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1 | AN ACT concerning education.
| ||||||
2 | WHEREAS, Postsecondary education is increasingly necessary | ||||||
3 | for success in the modern workforce; and
| ||||||
4 | WHEREAS, The affordability of college is an ongoing | ||||||
5 | concern for students, families, and State policymakers; and
| ||||||
6 | WHEREAS, The equitable first-day-of-class access to | ||||||
7 | effective textbooks and other learning materials plays a | ||||||
8 | critical role in a student's postsecondary educational | ||||||
9 | experience; and
| ||||||
10 | WHEREAS, Institutions of higher learning within and | ||||||
11 | outside of this State are utilizing online educational | ||||||
12 | software to enhance and personalize a student's learning | ||||||
13 | experience while driving down the costs of attending college; | ||||||
14 | therefore, | ||||||
15 | Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
| ||||||
16 | represented in the General Assembly:
| ||||||
17 | Section 1. Short title. This Act may be cited as the | ||||||
18 | College Course Materials Affordability and Equitable Access | ||||||
19 | Collaborative Study Act. |
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1 | Section 5. College Course Materials Affordability and | ||||||
2 | Equitable Access Task Force; membership. | ||||||
3 | (a) The College Course Materials Affordability and | ||||||
4 | Equitable Access Task Force is created within the Illinois | ||||||
5 | Student Assistance Commission. | ||||||
6 | (b) The Task Force shall consist of all of the following | ||||||
7 | members: | ||||||
8 | (1) One member of the General Assembly appointed by | ||||||
9 | the President of the Senate. | ||||||
10 | (2) One member of the General Assembly appointed by | ||||||
11 | the Minority Leader of the Senate. | ||||||
12 | (3) One member of the General Assembly appointed by | ||||||
13 | the Speaker of the House of Representatives. | ||||||
14 | (4) One member of the General Assembly appointed by | ||||||
15 | the Minority Leader of the House of Representatives. | ||||||
16 | (5) One member of the public appointed by the | ||||||
17 | President of the Senate. | ||||||
18 | (6) One member of the public appointed by the Minority | ||||||
19 | Leader of the Senate. | ||||||
20 | (7) One member of the public appointed by the Speaker | ||||||
21 | of the House of Representatives. | ||||||
22 | (8) One member of the public appointed by the Minority | ||||||
23 | Leader of the House of Representatives. | ||||||
24 | (9) One member representing an institution of higher | ||||||
25 | learning appointed by the President of the Senate. | ||||||
26 | (10) One member representing an institution of higher |
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1 | learning appointed by the Minority Leader of the Senate. | ||||||
2 | (11) One member representing an institution of higher | ||||||
3 | learning appointed by the Speaker of the House of | ||||||
4 | Representatives. | ||||||
5 | (12) One member representing an institution of higher | ||||||
6 | learning appointed by the Minority Leader of the House of | ||||||
7 | Representatives. | ||||||
8 | (13) The following members appointed by the Governor: | ||||||
9 | (A) One member representing the Board of Higher | ||||||
10 | Education. | ||||||
11 | (B) One member representing the Illinois Community | ||||||
12 | College Board. | ||||||
13 | (C) One member representing the Illinois Student | ||||||
14 | Assistance Commission. | ||||||
15 | (D) One member representing the Faculty Advisory | ||||||
16 | Council of the Board of Higher Education. | ||||||
17 | (E) One member representing the Student Advisory | ||||||
18 | Council of the Board of Higher Education. | ||||||
19 | (F) One member who is a librarian or online | ||||||
20 | education specialist. | ||||||
21 | (G) One member representing a national association | ||||||
22 | representing the higher education textbook publishing | ||||||
23 | industry. | ||||||
24 | (H) One member representing a statewide | ||||||
25 | professional organization that advocates on behalf of | ||||||
26 | public university employees. |
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1 | (I) One member representing a statewide | ||||||
2 | professional organization that advocates on behalf of | ||||||
3 | public community college employees. | ||||||
4 | (J) One member representing a national association | ||||||
5 | representing higher education book stores in this | ||||||
6 | State. | ||||||
7 | (K) One member representing a higher education | ||||||
8 | digital content platform provider with offices located | ||||||
9 | within this State. | ||||||
10 | (b) Appointments to the Task Force shall be made within 90 | ||||||
11 | days after the effective date of this Act. | ||||||
12 | (c) The Task Force shall meet initially at the call of the | ||||||
13 | Illinois Student Assistance Commission, shall elect a | ||||||
14 | chairperson from among the appointed members at the Task | ||||||
15 | Force's initial meeting, and shall thereafter meet at the call | ||||||
16 | of the chairperson. | ||||||
17 | (d) The chairperson and other members of the Task Force | ||||||
18 | shall serve without compensation but shall be reimbursed for | ||||||
19 | their reasonable and necessary expenses from funds | ||||||
20 | appropriated to the Illinois Student Assistance Commission for | ||||||
21 | that purpose, including travel, subject to the rules of the | ||||||
22 | appropriate travel control board. | ||||||
23 | Section 10. Illinois Student Assistance Commission | ||||||
24 | assistance. | ||||||
25 | (a) The Illinois Student Assistance Commission shall |
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| |||||||
1 | provide administrative support, staff support, and other | ||||||
2 | resources necessary for the College Course Materials | ||||||
3 | Affordability and Equitable Access Task Force to fulfill the | ||||||
4 | Task Force's obligations under this Act. | ||||||
5 | (b) The Illinois Student Assistance Commission shall | ||||||
6 | designate a staff member to serve as a point of contact between | ||||||
7 | the Task Force and the public and to serve as a technology and | ||||||
8 | policy advisor to assist the Task Force. The Commission shall | ||||||
9 | provide a public website or web page for the Task Force to | ||||||
10 | publish digital meeting notices, minutes, commentary, draft | ||||||
11 | reports, reports, and other relevant documents and information | ||||||
12 | online. | ||||||
13 | Section 15. Meetings. | ||||||
14 | (a) Meetings of the College Course Materials Affordability | ||||||
15 | and Equitable Access Task Force are subject to the Open | ||||||
16 | Meetings Act. The Task Force shall make available to the | ||||||
17 | public online meeting notices at least 10 days in advance of | ||||||
18 | any Task Force meeting and shall publish meeting minutes that | ||||||
19 | are available to the public within 14 days after the meeting to | ||||||
20 | allow for structured written and verbal commentary by the | ||||||
21 | public throughout the process. | ||||||
22 | (b) The Task Force shall establish and maintain a contact | ||||||
23 | list of all members of the public who seek to be apprised of | ||||||
24 | the work of the Task Force to allow for electronic | ||||||
25 | notification, by email or by any other mutually agreed-upon |
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| |||||||
1 | method, of Task Force meetings, agendas, minutes, draft | ||||||
2 | reports, reports, and other communications regarding the work | ||||||
3 | of the Task Force. | ||||||
4 | (c) The Task Force may conduct its work remotely via | ||||||
5 | telephone and online video broadcasting, including through | ||||||
6 | audio and video conferencing applications. The Task Force | ||||||
7 | shall allow for public observation and structured | ||||||
8 | participation via telephone and online video broadcasting for | ||||||
9 | all meetings conducted by the Task Force. | ||||||
10 | Section 20. Duties. | ||||||
11 | (a) The duties of the College Course Materials | ||||||
12 | Affordability and Equitable Access Task Force are to: | ||||||
13 | (1) conduct a collaborative college course materials | ||||||
14 | affordability and equitable access study; | ||||||
15 | (2) examine the cost-saving methods and practices | ||||||
16 | utilized by public and private institutions of higher | ||||||
17 | learning in this State and throughout the United States | ||||||
18 | for improving students' equitable first-day-of-class | ||||||
19 | access to required course materials and conduct an | ||||||
20 | affordability comparison of providing students' course | ||||||
21 | materials, including digital learning tools; and | ||||||
22 | (3) submit a report of its findings to the Governor, | ||||||
23 | the General Assembly, and the Illinois Student Assistance | ||||||
24 | Commission. | ||||||
25 | (b) The report required to be submitted under subsection |
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1 | (a) shall include all of the following items: | ||||||
2 | (1) A list of cost-saving methods available to | ||||||
3 | students, including, but not limited to: | ||||||
4 | (A) inclusive access programs; | ||||||
5 | (B) textbook subscription programs; | ||||||
6 | (C) textbook rental programs; | ||||||
7 | (D) used textbooks; and | ||||||
8 | (E) other institutional textbook cost-saving | ||||||
9 | methods, such as open educational resources. | ||||||
10 | (2) The total amount of cost savings achieved by | ||||||
11 | public and private institutions of higher learning and the | ||||||
12 | total number of students that utilize each cost-saving | ||||||
13 | method. | ||||||
14 | (3) The equitable access achieved for students by | ||||||
15 | providing all students with access to course materials on | ||||||
16 | the first day of class. | ||||||
17 | (4) The potential impact on academic freedom of | ||||||
18 | faculty to be able to choose the most appropriate | ||||||
19 | materials for their courses for each of the various | ||||||
20 | methods of providing course materials. | ||||||
21 | (5) A description of the process required to implement | ||||||
22 | each cost-saving method listed in paragraph (1) of this | ||||||
23 | subsection (b). | ||||||
24 | (6) A description of the process by which students | ||||||
25 | obtain required course materials. | ||||||
26 | (7) The current, future, and potential costs of the |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | development and maintenance necessary for the utilization | ||||||
2 | of any course material that is provided to students at no | ||||||
3 | charge. | ||||||
4 | (8) The identification of best practices resulting | ||||||
5 | from the cost-saving methods listed in paragraph (1) of | ||||||
6 | this subsection (b). | ||||||
7 | (9) An examination of the following areas in relation | ||||||
8 | to improving equity in higher education to determine | ||||||
9 | whether the methods: | ||||||
10 | (A) improved equitable access to required course | ||||||
11 | materials by the first day of class; | ||||||
12 | (B) increased the affordability of required course | ||||||
13 | materials; and | ||||||
14 | (C) improved access to learning materials and | ||||||
15 | improved student outcomes for minority, low-income, | ||||||
16 | and first-generation students. | ||||||
17 | (10) A description of the ways students and faculty | ||||||
18 | are utilizing or have utilized inclusive access programs, | ||||||
19 | subscription programs, textbook rental programs, used | ||||||
20 | textbooks, and open educational resources for the purposes | ||||||
21 | of remote learning as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic | ||||||
22 | health crisis. | ||||||
23 | Section 25. Collaboration. As part of the College Course | ||||||
24 | Materials Affordability and Equitable Access Task Force's | ||||||
25 | information gathering process to prepare its report under |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | Section 20, the Task Force shall engage and consult with | ||||||
2 | higher education administrators, faculty, campus bookstores, | ||||||
3 | publishers, librarians, and other online education specialists | ||||||
4 | for their perspectives on the topics covered by this Act. The | ||||||
5 | Task Force may also seek advice and input from such other | ||||||
6 | persons and entities as the Task Force finds helpful to its | ||||||
7 | work as outlined in this Act. | ||||||
8 | Section 30. Reporting; dissolution. | ||||||
9 | (a) No later than October 1, 2022, the Task Force shall | ||||||
10 | submit an initial collaborative report of its findings to the | ||||||
11 | Governor, the General Assembly, and the Illinois Student | ||||||
12 | Assistance Commission. The Illinois Student Assistance | ||||||
13 | Commission shall publish the initial collaborative report of | ||||||
14 | the Task Force's findings on the Commission's website. Members | ||||||
15 | of the public and other interested parties shall have until | ||||||
16 | February 1, 2023 to submit written comments with regard to the | ||||||
17 | initial collaborative report. The Commission shall publish | ||||||
18 | comments submitted by members of the public or other | ||||||
19 | interested parties on its website. | ||||||
20 | (b) No later than March 31, 2023, the Task Force shall | ||||||
21 | submit a final collaborative report of its findings to the | ||||||
22 | Governor, the General Assembly, and the Illinois Student | ||||||
23 | Assistance Commission. The Illinois Student Assistance | ||||||
24 | Commission shall publish the final collaborative report of the | ||||||
25 | Task Force's findings on the Commission's website. |
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1 | (c) The Task Force is dissolved on March 31, 2024. | ||||||
2 | Section 90. Repeal. This Act is repealed on March 31, | ||||||
3 | 2025.
| ||||||
4 | Section 99. Effective date. This Act takes effect upon | ||||||
5 | becoming law. |