Rep. Sonya M. Harper

Filed: 5/24/2021





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2    AMENDMENT NO. ______. Amend Senate Bill 1847, AS AMENDED,
3with reference to page and line numbers of House Amendment No.
42, on page 2, line 18, by replacing "If the Executive Inspector
5General finds that any" with the following:
6    "Any Department employee who divulges, except in
7    accordance with a proper judicial order or otherwise
8    provided by law, confidential information received by the
9    Department from any business pursuant to this Act shall be
10    deemed to have violated the State Officials and Employees
11    Ethics Act and be subject to the penalties established
12    under subsections (e) and (f) of Section 50-5 of that Act
13    after investigation and opportunity for hearing before the
14    Executive Ethics Commission in accordance with Section
15    20-50 of that Act"; and
16on page 3, by deleting lines 1 through 9; and



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1on page 3, line 10, by deleting "representative of the