Sen. Darin M. LaHood
Filed: 4/4/2014
| | 09800SB2003sam001 | | LRB098 06512 HEP 58175 a |
2 | | AMENDMENT NO. ______. Amend Senate Bill 2003 by replacing |
3 | | everything after the enacting clause with the following:
4 | | "Section 5. The Workplace Violence Prevention Act is |
5 | | amended by changing Sections 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, and 35 and by |
6 | | adding Sections 21, 40, 45, 50, 55, 60, 65, 70, 75, 80, 85, 90, |
7 | | 95, 100, 105, 110, 115, 120, and 125 as follows: |
8 | | (820 ILCS 275/10)
9 | | Sec. 10. Definitions. As used in this Act: |
10 | | "Credible threat of violence" means a statement or course |
11 | | of conduct that does not serve a legitimate purpose and that |
12 | | causes a reasonable person to fear for the person's safety at |
13 | | his or her workplace or for the safety of others at his or her |
14 | | workplace the person's immediate family . |
15 | | "Employee" means: |
16 | | (1) a person employed or permitted to work or perform a |
| | 09800SB2003sam001 | - 2 - | LRB098 06512 HEP 58175 a |
1 | | service for remuneration; |
2 | | (2) a member of a board of directors of any |
3 | | organization; |
4 | | (3) an elected or appointed public officer; and |
5 | | (4) a volunteer, independent contractor, agency |
6 | | worker, or any other person who performs services for an |
7 | | employer at the employer's place of work. |
8 | | "Employer" means an individual, partnership, association, |
9 | | limited liability company, corporation, business trust, the |
10 | | State, a governmental agency, or a political subdivision that |
11 | | has at least 5 employees during any work week. |
12 | | "Petitioner" means any employer who commences a proceeding |
13 | | for a workplace protection restraining order. |
14 | | "Respondent" means a person against whom a workplace |
15 | | protection restraining order proceeding has been commenced. |
16 | | "Workplace" or "place of work" means any property that is |
17 | | owned or leased by the employer and at which the official |
18 | | business of the petitioner is conducted. |
19 | | "Unlawful violence" means any act of violence, harassment, |
20 | | or stalking as defined by the Criminal Code of 2012 laws of |
21 | | this State .
22 | | (Source: P.A. 98-430, eff. 1-1-14.) |
23 | | (820 ILCS 275/15)
24 | | Sec. 15. Employer's right to a workplace protection |
25 | | restraining order of protection . An employer may seek a |
| | 09800SB2003sam001 | - 3 - | LRB098 06512 HEP 58175 a |
1 | | workplace protection restraining an order of protection to |
2 | | prohibit further violence or threats of violence by the |
3 | | respondent a person if: |
4 | | (1) an the employee has suffered unlawful violence and |
5 | | the respondent has made a credible threat of violence to be |
6 | | carried out at the employee's workplace; or a credible |
7 | | threat of violence from the person; and |
8 | | (2) an employee believes that the respondent has made a |
9 | | credible threat of violence to be carried out at the |
10 | | employee's workplace; or |
11 | | (3) an the unlawful act of violence has been carried |
12 | | out at the workplace employee's place of work or the |
13 | | respondent has made a credible threat of violence at the |
14 | | workplace credible threat of violence can reasonably be |
15 | | constructed to be carried out at the employee's place of |
16 | | work by the person .
17 | | (Source: P.A. 98-430, eff. 1-1-14.) |
18 | | (820 ILCS 275/20)
19 | | Sec. 20. Affidavit Irreparable harm . An employer may obtain |
20 | | a workplace protection restraining order if the employer files |
21 | | an affidavit that shows by a preponderance of the evidence |
22 | | that: |
23 | | (1) the conditions of Section 15 of this Act have been |
24 | | met; |
25 | | (2) if the petitioner is seeking an emergency order, |
| | 09800SB2003sam001 | - 4 - | LRB098 06512 HEP 58175 a |
1 | | great or irreparable harm has been suffered, will be |
2 | | suffered, or is likely to be suffered by an employee at the |
3 | | workplace; |
4 | | (3) if the employer is seeking a workplace protection |
5 | | restraining order involving an employee who is a victim of |
6 | | unlawful violence by a family or household member as |
7 | | defined by item (6) of Section 103 of the Illinois Domestic |
8 | | Violence Act of 1986, the conditions of Section 21 of this |
9 | | Act have been met. An employer may obtain an order of |
10 | | protection under the Illinois Domestic Violence Act of 1986 |
11 | | if the employer: |
12 | | (1) files an affidavit that shows, to the satisfaction |
13 | | of the court, reasonable proof that an employee has |
14 | | suffered either unlawful violence or a credible threat of |
15 | | violence by the defendant; and |
16 | | (2) demonstrates that great or irreparable harm has |
17 | | been suffered, will be suffered, or is likely to be |
18 | | suffered by the employee.
19 | | (Source: P.A. 98-430, eff. 1-1-14.) |
20 | | (820 ILCS 275/21 new) |
21 | | Sec. 21. Employee notification. |
22 | | (a) In cases in which an employer is seeking a workplace |
23 | | protection restraining order involving an employee who is a |
24 | | victim of unlawful violence by a family or household member as |
25 | | defined by item (6) of Section 103 of the Illinois Domestic |
| | 09800SB2003sam001 | - 5 - | LRB098 06512 HEP 58175 a |
1 | | Violence Act of 1986, the employer shall: |
2 | | (1) prior to the filing of the petition, notify the |
3 | | employee in writing of the employer's intent to seek a |
4 | | workplace protection restraining order; and |
5 | | (2) conduct a direct verbal consultation in |
6 | | conversation with the employee prior to seeking a workplace |
7 | | protection restraining order under this Act to determine |
8 | | whether any safety or well-being concerns exist in relation |
9 | | to the employer's pursuit of the order or whether seeking |
10 | | the order may interfere with the employee's own legal |
11 | | actions. |
12 | | If, after direct verbal consultation in conversation with |
13 | | the employee, the employee does not give the employer full and |
14 | | voluntary consent to seek a workplace protection restraining |
15 | | order, the employer shall not file for that order until a 4-day |
16 | | waiting period has elapsed following the date of the direct |
17 | | consultation. The 4-day waiting period does not apply if there |
18 | | is an immediate threat of imminent physical harm to the work |
19 | | site and the petitioner is seeking an emergency order. |
20 | | (b) Employers subject to the Victims' Economic Security and |
21 | | Safety Act shall additionally include in the written notice to |
22 | | the employee in subsection (a) the following: "As your |
23 | | employer, we are subject to the Victims' Economic Security and |
24 | | Safety Act, which includes provisions for leave, |
25 | | accommodations, and prohibitions against discrimination, and |
26 | | we are notifying you of your rights under this Act. A summary |
| | 09800SB2003sam001 | - 6 - | LRB098 06512 HEP 58175 a |
1 | | of your rights under the Victims' Economic Security and Safety |
2 | | Act is provided on the workplace poster we are required under |
3 | | law to post in your workplace." |
4 | | (820 ILCS 275/25)
5 | | Sec. 25. Remedies. Employer remedies under this Act are |
6 | | limited to a workplace protection restraining an order of |
7 | | protection . Nothing in this Act, however, waives, reduces, or |
8 | | diminishes any other civil or criminal remedy available to an |
9 | | employer under any other mechanism . A workplace protection |
10 | | restraining order issued by the court may: |
11 | | (1) Prohibit the respondent's unlawful violence in the |
12 | | workplace, including ordering the respondent to stay away |
13 | | from the workplace. When the respondent is employed at the |
14 | | workplace location, the court, when issuing a workplace |
15 | | protection restraining order, shall consider the severity |
16 | | of the act and any continuing physical danger or emotional |
17 | | distress to any employee in the workplace. |
18 | | (2) Upon notice to the respondent, order the respondent |
19 | | to pay the petitioner for property losses suffered as a |
20 | | direct result of the actions of the respondent. Such losses |
21 | | include, but are not limited to, repair or replacement of |
22 | | property damaged or taken, reasonable attorney's fees, and |
23 | | court costs to recover the property losses. |
24 | | The remedies provided in this Section are in addition to |
25 | | other civil or criminal remedies available to the employer.
| | 09800SB2003sam001 | - 7 - | LRB098 06512 HEP 58175 a |
1 | | (Source: P.A. 98-430, eff. 1-1-14.) |
2 | | (820 ILCS 275/30)
3 | | Sec. 30. Action for workplace protection restraining order |
4 | | Jurisdiction; venue; procedure; enforcement . |
5 | | (a) An action for a workplace protection restraining order |
6 | | may be commenced independently by filing a petition for a |
7 | | workplace protection restraining order in any civil court, |
8 | | unless specific courts are designated by local rule or order. |
9 | | (b) The clerk of the circuit court shall charge fees in |
10 | | accordance with the Clerks of Courts Act. |
11 | | (c) Notwithstanding the requirements of Section 20 of this |
12 | | Act, if the specific address or geographic location of the |
13 | | workplace is not currently known to the respondent due to the |
14 | | efforts by the employer or the employee to minimize the threat |
15 | | of unlawful violence to the employee, and the petition provides |
16 | | that disclosure of the employee's current workplace would risk |
17 | | violence, the workplace address may be omitted from all |
18 | | documents filed with the court. If the petitioner does not |
19 | | disclose the workplace address, the petitioner shall designate |
20 | | an alternative address at which the respondent may serve notice |
21 | | of any motions. |
22 | | (d) Any proceeding to obtain, modify, reopen, or appeal a |
23 | | workplace protection restraining order shall be governed by the |
24 | | rules of civil procedure of this State. The standard of proof |
25 | | in such a proceeding is proof by a preponderance of the |
| | 09800SB2003sam001 | - 8 - | LRB098 06512 HEP 58175 a |
1 | | evidence. The Code of Civil Procedure and Supreme Court and |
2 | | local rules applicable to civil proceedings apply. |
3 | | (e) There is no right to trial by jury in any proceeding to |
4 | | obtain, modify, vacate, or extend any workplace protection |
5 | | restraining order under this Act. Issues of jurisdiction, |
6 | | venue, procedure, and enforcement shall be governed by the |
7 | | Illinois Domestic Violence Act of 1986.
8 | | (Source: P.A. 98-430, eff. 1-1-14.) |
9 | | (820 ILCS 275/35)
10 | | Sec. 35. Subject matter jurisdiction Law enforcement |
11 | | responsibilities . Each of the circuit courts of this State has |
12 | | the power to issue workplace protection restraining orders. Law |
13 | | enforcement personnel shall have the same responsibilities |
14 | | under this Act as are provided in Article 3 of the Illinois |
15 | | Domestic Violence Act of 1986.
16 | | (Source: P.A. 98-430, eff. 1-1-14.) |
17 | | (820 ILCS 275/40 new) |
18 | | Sec. 40. Jurisdiction over persons. The courts of this |
19 | | State have jurisdiction to bind: (1) State residents; and (2) |
20 | | non-residents having minimum contacts with this State to the |
21 | | extent permitted by Section 2-209 of the Code of Civil |
22 | | Procedure. |
23 | | (820 ILCS 275/45 new) |
| | 09800SB2003sam001 | - 9 - | LRB098 06512 HEP 58175 a |
1 | | Sec. 45. Venue. A petition for a workplace protection |
2 | | restraining order may be filed in any county where: (i) the |
3 | | petitioner resides; (ii) the respondent resides; or (iii) the |
4 | | alleged violence occurred. |
5 | | (820 ILCS 275/50 new) |
6 | | Sec. 50. Process. |
7 | | (a) Any action for a workplace protection restraining order |
8 | | requires that a separate summons be issued and served. The |
9 | | summons shall require the respondent to answer and appear |
10 | | within 7 days. Attachments to the summons or notice shall |
11 | | include the petition for a workplace protection restraining |
12 | | order, supporting affidavits, if any, and any emergency |
13 | | workplace protection restraining order that has been issued. |
14 | | (b) The summons shall be served by the sheriff or other law |
15 | | enforcement officer at the earliest time possible and shall |
16 | | take precedence over other summonses except those of a similar |
17 | | emergency nature. A special process server may be appointed at |
18 | | any time, and the appointment of a special process server shall |
19 | | not affect the responsibilities and authority of the sheriff or |
20 | | other official process servers. |
21 | | (c) Service of summons on a member of the respondent's |
22 | | household or by publication is adequate if: (1) the petitioner |
23 | | has made all reasonable efforts to accomplish actual service of |
24 | | process personally upon the respondent, but the respondent |
25 | | cannot be found to effect the service; and (2) the petitioner |
| | 09800SB2003sam001 | - 10 - | LRB098 06512 HEP 58175 a |
1 | | files an affidavit or presents sworn testimony describing those |
2 | | efforts. |
3 | | (d) A plenary workplace protection restraining order may be |
4 | | entered by default for the remedy sought in the petition if the |
5 | | respondent has been served in accordance with subsection (a) of |
6 | | this Section or given notice and if the respondent then fails |
7 | | to appear as directed or fails to appear on any subsequent |
8 | | appearance or hearing date agreed to by the parties or set by |
9 | | the court. |
10 | | (e) An employee who has been a victim of domestic violence |
11 | | by the respondent is not required to and the court may not |
12 | | order the employee to testify, participate in, or appear in |
13 | | this process for any purpose. |
14 | | (820 ILCS 275/55 new) |
15 | | Sec. 55. Hearing notice. Except as otherwise provided by |
16 | | law or court rule, notice of hearings on petitions or motions |
17 | | shall be served upon the respondent in accordance with Supreme |
18 | | Court Rules 11 and 12. |
19 | | (820 ILCS 275/60 new) |
20 | | Sec. 60. Hearings. The court shall treat a petition for a |
21 | | workplace protection restraining order as an expedited |
22 | | proceeding, and may not transfer or otherwise decline to decide |
23 | | all or part of the petition. Nothing in this Section prevents |
24 | | the court from reserving issues if jurisdiction or notice |
| | 09800SB2003sam001 | - 11 - | LRB098 06512 HEP 58175 a |
1 | | requirements are not met. |
2 | | (820 ILCS 275/65 new) |
3 | | Sec. 65. Continuances. |
4 | | (a) A petition for an emergency workplace protection |
5 | | restraining order shall be granted or denied in accordance with |
6 | | the standards of Section 70 of this Act, regardless of the |
7 | | respondent's appearance or presence in court. |
8 | | (b) Any action for a workplace protection restraining order |
9 | | is an expedited proceeding. Continuances shall be granted only |
10 | | for good cause shown and kept to a minimum reasonable duration, |
11 | | taking into account the reason for the continuance. |
12 | | (820 ILCS 275/70 new) |
13 | | Sec. 70. Emergency order. |
14 | | (a) The court shall issue an emergency workplace protection |
15 | | restraining order if the petitioner establishes that: |
16 | | (1) the court has jurisdiction under Section 40 of this |
17 | | Act; |
18 | | (2) the requirements of Sections 15 and 21 of this Act |
19 | | are satisfied; and |
20 | | (3) there is good cause to grant the remedy, regardless |
21 | | of prior service of notice upon the respondent, because the |
22 | | harm which that remedy is intended to prevent would be |
23 | | likely to occur if the respondent were given prior notice |
24 | | or greater notice than was actually given of the |
| | 09800SB2003sam001 | - 12 - | LRB098 06512 HEP 58175 a |
1 | | petitioner's efforts to obtain judicial relief. |
2 | | An emergency workplace protection restraining order shall |
3 | | be issued by the court if it appears from the contents of the |
4 | | petition and the examination of the petitioner that the |
5 | | averments are sufficient to indicate irreparable harm under |
6 | | Section 20 of this Act by the respondent and to support the |
7 | | granting of relief through the issuance of the emergency |
8 | | workplace protection restraining order. |
9 | | (b) If the respondent appears in court for the hearing for |
10 | | an emergency order, he or she may elect to file a general |
11 | | appearance and testify. Any resulting order may be an emergency |
12 | | order, governed by this Section. Notwithstanding the |
13 | | requirements of this Section, if all requirements of Section 75 |
14 | | of this Act have been met, the court may issue a plenary order. |
15 | | (c) If the court is unavailable at the close of business, |
16 | | the petitioner may file a petition for a 21-day emergency order |
17 | | before any available judge who may grant relief under this Act. |
18 | | If the judge finds that there is an immediate and present |
19 | | danger of irreparable harm and that the petitioner has |
20 | | satisfied the prerequisites set forth in subsection (a) of this |
21 | | Section, that judge may issue an emergency workplace protection |
22 | | restraining order. |
23 | | (d) The chief judge of the circuit court may designate for |
24 | | each county in the circuit at least one judge to be reasonably |
25 | | available to issue orally, by telephone, by facsimile, by |
26 | | electronic means that comply with procedures established by the |
| | 09800SB2003sam001 | - 13 - | LRB098 06512 HEP 58175 a |
1 | | court, or otherwise, an emergency workplace protection |
2 | | restraining order at all times, whether or not the court is in |
3 | | session. |
4 | | (e) Any order issued under this Section and any |
5 | | documentation in support of the order shall be certified on the |
6 | | next court day to the appropriate court. The clerk of the court |
7 | | shall immediately assign a case number, file the petition, |
8 | | order, and other documents with the court, and enter the order |
9 | | of record and file it with the sheriff for service in |
10 | | accordance with Section 85 of this Act. Filing the petition |
11 | | shall commence proceedings for further relief under Section 30 |
12 | | of this Act. Failure to comply with the requirements of this |
13 | | subsection (e) does not affect the validity of the order. |
14 | | (820 ILCS 275/75 new) |
15 | | Sec. 75. Plenary order. The court shall issue a plenary |
16 | | workplace protection restraining order if the petitioner has |
17 | | served notice of the hearing for that order on the respondent |
18 | | in accordance with Section 55 of this Section and establishes |
19 | | that: |
20 | | (1) the court has jurisdiction under Section 40 of this |
21 | | Act; |
22 | | (2) the requirements of Sections 15 and 21 of this Act |
23 | | are satisfied; |
24 | | (3) a general appearance was made or filed by or for |
25 | | the respondent or process was served on the respondent in |
| | 09800SB2003sam001 | - 14 - | LRB098 06512 HEP 58175 a |
1 | | the manner required by Section 50 of this Act; and |
2 | | (4) the respondent has answered or is in default. |
3 | | (820 ILCS 275/80 new) |
4 | | Sec. 80. Employee testimony. In a plenary workplace |
5 | | protection restraining order hearing, if the court finds that |
6 | | testimony in the courtroom voluntarily offered by the employee |
7 | | who has suffered the violence may result in serious emotional |
8 | | distress to the employee who has suffered the violence, the |
9 | | court may order that the examination of the employee be |
10 | | conducted in chambers. Counsel shall be present at the |
11 | | examination unless otherwise agreed upon by the parties. The |
12 | | court shall cause a court reporter to be present who shall make |
13 | | a complete record of the examination instantaneously to be part |
14 | | of the record in the case. |
15 | | (820 ILCS 275/85 new) |
16 | | Sec. 85. Duration and extension of orders. |
17 | | (a) Unless reopened or extended or voided by entry of an |
18 | | order of greater duration, an emergency order is effective for |
19 | | not less than 14 nor more than 21 days. |
20 | | (b) A plenary workplace protection restraining order is |
21 | | effective for a fixed period of time not to exceed one year. |
22 | | (820 ILCS 275/90 new) |
23 | | Sec. 90. Contents of orders. |
| | 09800SB2003sam001 | - 15 - | LRB098 06512 HEP 58175 a |
1 | | (a) A workplace protection restraining order shall |
2 | | describe each remedy granted by the court, in reasonable detail |
3 | | and not by reference to any other document, so that the |
4 | | respondent may clearly understand what he or she must do or |
5 | | refrain from doing. |
6 | | (b) A workplace protection restraining order shall include |
7 | | the following: |
8 | | (1) the name of the petitioner; |
9 | | (2) the date and time the workplace protection |
10 | | restraining order was issued, whether it is an emergency or |
11 | | plenary order, and the duration of the order; |
12 | | (3) the date, time, and place for any scheduled hearing |
13 | | for extension of the workplace protection restraining |
14 | | order or for another order of greater duration or scope; |
15 | | (4) for each remedy in an emergency workplace |
16 | | protection restraining order, the reason for entering that |
17 | | remedy without prior notice to the respondent or greater |
18 | | notice than was actually given; and |
19 | | (5) for emergency workplace protection restraining |
20 | | orders, that the respondent may petition the court, in |
21 | | accordance with Section 100, to reopen the order if he or |
22 | | she did not receive actual prior notice of the hearing as |
23 | | required under Section 55 of this Act and if the respondent |
24 | | alleges that he or she had a meritorious defense to the |
25 | | order or that the order or its remedy is not authorized by |
26 | | this Act. |
| | 09800SB2003sam001 | - 16 - | LRB098 06512 HEP 58175 a |
1 | | (820 ILCS 275/95 new) |
2 | | Sec. 95. Notice of orders. |
3 | | (a) Upon issuance of a workplace protection restraining |
4 | | order, the clerk shall immediately, or on the next court day if |
5 | | an emergency order is issued in accordance with subsection (c) |
6 | | of Section 70 of this Act: |
7 | | (1) enter the order on the record and file it in |
8 | | accordance with the circuit court procedures; and |
9 | | (2) provide a file stamped copy of the order to the |
10 | | respondent, if present, and to the petitioner. |
11 | | (820 ILCS 275/100 new) |
12 | | Sec. 100. Modification. |
13 | | (a) Except as otherwise provided in this Section, upon |
14 | | motion of the petitioner, the court may modify an emergency or |
15 | | plenary workplace protection restraining order by altering the |
16 | | remedy, subject to Section 25 of this Act. |
17 | | (b) After 30 days following the entry of a plenary |
18 | | workplace protection restraining order, a court may modify the |
19 | | order only if a change in the applicable law or facts since the |
20 | | plenary order was entered warrants a modification of its terms. |
21 | | (c) Upon 2 days' notice to the petitioner, or shorter |
22 | | notice as the court may prescribe, a respondent subject to an |
23 | | emergency workplace protection restraining order issued under |
24 | | this Act may appear and petition the court to rehear the |
| | 09800SB2003sam001 | - 17 - | LRB098 06512 HEP 58175 a |
1 | | original or amended petition. A petition to rehear shall be |
2 | | verified and shall allege that: |
3 | | (1) the respondent did not receive prior notice of the |
4 | | initial hearing in which the emergency workplace |
5 | | protection restraining order was entered under Sections 55 |
6 | | and 70 of this Act; and |
7 | | (2) the respondent had a meritorious defense to the |
8 | | order or any of its remedies or the order or any of its |
9 | | remedies was not authorized by this Act. |
10 | | (820 ILCS 275/105 new) |
11 | | Sec. 105. Enforcement. The court may enforce workplace |
12 | | protection restraining orders through civil contempt |
13 | | proceedings. |
14 | | (820 ILCS 275/110 new) |
15 | | Sec. 110. Employment discrimination. An employer seeking |
16 | | or obtaining a workplace protection restraining order shall |
17 | | comply with any federal or State law to which it is subject, |
18 | | including any provision under the Victims' Economic Security |
19 | | and Safety Act and the Illinois Human Rights Act, regarding |
20 | | employee protections and the rights of the employee who has |
21 | | suffered the violence. |
22 | | (820 ILCS 275/115 new) |
23 | | Sec. 115. Effect on other laws and employment benefits. |
| | 09800SB2003sam001 | - 18 - | LRB098 06512 HEP 58175 a |
1 | | (a) Nothing in this Act shall be construed to supersede any |
2 | | provision of any federal, State, or local law, collective |
3 | | bargaining agreement, or employment benefits program or plan |
4 | | that provides employment protections for employees, including |
5 | | any provision under the Victims' Economic Security and Safety |
6 | | Act and the Illinois Human Rights Act. |
7 | | (b) No workplace protection restraining order may prohibit |
8 | | or otherwise interfere with lawful activities under the |
9 | | National Labor Relations Act, the Illinois Public Labor |
10 | | Relations Act, the Illinois Educational Labor Relations Act, or |
11 | | any lawful activity related to a labor organization's efforts |
12 | | to represent employees, engage in collective bargaining, or |
13 | | undertake economic action. |
14 | | (c) Any other claims under the Victims' Economic Security |
15 | | and Safety Act against the employer may be heard as part of a |
16 | | civil action under this Act. |
17 | | (820 ILCS 275/120 new) |
18 | | Sec. 120. Exemptions. |
19 | | (a) The court may not enter a workplace protection |
20 | | restraining order that enjoins the following activities: |
21 | | (1) lawful monitoring of compliance with workplace |
22 | | safety laws, wage and hour requirements, or other statutory |
23 | | workplace requirements; |
24 | | (2) lawful picketing, patrolling, using a banner, or |
25 | | other lawful protesting at the workplace which arises out |
| | 09800SB2003sam001 | - 19 - | LRB098 06512 HEP 58175 a |
1 | | of a bona fide labor dispute; and |
2 | | (3) engaging in concerted and protected activities as |
3 | | defined in applicable labor law. |
4 | | (b) As used in this Section, "bona fide labor dispute" |
5 | | means any activity recognized as a labor dispute by the |
6 | | National Labor Relations Act, the Illinois Public Labor |
7 | | Relations Act, or the Illinois Educational Labor Relations Act, |
8 | | and includes a controversy concerning: wages salaries, hours, |
9 | | working conditions, or benefits, including health and welfare, |
10 | | sick leave, insurance, and pension or retirement provisions; |
11 | | the terms to be included in collective bargaining agreements; |
12 | | and the making, maintaining, administering, and filling of |
13 | | protests or grievances under a collective bargaining |
14 | | agreement. |
15 | | (820 ILCS 275/125 new) |
16 | | Sec. 125. Confidentiality and privacy. The employer shall |
17 | | keep all information relating to a workplace protection |
18 | | restraining order in the strictest confidence, limiting |
19 | | information only to those employees who have a current |
20 | | demonstrable interest related to the safety of the employee who |
21 | | has suffered the violence.
22 | | Section 99. Effective date. This Act takes effect upon |
23 | | becoming law.".