Illinois General Assembly
Illinois General Assembly

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Representative Amy Elik (R), 111th District
Amy Elik is a Sponsor on all bills listed below.
Click Here to see only bills where Amy Elik is Primary Sponsor.
Bill # Chief Sponsor ABR - Short Description Chamber Last Action Last Action Date
HB13Dave SeverinINC TX-ADOPTIONHAssigned to Revenue & Finance Committee2/4/2025
HB1117Regan DeeringINTERSCHOLASTIC SPORTS-GENDERHReferred to Rules Committee1/9/2025
HB1141William E HauterGENERAL ANESTHESIA COVERAGEHAssigned to Insurance Committee2/11/2025
HB1226Jay HoffmanVEH CD-EXAMSHAssigned to Transportation: Vehicles & Safety2/11/2025
HB1266John M. CabelloAUDITOR GENERAL-DOGE ACTHReferred to Rules Committee1/28/2025
HB1317Christopher "C.D." DavidsmeyerREPEAL ILLINOIS TRUST ACTHReferred to Rules Committee1/28/2025
HB1456Christopher "C.D." DavidsmeyerHLTH SRVCS REPEAL-NONCITIZENSHReferred to Rules Committee1/28/2025
HB1713Martin J. MoylanSCH CD-APPROVE CHICAGO SCH BDHReferred to Rules Committee1/28/2025
HB1719Amy ElikVEH CD-FLEEING/ELUDINGHReferred to Rules Committee1/28/2025
HB1720Amy ElikTIANEPTINE PROHIBITION ACTHReferred to Rules Committee1/28/2025
HB1721Amy ElikDCFS-FOSTER-PARENTING YOUTHHReferred to Rules Committee1/28/2025
HB1722Amy ElikGA OPERATIONS-UPDATED ABRHReferred to Rules Committee1/28/2025
HB1723Amy ElikCRIM CD-THEFT-LABOR OR SERVICEHReferred to Rules Committee1/28/2025
HB1724Amy ElikHIGHWAY SIGNAGE NAMINGHReferred to Rules Committee1/28/2025
HB1725Amy ElikINC TX-LOCAL MEDIAHReferred to Rules Committee1/28/2025
HB1726Amy ElikPROP TX-PROTEST PAYMENTSHReferred to Rules Committee1/28/2025
HB1727Amy ElikPEN CD-FELONY-SUSPEND BENEFITSHReferred to Rules Committee1/28/2025
HB1728Amy ElikPROP TX-LONG-TIME OCCUPANTHReferred to Rules Committee1/28/2025
HB2444Amy ElikATTORNEY GENERAL-REPORTINGHReferred to Rules Committee2/4/2025
HB2445Amy ElikFOID-CLEAR & PRESENT DANGERHReferred to Rules Committee2/4/2025
HB2446Amy ElikSEX OFFENSE-ABUSE BY EDUCATORHReferred to Rules Committee2/4/2025
HB2447Amy ElikLOCAL GOVERNMENT-TECHHReferred to Rules Committee2/4/2025
HB2448Amy ElikLOCAL GOVERNMENT-TECHHReferred to Rules Committee2/4/2025
HB2449Amy ElikLOCAL GOVERNMENT-TECHHReferred to Rules Committee2/4/2025
HB2450Amy ElikLOCAL GOVERNMENT-TECHHReferred to Rules Committee2/4/2025
HB2451Amy ElikSCH-FOREIGN LANG ALTERNATIVEHReferred to Rules Committee2/4/2025
HB2452Amy ElikPROP TX-SENIOR HOMESTEADHReferred to Rules Committee2/4/2025
HB2459Natalie A. ManleyPUBLIC ACCOUNTING LICENSUREHReferred to Rules Committee2/4/2025
HB2474Amy ElikPEN CD-IMRF-RETURN TO SERVICEHReferred to Rules Committee2/4/2025
HB2815Amy ElikPROTECT ORDERS-VIOLATIONHReferred to Rules Committee2/6/2025
HB2862Amy ElikFUEL RECOVERY FEE PROHIBITIONHReferred to Rules Committee2/6/2025
HB2863Amy ElikUTILITY ACQUISITION NOTICEHReferred to Rules Committee2/6/2025
HB2864Amy ElikTAX-SCHOOL EXTRACURRICULARHReferred to Rules Committee2/6/2025
HB2867Amy ElikDNR-MINE WORKINGS MAP PORTALHReferred to Rules Committee2/6/2025
HB2868Amy ElikPEN CD-IMRF-SLEP DISABILITYHReferred to Rules Committee2/6/2025
HB3128Amy ElikINC TX-SMALL BUSINESS ACCTHFiled with the Clerk by Rep. Amy Elik2/6/2025
HB3130Amy ElikPROPERTY TX-SURPLUSHFiled with the Clerk by Rep. Amy Elik2/6/2025
HB3412Amy ElikPRESERVING NEIGHBORHOODS ACTHFiled with the Clerk by Rep. Amy Elik2/7/2025
HB3413Amy ElikJUV CT-FIREARM OFFENSEHFiled with the Clerk by Rep. Amy Elik2/7/2025
HB3414Amy ElikASSIST LIVING INCIDENT REPORTHFiled with the Clerk by Rep. Amy Elik2/7/2025
HB3415Amy ElikCD CORR-DJJ-RELEASE-NOTICEHFiled with the Clerk by Rep. Amy Elik2/7/2025
HB3416Amy ElikJUV CT-GUARDIAN AD LITEMHFiled with the Clerk by Rep. Amy Elik2/7/2025
HR39Diane Blair-SherlockAUTISM AWARENESS MONTHHReferred to Rules Committee1/28/2025
HR113Amy ElikDISTRACTED DRIVING AWARE-MNTHHReferred to Rules Committee2/6/2025
HJR6Amy ElikCPL. T. MILLER MEMORIAL HGHWAYHReferred to Rules Committee2/4/2025
HJRCA5Ryan SpainCON AMEND-REDISTRICTINGHReferred to Rules Committee1/28/2025