Illinois General Assembly
Illinois General Assembly

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Representative Maurice A. West, II (D), 67th District
Maurice A. West, II is a Sponsor on all bills listed below.
Click Here to see only bills where Maurice A. West, II is Primary Sponsor.
Bill # Chief Sponsor ABR - Short Description Chamber Last Action Last Action Date
HB1088Maurice A. West, IIDOC&DJJ-TRANSFER REQUESTHReferred to Rules Committee1/9/2025
HB1089Maurice A. West, IIRECYCLING-BEVERAGE CONTAINERHReferred to Rules Committee1/9/2025
HB1091Maurice A. West, IIPROP TAX-CHARITABLE REHABHReferred to Rules Committee1/9/2025
HB1151Maurice A. West, IIGROCERY INITIATIVE-DEFINITIONHReferred to Rules Committee1/9/2025
HB1152Maurice A. West, II$ROCKFORD PEACE CENTERHReferred to Rules Committee1/9/2025
HB1169Maurice A. West, II501(C)(3) LOBBYING FEE EXEMPTHReferred to Rules Committee1/9/2025
HB1179Maurice A. West, IIINC TX-BLOOD DONATIONHReferred to Rules Committee1/9/2025
HB1187Maurice A. West, IITOLL HWY-TOLL RATES-FREEHReferred to Rules Committee1/9/2025
HB1188Maurice A. West, IIINC TX-EMPLOYEE RAISESHReferred to Rules Committee1/9/2025
HB1235Maurice A. West, IISCH CD-MINORITY CANDIDATESHFiled with the Clerk by Rep. Maurice A. West, II1/10/2025
HB1236Maurice A. West, IISCH CD-STUDENT TRAUMA-PLANHFiled with the Clerk by Rep. Maurice A. West, II1/10/2025
HB1237Maurice A. West, IISCH CD-PROHIBIT NATIVE AM NAMEHFiled with the Clerk by Rep. Maurice A. West, II1/10/2025
HB1238Maurice A. West, IIPROP TX-FLOOD HAZARDHFiled with the Clerk by Rep. Maurice A. West, II1/10/2025
HB1239Maurice A. West, IIBLOOD TYPE ON STATE ID-LICENSEHFiled with the Clerk by Rep. Maurice A. West, II1/10/2025
HB1240Maurice A. West, II$$DCEO-FOUNDATION NOILHFiled with the Clerk by Rep. Maurice A. West, II1/10/2025
HB1241Maurice A. West, IISENTENCING-DEFENDANT UNDER 21HFiled with the Clerk by Rep. Maurice A. West, II1/10/2025
HB1242Maurice A. West, IIMHDDAA-RN&MENTAL HLTH TECHSHFiled with the Clerk by Rep. Maurice A. West, II1/10/2025
HB1243Maurice A. West, IISCH CD-ALT LEARN-PILOT PROGRAMHFiled with the Clerk by Rep. Maurice A. West, II1/10/2025
HB1244Maurice A. West, II$ST BD ED-HEALTH MEALS FOR ALLHFiled with the Clerk by Rep. Maurice A. West, II1/10/2025
HB1272Maurice A. West, IIPRESCRIPTION DRUG IMPORT ACTHFiled with the Clerk by Rep. Maurice A. West, II1/10/2025
HB1273Maurice A. West, IIVETERANS ASSISTANCE-DEFINITIONHFiled with the Clerk by Rep. Maurice A. West, II1/10/2025
HB1274Maurice A. West, IIMANUFACTURED HOME UTILITY BILLHFiled with the Clerk by Rep. Maurice A. West, II1/10/2025
HB1275Maurice A. West, IISCH CD-TRANSPORTATION-R3 ZONEHFiled with the Clerk by Rep. Maurice A. West, II1/13/2025
HB1276Maurice A. West, IIVEH CD-LIGHTS/SIRENSHFiled with the Clerk by Rep. Maurice A. West, II1/13/2025
HB1277Maurice A. West, IISCH CD-STU ID-DOMESTIC VIOLENCHFiled with the Clerk by Rep. Maurice A. West, II1/13/2025
HB1338Paul JacobsRECOGNITION OF LICENSES ACTHFiled with the Clerk by Rep. Paul Jacobs1/14/2025
HB1431Maurice A. West, IIFACILITY FEE TRANSPARENCYHFiled with the Clerk by Rep. Maurice A. West, II1/16/2025
HB1570Maurice A. West, IIGATA-GRANT LIMITATIONSHFiled with the Clerk by Rep. Maurice A. West, II1/22/2025
HB1571Maurice A. West, IILAND BANK AUTHORITY ACTHFiled with the Clerk by Rep. Maurice A. West, II1/22/2025
HB1572Maurice A. West, IIOMA-DEFAULT RULESHFiled with the Clerk by Rep. Maurice A. West, II1/22/2025
HB1585Maurice A. West, IIDHS-TEEN REACH-TECH ASSISTANCEHFiled with the Clerk by Rep. Maurice A. West, II1/22/2025
HR12Maurice A. West, IIIL ELECTION APPRECIATION WEEKSHReferred to Rules Committee1/9/2025
HR13Maurice A. West, IIAUDIT-CORONER TRAINING BOARDHReferred to Rules Committee1/9/2025
HR38Maurice A. West, IICONGRATS-MU ALPHA LAMBDAHFiled with the Clerk by Rep. Maurice A. West, II1/15/2025
HR52Maurice A. West, IIMEMORIAL-REP. C. JEFFERSONHFiled with the Clerk by Rep. Maurice A. West, II1/22/2025