Illinois General Assembly
Illinois General Assembly

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Representative Laura Faver Dias (D), 62nd District
Click Here to see all bills from Laura Faver Dias.
Bill # Chief Sponsor ABR - Short Description Chamber Last Action Last Action Date
HB1357Laura Faver DiasPENCD-DWNST POL&FIRE-FINANCINGHAssigned to Personnel & Pensions Committee2/11/2025
HB1359Laura Faver DiasILLINOIS NATIVE LANDSCAPES ACTHAssigned to Cities & Villages Committee2/11/2025
HB1367Laura Faver DiasTWP OPEN SPACES-LEASE OR SALEHAssigned to Counties & Townships Committee2/11/2025
HB1368Laura Faver DiasSCH CD-PROF ED LICENSE RENEWHAssigned to Elementary & Secondary Education: Administration, Licensing & Charter Schools2/11/2025
HB1592Laura Faver DiasLIBRARIES-BIDDING THRESHOLDHReferred to Rules Committee1/28/2025
HB1593Laura Faver DiasLITTLE FREE LIBRARIES ACTHReferred to Rules Committee1/28/2025
HB1594Laura Faver DiasEMPLOYMENT&ACCOMODATION-WEIGHTHReferred to Rules Committee1/28/2025
HB1595Laura Faver DiasOMA-IMRF BENEFITS POSTINGHReferred to Rules Committee1/28/2025
HB1596Laura Faver DiasPESTICIDE-NOTICE-SCHOOLSHReferred to Rules Committee1/28/2025
HB1810Laura Faver DiasINCARCERATED-DISABILITIESHReferred to Rules Committee1/28/2025
HB1857Laura Faver DiasINS CD-INCONTINENCE SUPPLIESHReferred to Rules Committee1/29/2025
HB2337Laura Faver DiasSCH CD-SPECIAL ED-SETTLEMENTHReferred to Rules Committee2/4/2025
HB2344Laura Faver DiasPROP TX-PROP RECORD CARDSHReferred to Rules Committee2/4/2025
HB2345Laura Faver DiasPROP TX-PTAB HEARINGSHReferred to Rules Committee2/4/2025
HB2346Laura Faver DiasIDPH-ILLINOIS DROP ACT-DUTIESHReferred to Rules Committee2/4/2025
HB2381Laura Faver DiasSCH CD-SCH BD-LGBTQ+ TRAININGHReferred to Rules Committee2/4/2025
HB2503Laura Faver DiasSCH CD-ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCEHReferred to Rules Committee2/4/2025
HB2521Laura Faver DiasSCH CD-CRIMINAL HISTORY CHECKHReferred to Rules Committee2/4/2025
HB2561Laura Faver DiasFREEDOM TO WORK-HEALTH CAREHReferred to Rules Committee2/4/2025
HB2788Laura Faver DiasDHS-DSP WAGE INCREASESHReferred to Rules Committee2/6/2025
HB2950Laura Faver DiasSCH CD-EDUCATOR LICENSUREHReferred to Rules Committee2/6/2025
HB2951Laura Faver DiasSCH CD-HIGH SCHOOL START TIMEHReferred to Rules Committee2/6/2025
HB2960Laura Faver DiasSCH CD-MENTAL HEALTH ED REQHReferred to Rules Committee2/6/2025
HB2978Laura Faver DiasNEONATAL INTENSIVE CARE LEAVEHReferred to Rules Committee2/6/2025
HB3006Laura Faver DiasINS-HORMONE THERAPY-MENOPAUSEHReferred to Rules Committee2/6/2025
HB3170Laura Faver DiasSCH CD-EDUCATOR LICENSURE-MISCHFiled with the Clerk by Rep. Laura Faver Dias2/6/2025
HB3275Laura Faver DiasSCH-CARDIAC EMERGENCY RESPONSEHFiled with the Clerk by Rep. Laura Faver Dias2/6/2025
HB3310Laura Faver DiasINC TX-CHILD CAREHFiled with the Clerk by Rep. Laura Faver Dias2/6/2025
HB3446Laura Faver DiasEARLY CHILDHOOD TEACHER REQSHFiled with the Clerk by Rep. Laura Faver Dias2/7/2025
HB3447Laura Faver DiasINTERSCHOLASTIC SPORTS-COACHHFiled with the Clerk by Rep. Laura Faver Dias2/7/2025
HB3528Laura Faver DiasSCH CD-STUDENT TEACHERS-SALARYHFiled with the Clerk by Rep. Laura Faver Dias2/7/2025
HB3695Laura Faver DiasCTY CD-RETAIL TOBACCO STOREHFiled with the Clerk by Rep. Laura Faver Dias2/7/2025
HB3713Laura Faver DiasCD CORR-COMMITTED PERSON MAILHFiled with the Clerk by Rep. Laura Faver Dias2/7/2025