State of Illinois
Introduced 11/5/2013, by Sen. Toi W. Hutchinson
Amends “An Act making appropriations” (Public Act 98-50). Increases the amount appropriated to Grundy County for operating assistance grants from $278,300 to $428,300. Effective immediately.
LRB098 14525 MLW 49283 b
AN ACT concerning appropriations.
Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois, represented in the General Assembly:
Section 5. “An Act making appropriations”, Public Act 98-50, approved July 2, 2013, is amended by changing Section 250 of Article 22 as follows:
(P.A. 98-50, Article 22, Section 250)
Sec. 250. The following named sums, or so much thereof as may be necessary, are appropriated from the Downstate Public Transportation Fund to the Department of Transportation for operating assistance grants to provide a portion of the eligible operating expenses for the following carriers for the purposes stated in Article II of Public Act 78-1109, as amended:
Champaign-Urbana Mass Transit District........ 27,466,600
Greater Peoria Mass Transit District (with
Service to Pekin)........................... 21,269,800
Rock Island County Metropolitan
Mass Transit District....................... 17,318,700
Rockford Mass Transit District................ 14,374,800
Springfield Mass Transit District............. 13,979,200
Bloomington-Normal Public Transit System....... 7,840,800
City of Decatur................................ 6,865,500
City of Quincy................................. 3,433,000
City of Galesburg.............................. 1,560,800
Stateline Mass Transit District (with
service to South Beloit)....................... 366,100
City of Danville............................... 2,497,200
RIDES Mass Transit District.................. 6,362,300
South Central Illinois Mass Transit District... 5,217,900
River Valley Metro Mass Transit District....... 4,606,500
Jackson County Mass Transit District............. 425,700
City of DeKalb................................. 3,224,100
City of Macomb................................. 2,154,800
Shawnee Mass Transit District.................. 1,985,600
St. Clair County Transit District............. 51,129,400
West Central Mass Transit District............... 984,700
Monroe-Randolph Transit District................. 886,800
Madison County Mass Transit District.......... 20,373,000
Bond County...................................... 314,200
Bureau County (with service to Putnam County).... 714,800
Coles County..................................... 480,500
East Central IL Mass Transit District............ 332,800
City of Freeport/Stephenson County............... 837,400
Henry County..................................... 368,600
Jo Daviess County................................ 504,600
Kankakee County.................................. 656,300
Peoria County.................................... 457,600
Piatt County..................................... 439,600
Shelby County.................................... 728,500
Tazewell County.................................. 676,200
CRIS Rural Mass Transit District................. 676,300
Kendall County................................. 1,570,400
McLean County (with service to
Macon, Dewitt, Ford, Iroquois and
Livingston Counties) ........................ 1,501,900
Woodford County.................................. 296,800
Lee and Ogle Counties............................ 725,800
Whiteside County................................. 599,000
Champaign County................................. 577,600
Boone County..................................... 121,000
DeKalb County.................................... 453,800
Grundy County............................ 428,300
Stark County..................................... 121,000
Warren County.................................... 169,400
Rock Island/Mercer Counties...................... 278,300
Hancock County................................... 175,500
Macoupin County.................................. 363,000
Fulton County.................................... 242,000
Effingham County................................. 363,000
City of Ottawa (serving LaSalle County).......... 968,000
Carroll County................................... 145,200
Cass County...................................... 121,000
Knox County...................................... 193,600
Logan County (with service to Mason County)...... 387,200
Macon County..................................... 169,400
Schuyler County................................... 60,500
Sangamon County (with service to Menard County).. 400,000
Christian County................................ 250,000
Total........................ $232,192,400 $232,042,400
(Source: P.A. 98-50, eff. 7-2-13.)
Section 99. Effective date. This Act takes effect upon becoming law.