| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | AN ACT in relation to the legislature.
| ||||||
2 | Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois, | ||||||
3 | represented in the General Assembly:
| ||||||
4 | Section 5. The Illinois Administrative Procedure Act is | ||||||
5 | amended by changing and reenacting Sections 5-115, 5-120, and | ||||||
6 | 5-125 and validating all actions taken thereunder as follows:
| ||||||
7 | (5 ILCS 100/5-115) (from Ch. 127, par. 1005-115)
| ||||||
8 | Sec. 5-115. Other action by the Joint Committee.
| ||||||
9 | (a) If the Joint Committee determines that the adoption and | ||||||
10 | effectiveness
of a proposed rule, amendment, or repealer or | ||||||
11 | portion of a proposed rule,
amendment, or repealer by an agency | ||||||
12 | would be objectionable under any of the
standards for the Joint | ||||||
13 | Committee's review specified in Section 5-100,
5-105, 5-110, | ||||||
14 | 5-120, or 5-130 and would constitute a serious threat
to the | ||||||
15 | public interest, safety, or welfare, the Joint Committee may
| ||||||
16 | issue a statement to that effect at any time before the | ||||||
17 | proposed rule,
amendment, or repealer takes effect. The | ||||||
18 | statement may be issued by the
Joint Committee only upon the | ||||||
19 | affirmative vote of three-fifths of the
members appointed to | ||||||
20 | the Joint Committee. The Joint Committee, however, may withdraw | ||||||
21 | a statement within 180 days after it is issued upon the | ||||||
22 | affirmative vote of a majority of the members appointed to the | ||||||
23 | Joint Committee. A certified copy of each
statement and | ||||||
24 | withdrawal shall be transmitted to the proposing agency and to | ||||||
25 | the Secretary
of State for publication in the next available | ||||||
26 | issue of the Illinois Register.
| ||||||
27 | (b) The proposed rule, amendment, or repealer or the | ||||||
28 | portion of the proposed
rule, amendment, or repealer to which | ||||||
29 | the Joint Committee has issued a
statement under subsection (a) | ||||||
30 | shall not be accepted for filing by the
Secretary of State and | ||||||
31 | shall not
nor take effect unless the statement is withdrawn or | ||||||
32 | a joint resolution is passed as provided in subsection (c). The |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | agency may not enforce or
invoke for any reason a proposed | ||||||
2 | rule, amendment, or repealer or any
portion thereof that is | ||||||
3 | prohibited from being filed by this subsection.
| ||||||
4 | (c) After the issuance
of a statement under subsection (a), | ||||||
5 | any member of the General Assembly may introduce in
the General
| ||||||
6 | Assembly a joint resolution stating that the General Assembly | ||||||
7 | desires to discontinue the prohibition against the proposed | ||||||
8 | rule, amendment, or repealer
or the portion thereof to which | ||||||
9 | the statement was issued being filed and
taking effect. If the | ||||||
10 | joint
resolution is not passed by both houses of the General | ||||||
11 | Assembly within 180
days after receipt of the statement by the | ||||||
12 | Secretary of State or the statement is not withdrawn as | ||||||
13 | provided in subsection (a), the agency shall be prohibited from
| ||||||
14 | filing the proposed rule, amendment, or repealer or the portion | ||||||
15 | thereof and
the proposed rule, amendment, or repealer or the | ||||||
16 | portion thereof
shall not take effect. The Secretary of State | ||||||
17 | shall not accept for filing
the proposed rule, amendment, or | ||||||
18 | repealer or the portion thereof with respect to which the Joint | ||||||
19 | Committee has issued a statement under subsection (a) unless | ||||||
20 | that statement is withdrawn or a joint resolution is passed as | ||||||
21 | provided in this subsection. If the 180-day period expires | ||||||
22 | before
passage of the joint resolution, the agency may not file | ||||||
23 | the proposed rule,
amendment, or repealer or the portion | ||||||
24 | thereof as adopted and it shall not
take effect.
| ||||||
25 | (d) If a statement is issued under this Section, then, in | ||||||
26 | response to an objection or suggestion of the Joint Committee, | ||||||
27 | the agency may propose changes to the proposed rule, amendment, | ||||||
28 | or repealer or portion of a proposed rule, amendment, or | ||||||
29 | repealer. If the agency proposes changes, it must provide | ||||||
30 | additional notice to the Joint Committee under the same terms | ||||||
31 | and conditions and shall be subject to the same requirements | ||||||
32 | and limitations as those set forth for a second notice period | ||||||
33 | under subsection (c) of Section 5-40.
| ||||||
34 | (Source: P.A. 93-1035, eff. 9-10-04.)
| ||||||
35 | (5 ILCS 100/5-120) (from Ch. 127, par. 1005-120)
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | Sec. 5-120. Responsibilities of the Joint Committee with | ||||||
2 | respect to
emergency, peremptory, and other existing rules.
| ||||||
3 | (a) The Joint Committee may examine any rule to determine | ||||||
4 | whether the rule
is within the statutory authority upon which | ||||||
5 | it is based and whether the rule
is in proper form.
| ||||||
6 | (b) If the Joint Committee objects to a rule, it shall, | ||||||
7 | within 5 days
of the objection, certify the fact to the | ||||||
8 | adopting agency and include within
the certification a | ||||||
9 | statement of its specific objections.
| ||||||
10 | (c) Within 90 days after receiving the certification, the | ||||||
11 | agency shall
do one of the following:
| ||||||
12 | (1) Notify the Joint Committee that it has elected to | ||||||
13 | amend the rule to
meet the Joint Committee's objection.
| ||||||
14 | (2) Notify the Joint Committee that it has elected to | ||||||
15 | repeal the rule.
| ||||||
16 | (3) Notify the Joint Committee that it refuses to amend | ||||||
17 | or repeal
the rule.
| ||||||
18 | (d) If the agency elects to amend a rule to meet the Joint | ||||||
19 | Committee's
objections, it shall notify the Joint Committee in | ||||||
20 | writing and shall initiate
rulemaking procedures for that | ||||||
21 | purpose by giving notice as required by
Section 5-35. The Joint | ||||||
22 | Committee shall give priority to rules
so amended when setting | ||||||
23 | its agenda.
| ||||||
24 | (e) If the agency elects to repeal a rule as a result of | ||||||
25 | the Joint
Committee's objections, it shall notify the Joint | ||||||
26 | Committee in writing of
its election and shall initiate | ||||||
27 | rulemaking procedures for that purpose by
giving notice as | ||||||
28 | required by Section 5-35.
| ||||||
29 | (f) If the agency elects to amend or repeal a rule as a | ||||||
30 | result of the
Joint Committee's objections, it shall complete | ||||||
31 | the process within 180 days
after giving notice in the Illinois | ||||||
32 | Register.
| ||||||
33 | (g) Failure of the agency to respond to the Joint | ||||||
34 | Committee's objections
to a rule within the time prescribed in | ||||||
35 | subsection (c) shall constitute
a refusal to amend or repeal | ||||||
36 | the rule.
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | (h) If an agency refuses to amend or repeal a rule to | ||||||
2 | remedy an
objection stated by the Joint Committee, it shall | ||||||
3 | notify the Joint Committee
in writing of its refusal and shall | ||||||
4 | submit a notice of refusal to the Secretary
of State. The | ||||||
5 | notice shall be published in the next available issue of the
| ||||||
6 | Illinois Register. If the Joint Committee, in response to an | ||||||
7 | agency
refusal, decides to suspend a
the rule adopted under | ||||||
8 | Section 5-45 or 5-50 , then it may do so pursuant to Section | ||||||
9 | 5-125. Any member of the General Assembly may introduce | ||||||
10 | legislation in the General Assembly to implement the | ||||||
11 | recommendations of the Joint Committee concerning emergency, | ||||||
12 | peremptory, and other existing rules.
| ||||||
13 | (Source: P.A. 93-1035, eff. 9-10-04.)
| ||||||
14 | (5 ILCS 100/5-125) (from Ch. 127, par. 1005-125)
| ||||||
15 | Sec. 5-125. Other Joint Committee action with respect to | ||||||
16 | emergency or
peremptory rulemaking.
| ||||||
17 | (a) If the Joint Committee determines that a rule or | ||||||
18 | portion of a rule
adopted under Section 5-45 or 5-50 is | ||||||
19 | objectionable under any of the standards
for the Joint | ||||||
20 | Committee's review specified in Section 5-100, 5-105, 5-110,
| ||||||
21 | 5-120, or 5-130 and constitutes a serious threat to the public | ||||||
22 | interest,
safety, or welfare, the Joint Committee may issue a | ||||||
23 | statement to that effect.
The statement may be issued by the | ||||||
24 | Joint Committee only upon the affirmative
vote of three-fifths | ||||||
25 | of the members appointed to the Joint Committee. The Joint | ||||||
26 | Committee, however, may withdraw a statement within 180 days | ||||||
27 | after it is issued upon the affirmative vote of a majority of | ||||||
28 | the members appointed to the Joint Committee. A
certified copy | ||||||
29 | of each statement and withdrawal shall be transmitted to the | ||||||
30 | affected agency and
to the Secretary of State for publication | ||||||
31 | in the next available issue of the
Illinois Register. Within 30 | ||||||
32 | days of transmittal of the statement to the
agency, the agency | ||||||
33 | shall notify the Joint Committee in writing whether it has
| ||||||
34 | elected to repeal or amend the rule. Failure of the agency to | ||||||
35 | notify the Joint
Committee and Secretary of State within 30 |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | days constitutes a decision by the
agency to not repeal the | ||||||
2 | rule.
| ||||||
3 | (b) The effectiveness of the rule or the portion of a rule | ||||||
4 | shall be
suspended immediately upon receipt of the certified
| ||||||
5 | statement by the Secretary of State. The Secretary of State | ||||||
6 | shall indicate
the suspension prominently and clearly on the | ||||||
7 | face of the affected rule or
the portion of a rule filed in the | ||||||
8 | Office of the Secretary of State. Rules
or portions of rules | ||||||
9 | suspended under this subsection shall not become effective
| ||||||
10 | again unless the statement is withdrawn as provided in | ||||||
11 | subsection (a) or unless within 180 days from receipt of the | ||||||
12 | statement by the
Secretary of State, the General Assembly | ||||||
13 | discontinues the suspension
by joint resolution under | ||||||
14 | subsection (c). The agency may not enforce, or invoke for any
| ||||||
15 | reason, a rule or portion of a rule that has been suspended | ||||||
16 | under this
During the 180-day period, the agency | ||||||
17 | may not file, and
nor may
the Secretary of State may not accept | ||||||
18 | for filing, any rule that (i) has the
same purpose and effect | ||||||
19 | as rules or portions of rules suspended under this
subsection | ||||||
20 | or (ii) does not substantially address the statement issued | ||||||
21 | under subsection (a), except as otherwise provided in this | ||||||
22 | Section.
| ||||||
23 | (c) After the issuance of
a statement under subsection (a), | ||||||
24 | any member of the General Assembly may introduce in the General | ||||||
25 | Assembly a joint resolution stating that the General Assembly
| ||||||
26 | desires to discontinue the suspension of effectiveness of a | ||||||
27 | rule or the portion
of the rule to which the statement was | ||||||
28 | issued. If the joint resolution is not passed by both houses of | ||||||
29 | the
General Assembly within the 180-day period provided in | ||||||
30 | subsection (b) or the statement is not withdrawn, the
rule or | ||||||
31 | the portion of the rule shall be considered repealed and the
| ||||||
32 | Secretary of State shall immediately remove the rule or portion | ||||||
33 | of a rule
from the collection of effective rules.
| ||||||
34 | (d) If a statement is issued under this Section, then, in | ||||||
35 | response to an objection or suggestion of the Joint Committee, | ||||||
36 | the agency may propose changes to the rule, amendment, or |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | repealer or portion of a rule, amendment, or repealer. If the | ||||||
2 | agency proposes changes, it must provide additional notice to | ||||||
3 | the Joint Committee under the same terms and conditions and | ||||||
4 | shall be subject to the same requirements and limitations as | ||||||
5 | those set forth for a second notice period under subsection (c) | ||||||
6 | of Section 5-40.
| ||||||
7 | (Source: P.A. 93-1035, eff. 9-10-04.)
| ||||||
8 | Section 99. Effective date. This Act takes effect upon | ||||||
9 | becoming law.