| | SB2314 Engrossed | | LRB098 04240 RPM 34265 b |
1 | | AN ACT concerning health.
2 | | Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
3 | | represented in the General Assembly:
4 | | Section 5. The Department of Public Health Powers and |
5 | | Duties Law of the
Civil Administrative Code of Illinois is |
6 | | amended by changing Section 2310-345 as follows:
7 | | (20 ILCS 2310/2310-345) (was 20 ILCS 2310/55.49)
8 | | Sec. 2310-345. Breast cancer; written summary regarding |
9 | | early detection and
treatment. |
10 | | (a) From funds made available for this purpose, the
11 | | Department shall publish, in layman's language, a
standardized |
12 | | written summary outlining methods for the early detection and
13 | | diagnosis of breast cancer. The summary shall include |
14 | | recommended
guidelines for screening and detection of breast |
15 | | cancer through the use of
techniques that shall include but not |
16 | | be limited to self-examination, clinical breast exams, and
17 | | diagnostic radiology.
18 | | (b) The summary shall also suggest that women seek |
19 | | mammography
services from facilities that
are certified to |
20 | | perform mammography as required by the
federal Mammography |
21 | | Quality Standards Act of 1992.
22 | | (c) The summary shall also include the medically viable
23 | | alternative
methods for the treatment of breast cancer, |
| | SB2314 Engrossed | - 2 - | LRB098 04240 RPM 34265 b |
1 | | including, but not limited to,
hormonal, radiological, |
2 | | chemotherapeutic, or surgical treatments or
combinations |
3 | | thereof. The summary shall contain information on breast
4 | | reconstructive surgery, including, but not limited to, the use |
5 | | of breast
implants and their side effects.
The summary shall |
6 | | inform the
patient of the advantages, disadvantages, risks, and |
7 | | dangers of the various
The summary shall include |
8 | | (i) a statement that mammography is the most
accurate method |
9 | | for making an early detection of breast cancer, however, no
10 | | diagnostic tool is 100% effective, (ii) the benefits of |
11 | | clinical breast exams, and (iii) instructions for
performing |
12 | | breast self-examination and a statement that
it is
important to |
13 | | perform a breast self-examination monthly.
14 | | (c-5) The summary shall specifically address the benefits
15 | | of early detection and review the clinical standard |
16 | | recommendations by the Centers for Disease Control and |
17 | | Prevention and the American Cancer Society for mammography, |
18 | | clinical breast exams, and breast self-exams.
19 | | (c-10) The summary shall also inform individuals that |
20 | | public and private insurance providers shall pay for clinical |
21 | | breast exams as part of an exam, as indicated by guidelines of |
22 | | practice.
23 | | (c-15) The summary shall also inform individuals, in |
24 | | layman's terms, of the meaning and consequences of "dense |
25 | | breast tissue" under the guidelines of the Breast Imaging |
26 | | Reporting and Data System of the American College of Radiology. |
| | SB2314 Engrossed | - 3 - | LRB098 04240 RPM 34265 b |
1 | | (d) In developing the summary, the Department shall consult |
2 | | with the
Advisory Board of Cancer Control, the Illinois State |
3 | | Medical Society and
consumer groups. The summary shall be |
4 | | updated by the Department every 2 years.
5 | | (e) The summaries shall additionally be translated into |
6 | | Spanish, and
the Department shall conduct a public information |
7 | | campaign to distribute
the summaries to the Hispanic women of |
8 | | this State in order to inform them
of the importance of early |
9 | | detection and mammograms.
10 | | (f) The Department shall distribute the summary to |
11 | | hospitals, public
health centers, and physicians who are likely |
12 | | to perform or order
tests for breast disease or |
13 | | treat breast cancer by surgical or other
medical methods. Those |
14 | | hospitals, public health centers, and physicians
shall make the |
15 | | summaries available to the public. The Department shall
also |
16 | | distribute the summaries to any person, organization, or other
17 | | interested parties upon request. The summaries may be |
18 | | duplicated by any
person, provided the copies are identical to |
19 | | the current summary
by the Department.
20 | | (g) The summary shall display, on the inside of its cover, |
21 | | printed in
capital letters, in bold face type, the following |
22 | | paragraph:
23 | | "The information contained in this brochure regarding |
24 | | recommendations for
early detection and diagnosis of breast |
25 | | disease and alternative breast
disease treatments is only for |
26 | | the purpose of assisting you, the patient,
in understanding the |
| | SB2314 Engrossed | - 4 - | LRB098 04240 RPM 34265 b |
1 | | medical information and advice offered by your
physician. This |
2 | | brochure cannot serve as a substitute for the sound
3 | | professional advice of your physician. The availability of this |
4 | | brochure
or the information contained within is not intended to |
5 | | alter, in any way,
the existing physician-patient |
6 | | relationship, nor the existing professional
obligations of |
7 | | your physician in the delivery of medical services to you,
the |
8 | | patient."
9 | | (h) The summary shall be updated when necessary.
10 | | (Source: P.A. 95-189, eff. 8-16-07; 95-331, eff. 8-21-07.)