14 | Sec. 50-10. Fees.
| ||||||
15 | (a) The Secretary of State shall charge and collect in
| ||||||
16 | accordance with the provisions of this Act and rules
| ||||||
17 | promulgated under its authority all of the following:
| ||||||
18 | (1) Fees for filing documents.
| ||||||
19 | (2) Miscellaneous charges.
| ||||||
20 | (3) Fees for the sale of lists of filings and for | ||||||
21 | copies
of any documents.
| ||||||
22 | (b) The Secretary of State shall charge and collect for
all | ||||||
23 | of the following:
| ||||||
24 | (1) Filing articles of organization of limited
| ||||||
25 | liability companies (domestic), application for
admission | ||||||
26 | (foreign), and restated articles of
organization | ||||||
27 | (domestic), $500.
| ||||||
28 | (2) Filing amendments (domestic or foreign), :
| ||||||
29 | (A) For other than change of registered agent name | ||||||
30 | or registered
or both, $150.
| ||||||
31 | (B) For the purpose of changing the registered | ||||||
32 | agent name or registered
office, or both, $35.
| ||||||
33 | (3) Filing articles of dissolution or
for | ||||||
34 | withdrawal, $100.
| ||||||
35 | (4) Filing an application to reserve a name, $300.
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | (5) Renewal fee for reserved name, $100.
| ||||||
2 | (6) Filing a notice of a transfer of a reserved
name, | ||||||
3 | $100.
| ||||||
4 | (7) Registration of a name, $300.
| ||||||
5 | (8) Renewal of registration of a name, $100.
| ||||||
6 | (9) Filing an application for use of an assumed
name | ||||||
7 | under Section 1-20 of this Act, $150 for each
year or part | ||||||
8 | thereof ending in 0 or 5, $120 for each year or
part | ||||||
9 | thereof ending in 1 or 6, $90 for each year or part thereof | ||||||
10 | ending in 2 or
7, $60 for each year or part thereof ending | ||||||
11 | in 3 or 8, $30 for each year or
part thereof ending in 4 or | ||||||
12 | 9, and a renewal for each assumed name, $150.
| ||||||
13 | (10) Filing an application for change of an assumed
| ||||||
14 | name, $100.
| ||||||
15 | (11) Filing an annual report of a limited liability
| ||||||
16 | company or foreign limited liability company, $250, if
| ||||||
17 | filed as required by this Act, plus a penalty if
| ||||||
18 | delinquent.
| ||||||
19 | (12) Filing an application for reinstatement of a
| ||||||
20 | limited liability company or foreign limited liability
| ||||||
21 | company
| ||||||
22 | (13) Filing Articles of Merger, $100 plus $50 for each | ||||||
23 | party to the
merger in excess of the first 2 parties.
| ||||||
24 | (14) Filing an Agreement of Conversion or Statement of | ||||||
25 | Conversion, $100.
| ||||||
26 | (15) Filing a statement of change of address of | ||||||
27 | registered office or change of registered agent, or both, | ||||||
28 | or filing a statement of correction, $25.
| ||||||
29 | (16) Filing a petition for refund, $15.
| ||||||
30 | (17) Filing any other document, $100.
| ||||||
31 | (c) The Secretary of State shall charge and collect all
of | ||||||
32 | the following:
| ||||||
33 | (1) For furnishing a copy or certified copy of any
| ||||||
34 | document, instrument, or paper relating to a limited
| ||||||
35 | liability company or foreign limited liability company,
or | ||||||
36 | for a certificate, $25
$1 per page, but not less than $25, |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | and $25 for the
certificate and for affixing the seal | ||||||
2 | thereto .
| ||||||
3 | (2) For the transfer of information by computer
process | ||||||
4 | media to any purchaser, fees established by
| ||||||
5 | (Source: P.A. 92-33, eff. 7-1-01; 93-32, eff. 12-1-03; 93-59, | ||||||
6 | eff. 7-1-03;
revised 9-5-03 .)
| ||||||
7 | (805 ILCS 180/50-15)
| ||||||
8 | Sec. 50-15. Penalty.
| ||||||
9 | (a) The Secretary of State shall declare any limited
| ||||||
10 | liability company or foreign limited liability company to be
| ||||||
11 | delinquent and not in good standing if any of the following
| ||||||
12 | occur:
| ||||||
13 | (1) It has failed to file its annual report and
pay the | ||||||
14 | requisite fee as required by this Act before the
first day | ||||||
15 | of the anniversary month in the year in which
it is due.
| ||||||
16 | (2) It has failed to appoint and maintain a
registered | ||||||
17 | agent in Illinois within 60 days of
notification of the | ||||||
18 | Secretary of State by the resigning
registered agent.
| ||||||
19 | (3) (Blank).
| ||||||
20 | (b) If the limited liability company or foreign limited
| ||||||
21 | liability company has not corrected the default within the
time | ||||||
22 | periods prescribed by this Act, the Secretary of State
shall be | ||||||
23 | empowered to invoke any of the following penalties:
| ||||||
24 | (1) For failure or refusal to comply with
subsection | ||||||
25 | (a) of this Section within 60 days after the
due date, a | ||||||
26 | penalty of $300 plus $100 for each year or fraction thereof | ||||||
27 | beginning with the second year of delinquency until | ||||||
28 | returned to good standing or until reinstatement is | ||||||
29 | effected .
| ||||||
30 | (2) The Secretary of State shall not file any
| ||||||
31 | additional documents, amendments, reports, or other
papers | ||||||
32 | relating to any limited liability company or
foreign | ||||||
33 | limited liability company organized under or
subject to the | ||||||
34 | provisions of this Act until any
delinquency under | ||||||
35 | subsection (a) is satisfied.
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | (3) In response to inquiries received in the
Office of | ||||||
2 | the Secretary of State from any party
regarding a limited | ||||||
3 | liability company that is
delinquent, the Secretary of | ||||||
4 | State may show the limited
liability company as not in good | ||||||
5 | standing.
| ||||||
6 | (Source: P.A. 93-32, eff. 12-1-03.)