| | SB2711 Enrolled | | LRB098 14599 OMW 49390 b |
1 | | AN ACT concerning finance.
2 | | Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
3 | | represented in the General Assembly:
4 | | Section 5. The School Code is amended by changing Sections |
5 | | 21B-25 and 21B-45 as follows: |
6 | | (105 ILCS 5/21B-25) |
7 | | Sec. 21B-25. Endorsement on licenses. All licenses issued |
8 | | under paragraph (1) of Section 21B-20 of this Code shall be |
9 | | specifically endorsed by the State Board of Education for each |
10 | | content area, school support area, and administrative area for |
11 | | which the holder of the license is qualified. Recognized |
12 | | institutions approved to offer educator preparation programs |
13 | | shall be trained to add endorsements to licenses issued to |
14 | | applicants who meet all of the requirements for the endorsement |
15 | | or endorsements, including passing any required tests. The |
16 | | State Superintendent of Education shall randomly audit |
17 | | institutions to ensure that all rules and standards are being |
18 | | followed for entitlement or when endorsements are being |
19 | | recommended. |
20 | | (1) The State Board of Education, in consultation with |
21 | | the State Educator Preparation and Licensure Board, shall |
22 | | establish, by rule, the grade level and subject area |
23 | | endorsements to be added to the Professional Educator |
| | SB2711 Enrolled | - 2 - | LRB098 14599 OMW 49390 b |
1 | | License. These rules shall outline the requirements for |
2 | | obtaining each endorsement. |
3 | | (2) In addition to any and all grade level and content |
4 | | area endorsements developed by rule, the State Board of |
5 | | Education, in consultation with the State Educator |
6 | | Preparation and Licensure Board, shall develop the |
7 | | requirements for the following endorsements: |
8 | | (A) General administrative endorsement. A general |
9 | | administrative endorsement shall be added to a |
10 | | Professional Educator License, provided that an |
11 | | approved program has been completed. An individual |
12 | | holding a general administrative endorsement may work |
13 | | only as a principal or assistant principal or in a |
14 | | related or similar position, as determined by the State |
15 | | Superintendent of Education, in consultation with the |
16 | | State Educator Preparation and Licensure Board. |
17 | | Beginning on September 1, 2014, the general |
18 | | administrative endorsement shall no longer be issued. |
19 | | Individuals who hold a valid and registered |
20 | | administrative certificate with a general |
21 | | administrative endorsement issued under Section 21-7.1 |
22 | | of this Code or a Professional Educator License with a |
23 | | general administrative endorsement issued prior to |
24 | | September 1, 2014 and who have served for at least one |
25 | | full year during the 5 years prior in a position |
26 | | requiring a general administrative endorsement shall, |
| | SB2711 Enrolled | - 3 - | LRB098 14599 OMW 49390 b |
1 | | upon request to the State Board of Education and |
2 | | through July 1, 2015, have their respective general |
3 | | administrative endorsement converted to a principal |
4 | | endorsement on the Professional Educator License. |
5 | | Candidates shall not be admitted to an approved general |
6 | | administrative preparation program after September 1, |
7 | | 2012. |
8 | | All other individuals holding a valid and |
9 | | registered administrative certificate with a general |
10 | | administrative endorsement issued pursuant to Section |
11 | | 21-7.1 of this Code or a general administrative |
12 | | endorsement on a Professional Educator License issued |
13 | | prior to September 1, 2014 shall have the general |
14 | | administrative endorsement converted to a principal |
15 | | endorsement on a Professional Educator License upon |
16 | | request to the State Board of Education and by |
17 | | completing one of the following pathways: |
18 | | (i) Passage of the State principal assessment |
19 | | developed by the State Board of Education. |
20 | | (ii) Through July 1, 2019, completion of an |
21 | | Illinois Educators' Academy course designated by |
22 | | the State Superintendent of Education. |
23 | | (iii) Completion of a principal preparation |
24 | | program established and approved pursuant to |
25 | | Section 21B-60 of this Code and applicable rules. |
26 | | Individuals who do not choose to convert the |
| | SB2711 Enrolled | - 4 - | LRB098 14599 OMW 49390 b |
1 | | general administrative endorsement on the |
2 | | administrative certificate issued pursuant to Section |
3 | | 21-7.1 of this Code or on the Professional Educator |
4 | | License shall continue to be able to serve in any |
5 | | position previously allowed under paragraph (2) of |
6 | | subsection (e) of Section 21-7.1 of this Code. |
7 | | The general administrative endorsement on the |
8 | | Professional Educator License is available only to |
9 | | individuals who, prior to September 1, 2014, had such |
10 | | an endorsement on the administrative certificate |
11 | | issued pursuant to Section 21-7.1 of this Code or who |
12 | | already have a Professional Educator License and have |
13 | | completed a general administrative program and who do |
14 | | not choose to convert the general administrative |
15 | | endorsement to a principal endorsement pursuant to the |
16 | | options in this Section. |
17 | | (B) Principal endorsement. A principal endorsement |
18 | | shall be affixed to a Professional Educator License of |
19 | | any holder who qualifies by having all of the |
20 | | following: |
21 | | (i) Successful completion of a principal |
22 | | preparation program approved in accordance with |
23 | | Section 21B-60 of this Code and any applicable |
24 | | rules. |
25 | | (ii) At least 4 total Four years of teaching |
26 | | or, until June 30, 2019, working in the capacity of |
| | SB2711 Enrolled | - 5 - | LRB098 14599 OMW 49390 b |
1 | | school support personnel in an Illinois a public |
2 | | school or nonpublic school recognized by the State |
3 | | Board of Education or in an out-of-state public |
4 | | school or out-of-state nonpublic school meeting |
5 | | out-of-state recognition standards comparable to |
6 | | those approved by the State Superintendent of |
7 | | Education ; however, the State Board of Education, |
8 | | in consultation with the State Educator |
9 | | Preparation and Licensure Board, shall allow, by |
10 | | rules, for fewer than 4 years of experience based |
11 | | on meeting standards set forth in such rules, |
12 | | including without limitation a review of |
13 | | performance evaluations or other evidence of |
14 | | demonstrated qualifications. |
15 | | (iii) A master's degree or higher from a |
16 | | regionally accredited college or university. |
17 | | (C) Chief school business official endorsement. A |
18 | | chief school business official endorsement shall be |
19 | | affixed to the Professional Educator License of any |
20 | | holder who qualifies by having a master's degree or |
21 | | higher, 2 years of full-time administrative experience |
22 | | in school business management or 2 years of |
23 | | university-approved practical experience, and a |
24 | | minimum of 24 semester hours of graduate credit in a |
25 | | program approved by the State Board of Education for |
26 | | the preparation of school business administrators and |
| | SB2711 Enrolled | - 6 - | LRB098 14599 OMW 49390 b |
1 | | by passage of the applicable State tests. The chief |
2 | | school business official endorsement may also be |
3 | | affixed to the Professional Educator License of any |
4 | | holder who qualifies by having a master's degree in |
5 | | business administration, finance, or accounting and |
6 | | who completes an additional 6 semester hours of |
7 | | internship in school business management from a |
8 | | regionally accredited institution of higher education |
9 | | and passes the applicable State tests. This |
10 | | endorsement shall be required for any individual |
11 | | employed as a chief school business official. |
12 | | (D) Superintendent endorsement. A superintendent |
13 | | endorsement shall be affixed to the Professional |
14 | | Educator License of any holder who has completed a |
15 | | program approved by the State Board of Education for |
16 | | the preparation of superintendents of schools, has had |
17 | | at least 2 years of experience employed full-time in a |
18 | | general administrative position or as a full-time |
19 | | principal, director of special education, or chief |
20 | | school business official in the public schools or in a |
21 | | State-recognized nonpublic school in which the chief |
22 | | administrator is required to have the licensure |
23 | | necessary to be a principal in a public school in this |
24 | | State and where a majority of the teachers are required |
25 | | to have the licensure necessary to be instructors in a |
26 | | public school in this State, and has passed the |
| | SB2711 Enrolled | - 7 - | LRB098 14599 OMW 49390 b |
1 | | required State tests; or of any holder who has |
2 | | completed a program from out-of-state that has a |
3 | | program with recognition standards comparable to those |
4 | | approved by the State Superintendent of Education and |
5 | | holds the general administrative, principal, or chief |
6 | | school business official endorsement and who has had 2 |
7 | | years of experience as a principal, director of special |
8 | | education, or chief school business official while |
9 | | holding a valid educator license or certificate |
10 | | comparable in validity and educational and experience |
11 | | requirements and has passed the appropriate State |
12 | | tests, as provided in Section 21B-30 of this Code. The |
13 | | superintendent endorsement shall allow individuals to |
14 | | serve only as a superintendent or assistant |
15 | | superintendent. |
16 | | (E) Teacher leader endorsement. It shall be the |
17 | | policy of this State to improve the quality of |
18 | | instructional leaders by providing a career pathway |
19 | | for teachers interested in serving in leadership |
20 | | roles, but not as principals. The State Board of |
21 | | Education, in consultation with the State Educator |
22 | | Preparation and Licensure Board, may issue a teacher |
23 | | leader endorsement under this subdivision (E). Persons |
24 | | who meet and successfully complete the requirements of |
25 | | the endorsement shall be issued a teacher leader |
26 | | endorsement on the Professional Educator License for |
| | SB2711 Enrolled | - 8 - | LRB098 14599 OMW 49390 b |
1 | | serving in schools in this State. Teacher leaders may |
2 | | qualify to serve in such positions as department |
3 | | chairs, coaches, mentors, curriculum and instruction |
4 | | leaders, or other leadership positions as defined by |
5 | | the district. The endorsement shall be available to |
6 | | those teachers who (i) hold a Professional Educator |
7 | | License, (ii) hold a master's degree or higher from a |
8 | | regionally accredited institution, (iii) have |
9 | | completed a program of study that has been approved by |
10 | | the State Board of Education, in consultation with the |
11 | | State Educator Preparation and Licensure Board, and |
12 | | (iv) have taken coursework in all of the following |
13 | | areas: |
14 | | (I) Leadership. |
15 | | (II) Designing professional development to |
16 | | meet teaching and learning needs. |
17 | | (III) Building school culture that focuses on |
18 | | student learning. |
19 | | (IV) Using assessments to improve student |
20 | | learning and foster school improvement. |
21 | | (V) Building collaboration with teachers and |
22 | | stakeholders. |
23 | | A teacher who meets the requirements set forth in |
24 | | this Section and holds a teacher leader endorsement may |
25 | | evaluate teachers pursuant to Section 24A-5 of this |
26 | | Code, provided that the individual has completed the |
| | SB2711 Enrolled | - 9 - | LRB098 14599 OMW 49390 b |
1 | | evaluation component required by Section 24A-3 of this |
2 | | Code and a teacher leader is allowed to evaluate |
3 | | personnel under the respective school district's |
4 | | collective bargaining agreement. |
5 | | The State Board of Education, in consultation with |
6 | | the State Educator Preparation and Licensure Board, |
7 | | may adopt such rules as may be necessary to establish |
8 | | and implement the teacher leader endorsement program |
9 | | and to specify the positions for which this endorsement |
10 | | shall be required. |
11 | | (F) Special education endorsement. A special |
12 | | education endorsement in one or more areas shall be |
13 | | affixed to a Professional Educator License for any |
14 | | individual that meets those requirements established |
15 | | by the State Board of Education in rules. Special |
16 | | education endorsement areas shall include without |
17 | | limitation the following: |
18 | | (i) Learning Behavior Specialist I; |
19 | | (ii) Learning Behavior Specialist II; |
20 | | (iii) Speech Language Pathologist; |
21 | | (iv) Blind or Visually Impaired; |
22 | | (v) Deaf-Hard of Hearing; and |
23 | | (vi) Early Childhood Special Education. |
24 | | Notwithstanding anything in this Code to the contrary, |
25 | | the State Board of Education, in consultation with the |
26 | | State Educator Preparation and Licensure Board, may |
| | SB2711 Enrolled | - 10 - | LRB098 14599 OMW 49390 b |
1 | | add additional areas of special education by rule. |
2 | | (G) School support personnel endorsement. School |
3 | | support personnel endorsement areas shall include, but |
4 | | are not limited to, school counselor, marriage and |
5 | | family therapist, school psychologist, school speech |
6 | | and language pathologist, school nurse, and school |
7 | | social worker. This endorsement is for individuals who |
8 | | are not teachers or administrators, but still require |
9 | | licensure to work in an instructional support position |
10 | | in a public or State-operated elementary school, |
11 | | secondary school, or cooperative or joint agreement |
12 | | with a governing body or board of control or a charter |
13 | | school operating in compliance with the Charter |
14 | | Schools Law. The school support personnel endorsement |
15 | | shall be affixed to the Professional Educator License |
16 | | and shall meet all of the requirements established in |
17 | | any rules adopted to implement this subdivision (G). |
18 | | The holder of such an endorsement is entitled to all of |
19 | | the rights and privileges granted holders of any other |
20 | | Professional Educator License, including teacher |
21 | | benefits, compensation, and working conditions.
22 | | Beginning on January 1, 2014 and ending on April |
23 | | 30, 2014, a person holding a Professional Educator |
24 | | License with a school speech and language pathologist |
25 | | (teaching) endorsement may exchange his or her school |
26 | | speech and language pathologist (teaching) endorsement |
| | SB2711 Enrolled | - 11 - | LRB098 14599 OMW 49390 b |
1 | | for a school speech and language pathologist |
2 | | (non-teaching) endorsement through application to the |
3 | | State Board of Education. There shall be no cost for |
4 | | this exchange. |
5 | | (Source: P.A. 97-607, eff. 8-26-11; 98-413, eff. 8-16-13; |
6 | | 98-610, eff. 12-27-13; 98-872, eff. 8-11-14; 98-917, eff. |
7 | | 8-15-14; revised 9-2-14.) |
8 | | (105 ILCS 5/21B-45) |
9 | | Sec. 21B-45. Professional Educator License renewal. |
10 | | (a) Individuals holding a Professional Educator License |
11 | | are required to complete the licensure renewal requirements as |
12 | | specified in this Section, unless otherwise provided in this |
13 | | Code. |
14 | | Individuals holding a Professional Educator License shall |
15 | | meet the renewal requirements set forth in this Section, unless |
16 | | otherwise provided in this Code. If an individual holds a |
17 | | license endorsed in more than one area that has different |
18 | | renewal requirements, that individual shall follow the renewal |
19 | | requirements for the position for which he or she spends the |
20 | | majority of his or her time working. |
21 | | (b) All Professional Educator Licenses not renewed as |
22 | | provided in this Section shall lapse on September 1 of that |
23 | | year. Lapsed licenses may be immediately reinstated upon (i) |
24 | | payment by the applicant of a $500 penalty to the State Board |
25 | | of Education or, for individuals holding an Educator License |
| | SB2711 Enrolled | - 12 - | LRB098 14599 OMW 49390 b |
1 | | with Stipulations with a paraprofessional educator endorsement |
2 | | only, payment by the applicant of a $150 penalty to the State |
3 | | Board of Education or (ii) the demonstration of proficiency by |
4 | | completing 9 semester hours of coursework from a regionally |
5 | | accredited institution of higher education in the content area |
6 | | that most aligns with one or more of the educator's endorsement |
7 | | areas. Any and all back fees, including without limitation |
8 | | registration fees owed from the time of expiration of the |
9 | | certificate until the date of reinstatement, shall be paid and |
10 | | kept in accordance with the provisions in Article 3 of this |
11 | | Code concerning an institute fund and the provisions in Article |
12 | | 21B of this Code concerning fees and requirements for |
13 | | registration. Licenses not registered in accordance with |
14 | | Section 21B-40 of this Code shall lapse after a period of 6 |
15 | | months from the expiration of the last year of registration. An |
16 | | unregistered license is invalid after September 1 for |
17 | | employment and performance of services in an Illinois public or |
18 | | State-operated school or cooperative and in a charter school. |
19 | | Any license or endorsement may be voluntarily surrendered by |
20 | | the license holder. A voluntarily surrendered license, except a |
21 | | substitute teaching license issued under Section 21B-20 of this |
22 | | Code, shall be treated as a revoked license.
23 | | (c) From July 1, 2013 through June 30, 2014, in order to |
24 | | satisfy the requirements for licensure renewal provided for in |
25 | | this Section, each professional educator licensee with an |
26 | | administrative endorsement who is working in a position |
| | SB2711 Enrolled | - 13 - | LRB098 14599 OMW 49390 b |
1 | | requiring such endorsement shall complete one Illinois |
2 | | Administrators' Academy course, as described in Article 2 of |
3 | | this Code, per fiscal year. |
4 | | (d) Beginning July 1, 2014, in order to satisfy the |
5 | | requirements for licensure renewal provided for in this |
6 | | Section, each professional educator licensee may create a |
7 | | professional development plan each year. The plan shall address |
8 | | one or more of the endorsements that are required of his or her |
9 | | educator position if the licensee is employed and performing |
10 | | services in an Illinois public or State-operated school or |
11 | | cooperative. If the licensee is employed in a charter school, |
12 | | the plan shall address that endorsement or those endorsements |
13 | | most closely related to his or her educator position. Licensees |
14 | | employed and performing services in any other Illinois schools |
15 | | may participate in the renewal requirements by adhering to the |
16 | | same process. |
17 | | Except as otherwise provided in this Section, the |
18 | | licensee's professional development activities shall align |
19 | | with one or more of the following criteria: |
20 | | (1) activities are of a type that engage participants |
21 | | over a sustained period of time allowing for analysis, |
22 | | discovery, and application as they relate to student |
23 | | learning, social or emotional achievement, or well-being; |
24 | | (2) professional development aligns to the licensee's |
25 | | performance; |
26 | | (3) outcomes for the activities must relate to student |
| | SB2711 Enrolled | - 14 - | LRB098 14599 OMW 49390 b |
1 | | growth or district improvement; |
2 | | (4) activities align to State-approved standards;
and |
3 | | (5) higher education coursework. |
4 | | (e) For each renewal cycle, each professional educator |
5 | | licensee shall engage in professional development activities. |
6 | | Within 60 days after the conclusion of a professional |
7 | | development activity, the licensee shall enter electronically |
8 | | into the Educator Licensure Information System (ELIS) the name, |
9 | | date, and location of the activity, the number of professional |
10 | | development hours, and the provider's name. The following |
11 | | provisions shall apply concerning professional development |
12 | | activities: |
13 | | (1) Each licensee shall complete a total of 120 hours |
14 | | of professional development per 5-year renewal cycle in |
15 | | order to renew the license, except as otherwise provided in |
16 | | this Section. |
17 | | (2) Beginning with his or her first full 5-year cycle, |
18 | | any licensee with an administrative endorsement who is not |
19 | | working in a position requiring such endorsement shall |
20 | | complete one Illinois Administrators' Academy course, as |
21 | | described in Article 2 of this Code, in each 5-year renewal |
22 | | cycle in which the administrative endorsement was held for |
23 | | at least one year. The Illinois Administrators' Academy |
24 | | course may count toward the total of 120 hours per 5-year |
25 | | cycle. |
26 | | (3) Any licensee with an administrative endorsement |
| | SB2711 Enrolled | - 15 - | LRB098 14599 OMW 49390 b |
1 | | who is working in a position requiring such endorsement or |
2 | | an individual with a Teacher Leader endorsement serving in |
3 | | an administrative capacity at least 50% of the day shall |
4 | | complete one Illinois Administrators' Academy course, as |
5 | | described in Article 2 of this Code, each fiscal year in |
6 | | addition to 100 hours of professional development per |
7 | | 5-year renewal cycle in accordance with this Code. |
8 | | (4) Any licensee holding a current National Board for |
9 | | Professional Teaching Standards (NBPTS) master teacher |
10 | | designation shall complete a total of 60 hours of |
11 | | professional development per 5-year renewal cycle in order |
12 | | to renew the license. |
13 | | (5) Licensees working in a position that does not |
14 | | require educator licensure or working in a position for |
15 | | less than 50% for any particular year are considered to be |
16 | | exempt and shall be required to pay only the registration |
17 | | fee in order to renew and maintain the validity of the |
18 | | license. |
19 | | (6) Licensees who are retired and qualify for benefits |
20 | | from a State retirement system shall notify the State Board |
21 | | of Education using ELIS, and the license shall be |
22 | | maintained in retired status. An individual with a license |
23 | | in retired status shall not be required to complete |
24 | | professional development activities or pay registration |
25 | | fees until returning to a position that requires educator |
26 | | licensure. Upon returning to work in a position that |
| | SB2711 Enrolled | - 16 - | LRB098 14599 OMW 49390 b |
1 | | requires the Professional Educator License, the licensee |
2 | | shall immediately pay a registration fee and complete |
3 | | renewal requirements for that year. A license in retired |
4 | | status cannot lapse. |
5 | | (7) For any renewal cycle in which professional |
6 | | development hours were required, but not fulfilled, the |
7 | | licensee shall complete any missed hours to total the |
8 | | minimum professional development hours required in this |
9 | | Section prior to September 1 of that year. For any fiscal |
10 | | year or renewal cycle in which an Illinois Administrators' |
11 | | Academy course was required but not completed, the licensee |
12 | | shall complete any missed Illinois Administrators' Academy |
13 | | courses prior to September 1 of that year. The licensee may |
14 | | complete all deficient hours and Illinois Administrators' |
15 | | Academy courses while continuing to work in a position that |
16 | | requires that license until September 1 of that year. |
17 | | (8) Any licensee who has not fulfilled the professional |
18 | | development renewal requirements set forth in this Section |
19 | | at the end of any 5-year renewal cycle is ineligible to |
20 | | register his or her license and may submit an appeal to the |
21 | | State Superintendent of Education for reinstatement of the |
22 | | license. |
23 | | (9) If professional development opportunities were |
24 | | unavailable to a licensee, proof that opportunities were |
25 | | unavailable and request for an extension of time beyond |
26 | | August 31 to complete the renewal requirements may be |
| | SB2711 Enrolled | - 17 - | LRB098 14599 OMW 49390 b |
1 | | submitted from April 1 through June 30 of that year to the |
2 | | State Educator Preparation and Licensure Board. If an |
3 | | extension is approved, the license shall remain valid |
4 | | during the extension period. |
5 | | (10) Individuals who hold exempt licenses prior to the |
6 | | effective date of this amendatory Act of the 98th General |
7 | | Assembly shall commence the annual renewal process with the |
8 | | first scheduled registration due after the effective date |
9 | | of this amendatory Act of the 98th General Assembly. |
10 | | (f) At the time of renewal, each licensee shall respond to |
11 | | the required questions under penalty of perjury. |
12 | | (g) The following entities shall be designated as approved |
13 | | to provide professional development activities for the renewal |
14 | | of Professional Educator Licenses: |
15 | | (1) The State Board of Education. |
16 | | (2) Regional offices of education and intermediate |
17 | | service centers. |
18 | | (3) Illinois professional associations representing |
19 | | the following groups that are approved by the State |
20 | | Superintendent of Education: |
21 | | (A) school administrators; |
22 | | (B) principals; |
23 | | (C) school business officials; |
24 | | (D) teachers, including special education |
25 | | teachers; |
26 | | (E) school boards; |
| | SB2711 Enrolled | - 18 - | LRB098 14599 OMW 49390 b |
1 | | (F) school districts; |
2 | | (G) parents; and |
3 | | (H) school service personnel. |
4 | | (4) Regionally accredited institutions of higher |
5 | | education that offer Illinois-approved educator |
6 | | preparation programs. |
7 | | (5) Illinois public school districts, charter schools |
8 | | authorized under Article 27A of this Code, and joint |
9 | | educational programs authorized under Article 10 of this |
10 | | Code for the purposes of providing career and technical |
11 | | education or special education services. |
12 | | (6) A not-for-profit organization that, as of the |
13 | | effective date of this amendatory Act of the 98th General |
14 | | Assembly, has had or has a grant from or a contract with |
15 | | the State Board of Education to provide professional |
16 | | development services in the area of English Language |
17 | | Learning to Illinois school districts, teachers, or |
18 | | administrators. |
19 | | (h) Approved providers under subsection (g) of this Section |
20 | | shall make available professional development opportunities |
21 | | that satisfy at least one of the following: |
22 | | (1) increase the knowledge and skills of school and |
23 | | district leaders who guide continuous professional |
24 | | development; |
25 | | (2) improve the learning of students; |
26 | | (3) organize adults into learning communities whose |
| | SB2711 Enrolled | - 19 - | LRB098 14599 OMW 49390 b |
1 | | goals are aligned with those of the school and district; |
2 | | (4) deepen educator's content knowledge; |
3 | | (5) provide educators with research-based |
4 | | instructional strategies to assist students in meeting |
5 | | rigorous academic standards; |
6 | | (6) prepare educators to appropriately use various |
7 | | types of classroom assessments; |
8 | | (7) use learning strategies appropriate to the |
9 | | intended goals; |
10 | | (8) provide educators with the knowledge and skills to |
11 | | collaborate; or |
12 | | (9) prepare educators to apply research to |
13 | | decision-making. |
14 | | (i) Approved providers under subsection (g) of this Section |
15 | | shall do the following: |
16 | | (1) align professional development activities to the |
17 | | State-approved national standards for professional |
18 | | learning; |
19 | | (2) meet the professional development criteria for |
20 | | Illinois licensure renewal; |
21 | | (3) produce a rationale for the activity that explains |
22 | | how it aligns to State standards and identify the |
23 | | assessment for determining the expected impact on student |
24 | | learning or school improvement; |
25 | | (4) maintain original documentation for completion of |
26 | | activities; and |
| | SB2711 Enrolled | - 20 - | LRB098 14599 OMW 49390 b |
1 | | (5) provide license holders with evidence of |
2 | | completion of activities. |
3 | | (j) The State Board of Education shall conduct annual |
4 | | audits of approved providers, except for school districts, |
5 | | which shall be audited by regional offices of education and |
6 | | intermediate service centers. The State Board of Education |
7 | | shall complete random audits of licensees. |
8 | | (1) Approved providers shall annually submit to the |
9 | | State Board of Education a list of subcontractors used for |
10 | | delivery of professional development activities for which |
11 | | renewal credit was issued and other information as defined |
12 | | by rule. |
13 | | (2) Approved providers shall annually submit data to |
14 | | the State Board of Education demonstrating how the |
15 | | professional development activities impacted one or more |
16 | | of the following: |
17 | | (A) educator and student growth in regards to |
18 | | content knowledge or skills, or both; |
19 | | (B) educator and student social and emotional |
20 | | growth; or |
21 | | (C) alignment to district or school improvement |
22 | | plans. |
23 | | (3) The State Superintendent of Education shall review |
24 | | the annual data collected by the State Board of Education, |
25 | | regional offices of education, and intermediate service |
26 | | centers in audits to determine if the approved provider has |
| | SB2711 Enrolled | - 21 - | LRB098 14599 OMW 49390 b |
1 | | met the criteria and should continue to be an approved |
2 | | provider or if further action should be taken as provided |
3 | | in rules. |
4 | | (k) Registration fees shall be paid for the next renewal |
5 | | cycle between April 1 and June 30 in the last year of each |
6 | | 5-year renewal cycle using ELIS. If all required professional |
7 | | development hours for the renewal cycle have been completed and |
8 | | entered by the licensee, the licensee shall pay the |
9 | | registration fees for the next cycle using a form of credit or |
10 | | debit card. |
11 | | (l) Beginning July 1, 2014, any professional educator |
12 | | licensee endorsed for school support personnel who is employed |
13 | | and performing services in Illinois public schools and who |
14 | | holds an active and current professional license issued by the |
15 | | Department of Financial and Professional Regulation related to |
16 | | the endorsement areas on the Professional Educator License |
17 | | shall be deemed to have satisfied the continuing professional |
18 | | development requirements provided for in this Section. Such |
19 | | individuals shall be required to pay only registration fees to |
20 | | renew the Professional Educator License. An individual who does |
21 | | not hold a license issued by the Department of Financial and |
22 | | Professional Regulation shall complete professional |
23 | | development requirements for the renewal of a Professional |
24 | | Educator License provided for in this Section. |
25 | | (m) Appeals to the State Educator Preparation and Licensure |
26 | | Board
must be made within 30 days after receipt of notice from |
| | SB2711 Enrolled | - 22 - | LRB098 14599 OMW 49390 b |
1 | | the State Superintendent of Education that a license will not |
2 | | be renewed based upon failure to complete the requirements of |
3 | | this Section. A licensee may appeal that decision to the State |
4 | | Educator Preparation and Licensure Board in a manner prescribed |
5 | | by rule. |
6 | | (1) Each appeal shall state the reasons why the State |
7 | | Superintendent's decision should be reversed and shall be |
8 | | sent by certified mail, return receipt requested, to the |
9 | | State Board of Education. |
10 | | (2) The State Educator Preparation and Licensure Board |
11 | | shall review each appeal regarding renewal of a license |
12 | | within 90 days after receiving the appeal in order to |
13 | | determine whether the licensee has met the requirements of |
14 | | this Section. The State Educator Preparation and Licensure |
15 | | Board may hold an appeal hearing or may make its |
16 | | determination based upon the record of review, which shall |
17 | | consist of the following: |
18 | | (A) the regional superintendent of education's |
19 | | rationale for recommending nonrenewal of the license, |
20 | | if applicable; |
21 | | (B) any evidence submitted to the State |
22 | | Superintendent along with the individual's electronic |
23 | | statement of assurance for renewal; and |
24 | | (C) the State Superintendent's rationale for |
25 | | nonrenewal of the license. |
26 | | (3) The State Educator Preparation and Licensure Board |
| | SB2711 Enrolled | - 23 - | LRB098 14599 OMW 49390 b |
1 | | shall notify the licensee of its decision regarding license |
2 | | renewal by certified mail, return receipt requested, no |
3 | | later than 30 days after reaching a decision. Upon receipt |
4 | | of notification of renewal, the licensee, using ELIS, shall |
5 | | pay the applicable registration fee for the next cycle |
6 | | using a form of credit or debit card. |
7 | | (n) The State Board of Education may adopt rules as may be |
8 | | necessary to implement this Section. |
9 | | (Source: P.A. 97-607, eff. 8-26-11; 98-610, eff. 12-27-13.)
10 | | Section 99. Effective date. This Act takes effect upon |
11 | | becoming law.