Bill # |
Chief Sponsor |
ABR - Short Description |
Chamber |
Last Action |
Last Action Date |
HB13 | Dave Severin | INC TX-ADOPTION | H | Assigned to Revenue & Finance Committee | 2/4/2025 |
HB1117 | Regan Deering | INTERSCHOLASTIC SPORTS-GENDER | H | Referred to Rules Committee | 1/9/2025 |
HB1141 | William E Hauter | GENERAL ANESTHESIA COVERAGE | H | Assigned to Insurance Committee | 2/11/2025 |
HB1226 | Jay Hoffman | VEH CD-EXAMS | H | Assigned to Transportation: Vehicles & Safety | 2/11/2025 |
HB1266 | John M. Cabello | AUDITOR GENERAL-DOGE ACT | H | Referred to Rules Committee | 1/28/2025 |
HB1317 | Christopher "C.D." Davidsmeyer | REPEAL ILLINOIS TRUST ACT | H | Referred to Rules Committee | 1/28/2025 |
HB1456 | Christopher "C.D." Davidsmeyer | HLTH SRVCS REPEAL-NONCITIZENS | H | Referred to Rules Committee | 1/28/2025 |
HB1713 | Martin J. Moylan | SCH CD-APPROVE CHICAGO SCH BD | H | Referred to Rules Committee | 1/28/2025 |
HB1719 | Amy Elik | VEH CD-FLEEING/ELUDING | H | Referred to Rules Committee | 1/28/2025 |
HB1720 | Amy Elik | TIANEPTINE PROHIBITION ACT | H | Referred to Rules Committee | 1/28/2025 |
HB1721 | Amy Elik | DCFS-FOSTER-PARENTING YOUTH | H | Referred to Rules Committee | 1/28/2025 |
HB1722 | Amy Elik | GA OPERATIONS-UPDATED ABR | H | Referred to Rules Committee | 1/28/2025 |
HB1723 | Amy Elik | CRIM CD-THEFT-LABOR OR SERVICE | H | Referred to Rules Committee | 1/28/2025 |
HB1724 | Amy Elik | HIGHWAY SIGNAGE NAMING | H | Referred to Rules Committee | 1/28/2025 |
HB1725 | Amy Elik | INC TX-LOCAL MEDIA | H | Referred to Rules Committee | 1/28/2025 |
HB1726 | Amy Elik | PROP TX-PROTEST PAYMENTS | H | Referred to Rules Committee | 1/28/2025 |
HB1727 | Amy Elik | PEN CD-FELONY-SUSPEND BENEFITS | H | Referred to Rules Committee | 1/28/2025 |
HB1728 | Amy Elik | PROP TX-LONG-TIME OCCUPANT | H | Referred to Rules Committee | 1/28/2025 |
HB2444 | Amy Elik | ATTORNEY GENERAL-REPORTING | H | Referred to Rules Committee | 2/4/2025 |
HB2445 | Amy Elik | FOID-CLEAR & PRESENT DANGER | H | Referred to Rules Committee | 2/4/2025 |
HB2446 | Amy Elik | SEX OFFENSE-ABUSE BY EDUCATOR | H | Referred to Rules Committee | 2/4/2025 |
HB2447 | Amy Elik | LOCAL GOVERNMENT-TECH | H | Referred to Rules Committee | 2/4/2025 |
HB2448 | Amy Elik | LOCAL GOVERNMENT-TECH | H | Referred to Rules Committee | 2/4/2025 |
HB2449 | Amy Elik | LOCAL GOVERNMENT-TECH | H | Referred to Rules Committee | 2/4/2025 |
HB2450 | Amy Elik | LOCAL GOVERNMENT-TECH | H | Referred to Rules Committee | 2/4/2025 |
HB2451 | Amy Elik | SCH-FOREIGN LANG ALTERNATIVE | H | Referred to Rules Committee | 2/4/2025 |
HB2452 | Amy Elik | PROP TX-SENIOR HOMESTEAD | H | Referred to Rules Committee | 2/4/2025 |
HB2459 | Natalie A. Manley | PUBLIC ACCOUNTING LICENSURE | H | Referred to Rules Committee | 2/4/2025 |
HB2474 | Amy Elik | PEN CD-IMRF-RETURN TO SERVICE | H | Referred to Rules Committee | 2/4/2025 |
HB2815 | Amy Elik | PROTECT ORDERS-VIOLATION | H | Referred to Rules Committee | 2/6/2025 |
HB2862 | Amy Elik | FUEL RECOVERY FEE PROHIBITION | H | Referred to Rules Committee | 2/6/2025 |
HB2863 | Amy Elik | UTILITY ACQUISITION NOTICE | H | Referred to Rules Committee | 2/6/2025 |
HB2864 | Amy Elik | TAX-SCHOOL EXTRACURRICULAR | H | Referred to Rules Committee | 2/6/2025 |
HB2867 | Amy Elik | DNR-MINE WORKINGS MAP PORTAL | H | Referred to Rules Committee | 2/6/2025 |
HB2868 | Amy Elik | PEN CD-IMRF-SLEP DISABILITY | H | Referred to Rules Committee | 2/6/2025 |
HB3128 | Amy Elik | INC TX-SMALL BUSINESS ACCT | H | Filed with the Clerk by Rep. Amy Elik | 2/6/2025 |
HB3130 | Amy Elik | PROPERTY TX-SURPLUS | H | Filed with the Clerk by Rep. Amy Elik | 2/6/2025 |
HB3412 | Amy Elik | PRESERVING NEIGHBORHOODS ACT | H | Filed with the Clerk by Rep. Amy Elik | 2/7/2025 |
HB3413 | Amy Elik | JUV CT-FIREARM OFFENSE | H | Filed with the Clerk by Rep. Amy Elik | 2/7/2025 |
HB3414 | Amy Elik | ASSIST LIVING INCIDENT REPORT | H | Filed with the Clerk by Rep. Amy Elik | 2/7/2025 |
HB3415 | Amy Elik | CD CORR-DJJ-RELEASE-NOTICE | H | Filed with the Clerk by Rep. Amy Elik | 2/7/2025 |
HB3416 | Amy Elik | JUV CT-GUARDIAN AD LITEM | H | Filed with the Clerk by Rep. Amy Elik | 2/7/2025 |
HR39 | Diane Blair-Sherlock | AUTISM AWARENESS MONTH | H | Referred to Rules Committee | 1/28/2025 |
HR113 | Amy Elik | DISTRACTED DRIVING AWARE-MNTH | H | Referred to Rules Committee | 2/6/2025 |
HJR6 | Amy Elik | CPL. T. MILLER MEMORIAL HGHWAY | H | Referred to Rules Committee | 2/4/2025 |
HJRCA5 | Ryan Spain | CON AMEND-REDISTRICTING | H | Referred to Rules Committee | 1/28/2025 |