Rep. Ronald A. Wait

Filed: 4/12/2005





09400HB2923ham001 LRB094 05221 LCB 45110 a


2     AMENDMENT NO. ______. Amend House Bill 2923 by replacing
3 everything after the enacting clause with the following:
4     "Section 5. Upon the payment of the sum of $1, the
5 Secretary of Transportation is authorized to convey the
6 easement for highway purposes acquired by the Department to the
7 DaimlerChrysler Corporation for the purpose of constructing an
8 entrance to its parking lot over and through the following
9 described land:
10     Notice is hereby given that the description of the location
11     of the Freeway along County Highway 5 (Stone Quarry Road)
12     as contained in the First Amendment to an Order
13     Establishing a Freeway, recorded February 21, 1969 in Boone
14     County, Illinois, is hereby amended to allow a break in the
15     Access Control along Stone Quarry Road on the West
16     Right-of-Way Line opposite of the On and Off Ramps to
17     Federal Aid Route 194. The break in Access will be from
18     Chaining Station 105 + 40 to 106 + 80 (540.0 feet to 680.0
19     feet) south of the Northeast Corner of Section 3, Township
20     43 North, Range 3 East of the Third Principal Meridian,
21     Boone County, Illinois. More particularly described as
22     follows:
23     Beginning at the northwest corner of the east half of said



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1     northeast quarter, said northwest corner being a point in
2     the centerline of S.B.I. Route 5, (F.A. Route 194), thence
3     southerly along the west line of the east half of said
4     northeast quarter for a distance of 67.0 feet to a point;
5     thence southeasterly for a distance of 469.43 feet to a
6     point that is normally 87.0 feet southerly of the north
7     line of said Section 3 and said centerline; thence
8     southeasterly for a distance of 786.49 feet to a point that
9     is normally 113.0 feet southerly of the north line of said
10     section 3 and said centerline, the last mentioned point
11     also being a distance of 77.54 feet westerly of the east
12     line of said section 3 as measured on a normal line to said
13     east line; thence southerly parallel with said east line
14     for a distance of 427 feet to a Break in the Access
15     Control; thence continuing along said line 140.0 feet to
16     the Start of the Access Control; thence continuing
17     southerly parallel with the said east line of section 3 to
18     a point that is 530.0 feet northerly of the northerly
19     Right-of-Way line of the Illinois State Toll Highway (1-90)
20     as measured along a prolongation of the last describe
21     course; thence easterly parallel with said northerly
22     Right-of-Way line to the east line of said section 3;
23     thence north along the east line of said section 3 to the
24     northeast corner of said section; thence west along the
25     north line of said section to the place of beginning.
26     Section 10. The conveyance of the easement authorized by
27 Section 5 shall be made subject to the express condition that
28 any part of the easement that ceases to be used for entrance to
29 the DaimlerChrysler parking lot shall revert back to the State
30 of Illinois, Department of Transportation, without further
31 action of the part of the Department.".