| | SB2744 Enrolled | - 2 - | LRB098 16241 KTG 51300 b |
1 | | membership or by the National Guard Association of such |
2 | | state. |
3 | | (3) The U.S. Secretary of Defense has provided by |
4 | | regulation in Section 3-209 of the Department of Defense |
5 | | Directive 5500.07-R that offering group life insurance |
6 | | programs sponsored by a state military department, to the |
7 | | same extent and similar manner as the offering of the |
8 | | Servicemembers Group Life Insurance program, is not an |
9 | | endorsement of a non-federal entity in violation of said |
10 | | regulation. |
11 | | It is hereby the policy of the State of Illinois that |
12 | | members of the Illinois National Guard should be provided with |
13 | | the opportunity to purchase the Illinois National Guard |
14 | | State-Sponsored Life Insurance Program products as provided |
15 | | for in this Section and that the members be allowed to make an |
16 | | allotment for the payment of premiums using the U.S. Defense |
17 | | Finance and Accounting Service military pay allotment |
18 | | procedures in force at the time the allotment is requested. |
19 | | (b) It is hereby established that the National Guard |
20 | | Association of Illinois shall be the designated provider of |
21 | | State-sponsored life insurance products offered through |
22 | | insurers licensed to transact insurance business in Illinois |
23 | | for military members and dependents of the Illinois National |
24 | | Guard. The life insurance products provided by the National |
25 | | Guard Association of Illinois through its membership in the |
26 | | Militia Insurance Trust shall be known as the Illinois National |
| | SB2744 Enrolled | - 3 - | LRB098 16241 KTG 51300 b |
1 | | Guard State-Sponsored Life Insurance Program. |
2 | | (c) The Department of Military Affairs, through the |
3 | | Adjutant General, is hereby designated as the official |
4 | | departmental sponsor of the Illinois National Guard |
5 | | State-Sponsored Life Insurance Program, shall allow, |
6 | | facilitate, and coordinate all efforts to make the Program |
7 | | available to all members of the Illinois National Guard, and |
8 | | shall allow, facilitate, and coordinate requested allotments |
9 | | with the appropriate United States Property and Fiscal Office.
10 | | Section 99. Effective date. This Act takes effect upon |
11 | | becoming law.