Illinois General Assembly
Illinois General Assembly

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Representative Chris Miller (R), 101st District
Chris Miller is a Sponsor on all bills listed below.
Click Here to see only bills where Chris Miller is Primary Sponsor.
Bill # Chief Sponsor ABR - Short Description Chamber Last Action Last Action Date
HB14Chris MillerFOOD & DRUG-BEEF PACKAGINGHReferred to Rules Committee1/9/2025
HB15Chris MillerDEPT AGR-CULTIVATED MEATHReferred to Rules Committee1/9/2025
HB16Chris MillerESTATE TAX-EXCLUSION AMOUNTHAssigned to Revenue & Finance Committee2/4/2025
HB1110Jed DavisGUN-FREE ZONE LIABILITY ACTHReferred to Rules Committee1/9/2025
HB1160Chris MillerHIGHER ED-US FLAG-FUNDINGHReferred to Rules Committee1/9/2025
HB1161Chris MillerSCH/HIGHER ED-SEX SEGREGATIONHReferred to Rules Committee1/9/2025
HB1162Chris MillerFOREIGN LAND ACQUIS&CONTRACTSHReferred to Rules Committee1/9/2025
HB1163Chris MillerCOUNTIES CD-SOLAR&WIND ENERGYHReferred to Rules Committee1/9/2025
HB1164Chris MillerEPA-WINDMILL CONSTRUCTIONHReferred to Rules Committee1/9/2025
HB1219Chris MillerGA USE OF PRIVATE LANDHReferred to Rules Committee1/9/2025
HB1220Chris MillerABORTION-INFORMED CONSENTHReferred to Rules Committee1/9/2025
HB1221Chris MillerFIREARM OWNERS ID ACT-REPEALHReferred to Rules Committee1/9/2025
HB1498Chris MillerELEC CODE-DECEASED VOTERHReferred to Rules Committee1/28/2025
HB1499Chris MillerELECTIONS-RESIDENCE/STUDENTSHReferred to Rules Committee1/28/2025
HB1641Chris MillerSOS-ID CARDHReferred to Rules Committee1/28/2025
HB2668David FriessNOTE ACTS-NOTE REQUIREDHReferred to Rules Committee2/6/2025
HB2816Chris MillerPROPERTY-FOREIGN NATIONALSHReferred to Rules Committee2/6/2025
HB2817Chris MillerDATABASE RESOURCES FOR STUDENTHReferred to Rules Committee2/6/2025
HB2818Chris MillerSCH CD-RIGHTS OF PARENTSHReferred to Rules Committee2/6/2025
HB2819Chris MillerGEN ASSEMBLY-AMENDMENT GERMANEHReferred to Rules Committee2/6/2025
HB2820Chris MillerEDUC SAVINGS ACCOUNT PROGRAMHReferred to Rules Committee2/6/2025
HB2821Chris MillerSCH CD-E-LEARNING-MIGRANTHReferred to Rules Committee2/6/2025
HB2822Chris MillerEDUCATION SAVINGS ACCOUNT PROGHReferred to Rules Committee2/6/2025
HB2823Chris MillerGENDER IN SPORTSHReferred to Rules Committee2/6/2025
HB2876Chris MillerUS & ILLINOIS FLAGS ONLYHReferred to Rules Committee2/6/2025
HB3387Chris MillerSECRETARY OF STATE-CENSUSHFiled with the Clerk by Rep. Chris Miller2/7/2025
HR30Chris MillerAUDIT-STATE SPENDING & HIRINGHReferred to Rules Committee1/28/2025
HR45Chris MillerDIESEL EXHAUST FLUID-FEDSHReferred to Rules Committee1/28/2025
HR95Chris MillerNO TAX INCREASESHReferred to Rules Committee2/4/2025
HR114Chris MillerRECOGNIZE-PRES. DONALD TRUMPHFiled with the Clerk by Rep. Chris Miller2/5/2025