Illinois General Assembly
Illinois General Assembly

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Representative Sue Scherer (D), 96th District
Click Here to see all bills from Sue Scherer.
Bill # Chief Sponsor ABR - Short Description Chamber Last Action Last Action Date
HB996Sue SchererPOLLING PLACE ASSISTANCEHRule 19(a) / Re-referred to Rules Committee3/10/2023
HB1632Sue SchererFOSTER CARE-SNAP BENEFITSHRule 19(a) / Re-referred to Rules Committee5/19/2023
HB2391Sue SchererINS-GROUND AMBULANCE/BILLINGHReferred to Rules Committee2/15/2023
HB2392Sue SchererSCH CD-LAST TEACHER EVALUATIONHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-03087/28/2023
HB2949Sue SchererSTATE COMPTROLLER-STATE FAIRHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-04388/4/2023
HB4025Sue SchererDEPT INS-NETWORK ADEQUACY UNITHReferred to Rules Committee3/23/2023
HB4126Sue SchererINS CD-MARKET CONDUCTHRule 19(a) / Re-referred to Rules Committee4/5/2024
HB4136Sue SchererSCH CD-MIN SCHOOL TERM-DECATURHReferred to Rules Committee10/18/2023
HB4955Sue SchererSCH CD-STATE ASSESSMENTSSReferred to Assignments4/19/2024
HB5057Sue SchererSCH CD-PRIMARY SCH TEACH TESTHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-08468/9/2024
HB5573Sue SchererCDB-CAUSE OF ACTION-CAPITOLHReferred to Rules Committee2/9/2024
HR75Sue SchererSNAP BENEFITS-FOSTER FAMILIESHResolution Adopted5/18/2023
HR86Sue SchererSUPPORT-OPIOID CRISIS PROGRAMSHResolution Adopted5/18/2023
HR170Sue SchererTRAIL OF DEATH-IDOTHResolution Adopted5/18/2023
HR287Sue SchererMEMORIAL-DAVID STOVERHResolution Adopted5/15/2023
HR289Sue SchererMORE TEACHING LESS TESTING ACTHReferred to Rules Committee5/15/2023
HR366Sue SchererMEMORIAL-JEANNINE E. BLACKHResolution Adopted10/24/2023
HR490Sue SchererRECOGNIZES-CITY OF PRAISEHResolution Adopted11/7/2023
HR522Sue SchererMEMORIAL-GABRIEL C. CHIAROHResolution Adopted1/16/2024
HR543Sue SchererMEMORIAL-SUZANNE WOODSHResolution Adopted1/16/2024
HR560Sue SchererMEMORIAL-LISA M. STANLEYHResolution Adopted2/6/2024
HR648Sue SchererCONGRATS-YMCA OF SPFDHResolution Adopted3/12/2024
HJR22Sue SchererJAMES L. EASTERLY BUILDINGHAdopted Both Houses5/19/2023
SB1351Kimberly A. LightfordSCH CD-TEACHER EVAL-LAST YEARSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-00856/9/2023
SB2406Doris TurnerCOMPTROLLER ADMINISTRATIONSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-02666/30/2023