Illinois General Assembly
Illinois General Assembly

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Representative Blaine Wilhour (R), 110th District
Click Here to see all bills from Blaine Wilhour.
Bill # Chief Sponsor ABR - Short Description Chamber Last Action Last Action Date
HB3112Blaine WilhourPROPERTY-FOREIGN NATIONALSHReferred to Rules Committee2/18/2025
HB3113Blaine WilhourPEN CD-NONCOVERED EMPLOYEESHReferred to Rules Committee2/18/2025
HB3114Blaine WilhourEFFICIENT SCH DISTRICT COMMHReferred to Rules Committee2/18/2025
HB3115Blaine WilhourETHICS-LOBBYING RESTRICTIONHReferred to Rules Committee2/18/2025
HB3116Blaine WilhourUNIV OF IL-ADMIT IN-STATE STUHReferred to Rules Committee2/18/2025
HB3117Blaine WilhourINC TX-EMINENT DOMAINHReferred to Rules Committee2/18/2025
HB3118Blaine WilhourESTATE TAX-REPEALHReferred to Rules Committee2/18/2025
HB3119Blaine WilhourINFRASTRUCTURE PROTECTION ACTHReferred to Rules Committee2/18/2025
HB3120Blaine WilhourEPA-LARGE GHG EMITTING UNITHReferred to Rules Committee2/18/2025
HB3121Blaine WilhourETHICS-REP CASE AND RECUSALHReferred to Rules Committee2/18/2025
HB3122Blaine WilhourPEN CD-GARS-NO NEW GA MEMBERSHReferred to Rules Committee2/18/2025
HB3123Blaine WilhourCHINESE INVESTMENTS PROHIBITEDHReferred to Rules Committee2/18/2025
HB3124Blaine WilhourRESHORE OUR SUPPLY CHAINSHReferred to Rules Committee2/18/2025
HB3147Blaine WilhourINVEST IN KIDS-REENACTHReferred to Rules Committee2/18/2025
HB3793Blaine WilhourCONSERVATION OPP AREA-NOTICEHReferred to Rules Committee2/18/2025