| | 09800SB2585sam001 | - 2 - | LRB098 12068 RPM 57755 a |
1 | | prior
authorization form, fails to respond within 3 business |
2 | | days after
receipt of a completed prior authorization request |
3 | | from a
prescribing provider or pharmacist (this timeframe |
4 | | follows the requirements set forth in Section 30 of Chapter 18 |
5 | | of the Medicare Part D Benefit Manual), or fails to respond |
6 | | within 24 hours in the case of an emergency, pursuant to the |
7 | | submission of the prior
authorization form developed as |
8 | | described in subsection (c), then the
prior authorization |
9 | | request shall be deemed to have been granted and shall be paid |
10 | | for by the health insurer at the health insurer's indicated |
11 | | tier. |
12 | | (c) On or before July 1, 2015, the Department shall develop |
13 | | a uniform prior
authorization form. Notwithstanding any other |
14 | | provision of law, on
and after January 1, 2016, if the |
15 | | threshold of a majority of prior authorization requests |
16 | | submitted are not submitted electronically (as determined by |
17 | | rule by the Department), then every prescribing provider and |
18 | | pharmacist may use that
uniform prior authorization form to |
19 | | request prior authorization for
coverage of prescription drug |
20 | | benefits and every health insurer
shall accept that form as |
21 | | sufficient to request prior authorization
for prescription |
22 | | drug benefits. |
23 | | (d) The prior authorization form developed pursuant to |
24 | | subsection
(c) shall meet the following criteria: |
25 | | (1) The form shall not exceed 2 pages. |
26 | | (2) The form shall be made electronically available by |
| | 09800SB2585sam001 | - 3 - | LRB098 12068 RPM 57755 a |
1 | | the
Department and the health insurer. |
2 | | (3) The completed form may also be electronically |
3 | | submitted from
the prescribing provider or pharmacist to |
4 | | the health insurer. |
5 | | (4) The Department shall develop the form with input |
6 | | from interested parties from at least
one public meeting. |
7 | | (5) The Department, in development of the standardized |
8 | | form, shall take into consideration
the following: |
9 | | (A) Existing prior authorization forms established |
10 | | by the federal
Centers for Medicare and Medicaid |
11 | | Services and the Department
of Healthcare and Family |
12 | | Services. |
13 | | (B) National standards pertaining to electronic |
14 | | prior
authorization. |
15 | | (e) For the purposes of this Section: |
16 | | "Pharmacist" has the same meaning as set forth in the |
17 | | Pharmacy Practice Act. |
18 | | "Prescribing provider" includes a provider authorized to |
19 | | write a prescription, as described in subsection (e) of Section |
20 | | 3 of the Pharmacy Practice Act,
to treat a medical condition of |
21 | | an insured.
22 | | Section 99. Effective date. This Act takes effect upon |
23 | | becoming law.".