Illinois General Assembly
Illinois General Assembly

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Representative Mary Gill (D), 35th District
Mary Gill is a Sponsor on all bills listed below.
Click Here to see only bills where Mary Gill is Primary Sponsor.
Bill # Chief Sponsor ABR - Short Description Chamber Last Action Last Action Date
HB1081Mary GillMEDICAID-THERAPAUTIC RECREATONHAssigned to Human Services Committee2/4/2025
HB1085Lindsey LaPointeINS CD-MENTAL HEALTH PARITYHAssigned to Mental Health & Addiction Committee2/4/2025
HB1226Jay HoffmanVEH CD-EXAMSHAssigned to Transportation: Vehicles & Safety2/11/2025
HB1360Mary GillINS CD-ALZHEIMER'S TREATMENTHAssigned to Insurance Committee2/11/2025
HB1626Mary GillHOSPITALS-FENTANYL TESTINGHReferred to Rules Committee1/28/2025
HB1713Martin J. MoylanSCH CD-APPROVE CHICAGO SCH BDHReferred to Rules Committee1/28/2025
HB2460Mary GillCOMMEMORATIVE DATES-HERO DAYHReferred to Rules Committee2/4/2025
HB2977Mary GillMUNI CD-EMS VEHICLE FUNDSHReferred to Rules Committee2/6/2025
HB3020Mary GillINS CD-PRIOR AUTHORIZATIONHReferred to Rules Committee2/6/2025
HB3126Mary GillSELF-EMPLOYMENT ASSISTANCEHFiled with the Clerk by Rep. Mary Gill2/6/2025
HB3202Mary GillSCH-CAREER&TECH ED TASK FORCEHFiled with the Clerk by Rep. Mary Gill2/6/2025
HB3386Mary GillID/DD FACILITY RATE REVIEWHFiled with the Clerk by Rep. Mary Gill2/7/2025
HB3408Mary GillCOLOR VISION TESTINGHFiled with the Clerk by Rep. Mary Gill2/7/2025
HB3465Mary GillCD CORR-ELECTRON MONITOR-FOIAHFiled with the Clerk by Rep. Mary Gill2/7/2025
HB3471Mary GillPROP TX-SENIOR FREEZEHFiled with the Clerk by Rep. Mary Gill2/7/2025
HB3754Mary GillINS CD-OUTSTANDING BALANCEHFiled with the Clerk by Rep. Mary Gill2/7/2025
HR39Diane Blair-SherlockAUTISM AWARENESS MONTHHReferred to Rules Committee1/28/2025
HR123Mary GillCONGRATS-CHICAGO CHRISTIANHFiled with the Clerk by Rep. Mary Gill2/5/2025