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2    WHEREAS, Property tax appeals are necessary to ensure
3property tax assessments are accurate and fair; and
4    WHEREAS, The Illinois Property Tax Appeal Board (the
5Board) was established to consider appeals after decisions
6from County Boards of Review; and
7    WHEREAS, The Board makes a decision in each appeal based
8on equity and the weight of evidence; and
9    WHEREAS, Property tax appeals involve the filing of
10various forms, documentation, and photographs at each stage of
11the appeal process to meet the evidentiary burden; and
12    WHEREAS, The Board and many counties require mail-in or
13hand delivery of property tax appeal forms and materials; and
14    WHEREAS, Submission of multiple paper copies is overly
15burdensome to those with limited time and resources; this
16burden falls disproportionately on individuals with lower
17incomes seeking appeals and can impair their access to
18justice; and
19    WHEREAS, The use of a centralized statewide submission



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1platform has the potential to ease this burden and promote a
2consistent process across Illinois counties; therefore, be it
4ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS, that we urge the Illinois
5Property Tax Appeal Board to deliver a report to the Illinois
6Senate on or before October 1, 2021 that examines the
7feasibility and associated costs of implementing a centralized
8property tax appeal submission platform for appeals to the
9Property Tax Appeal Board and counties that elect to use this
10platform to process appeals and any additional internet-based
11platform the Board may find sufficient to accept property tax
12appeals electronically; and be it further
13    RESOLVED, That this report should describe available
14technology and cost estimates and offer potential funding
15sources to cover the costs associated with implementation; and
16be it further
17    RESOLVED, That a suitable copy of this resolution be
18delivered to the Property Tax Appeal Board.