Illinois General Assembly
Illinois General Assembly

Previous General Assemblies

Representative Mattie Hunter (D), 3rd District - 103rd General Assembly
Click Here to see all bills from Mattie Hunter.
Bill # Chief Sponsor ABR - Short Description Chamber Last Action Last Action Date
SB173Mattie HunterSICKLE CELL PREVENTIONSSession Sine Die1/10/2023
SB174Mattie HunterPEN CD-CHI TEACH-ADMINISTRATORSSession Sine Die1/10/2023
SB175Mattie HunterPEN CD-CTPF-CONTRIBUTIONSSSession Sine Die1/10/2023
SB336Mattie HunterCOMMUNITY HEALTH WORKERSSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 102-067411/30/2021
SB340Mattie HunterINC TX-STUDENT ASSISTANCESPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 102-02898/6/2021
SB341Mattie HunterMEDICAID TECHNICAL ASSISTANCESSession Sine Die1/10/2023
SB672Mattie HunterFAIR FOOD DELIVERY ACTSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 102-03588/13/2021
SB1550Mattie HunterCD CORR-TELEPHONE AVAILABILITYSSession Sine Die1/10/2023
SB1554Mattie HunterCONT SUB&METH-IMMUNITYSSession Sine Die1/10/2023
SB1555Mattie HunterCRIM ID-AUTOMATIC EXPUNGEMENTSSession Sine Die1/10/2023
SB1838Mattie HunterFREEDOM TO WORK-ALL EMPLOYEESSSession Sine Die1/10/2023
SB1839Mattie HunterMODULAR DWELLING-CODESSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 102-05268/20/2021
SB1840Mattie HunterHOSPITALS-FINANCIAL ASSISTANCESPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 102-05818/25/2021
SB1841Mattie HunterREVENUE-SUBSTANCE ABUSESSession Sine Die1/10/2023
SB1842Mattie HunterCONTROLLED SUBSTANCES-OPIOIDSSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 102-05278/20/2021
SB1843Mattie HunterMUNI-TICKET&LICENSE RESELLINGSSession Sine Die1/10/2023
SB1844Mattie HunterCONTROLLED SUBSTANCES-OPIOIDSSSession Sine Die1/10/2023
SB1845Mattie HunterPROP TX-NOTICESPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 102-05288/20/2021
SB1846Mattie HunterRESTAURANTS-CHILD BEVERAGESSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 102-05298/20/2021
SB1847Mattie HunterHUMAN RTS-DISCRIMINATION-RACESPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 102-00366/25/2021
SB1848Mattie HunterREVENUE-BUILD ILLINOISSSession Sine Die1/10/2023
SB1849Mattie HunterPHYSICAL THERAPIST-BACKGROUNDSSession Sine Die1/10/2023
SB1850Mattie HunterMPEA ACT-INCENTIVE GRANT FUNDSSSession Sine Die1/10/2023
SB1851Mattie HunterVEH CD-SOS-VARIOUSSSession Sine Die1/10/2023
SB1852Mattie HunterSOS: ID CARDS-CDL-SCHOOL BUSSSession Sine Die1/10/2023
SB1853Mattie HunterVEH CD-REPEAL REDLIGHT CAMERASSSession Sine Die1/10/2023
SB2362Mattie Hunter$IDPH-STOCK ALBUTEROLSSession Sine Die1/10/2023
SB2369Mattie Hunter$IDPH-ASTHMA MANAGEMENTSSession Sine Die1/10/2023
SB2438Mattie HunterUNCF-LOTTERY SCRATCH-OFFSSession Sine Die1/10/2023
SB2439Mattie Hunter$IDPH-ASTHMA MANAGEMENTSSession Sine Die1/10/2023
SB2440Mattie HunterBUILD ILLINOIS HOMES CREDITSSession Sine Die1/10/2023
SB2441Mattie HunterDHS-YOUTHBUILD PROGRAMSSSession Sine Die1/10/2023
SB2442Mattie Hunter$DHS-FAMILY SERVICESSSession Sine Die1/10/2023
SB2443Mattie HunterMEDICAID-HOME HEALTH-RATESSSession Sine Die1/10/2023
SB2444Mattie HunterINC TAX-AFFORDABLE HOUSINGSSession Sine Die1/10/2023
SB2445Mattie HunterBUILD ILLINOIS HOMES CREDITSSession Sine Die1/10/2023
SB2446Mattie HunterFINANCE-TECHSSession Sine Die1/10/2023
SB2447Mattie HunterLABOR RELATIONS-PEACE OFFICERSSSession Sine Die1/10/2023
SB2448Mattie HunterLABOR RELATIONS-PEACE OFFICERSSSession Sine Die1/10/2023
SB2913Mattie HunterSPORT WAGERNG-PROF SPORTS TEAMSSession Sine Die1/10/2023
SB3097Mattie HunterPROP TX-NOTICE OF REDEMPTIONSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 102-10035/27/2022
SB3099Mattie HunterYOUTH SERV INITIATIVE-REPEALSSession Sine Die1/10/2023
SB3190Mattie HunterDENTAL PRACTICE-TELEDENTISTRYSSession Sine Die1/10/2023
SB3191Mattie HunterREVENUE-TECHSSession Sine Die1/10/2023
SB3414Mattie HunterSECOND CHANCE HOUSING PROGRAMSSession Sine Die1/10/2023
SB3615Mattie HunterNURSING HOMES-INSPECTIONSSSession Sine Die1/10/2023
SB3616Mattie HunterHUMAN RTS-DISCRIMINATION-RACESPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 102-11026/29/2022
SB3729Mattie HunterINS-DRUG DISCOUNT PROGRAMSSession Sine Die1/10/2023
SB3730Mattie HunterREGULATION-TECHSSession Sine Die1/10/2023
SB3731Mattie HunterBUILD ILLINOIS TAX CREDITSSession Sine Die1/10/2023
SB3732Mattie HunterDCFS CHILD PROTECTION SECURITYSSession Sine Die1/10/2023
SB3733Mattie HunterSTATE TRAVEL REIMBURSEMENTSSession Sine Die1/10/2023
SB3734Mattie HunterEQUITY IN HEALTH CARE ACTSSession Sine Die1/10/2023
SB3832Mattie HunterUSE/OCC TAX-UNCLAIMED PROPSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 102-10265/27/2022
SB4000Mattie HunterPEN CD-CTPF-REEMPLOYMENTSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 102-10906/10/2022
SB4008Mattie HunterSTATE GOVERNMENT-TECHSSession Sine Die1/10/2023
SB4020Mattie HunterUNCF-LOTTERY SCRATCH-OFFSSession Sine Die1/10/2023
SB4197Mattie HunterDHS-GAMBLING DISORDERSSSession Sine Die1/10/2023
SB4246Mattie HunterSAFETY-BASED CHILD WELFARESSession Sine Die1/10/2023
SR4Mattie HunterSENATE-JOURNALSSResolution Adopted1/13/2021
SR94Mattie HunterALPHA KAPPA ALPHA DAYSResolution Adopted as Amended5/10/2021
SR169Mattie HunterGUIDEHOUSE-FINAL RATE STUDYSSession Sine Die1/10/2023
SR191Mattie HunterMEMORIAL-THOMAS G. HENRY SR.SResolution Adopted4/15/2021
SR350Mattie HunterMEMORIAL-JANET D. KELLYSResolution Adopted6/15/2021
SR397Mattie HunterMEMORIAL-NATE THOMAS, PH.D.SResolution Adopted9/1/2021
SR429Mattie HunterMEMORIAL-GEORGE L. ROEBUCK JR.SResolution Adopted9/1/2021
SR564Mattie HunterMEMORIAL-TIMUEL BLACKSResolution Adopted10/20/2021
SR710Mattie HunterALPHA KAPPA ALPHA DAYSResolution Adopted3/31/2022
SR828Mattie HunterDAY OF REMEMBRANCE-COVIDSResolution Adopted3/31/2022
SR959Mattie HunterHAROLD WASHINGTON DAYSResolution Adopted4/9/2022
SR1263Mattie HunterMEMORIAL-MARION L. SMITHSResolution Adopted11/16/2022
SR1264Mattie HunterMEMORIAL-E.L. CHESTNUT-SHARKEYSResolution Adopted11/16/2022
SR1265Mattie HunterMEMORIAL-MARY ELLEN KNIGHTSResolution Adopted11/16/2022
SR1266Mattie HunterMEMORIAL-RONALD GREGORY DRAPERSResolution Adopted11/16/2022
SR1267Mattie HunterMEMORIAL-CHRISTINE PERKINSSResolution Adopted11/16/2022
SR1268Mattie HunterMEMORIAL-MATTHEW SCHEFFLERSResolution Adopted11/16/2022
SR1269Mattie HunterMEMORIAL-BERTHA LOUISE PAULSResolution Adopted11/16/2022
SR1270Mattie HunterMEMORIAL-CAROLYN SHANKLINSResolution Adopted11/16/2022
SR1271Mattie HunterMEMORIAL-LARRY THOMASSResolution Adopted11/16/2022
SR1272Mattie HunterMEMORIAL-JOHN HUGHESSResolution Adopted11/16/2022
SR1273Mattie HunterMEMORIAL-KIMBERLY J. PAYTONSResolution Adopted11/16/2022
SR1274Mattie HunterMEMORIAL-ANNIE BELL WILSONSResolution Adopted11/16/2022
SR1275Mattie HunterMEMORIAL-RICHARD H. DRIEHAUSSResolution Adopted11/16/2022
SR1276Mattie HunterMEMORIAL-ALICE CLARK BROWNSResolution Adopted11/16/2022
SJR26Mattie HunterADJOURN HOUSE & SENATESAdopted Both Houses4/16/2021
SJR50Mattie HunterADJOURN HOUSE & SENATESAdopted Both Houses2/17/2022
SJR56Mattie HunterADJOURN HOUSE & SENATESAdopted Both Houses4/9/2022
HB158Camille Y. LillyHEALTH CARE & HUMAN SERVICESHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 102-00044/27/2021
HB192Sonya M. HarperFIREARM VIOLENCE PREVENTIONHSession Sine Die1/10/2023
HB277Sonya M. HarperSTATE PROPERTY-URBAN FARMSHSession Sine Die1/10/2023
HB590Debbie Meyers-MartinSARCOIDOSIS AWARENESS MONTHHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 102-01327/23/2021
HB690Lakesia CollinsREGULATION-TECHHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 102-05828/26/2021
HB862La Shawn K. FordCIV PRO-LIMITS-DEBT COLLECTHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 102-01927/30/2021
HB1841Lamont J. Robinson, Jr.PEN CD-CHI TEACH-ADMINISTRATORHSession Sine Die1/10/2023
HB2382Sonya M. HarperHEALTHY FOOD ACCESS PROGRAMHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 102-10496/9/2022
HB2406Katie StuartINS-COVID VACCINE COVERAGEHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 102-110912/21/2022
HB2621Will GuzzardiWEIGHTS&MEASURES-CONTINUING EDHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 102-01757/29/2021
HB2795Sonya M. HarperSCH CD-CHARTER SCH AUDITORHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 102-04458/20/2021
HB2987Camille Y. LillySCHOOLS-WORK ETHIC INSTRUCTIONHSession Sine Die1/10/2023
HB3089Sonya M. HarperLOCAL FARM AND FOOD PRODUCTSHSession Sine Die1/10/2023
HB3097Sonya M. HarperDRIVER EDUCATION-TRAFFIC STOPSHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 102-04558/20/2021
HB3099Sonya M. HarperSCH CD-CHRONIC TRUANTSHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 102-04568/20/2021
HB3272Sonya M. HarperSCH CD-PUPIL ABSENCE-PREGNANCYHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 102-04718/20/2021
HB3490Elizabeth HernandezRESTAURANTS-CHILD BEVERAGESHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 102-068112/10/2021
HB3498Deb ConroyTELEHEALTH SERVICESHSession Sine Die1/10/2023
HB3575Deb ConroyCRIM PRO--DEFENDANT-CLOSED CIRHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 102-04868/20/2021
HB3821Sonya M. HarperDCFS-RACIAL DISPROPORTIONALITYHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 102-05068/20/2021
HB3988Kambium BucknerMISSING&MURDERED CHICAGO WOMENHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 102-10576/10/2022
HB4410Lamont J. Robinson, Jr.REAL ESTATE VALUE TASK FORCEHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 102-09345/27/2022
HB4595Greg HarrisINS-DRUG DISCOUNT PROGRAMHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 102-07785/13/2022
HB4645LaToya GreenwoodEQUITY IN HEALTH CARE ACTHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 102-09425/27/2022
HB4674Maurice A. West, IINURSING HOMES-INSPECTIONSHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 102-09475/27/2022
HB5108Lamont J. Robinson, Jr.DOIT-CHIEF PROCUREMENT OFFICERHSession Sine Die1/10/2023
HB5225Sonya M. HarperAPPRENTICE ASSISTANCE PROGRAMHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 102-08035/13/2022
HB5488Sonya M. HarperSCH CD-ABSENCE FOR CIVIC EVENTHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 102-09815/27/2022
HJR1*Greg HarrisADJOURN HOUSE & SENATEHAdopted Both Houses9/1/2021
HJR52Greg HarrisADJOURN HOUSE & SENATEHAdopted Both Houses9/1/2021
HJR81Sonya M. HarperHEIRS' PROPERTY TASK FORCEHSession Sine Die1/10/2023
HJR82Sonya M. HarperBLACK IMMIGRANTS TASK FORCEHSession Sine Die1/10/2023
* indicates a special session bill