| | SB1951 Enrolled | | LRB098 10598 HLH 40861 b |
1 | | AN ACT concerning revenue.
2 | | Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
3 | | represented in the General Assembly:
4 | | Section 5. The Service Use Tax Act is amended by changing |
5 | | Section 9 as follows: |
6 | | (35 ILCS 110/9) (from Ch. 120, par. 439.39) |
7 | | Sec. 9. Each serviceman required or authorized to collect |
8 | | the tax
herein imposed shall pay to the Department the amount |
9 | | of such tax
(except as otherwise provided) at the time when he |
10 | | is required to file
his return for the period during which such |
11 | | tax was collected, less a
discount of 2.1% prior to January 1, |
12 | | 1990 and 1.75% on and after January 1,
1990, or $5 per calendar |
13 | | year, whichever is greater, which is allowed to
reimburse the |
14 | | serviceman for expenses incurred in collecting the tax,
keeping |
15 | | records, preparing and filing returns, remitting the tax and
16 | | supplying data to the Department on request. A serviceman need |
17 | | not remit
that part of any tax collected by him to the extent |
18 | | that he is required to
pay and does pay the tax imposed by the |
19 | | Service Occupation Tax Act with
respect to his sale of service |
20 | | involving the incidental transfer by him of
the same property. |
21 | | Except as provided hereinafter in this Section, on or |
22 | | before the twentieth
day of each calendar month, such |
23 | | serviceman shall file a return for the
preceding calendar month |
| | SB1951 Enrolled | - 2 - | LRB098 10598 HLH 40861 b |
1 | | in accordance with reasonable Rules and
Regulations to be |
2 | | promulgated by the Department. Such return shall be
filed on a |
3 | | form prescribed by the Department and shall contain such
4 | | information as the Department may reasonably require. |
5 | | The Department may require returns to be filed on a |
6 | | quarterly basis.
If so required, a return for each calendar |
7 | | quarter shall be filed on or
before the twentieth day of the |
8 | | calendar month following the end of such
calendar quarter. The |
9 | | taxpayer shall also file a return with the
Department for each |
10 | | of the first two months of each calendar quarter, on or
before |
11 | | the twentieth day of the following calendar month, stating: |
12 | | 1. The name of the seller; |
13 | | 2. The address of the principal place of business from |
14 | | which he engages
in business as a serviceman in this State; |
15 | | 3. The total amount of taxable receipts received by him |
16 | | during the
preceding calendar month, including receipts |
17 | | from charge and time sales,
but less all deductions allowed |
18 | | by law; |
19 | | 4. The amount of credit provided in Section 2d of this |
20 | | Act; |
21 | | 5. The amount of tax due; |
22 | | 5-5. The signature of the taxpayer; and |
23 | | 6. Such other reasonable information as the Department |
24 | | may
require. |
25 | | If a taxpayer fails to sign a return within 30 days after |
26 | | the proper notice
and demand for signature by the Department, |
| | SB1951 Enrolled | - 3 - | LRB098 10598 HLH 40861 b |
1 | | the return shall be considered
valid and any amount shown to be |
2 | | due on the return shall be deemed assessed. |
3 | | Beginning October 1, 1993, a taxpayer who has an average |
4 | | monthly tax
liability of $150,000 or more shall make all |
5 | | payments required by rules of
the Department by electronic |
6 | | funds transfer. Beginning October 1, 1994, a
taxpayer who has |
7 | | an average monthly tax liability of $100,000 or more shall
make |
8 | | all payments required by rules of the Department by electronic |
9 | | funds
transfer. Beginning October 1, 1995, a taxpayer who has |
10 | | an average monthly
tax liability of $50,000 or more shall make |
11 | | all payments required by rules
of the Department by electronic |
12 | | funds transfer.
Beginning October 1, 2000, a taxpayer who has |
13 | | an annual tax liability of
$200,000 or more shall make all |
14 | | payments required by rules of the Department by
electronic |
15 | | funds transfer. The term "annual tax liability" shall be the |
16 | | sum of
the taxpayer's liabilities under this Act, and under all |
17 | | other State and local
occupation and use tax laws administered |
18 | | by the Department, for the immediately
preceding calendar year.
19 | | The term "average monthly tax
liability" means the sum of the |
20 | | taxpayer's liabilities under this Act, and
under all other |
21 | | State and local occupation and use tax laws administered by the
22 | | Department, for the immediately preceding calendar year |
23 | | divided by 12.
Beginning on October 1, 2002, a taxpayer who has |
24 | | a tax liability in the
amount set forth in subsection (b) of |
25 | | Section 2505-210 of the Department of
Revenue Law shall make |
26 | | all payments required by rules of the Department by
electronic |
| | SB1951 Enrolled | - 4 - | LRB098 10598 HLH 40861 b |
1 | | funds transfer. |
2 | | Before August 1 of each year beginning in 1993, the |
3 | | Department shall
notify all taxpayers required to make payments |
4 | | by electronic funds transfer.
All taxpayers required to make |
5 | | payments by electronic funds transfer shall
make those payments |
6 | | for a minimum of one year beginning on October 1. |
7 | | Any taxpayer not required to make payments by electronic |
8 | | funds transfer
may make payments by electronic funds transfer |
9 | | with the permission of the
Department. |
10 | | All taxpayers required to make payment by electronic funds |
11 | | transfer and
any taxpayers authorized to voluntarily make |
12 | | payments by electronic funds
transfer shall make those payments |
13 | | in the manner authorized by the Department. |
14 | | The Department shall adopt such rules as are necessary to |
15 | | effectuate a
program of electronic funds transfer and the |
16 | | requirements of this Section. |
17 | | If the serviceman is otherwise required to file a monthly |
18 | | return and
if the serviceman's average monthly tax liability to |
19 | | the Department
does not exceed $200, the Department may |
20 | | authorize his returns to be
filed on a quarter annual basis, |
21 | | with the return for January, February
and March of a given year |
22 | | being due by April 20 of such year; with the
return for April, |
23 | | May and June of a given year being due by July 20 of
such year; |
24 | | with the return for July, August and September of a given
year |
25 | | being due by October 20 of such year, and with the return for
26 | | October, November and December of a given year being due by |
| | SB1951 Enrolled | - 5 - | LRB098 10598 HLH 40861 b |
1 | | January 20
of the following year. |
2 | | If the serviceman is otherwise required to file a monthly |
3 | | or quarterly
return and if the serviceman's average monthly tax |
4 | | liability to the Department
does not exceed $50, the Department |
5 | | may authorize his returns to be
filed on an annual basis, with |
6 | | the return for a given year being due by
January 20 of the |
7 | | following year. |
8 | | Such quarter annual and annual returns, as to form and |
9 | | substance,
shall be subject to the same requirements as monthly |
10 | | returns. |
11 | | Notwithstanding any other provision in this Act concerning |
12 | | the time
within which a serviceman may file his return, in the |
13 | | case of any
serviceman who ceases to engage in a kind of |
14 | | business which makes him
responsible for filing returns under |
15 | | this Act, such serviceman shall
file a final return under this |
16 | | Act with the Department not more than 1
month after |
17 | | discontinuing such business. |
18 | | Where a serviceman collects the tax with respect to the |
19 | | selling price of
property which he sells and the purchaser |
20 | | thereafter returns such
property and the serviceman refunds the |
21 | | selling price thereof to the
purchaser, such serviceman shall |
22 | | also refund, to the purchaser, the tax
so collected from the |
23 | | purchaser. When filing his return for the period
in which he |
24 | | refunds such tax to the purchaser, the serviceman may deduct
25 | | the amount of the tax so refunded by him to the purchaser from |
26 | | any other
Service Use Tax, Service Occupation Tax, retailers' |
| | SB1951 Enrolled | - 6 - | LRB098 10598 HLH 40861 b |
1 | | occupation tax or
use tax which such serviceman may be required |
2 | | to pay or remit to the
Department, as shown by such return, |
3 | | provided that the amount of the tax
to be deducted shall |
4 | | previously have been remitted to the Department by
such |
5 | | serviceman. If the serviceman shall not previously have |
6 | | remitted
the amount of such tax to the Department, he shall be |
7 | | entitled to no
deduction hereunder upon refunding such tax to |
8 | | the purchaser. |
9 | | Any serviceman filing a return hereunder shall also include |
10 | | the total
tax upon the selling price of tangible personal |
11 | | property purchased for use
by him as an incident to a sale of |
12 | | service, and such serviceman shall remit
the amount of such tax |
13 | | to the Department when filing such return. |
14 | | If experience indicates such action to be practicable, the |
15 | | Department
may prescribe and furnish a combination or joint |
16 | | return which will
enable servicemen, who are required to file |
17 | | returns hereunder and also
under the Service Occupation Tax |
18 | | Act, to furnish all the return
information required by both |
19 | | Acts on the one form. |
20 | | Where the serviceman has more than one business registered |
21 | | with the
Department under separate registration hereunder, |
22 | | such serviceman shall
not file each return that is due as a |
23 | | single return covering all such
registered businesses, but |
24 | | shall file separate returns for each such
registered business. |
25 | | Beginning January 1, 1990, each month the Department shall |
26 | | pay into
the State and Local Tax Reform Fund, a special fund in |
| | SB1951 Enrolled | - 7 - | LRB098 10598 HLH 40861 b |
1 | | the State Treasury,
the net revenue realized for the preceding |
2 | | month from the 1% tax on sales
of food for human consumption |
3 | | which is to be consumed off the premises
where it is sold |
4 | | (other than alcoholic beverages, soft drinks and food
which has |
5 | | been prepared for immediate consumption) and prescription and
6 | | nonprescription medicines, drugs, medical appliances and |
7 | | insulin, urine
testing materials, syringes and needles used by |
8 | | diabetics. |
9 | | Beginning January 1, 1990, each month the Department shall |
10 | | pay into
the State and Local Sales Tax Reform Fund 20% of the |
11 | | net revenue realized
for the preceding month from the 6.25% |
12 | | general rate on transfers of
tangible personal property, other |
13 | | than tangible personal property which is
purchased outside |
14 | | Illinois at retail from a retailer and which is titled or
15 | | registered by an agency of this State's government. |
16 | | Beginning August 1, 2000, each
month the Department shall |
17 | | pay into the
State and Local Sales Tax Reform Fund 100% of the |
18 | | net revenue realized for the
month from the 1.25% |
19 | | rate on the selling price of motor fuel and gasohol. |
20 | | Beginning October 1, 2009, each month the Department shall |
21 | | pay into the Capital Projects Fund an amount that is equal to |
22 | | an amount estimated by the Department to represent 80% of the |
23 | | net revenue realized for the preceding month from the sale of |
24 | | candy, grooming and hygiene products, and soft drinks that had |
25 | | been taxed at a rate of 1% prior to September 1, 2009 but that |
26 | | is now taxed at 6.25%. |
| | SB1951 Enrolled | - 8 - | LRB098 10598 HLH 40861 b |
1 | | Of the remainder of the moneys received by the Department |
2 | | pursuant
to this Act, (a) 1.75% thereof shall be paid into the |
3 | | Build
Illinois Fund and (b) prior to July 1, 1989, 2.2% and on |
4 | | and after July 1,
1989, 3.8% thereof shall be paid into the |
5 | | Build Illinois Fund; provided,
however, that if in any fiscal |
6 | | year the sum of (1) the aggregate of 2.2% or
3.8%, as the case |
7 | | may be, of the moneys received by the Department and
required |
8 | | to be paid into the Build Illinois Fund pursuant to Section 3 |
9 | | of
the Retailers' Occupation Tax Act, Section 9 of the Use Tax |
10 | | Act, Section 9
of the Service Use Tax Act, and Section 9 of the |
11 | | Service Occupation Tax
Act, such Acts being hereinafter called |
12 | | the "Tax Acts" and such aggregate
of 2.2% or 3.8%, as the case |
13 | | may be, of moneys being hereinafter called the
"Tax Act |
14 | | Amount", and (2) the amount transferred to the Build Illinois |
15 | | Fund
from the State and Local Sales Tax Reform Fund shall be |
16 | | less than the
Annual Specified Amount (as defined in Section 3 |
17 | | of the Retailers'
Occupation Tax Act), an amount equal to the |
18 | | difference shall be immediately
paid into the Build Illinois |
19 | | Fund from other moneys received by the
Department pursuant to |
20 | | the Tax Acts; and further provided, that if on the
last |
21 | | business day of any month the sum of (1) the Tax Act Amount |
22 | | required
to be deposited into the Build Illinois Bond Account |
23 | | in the Build Illinois
Fund during such month and (2) the amount |
24 | | transferred during such month to
the Build Illinois Fund from |
25 | | the State and Local Sales Tax Reform Fund
shall have been less |
26 | | than 1/12 of the Annual Specified Amount, an amount
equal to |
| | SB1951 Enrolled | - 9 - | LRB098 10598 HLH 40861 b |
1 | | the difference shall be immediately paid into the Build |
2 | | Illinois
Fund from other moneys received by the Department |
3 | | pursuant to the Tax Acts;
and, further provided, that in no |
4 | | event shall the payments required under
the preceding proviso |
5 | | result in aggregate payments into the Build Illinois
Fund |
6 | | pursuant to this clause (b) for any fiscal year in excess of |
7 | | the
greater of (i) the Tax Act Amount or (ii) the Annual |
8 | | Specified Amount for
such fiscal year; and, further provided, |
9 | | that the amounts payable into the
Build Illinois Fund under |
10 | | this clause (b) shall be payable only until such
time as the |
11 | | aggregate amount on deposit under each trust indenture securing
12 | | Bonds issued and outstanding pursuant to the Build Illinois |
13 | | Bond Act is
sufficient, taking into account any future |
14 | | investment income, to fully
provide, in accordance with such |
15 | | indenture, for the defeasance of or the
payment of the |
16 | | principal of, premium, if any, and interest on the Bonds
17 | | secured by such indenture and on any Bonds expected to be |
18 | | issued thereafter
and all fees and costs payable with respect |
19 | | thereto, all as certified by
the Director of the
Bureau of the |
20 | | Budget (now Governor's Office of Management and Budget). If
on |
21 | | the last business day of
any month in which Bonds are |
22 | | outstanding pursuant to the Build Illinois
Bond Act, the |
23 | | aggregate of the moneys deposited in the Build Illinois Bond
24 | | Account in the Build Illinois Fund in such month shall be less |
25 | | than the
amount required to be transferred in such month from |
26 | | the Build Illinois
Bond Account to the Build Illinois Bond |
| | SB1951 Enrolled | - 10 - | LRB098 10598 HLH 40861 b |
1 | | Retirement and Interest Fund
pursuant to Section 13 of the |
2 | | Build Illinois Bond Act, an amount equal to
such deficiency |
3 | | shall be immediately paid from other moneys received by the
4 | | Department pursuant to the Tax Acts to the Build Illinois Fund; |
5 | | provided,
however, that any amounts paid to the Build Illinois |
6 | | Fund in any fiscal
year pursuant to this sentence shall be |
7 | | deemed to constitute payments
pursuant to clause (b) of the |
8 | | preceding sentence and shall reduce the
amount otherwise |
9 | | payable for such fiscal year pursuant to clause (b) of the
10 | | preceding sentence. The moneys received by the Department |
11 | | pursuant to this
Act and required to be deposited into the |
12 | | Build Illinois Fund are subject
to the pledge, claim and charge |
13 | | set forth in Section 12 of the Build Illinois
Bond Act. |
14 | | Subject to payment of amounts into the Build Illinois Fund |
15 | | as provided in
the preceding paragraph or in any amendment |
16 | | thereto hereafter enacted, the
following specified monthly |
17 | | installment of the amount requested in the
certificate of the |
18 | | Chairman of the Metropolitan Pier and Exposition
Authority |
19 | | provided under Section 8.25f of the State Finance Act, but not |
20 | | in
excess of the sums designated as "Total Deposit", shall be |
21 | | deposited in the
aggregate from collections under Section 9 of |
22 | | the Use Tax Act, Section 9 of
the Service Use Tax Act, Section |
23 | | 9 of the Service Occupation Tax Act, and
Section 3 of the |
24 | | Retailers' Occupation Tax Act into the McCormick Place
25 | | Expansion Project Fund in the specified fiscal years. |
| | SB1951 Enrolled | - 11 - | LRB098 10598 HLH 40861 b |
1 | | Fiscal Year | | Total Deposit | |
2 | | 1993 | | $0 | |
3 | | 1994 | | 53,000,000 | |
4 | | 1995 | | 58,000,000 | |
5 | | 1996 | | 61,000,000 | |
6 | | 1997 | | 64,000,000 | |
7 | | 1998 | | 68,000,000 | |
8 | | 1999 | | 71,000,000 | |
9 | | 2000 | | 75,000,000 | |
10 | | 2001 | | 80,000,000 | |
11 | | 2002 | | 93,000,000 | |
12 | | 2003 | | 99,000,000 | |
13 | | 2004 | | 103,000,000 | |
14 | | 2005 | | 108,000,000 | |
15 | | 2006 | | 113,000,000 | |
16 | | 2007 | | 119,000,000 | |
17 | | 2008 | | 126,000,000 | |
18 | | 2009 | | 132,000,000 | |
19 | | 2010 | | 139,000,000 | |
20 | | 2011 | | 146,000,000 | |
21 | | 2012 | | 153,000,000 | |
22 | | 2013 | | 161,000,000 | |
23 | | 2014 | | 170,000,000 | |
24 | | 2015 | | 179,000,000 | |
25 | | 2016 | | 189,000,000 | |
| | SB1951 Enrolled | - 12 - | LRB098 10598 HLH 40861 b |
1 | | 2017 | | 199,000,000 | |
2 | | 2018 | | 210,000,000 | |
3 | | 2019 | | 221,000,000 | |
4 | | 2020 | | 233,000,000 | |
5 | | 2021 | | 246,000,000 | |
6 | | 2022 | | 260,000,000 | |
7 | | 2023 | | 275,000,000 | |
8 | | 2024 | | 275,000,000 | |
9 | | 2025 | | 275,000,000 | |
10 | | 2026 | | 279,000,000 | |
11 | | 2027 | | 292,000,000 | |
12 | | 2028 | | 307,000,000 | |
13 | | 2029 | | 322,000,000 | |
14 | | 2030 | | 338,000,000 | |
15 | | 2031 | | 350,000,000 | |
16 | | 2032 | | 350,000,000 | |
17 | | and | | |
18 | | each fiscal year | | |
19 | | thereafter that bonds | | |
20 | | are outstanding under | | |
21 | | Section 13.2 of the | | |
22 | | Metropolitan Pier and | | |
23 | | Exposition Authority Act, | | |
24 | | but not after fiscal year 2060. | | |
25 | | Beginning July 20, 1993 and in each month of each fiscal |
26 | | year thereafter,
one-eighth of the amount requested in the |
| | SB1951 Enrolled | - 13 - | LRB098 10598 HLH 40861 b |
1 | | certificate of the Chairman of
the Metropolitan Pier and |
2 | | Exposition Authority for that fiscal year, less
the amount |
3 | | deposited into the McCormick Place Expansion Project Fund by |
4 | | the
State Treasurer in the respective month under subsection |
5 | | (g) of Section 13
of the Metropolitan Pier and Exposition |
6 | | Authority Act, plus cumulative
deficiencies in the deposits |
7 | | required under this Section for previous
months and years, |
8 | | shall be deposited into the McCormick Place Expansion
Project |
9 | | Fund, until the full amount requested for the fiscal year, but |
10 | | not
in excess of the amount specified above as "Total Deposit", |
11 | | has been deposited. |
12 | | Subject to payment of amounts into the Build Illinois Fund |
13 | | and the
McCormick Place Expansion Project Fund
pursuant to the |
14 | | preceding paragraphs or in any amendments thereto hereafter
15 | | enacted, beginning July 1, 1993, the Department shall each |
16 | | month pay into the
Illinois Tax Increment Fund 0.27% of 80% of |
17 | | the net revenue realized for the
preceding month from the 6.25% |
18 | | general rate on the selling price of tangible
personal |
19 | | property. |
20 | | Subject to payment of amounts into the Build Illinois Fund |
21 | | and the
McCormick Place Expansion Project Fund pursuant to the |
22 | | preceding paragraphs or
in any
amendments thereto hereafter |
23 | | enacted, beginning with the receipt of the first
report of |
24 | | taxes paid by an eligible business and continuing for a 25-year
25 | | period, the Department shall each month pay into the Energy |
26 | | Infrastructure
Fund 80% of the net revenue realized from the |
| | SB1951 Enrolled | - 14 - | LRB098 10598 HLH 40861 b |
1 | | 6.25% general rate on the
selling price of Illinois-mined coal |
2 | | that was sold to an eligible business.
For purposes of this |
3 | | paragraph, the term "eligible business" means a new
electric |
4 | | generating facility certified pursuant to Section 605-332 of |
5 | | the
Department of Commerce and
Economic Opportunity Law of the |
6 | | Civil Administrative
Code of Illinois. |
7 | | Of the remainder of the All remaining moneys received by |
8 | | the Department pursuant to this
Act , 75% thereof shall be paid |
9 | | into the General Revenue Fund of the State Treasury and 25% |
10 | | shall be reserved in a special account and used only for the |
11 | | transfer to the Common School Fund as part of the monthly |
12 | | transfer from the General Revenue Fund in accordance with |
13 | | Section 8a of the State Finance Act . |
14 | | As soon as possible after the first day of each month, upon |
15 | | certification
of the Department of Revenue, the Comptroller |
16 | | shall order transferred and
the Treasurer shall transfer from |
17 | | the General Revenue Fund to the Motor
Fuel Tax Fund an amount |
18 | | equal to 1.7% of 80% of the net revenue realized
under this Act |
19 | | for the second preceding month.
Beginning April 1, 2000, this |
20 | | transfer is no longer required
and shall not be made. |
21 | | Net revenue realized for a month shall be the revenue |
22 | | collected by the State
pursuant to this Act, less the amount |
23 | | paid out during that month as refunds
to taxpayers for |
24 | | overpayment of liability. |
25 | | (Source: P.A. 96-34, eff. 7-13-09; 96-38, eff. 7-13-09; 96-898, |
26 | | eff. 5-27-10.) |
| | SB1951 Enrolled | - 15 - | LRB098 10598 HLH 40861 b |
1 | | Section 10. The Service Occupation Tax Act is amended by |
2 | | changing Section 9 as follows: |
3 | | (35 ILCS 115/9) (from Ch. 120, par. 439.109) |
4 | | Sec. 9. Each serviceman required or authorized to collect |
5 | | the tax
herein imposed shall pay to the Department the amount |
6 | | of such tax at the
time when he is required to file his return |
7 | | for the period during which
such tax was collectible, less a |
8 | | discount of 2.1% prior to
January 1, 1990, and 1.75% on and |
9 | | after January 1, 1990, or
$5 per calendar year, whichever is |
10 | | greater, which is allowed to reimburse
the serviceman for |
11 | | expenses incurred in collecting the tax, keeping
records, |
12 | | preparing and filing returns, remitting the tax and supplying |
13 | | data
to the Department on request. |
14 | | Where such tangible personal property is sold under a |
15 | | conditional
sales contract, or under any other form of sale |
16 | | wherein the payment of
the principal sum, or a part thereof, is |
17 | | extended beyond the close of
the period for which the return is |
18 | | filed, the serviceman, in collecting
the tax may collect, for |
19 | | each tax return period, only the tax applicable
to the part of |
20 | | the selling price actually received during such tax return
21 | | period. |
22 | | Except as provided hereinafter in this Section, on or |
23 | | before the twentieth
day of each calendar month, such |
24 | | serviceman shall file a
return for the preceding calendar month |
| | SB1951 Enrolled | - 16 - | LRB098 10598 HLH 40861 b |
1 | | in accordance with reasonable
rules and regulations to be |
2 | | promulgated by the Department of Revenue.
Such return shall be |
3 | | filed on a form prescribed by the Department and
shall contain |
4 | | such information as the Department may reasonably require. |
5 | | The Department may require returns to be filed on a |
6 | | quarterly basis.
If so required, a return for each calendar |
7 | | quarter shall be filed on or
before the twentieth day of the |
8 | | calendar month following the end of such
calendar quarter. The |
9 | | taxpayer shall also file a return with the
Department for each |
10 | | of the first two months of each calendar quarter, on or
before |
11 | | the twentieth day of the following calendar month, stating: |
12 | | 1. The name of the seller; |
13 | | 2. The address of the principal place of business from |
14 | | which he engages
in business as a serviceman in this State; |
15 | | 3. The total amount of taxable receipts received by him |
16 | | during the
preceding calendar month, including receipts |
17 | | from charge and time sales,
but less all deductions allowed |
18 | | by law; |
19 | | 4. The amount of credit provided in Section 2d of this |
20 | | Act; |
21 | | 5. The amount of tax due; |
22 | | 5-5. The signature of the taxpayer; and |
23 | | 6. Such other reasonable information as the Department |
24 | | may
require. |
25 | | If a taxpayer fails to sign a return within 30 days after |
26 | | the proper notice
and demand for signature by the Department, |
| | SB1951 Enrolled | - 17 - | LRB098 10598 HLH 40861 b |
1 | | the return shall be considered
valid and any amount shown to be |
2 | | due on the return shall be deemed assessed. |
3 | | Prior to October 1, 2003, and on and after September 1, |
4 | | 2004 a serviceman may accept a Manufacturer's
Purchase Credit |
5 | | certification
from a purchaser in satisfaction
of Service Use |
6 | | Tax as provided in Section 3-70 of the
Service Use Tax Act if |
7 | | the purchaser provides
documentation as |
8 | | required by Section 3-70 of the Service Use Tax Act.
A |
9 | | Manufacturer's Purchase Credit certification, accepted prior |
10 | | to October 1,
2003 or on or after September 1, 2004 by a |
11 | | serviceman as
provided in Section 3-70 of the Service Use Tax |
12 | | Act, may be used by that
serviceman to satisfy Service |
13 | | Occupation Tax liability in the amount claimed in
the |
14 | | certification, not to exceed 6.25% of the receipts subject to |
15 | | tax from a
qualifying purchase. A Manufacturer's Purchase |
16 | | Credit reported on any
original or amended return
filed under
17 | | this Act after October 20, 2003 for reporting periods prior to |
18 | | September 1, 2004 shall be disallowed. Manufacturer's Purchase |
19 | | Credit reported on annual returns due on or after January 1, |
20 | | 2005 will be disallowed for periods prior to September 1, 2004.
21 | | No Manufacturer's
Purchase Credit may be used after September |
22 | | 30, 2003 through August 31, 2004 to
satisfy any
tax liability |
23 | | imposed under this Act, including any audit liability. |
24 | | If the serviceman's average monthly tax liability to
the |
25 | | Department does not exceed $200, the Department may authorize |
26 | | his
returns to be filed on a quarter annual basis, with the |
| | SB1951 Enrolled | - 18 - | LRB098 10598 HLH 40861 b |
1 | | return for
January, February and March of a given year being |
2 | | due by April 20 of
such year; with the return for April, May |
3 | | and June of a given year being
due by July 20 of such year; with |
4 | | the return for July, August and
September of a given year being |
5 | | due by October 20 of such year, and with
the return for |
6 | | October, November and December of a given year being due
by |
7 | | January 20 of the following year. |
8 | | If the serviceman's average monthly tax liability to
the |
9 | | Department does not exceed $50, the Department may authorize |
10 | | his
returns to be filed on an annual basis, with the return for |
11 | | a given year
being due by January 20 of the following year. |
12 | | Such quarter annual and annual returns, as to form and |
13 | | substance,
shall be subject to the same requirements as monthly |
14 | | returns. |
15 | | Notwithstanding any other provision in this Act concerning |
16 | | the time within
which a serviceman may file his return, in the |
17 | | case of any serviceman who
ceases to engage in a kind of |
18 | | business which makes him responsible for filing
returns under |
19 | | this Act, such serviceman shall file a final return under this
20 | | Act with the Department not more than 1 month after |
21 | | discontinuing such
business. |
22 | | Beginning October 1, 1993, a taxpayer who has an average |
23 | | monthly tax
liability of $150,000 or more shall make all |
24 | | payments required by rules of the
Department by electronic |
25 | | funds transfer. Beginning October 1, 1994, a taxpayer
who has |
26 | | an average monthly tax liability of $100,000 or more shall make |
| | SB1951 Enrolled | - 19 - | LRB098 10598 HLH 40861 b |
1 | | all
payments required by rules of the Department by electronic |
2 | | funds transfer.
Beginning October 1, 1995, a taxpayer who has |
3 | | an average monthly tax liability
of $50,000 or more shall make |
4 | | all payments required by rules of the Department
by electronic |
5 | | funds transfer. Beginning October 1, 2000, a taxpayer who has
6 | | an annual tax liability of $200,000 or more shall make all |
7 | | payments required by
rules of the Department by electronic |
8 | | funds transfer. The term "annual tax
liability" shall be the |
9 | | sum of the taxpayer's liabilities under this Act, and
under all |
10 | | other State and local occupation and use tax laws administered |
11 | | by the
Department, for the immediately preceding calendar year. |
12 | | The term "average
monthly tax liability" means
the sum of the |
13 | | taxpayer's liabilities under this Act, and under all other |
14 | | State
and local occupation and use tax laws administered by the |
15 | | Department, for the
immediately preceding calendar year |
16 | | divided by 12.
Beginning on October 1, 2002, a taxpayer who has |
17 | | a tax liability in the
amount set forth in subsection (b) of |
18 | | Section 2505-210 of the Department of
Revenue Law shall make |
19 | | all payments required by rules of the Department by
electronic |
20 | | funds transfer. |
21 | | Before August 1 of each year beginning in 1993, the |
22 | | Department shall
notify all taxpayers required to make payments |
23 | | by electronic funds transfer.
All taxpayers required to make |
24 | | payments by electronic funds transfer shall make
those payments |
25 | | for a minimum of one year beginning on October 1. |
26 | | Any taxpayer not required to make payments by electronic |
| | SB1951 Enrolled | - 20 - | LRB098 10598 HLH 40861 b |
1 | | funds transfer may
make payments by electronic funds transfer |
2 | | with the
permission of the Department. |
3 | | All taxpayers required to make payment by electronic funds |
4 | | transfer and
any taxpayers authorized to voluntarily make |
5 | | payments by electronic funds
transfer shall make those payments |
6 | | in the manner authorized by the Department. |
7 | | The Department shall adopt such rules as are necessary to |
8 | | effectuate a
program of electronic funds transfer and the |
9 | | requirements of this Section. |
10 | | Where a serviceman collects the tax with respect to the |
11 | | selling price of
tangible personal property which he sells and |
12 | | the purchaser thereafter returns
such tangible personal |
13 | | property and the serviceman refunds the
selling price thereof |
14 | | to the purchaser, such serviceman shall also refund,
to the |
15 | | purchaser, the tax so collected from the purchaser. When
filing |
16 | | his return for the period in which he refunds such tax to the
17 | | purchaser, the serviceman may deduct the amount of the tax so |
18 | | refunded by
him to the purchaser from any other Service |
19 | | Occupation Tax, Service Use
Tax, Retailers' Occupation Tax or |
20 | | Use Tax which such serviceman may be
required to pay or remit |
21 | | to the Department, as shown by such return,
provided that the |
22 | | amount of the tax to be deducted shall previously have
been |
23 | | remitted to the Department by such serviceman. If the |
24 | | serviceman shall
not previously have remitted the amount of |
25 | | such tax to the Department,
he shall be entitled to no |
26 | | deduction hereunder upon refunding such tax
to the purchaser. |
| | SB1951 Enrolled | - 21 - | LRB098 10598 HLH 40861 b |
1 | | If experience indicates such action to be practicable, the |
2 | | Department
may prescribe and furnish a combination or joint |
3 | | return which will
enable servicemen, who are required to file |
4 | | returns
hereunder and also under the Retailers' Occupation Tax |
5 | | Act, the Use
Tax Act or the Service Use Tax Act, to furnish all |
6 | | the return
information required by all said Acts on the one |
7 | | form. |
8 | | Where the serviceman has more than one business
registered |
9 | | with the Department under separate registrations hereunder,
10 | | such serviceman shall file separate returns for each
registered |
11 | | business. |
12 | | Beginning January 1, 1990, each month the Department shall |
13 | | pay into
the Local Government Tax Fund the revenue realized for |
14 | | the
preceding month from the 1% tax on sales of food for human |
15 | | consumption
which is to be consumed off the premises where it |
16 | | is sold (other than
alcoholic beverages, soft drinks and food |
17 | | which has been prepared for
immediate consumption) and |
18 | | prescription and nonprescription medicines,
drugs, medical |
19 | | appliances and insulin, urine testing materials, syringes
and |
20 | | needles used by diabetics. |
21 | | Beginning January 1, 1990, each month the Department shall |
22 | | pay into
the County and Mass Transit District Fund 4% of the |
23 | | revenue realized
for the preceding month from the 6.25% general |
24 | | rate. |
25 | | Beginning August 1, 2000, each
month the Department shall |
26 | | pay into the
County and Mass Transit District Fund 20% of the |
| | SB1951 Enrolled | - 22 - | LRB098 10598 HLH 40861 b |
1 | | net revenue realized for the
preceding month from the 1.25% |
2 | | rate on the selling price of motor fuel and
gasohol. |
3 | | Beginning January 1, 1990, each month the Department shall |
4 | | pay into
the Local Government Tax Fund 16% of the revenue |
5 | | realized for the
preceding month from the 6.25% general rate on |
6 | | transfers of
tangible personal property. |
7 | | Beginning August 1, 2000, each
month the Department shall |
8 | | pay into the
Local Government Tax Fund 80% of the net revenue |
9 | | realized for the preceding
month from the 1.25% rate on the |
10 | | selling price of motor fuel and gasohol. |
11 | | Beginning October 1, 2009, each month the Department shall |
12 | | pay into the Capital Projects Fund an amount that is equal to |
13 | | an amount estimated by the Department to represent 80% of the |
14 | | net revenue realized for the preceding month from the sale of |
15 | | candy, grooming and hygiene products, and soft drinks that had |
16 | | been taxed at a rate of 1% prior to September 1, 2009 but that |
17 | | is now taxed at 6.25%. |
18 | | Of the remainder of the moneys received by the Department |
19 | | pursuant to
this Act, (a) 1.75% thereof shall be paid into the |
20 | | Build Illinois Fund and
(b) prior to July 1, 1989, 2.2% and on |
21 | | and after July 1, 1989, 3.8% thereof
shall be paid into the |
22 | | Build Illinois Fund; provided, however, that if in
any fiscal |
23 | | year the sum of (1) the aggregate of 2.2% or 3.8%, as the case
24 | | may be, of the moneys received by the Department and required |
25 | | to be paid
into the Build Illinois Fund pursuant to Section 3 |
26 | | of the Retailers'
Occupation Tax Act, Section 9 of the Use Tax |
| | SB1951 Enrolled | - 23 - | LRB098 10598 HLH 40861 b |
1 | | Act, Section 9 of the Service
Use Tax Act, and Section 9 of the |
2 | | Service Occupation Tax Act, such Acts
being hereinafter called |
3 | | the "Tax Acts" and such aggregate of 2.2% or 3.8%,
as the case |
4 | | may be, of moneys being hereinafter called the "Tax Act
5 | | Amount", and (2) the amount transferred to the Build Illinois |
6 | | Fund from the
State and Local Sales Tax Reform Fund shall be |
7 | | less than the Annual
Specified Amount (as defined in Section 3 |
8 | | of the Retailers' Occupation Tax
Act), an amount equal to the |
9 | | difference shall be immediately paid into the
Build Illinois |
10 | | Fund from other moneys received by the Department pursuant
to |
11 | | the Tax Acts; and further provided, that if on the last |
12 | | business day of
any month the sum of (1) the Tax Act Amount |
13 | | required to be deposited into
the Build Illinois Account in the |
14 | | Build Illinois Fund during such month and
(2) the amount |
15 | | transferred during such month to the Build Illinois Fund
from |
16 | | the State and Local Sales Tax Reform Fund shall have been less |
17 | | than
1/12 of the Annual Specified Amount, an amount equal to |
18 | | the difference
shall be immediately paid into the Build |
19 | | Illinois Fund from other moneys
received by the Department |
20 | | pursuant to the Tax Acts; and, further provided,
that in no |
21 | | event shall the payments required under the preceding proviso
22 | | result in aggregate payments into the Build Illinois Fund |
23 | | pursuant to this
clause (b) for any fiscal year in excess of |
24 | | the greater of (i) the Tax Act
Amount or (ii) the Annual |
25 | | Specified Amount for such fiscal year; and,
further provided, |
26 | | that the amounts payable into the Build Illinois Fund
under |
| | SB1951 Enrolled | - 24 - | LRB098 10598 HLH 40861 b |
1 | | this clause (b) shall be payable only until such time as the
2 | | aggregate amount on deposit under each trust indenture securing |
3 | | Bonds
issued and outstanding pursuant to the Build Illinois |
4 | | Bond Act is
sufficient, taking into account any future |
5 | | investment income, to fully
provide, in accordance with such |
6 | | indenture, for the defeasance of or the
payment of the |
7 | | principal of, premium, if any, and interest on the Bonds
8 | | secured by such indenture and on any Bonds expected to be |
9 | | issued thereafter
and all fees and costs payable with respect |
10 | | thereto, all as certified by
the Director of the
Bureau of the |
11 | | Budget (now Governor's Office of Management and Budget). If
on |
12 | | the last business day of
any month in which Bonds are |
13 | | outstanding pursuant to the Build Illinois
Bond Act, the |
14 | | aggregate of the moneys deposited
in the Build Illinois Bond |
15 | | Account in the Build Illinois Fund in such month
shall be less |
16 | | than the amount required to be transferred in such month from
17 | | the Build Illinois Bond Account to the Build Illinois Bond |
18 | | Retirement and
Interest Fund pursuant to Section 13 of the |
19 | | Build Illinois Bond Act, an
amount equal to such deficiency |
20 | | shall be immediately paid
from other moneys received by the |
21 | | Department pursuant to the Tax Acts
to the Build Illinois Fund; |
22 | | provided, however, that any amounts paid to the
Build Illinois |
23 | | Fund in any fiscal year pursuant to this sentence shall be
24 | | deemed to constitute payments pursuant to clause (b) of the |
25 | | preceding
sentence and shall reduce the amount otherwise |
26 | | payable for such fiscal year
pursuant to clause (b) of the |
| | SB1951 Enrolled | - 25 - | LRB098 10598 HLH 40861 b |
1 | | preceding sentence. The moneys received by
the Department |
2 | | pursuant to this Act and required to be deposited into the
3 | | Build Illinois Fund are subject to the pledge, claim and charge |
4 | | set forth
in Section 12 of the Build Illinois Bond Act. |
5 | | Subject to payment of amounts into the Build Illinois Fund |
6 | | as provided in
the preceding paragraph or in any amendment |
7 | | thereto hereafter enacted, the
following specified monthly |
8 | | installment of the amount requested in the
certificate of the |
9 | | Chairman of the Metropolitan Pier and Exposition
Authority |
10 | | provided under Section 8.25f of the State Finance Act, but not |
11 | | in
excess of the sums designated as "Total Deposit", shall be |
12 | | deposited in the
aggregate from collections under Section 9 of |
13 | | the Use Tax Act, Section 9 of
the Service Use Tax Act, Section |
14 | | 9 of the Service Occupation Tax Act, and
Section 3 of the |
15 | | Retailers' Occupation Tax Act into the McCormick Place
16 | | Expansion Project Fund in the specified fiscal years. |
17 | | Fiscal Year | | Total Deposit | |
18 | | 1993 | | $0 | |
19 | | 1994 | | 53,000,000 | |
20 | | 1995 | | 58,000,000 | |
21 | | 1996 | | 61,000,000 | |
22 | | 1997 | | 64,000,000 | |
23 | | 1998 | | 68,000,000 | |
24 | | 1999 | | 71,000,000 | |
25 | | 2000 | | 75,000,000 | |
| | SB1951 Enrolled | - 26 - | LRB098 10598 HLH 40861 b |
1 | | 2001 | | 80,000,000 | |
2 | | 2002 | | 93,000,000 | |
3 | | 2003 | | 99,000,000 | |
4 | | 2004 | | 103,000,000 | |
5 | | 2005 | | 108,000,000 | |
6 | | 2006 | | 113,000,000 | |
7 | | 2007 | | 119,000,000 | |
8 | | 2008 | | 126,000,000 | |
9 | | 2009 | | 132,000,000 | |
10 | | 2010 | | 139,000,000 | |
11 | | 2011 | | 146,000,000 | |
12 | | 2012 | | 153,000,000 | |
13 | | 2013 | | 161,000,000 | |
14 | | 2014 | | 170,000,000 | |
15 | | 2015 | | 179,000,000 | |
16 | | 2016 | | 189,000,000 | |
17 | | 2017 | | 199,000,000 | |
18 | | 2018 | | 210,000,000 | |
19 | | 2019 | | 221,000,000 | |
20 | | 2020 | | 233,000,000 | |
21 | | 2021 | | 246,000,000 | |
22 | | 2022 | | 260,000,000 | |
23 | | 2023 | | 275,000,000 | |
24 | | 2024 | | 275,000,000 | |
25 | | 2025 | | 275,000,000 | |
26 | | 2026 | | 279,000,000 | |
| | SB1951 Enrolled | - 27 - | LRB098 10598 HLH 40861 b |
1 | | 2027 | | 292,000,000 | |
2 | | 2028 | | 307,000,000 | |
3 | | 2029 | | 322,000,000 | |
4 | | 2030 | | 338,000,000 | |
5 | | 2031 | | 350,000,000 | |
6 | | 2032 | | 350,000,000 | |
7 | | and | | |
8 | | each fiscal year | | |
9 | | thereafter that bonds | | |
10 | | are outstanding under | | |
11 | | Section 13.2 of the | | |
12 | | Metropolitan Pier and | | |
13 | | Exposition Authority Act, | | |
14 | | but not after fiscal year 2060. | | |
15 | | Beginning July 20, 1993 and in each month of each fiscal |
16 | | year thereafter,
one-eighth of the amount requested in the |
17 | | certificate of the Chairman of
the Metropolitan Pier and |
18 | | Exposition Authority for that fiscal year, less
the amount |
19 | | deposited into the McCormick Place Expansion Project Fund by |
20 | | the
State Treasurer in the respective month under subsection |
21 | | (g) of Section 13
of the Metropolitan Pier and Exposition |
22 | | Authority Act, plus cumulative
deficiencies in the deposits |
23 | | required under this Section for previous
months and years, |
24 | | shall be deposited into the McCormick Place Expansion
Project |
25 | | Fund, until the full amount requested for the fiscal year, but |
26 | | not
in excess of the amount specified above as "Total Deposit", |
| | SB1951 Enrolled | - 28 - | LRB098 10598 HLH 40861 b |
1 | | has been deposited. |
2 | | Subject to payment of amounts into the Build Illinois Fund |
3 | | and the
Place Expansion Project Fund
pursuant to the |
4 | | preceding paragraphs or in any amendments thereto hereafter
5 | | enacted, beginning July 1, 1993, the Department shall each |
6 | | month pay into the
Illinois Tax Increment Fund 0.27% of 80% of |
7 | | the net revenue realized for the
preceding month from the 6.25% |
8 | | general rate on the selling price of tangible
personal |
9 | | property. |
10 | | Subject to payment of amounts into the Build Illinois Fund |
11 | | and the
McCormick Place Expansion Project Fund pursuant to the |
12 | | preceding paragraphs or in any
amendments thereto hereafter |
13 | | enacted, beginning with the receipt of the first
report of |
14 | | taxes paid by an eligible business and continuing for a 25-year
15 | | period, the Department shall each month pay into the Energy |
16 | | Infrastructure
Fund 80% of the net revenue realized from the |
17 | | 6.25% general rate on the
selling price of Illinois-mined coal |
18 | | that was sold to an eligible business.
For purposes of this |
19 | | paragraph, the term "eligible business" means a new
electric |
20 | | generating facility certified pursuant to Section 605-332 of |
21 | | the
Department of Commerce and
Economic Opportunity Law of the |
22 | | Civil Administrative
Code of Illinois. |
23 | | Of the remainder of the Remaining moneys received by the |
24 | | Department pursuant to this
Act , 75% shall be paid into the |
25 | | General Revenue Fund of the State Treasury and 25% shall be |
26 | | reserved in a special account and used only for the transfer to |
| | SB1951 Enrolled | - 29 - | LRB098 10598 HLH 40861 b |
1 | | the Common School Fund as part of the monthly transfer from the |
2 | | General Revenue Fund in accordance with Section 8a of the State |
3 | | Finance Act . |
4 | | The Department may, upon separate written notice to a |
5 | | taxpayer,
require the taxpayer to prepare and file with the |
6 | | Department on a form
prescribed by the Department within not |
7 | | less than 60 days after receipt
of the notice an annual |
8 | | information return for the tax year specified in
the notice. |
9 | | Such annual return to the Department shall include a
statement |
10 | | of gross receipts as shown by the taxpayer's last Federal |
11 | | income
tax return. If the total receipts of the business as |
12 | | reported in the
Federal income tax return do not agree with the |
13 | | gross receipts reported to
the Department of Revenue for the |
14 | | same period, the taxpayer shall attach
to his annual return a |
15 | | schedule showing a reconciliation of the 2
amounts and the |
16 | | reasons for the difference. The taxpayer's annual
return to the |
17 | | Department shall also disclose the cost of goods sold by
the |
18 | | taxpayer during the year covered by such return, opening and |
19 | | closing
inventories of such goods for such year, cost of goods |
20 | | used from stock
or taken from stock and given away by the |
21 | | taxpayer during such year, pay
roll information of the |
22 | | taxpayer's business during such year and any
additional |
23 | | reasonable information which the Department deems would be
24 | | helpful in determining the accuracy of the monthly, quarterly |
25 | | or annual
returns filed by such taxpayer as hereinbefore |
26 | | provided for in this
Section. |
| | SB1951 Enrolled | - 30 - | LRB098 10598 HLH 40861 b |
1 | | If the annual information return required by this Section |
2 | | is not
filed when and as required, the taxpayer shall be liable |
3 | | as follows: |
4 | | (i) Until January 1, 1994, the taxpayer shall be liable
5 | | for a penalty equal to 1/6 of 1% of the tax due from such |
6 | | taxpayer
under this Act during the period to be covered by |
7 | | the annual return
for each month or fraction of a month |
8 | | until such return is filed as
required, the penalty to be |
9 | | assessed and collected in the same manner
as any other |
10 | | penalty provided for in this Act. |
11 | | (ii) On and after January 1, 1994, the taxpayer shall |
12 | | be liable for a
penalty as described in Section 3-4 of the |
13 | | Uniform Penalty and Interest Act. |
14 | | The chief executive officer, proprietor, owner or highest |
15 | | ranking
manager shall sign the annual return to certify the |
16 | | accuracy of the
information contained therein. Any person who |
17 | | willfully signs the
annual return containing false or |
18 | | inaccurate information shall be guilty
of perjury and punished |
19 | | accordingly. The annual return form prescribed
by the |
20 | | Department shall include a warning that the person signing the
21 | | return may be liable for perjury. |
22 | | The foregoing portion of this Section concerning the filing |
23 | | of an
annual information return shall not apply to a serviceman |
24 | | who is not
required to file an income tax return with the |
25 | | United States Government. |
26 | | As soon as possible after the first day of each month, upon |
| | SB1951 Enrolled | - 31 - | LRB098 10598 HLH 40861 b |
1 | | certification
of the Department of Revenue, the Comptroller |
2 | | shall order transferred and
the Treasurer shall transfer from |
3 | | the General Revenue Fund to the Motor
Fuel Tax Fund an amount |
4 | | equal to 1.7% of 80% of the net revenue realized
under this Act |
5 | | for the second preceding month.
Beginning April 1, 2000, this |
6 | | transfer is no longer required
and shall not be made. |
7 | | Net revenue realized for a month shall be the revenue |
8 | | collected by the State
pursuant to this Act, less the amount |
9 | | paid out during that month as
refunds to taxpayers for |
10 | | overpayment of liability. |
11 | | For greater simplicity of administration, it shall be |
12 | | permissible for
manufacturers, importers and wholesalers whose |
13 | | products are sold by numerous
servicemen in Illinois, and who |
14 | | wish to do so, to
assume the responsibility for accounting and |
15 | | paying to the Department
all tax accruing under this Act with |
16 | | respect to such sales, if the
servicemen who are affected do |
17 | | not make written objection to the
Department to this |
18 | | arrangement. |
19 | | (Source: P.A. 96-34, eff. 7-13-09; 96-38, eff. 7-13-09; 96-898, |
20 | | eff. 5-27-10.) |
21 | | Section 15. The Local Mass Transit District Act is amended |
22 | | by changing Section 5.01 as follows:
23 | | (70 ILCS 3610/5.01)
(from Ch. 111 2/3, par. 355.01)
24 | | Sec. 5.01. Metro East Mass Transit District; use and |
| | SB1951 Enrolled | - 32 - | LRB098 10598 HLH 40861 b |
1 | | occupation taxes.
2 | | (a) The Board of Trustees of any Metro East Mass Transit
3 | | District may, by ordinance adopted with the concurrence of |
4 | | two-thirds of
the then trustees, impose throughout the District |
5 | | any or all of the taxes and
fees provided in this Section. All |
6 | | taxes and fees imposed under this Section
shall be used only |
7 | | for public mass transportation systems, and the amount used
to |
8 | | provide mass transit service to unserved areas of the District |
9 | | shall be in
the same proportion to the total proceeds as the |
10 | | number of persons residing in
the unserved areas is to the |
11 | | total population of the District. Except as
otherwise provided |
12 | | in this Act, taxes imposed under
this Section and civil |
13 | | penalties imposed incident thereto shall be
collected and |
14 | | enforced by the State Department of Revenue.
The Department |
15 | | shall have the power to administer and enforce the taxes
and to |
16 | | determine all rights for refunds for erroneous payments of the |
17 | | taxes.
18 | | (b) The Board may impose a Metro East Mass Transit District |
19 | | Retailers'
Occupation Tax upon all persons engaged in the |
20 | | business of selling tangible
personal property at retail in the |
21 | | district at a rate of 1/4 of 1%, or as
authorized under |
22 | | subsection (d-5) of this Section, of the
gross receipts from |
23 | | the sales made in the course of such business within
the |
24 | | district. The tax imposed under this Section and all civil
25 | | penalties that may be assessed as an incident thereof shall be |
26 | | collected
and enforced by the State Department of Revenue. The |
| | SB1951 Enrolled | - 33 - | LRB098 10598 HLH 40861 b |
1 | | Department shall have
full power to administer and enforce this |
2 | | Section; to collect all taxes
and penalties so collected in the |
3 | | manner hereinafter provided; and to determine
all rights to |
4 | | credit memoranda arising on account of the erroneous payment
of |
5 | | tax or penalty hereunder. In the administration of, and |
6 | | compliance with,
this Section, the Department and persons who |
7 | | are subject to this Section
shall have the same rights, |
8 | | remedies, privileges, immunities, powers and
duties, and be |
9 | | subject to the same conditions, restrictions, limitations,
10 | | penalties, exclusions, exemptions and definitions of terms and |
11 | | employ
the same modes of procedure, as are prescribed in |
12 | | Sections 1, 1a, 1a-1,
1c, 1d, 1e, 1f, 1i, 1j, 2 through 2-65 |
13 | | (in respect to all provisions
therein other than the State rate |
14 | | of tax), 2c, 3 (except as to the
disposition of taxes and |
15 | | penalties collected), 4, 5, 5a, 5c, 5d, 5e, 5f,
5g, 5h, 5i, 5j, |
16 | | 5k, 5l, 6, 6a, 6b, 6c, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, and 14 of
the |
17 | | Retailers' Occupation Tax Act and Section 3-7 of the Uniform |
18 | | Penalty
and Interest Act, as fully as if those provisions were |
19 | | set forth herein.
20 | | Persons subject to any tax imposed under the Section may |
21 | | reimburse
themselves for their seller's tax liability |
22 | | hereunder by separately stating
the tax as an additional |
23 | | charge, which charge may be stated in combination,
in a single |
24 | | amount, with State taxes that sellers are required to collect
25 | | under the Use Tax Act, in accordance with such bracket |
26 | | schedules as the
Department may prescribe.
| | SB1951 Enrolled | - 34 - | LRB098 10598 HLH 40861 b |
1 | | Whenever the Department determines that a refund should be |
2 | | made under this
Section to a claimant instead of issuing a |
3 | | credit memorandum, the Department
shall notify the State |
4 | | Comptroller, who shall cause the warrant to be drawn
for the |
5 | | amount specified, and to the person named, in the notification
6 | | from the Department. The refund shall be paid by the State |
7 | | Treasurer out
of the Metro East Mass Transit District tax fund |
8 | | established under
paragraph (h)
of this Section.
9 | | If a tax is imposed under this subsection (b), a tax shall |
10 | | also be
imposed under subsections (c) and (d) of this Section.
11 | | For the purpose of determining whether a tax authorized |
12 | | under this Section
is applicable, a retail sale, by a producer |
13 | | of coal or other mineral mined
in Illinois, is a sale at retail |
14 | | at the place where the coal or other mineral
mined in Illinois |
15 | | is extracted from the earth. This paragraph does not
apply to |
16 | | coal or other mineral when it is delivered or shipped by the |
17 | | seller
to the purchaser at a point outside Illinois so that the |
18 | | sale is exempt
under the Federal Constitution as a sale in |
19 | | interstate or foreign commerce.
20 | | No tax shall be imposed or collected under this subsection |
21 | | on the sale of a motor vehicle in this State to a resident of |
22 | | another state if that motor vehicle will not be titled in this |
23 | | State.
24 | | Nothing in this Section shall be construed to authorize the |
25 | | Metro East
Mass Transit District to impose a tax upon the |
26 | | privilege of engaging in any
business which under the |
| | SB1951 Enrolled | - 35 - | LRB098 10598 HLH 40861 b |
1 | | Constitution of the United States may not be made
the subject |
2 | | of taxation by this State.
3 | | (c) If a tax has been imposed under subsection (b), a Metro |
4 | | East Mass
Transit District Service Occupation Tax shall
also be |
5 | | imposed upon all persons engaged, in the district, in the |
6 | | business
of making sales of service, who, as an incident to |
7 | | making those sales of
service, transfer tangible personal |
8 | | property within the District, either in
the form of tangible |
9 | | personal property or in the form of real estate as an
incident |
10 | | to a sale of service. The tax rate shall be 1/4%, or as |
11 | | authorized
under subsection (d-5) of this Section, of the |
12 | | selling
price of tangible personal property so transferred |
13 | | within the district.
The tax imposed under this paragraph and |
14 | | all civil penalties that may be
assessed as an incident thereof |
15 | | shall be collected and enforced by the
State Department of |
16 | | Revenue. The Department shall have full power to
administer and |
17 | | enforce this paragraph; to collect all taxes and penalties
due |
18 | | hereunder; to dispose of taxes and penalties so collected in |
19 | | the manner
hereinafter provided; and to determine all rights to |
20 | | credit memoranda
arising on account of the erroneous payment of |
21 | | tax or penalty hereunder.
In the administration of, and |
22 | | compliance with this paragraph, the
Department and persons who |
23 | | are subject to this paragraph shall have the
same rights, |
24 | | remedies, privileges, immunities, powers and duties, and be
25 | | subject to the same conditions, restrictions, limitations, |
26 | | penalties,
exclusions, exemptions and definitions of terms and |
| | SB1951 Enrolled | - 36 - | LRB098 10598 HLH 40861 b |
1 | | employ the same modes
of procedure as are prescribed in |
2 | | Sections 1a-1, 2 (except that the
reference to State in the |
3 | | definition of supplier maintaining a place of
business in this |
4 | | State shall mean the Authority), 2a, 3 through
3-50 (in respect |
5 | | to all provisions therein other than the State rate of
tax), 4 |
6 | | (except that the reference to the State shall be to the |
7 | | Authority),
5, 7, 8 (except that the jurisdiction to which the |
8 | | tax shall be a debt to
the extent indicated in that Section 8 |
9 | | shall be the District), 9 (except as
to the disposition of |
10 | | taxes and penalties collected, and except that
the returned |
11 | | merchandise credit for this tax may not be taken against any
12 | | State tax), 10, 11, 12 (except the reference therein to Section |
13 | | 2b of the
Retailers' Occupation Tax Act), 13 (except that any |
14 | | reference to the State
shall mean the District), the first |
15 | | paragraph of Section 15, 16,
17, 18, 19 and 20 of the Service |
16 | | Occupation Tax Act and Section 3-7 of
the Uniform Penalty and |
17 | | Interest Act, as fully as if those provisions were
set forth |
18 | | herein.
19 | | Persons subject to any tax imposed under the authority |
20 | | granted in
this paragraph may reimburse themselves for their |
21 | | serviceman's tax liability
hereunder by separately stating the |
22 | | tax as an additional charge, which
charge may be stated in |
23 | | combination, in a single amount, with State tax
that servicemen |
24 | | are authorized to collect under the Service Use Tax Act, in
25 | | accordance with such bracket schedules as the Department may |
26 | | prescribe.
| | SB1951 Enrolled | - 37 - | LRB098 10598 HLH 40861 b |
1 | | Whenever the Department determines that a refund should be |
2 | | made under this
paragraph to a claimant instead of issuing a |
3 | | credit memorandum, the Department
shall notify the State |
4 | | Comptroller, who shall cause the warrant to be drawn
for the |
5 | | amount specified, and to the person named, in the notification
6 | | from the Department. The refund shall be paid by the State |
7 | | Treasurer out
of the Metro East Mass Transit District tax fund |
8 | | established under
paragraph (h)
of this Section.
9 | | Nothing in this paragraph shall be construed to authorize |
10 | | the District
to impose a tax upon the privilege of engaging in |
11 | | any business which under
the Constitution of the United States |
12 | | may not be made the subject of taxation
by the State.
13 | | (d) If a tax has been imposed under subsection (b), a Metro |
14 | | East Mass
Transit District Use Tax shall
also be imposed upon |
15 | | the privilege of using, in the district, any item of
tangible |
16 | | personal property that is purchased outside the district at
17 | | retail from a retailer, and that is titled or registered with |
18 | | an agency of
this State's government, at a rate of 1/4%, or as |
19 | | authorized under subsection
(d-5) of this Section, of the |
20 | | selling price of the
tangible personal property within the |
21 | | District, as "selling price" is
defined in the Use Tax Act. The |
22 | | tax shall be collected from persons whose
Illinois address for |
23 | | titling or registration purposes is given as being in
the |
24 | | District. The tax shall be collected by the Department of |
25 | | Revenue for
the Metro East Mass Transit District. The tax must |
26 | | be paid to the State,
or an exemption determination must be |
| | SB1951 Enrolled | - 38 - | LRB098 10598 HLH 40861 b |
1 | | obtained from the Department of
Revenue, before the title or |
2 | | certificate of registration for the property
may be issued. The |
3 | | tax or proof of exemption may be transmitted to the
Department |
4 | | by way of the State agency with which, or the State officer |
5 | | with
whom, the tangible personal property must be titled or |
6 | | registered if the
Department and the State agency or State |
7 | | officer determine that this
procedure will expedite the |
8 | | processing of applications for title or
9 | | The Department shall have full power to administer and |
10 | | enforce this
paragraph; to collect all taxes, penalties and |
11 | | interest due hereunder; to
dispose of taxes, penalties and |
12 | | interest so collected in the manner
hereinafter provided; and |
13 | | to determine all rights to credit memoranda or
refunds arising |
14 | | on account of the erroneous payment of tax, penalty or
interest |
15 | | hereunder. In the administration of, and compliance with, this
16 | | paragraph, the Department and persons who are subject to this |
17 | | paragraph
shall have the same rights, remedies, privileges, |
18 | | immunities, powers and
duties, and be subject to the same |
19 | | conditions, restrictions, limitations,
penalties, exclusions, |
20 | | exemptions and definitions of terms
and employ the same modes |
21 | | of procedure, as are prescribed in Sections 2
(except the |
22 | | definition of "retailer maintaining a place of business in this
23 | | State"), 3 through 3-80 (except provisions pertaining to the |
24 | | State rate
of tax, and except provisions concerning collection |
25 | | or refunding of the tax
by retailers), 4, 11, 12, 12a, 14, 15, |
26 | | 19 (except the portions pertaining
to claims by retailers and |
| | SB1951 Enrolled | - 39 - | LRB098 10598 HLH 40861 b |
1 | | except the last paragraph concerning refunds),
20, 21 and 22 of |
2 | | the Use Tax Act and Section 3-7 of the Uniform Penalty
and |
3 | | Interest Act, that are not inconsistent with this
paragraph, as |
4 | | fully as if those provisions were set forth herein.
5 | | Whenever the Department determines that a refund should be |
6 | | made under this
paragraph to a claimant instead of issuing a |
7 | | credit memorandum, the Department
shall notify the State |
8 | | Comptroller, who shall cause the order
to be drawn for the |
9 | | amount specified, and to the person named, in the
notification |
10 | | from the Department. The refund shall be paid by the State
11 | | Treasurer out of the Metro East Mass Transit District tax fund |
12 | | established
under paragraph (h)
of this Section.
13 | | (d-5) (A) The county board of any county participating in |
14 | | the Metro
East Mass Transit District may authorize, by |
15 | | ordinance, a
referendum on the question of whether the tax |
16 | | rates for the
Metro East Mass Transit District Retailers' |
17 | | Occupation Tax, the
Metro East Mass Transit District Service |
18 | | Occupation Tax, and the
Metro East Mass Transit District Use |
19 | | Tax for
the District should be increased from 0.25% to 0.75%.
20 | | Upon adopting the ordinance, the county
board shall certify the |
21 | | proposition to the proper election officials who shall
submit |
22 | | the proposition to the voters of the District at the next |
23 | | election,
in accordance with the general election law.
24 | | The proposition shall be in substantially the following |
25 | | form:
26 | | Shall the tax rates for the Metro East Mass Transit |
| | SB1951 Enrolled | - 40 - | LRB098 10598 HLH 40861 b |
1 | | District Retailers'
Occupation Tax, the Metro East Mass |
2 | | Transit District Service Occupation Tax,
and the Metro East |
3 | | Mass Transit District Use Tax be increased from 0.25% to
4 | | 0.75%?
5 | | (B) Two thousand five hundred electors of any Metro East |
6 | | Mass Transit
District may petition the Chief Judge of the |
7 | | Circuit Court, or any judge of
that Circuit designated by the |
8 | | Chief Judge, in which that District is located
to cause to be |
9 | | submitted to a vote of the electors the question whether the |
10 | | tax
rates for the Metro East Mass Transit District Retailers' |
11 | | Occupation Tax, the
Metro East Mass Transit District Service |
12 | | Occupation Tax, and the Metro East
Mass Transit District Use |
13 | | Tax for the District should be increased from 0.25%
to 0.75%.
14 | | Upon submission of such petition the court shall set a date |
15 | | not less than 10
nor more than 30 days thereafter for a hearing |
16 | | on the sufficiency thereof.
Notice of the filing of such |
17 | | petition and of such date shall be given in
writing to the |
18 | | District and the County Clerk at least 7 days before the date |
19 | | of
such hearing.
20 | | If such petition is found sufficient, the court shall enter |
21 | | an order to
submit that proposition at the next election, in |
22 | | accordance with general
election law.
23 | | The form of the petition shall be in substantially the |
24 | | following form: To the
Circuit Court of the County of (name of |
25 | | county):
26 | | We, the undersigned electors of the (name of transit |
| | SB1951 Enrolled | - 41 - | LRB098 10598 HLH 40861 b |
1 | | district),
respectfully petition your honor to submit to a |
2 | | vote of the electors of (name
of transit district) the |
3 | | following proposition:
4 | | Shall the tax rates for the Metro East Mass Transit |
5 | | District Retailers'
Occupation Tax, the Metro East Mass |
6 | | Transit District Service Occupation Tax,
and the Metro East |
7 | | Mass Transit District Use Tax be increased from 0.25% to
8 | | 0.75%?
9 | | Name Address, with Street and Number.
10 | | ...................... | ........................................ | |
11 | | ...................... | ........................................ |
12 | | (C) The votes shall be recorded as "YES" or "NO". If a |
13 | | majority of all
cast on the proposition are for the |
14 | | increase in
the tax rates, the Metro East Mass Transit District |
15 | | shall begin imposing the
increased rates in the District, and
16 | | the Department of Revenue shall begin collecting the increased |
17 | | amounts, as
provided under this Section.
An ordinance imposing |
18 | | or discontinuing a tax hereunder or effecting a change
in the |
19 | | rate thereof shall be adopted and a certified copy thereof |
20 | | filed with
the Department on or before the first day of |
21 | | October, whereupon the Department
shall proceed to administer |
22 | | and enforce this Section as of the first day of
January next |
23 | | following the adoption and filing, or on or before the first |
24 | | day
of April, whereupon the Department shall proceed to |
25 | | administer and enforce this
Section as of the first day of July |
26 | | next following the adoption and filing.
| | SB1951 Enrolled | - 42 - | LRB098 10598 HLH 40861 b |
1 | | (D) If the voters have approved a referendum under this |
2 | | subsection,
November 1, 1994, to
increase the tax rate |
3 | | under this subsection, the Metro East Mass Transit
District |
4 | | Board of Trustees may adopt by a majority vote an ordinance at |
5 | | any
before January 1, 1995 that excludes from the rate |
6 | | increase tangible personal
property that is titled or |
7 | | registered with an
agency of this State's government.
The |
8 | | ordinance excluding titled or
registered tangible personal |
9 | | property from the rate increase must be filed with
the |
10 | | Department at least 15 days before its effective date.
At any |
11 | | time after adopting an ordinance excluding from the rate |
12 | | increase
tangible personal property that is titled or |
13 | | registered with an agency of this
State's government, the Metro |
14 | | East Mass Transit District Board of Trustees may
adopt an |
15 | | ordinance applying the rate increase to that tangible personal
16 | | property. The ordinance shall be adopted, and a certified copy |
17 | | of that
ordinance shall be filed with the Department, on or |
18 | | before October 1, whereupon
the Department shall proceed to |
19 | | administer and enforce the rate increase
against tangible |
20 | | personal property titled or registered with an agency of this
21 | | State's government as of the following January
1. After |
22 | | December 31, 1995, any reimposed rate increase in effect under |
23 | | this
subsection shall no longer apply to tangible personal |
24 | | property titled or
registered with an agency of this State's |
25 | | government. Beginning January 1,
1996, the Board of Trustees of |
26 | | any Metro East Mass Transit
District may never reimpose a |
| | SB1951 Enrolled | - 43 - | LRB098 10598 HLH 40861 b |
1 | | previously excluded tax rate increase on tangible
personal |
2 | | property titled or registered with an agency of this State's
3 | | government.
After July 1, 2004, if the voters have approved a |
4 | | referendum under this
subsection to increase the tax rate under |
5 | | this subsection, the Metro East Mass
Transit District Board of |
6 | | Trustees may adopt by a majority vote an ordinance
that |
7 | | excludes from the rate increase tangible personal property that |
8 | | is titled
or registered with an agency of this State's |
9 | | government. The ordinance excluding titled or registered |
10 | | tangible personal property from the rate increase shall be
11 | | adopted, and a certified copy of that ordinance shall be filed |
12 | | with the
Department on or before October 1, whereupon the |
13 | | Department shall administer and enforce this exclusion from the |
14 | | rate increase as of the
following January 1, or on or before |
15 | | April 1, whereupon the Department shall
administer and enforce |
16 | | this exclusion from the rate increase as of the
following July |
17 | | 1. The Board of Trustees of any Metro East Mass Transit |
18 | | District
may never
reimpose a previously excluded tax rate |
19 | | increase on tangible personal property
titled or registered |
20 | | with an agency of this State's government.
21 | | (d-6) If the Board of Trustees of any Metro East Mass |
22 | | Transit District has
imposed a rate increase under subsection |
23 | | (d-5) and filed an
ordinance with the Department of Revenue |
24 | | excluding titled property from the
higher rate, then that Board |
25 | | may, by ordinance adopted with
the concurrence of two-thirds of |
26 | | the then trustees, impose throughout the
District a fee. The |
| | SB1951 Enrolled | - 44 - | LRB098 10598 HLH 40861 b |
1 | | fee on the excluded property shall not exceed $20 per
retail |
2 | | transaction or an
equal to the amount of tax excluded, |
3 | | whichever is less, on
tangible personal property that is titled |
4 | | or registered with an agency of this
State's government. |
5 | | Beginning July 1, 2004, the fee shall apply only to
titled |
6 | | property that is subject to either the Metro East Mass Transit |
7 | | District
Retailers' Occupation Tax or the Metro East Mass |
8 | | Transit District Service
Occupation Tax. No fee shall be |
9 | | imposed or collected under this subsection on the sale of a |
10 | | motor vehicle in this State to a resident of another state if |
11 | | that motor vehicle will not be titled in this State.
12 | | (d-7) Until June 30, 2004, if a fee has been imposed under |
13 | | subsection
(d-6), a fee shall also
be imposed upon the |
14 | | privilege of using, in the district, any item of tangible
15 | | personal property that is titled or registered with any agency |
16 | | of this State's
government, in an amount equal to the amount of |
17 | | the fee imposed under
subsection (d-6).
18 | | (d-7.1) Beginning July 1, 2004, any fee imposed by the |
19 | | Board of Trustees
of any Metro East Mass Transit District under |
20 | | subsection (d-6) and all civil
penalties that may be assessed |
21 | | as an incident of the fees shall be collected
and enforced by |
22 | | the State Department of Revenue. Reference to "taxes" in this
23 | | Section shall be construed to apply to the administration, |
24 | | payment, and
remittance of all fees under this Section. For |
25 | | purposes of any fee imposed
under subsection (d-6), 4% of the |
26 | | fee, penalty, and interest received by the
Department in the |
| | SB1951 Enrolled | - 45 - | LRB098 10598 HLH 40861 b |
1 | | first 12 months that the fee is collected and enforced by
the |
2 | | Department and 2% of the fee, penalty, and interest following |
3 | | the first
12 months shall be deposited into the Tax Compliance |
4 | | and Administration
Fund and shall be used by the Department, |
5 | | subject to appropriation, to cover
the costs of the Department. |
6 | | No retailers' discount shall apply to any fee
imposed under |
7 | | subsection (d-6).
8 | | (d-8) No item of titled property shall be subject to both
9 | | the higher rate approved by referendum, as authorized under |
10 | | subsection (d-5),
and any fee imposed under subsection (d-6) or |
11 | | (d-7).
12 | | (d-9) (Blank).
13 | | (d-10) (Blank).
14 | | (e) A certificate of registration issued by the State |
15 | | Department of
Revenue to a retailer under the Retailers' |
16 | | Occupation Tax Act or under the
Service Occupation Tax Act |
17 | | shall permit the registrant to engage in a
business that is |
18 | | taxed under the tax imposed under paragraphs (b), (c)
or (d) of |
19 | | this Section and no additional registration shall be required |
20 | | under
the tax. A certificate issued under the Use Tax Act or |
21 | | the Service Use Tax
Act shall be applicable with regard to any |
22 | | tax imposed under paragraph (c)
of this Section.
23 | | (f) (Blank).
24 | | (g) Any ordinance imposing or discontinuing any tax under |
25 | | this
Section shall be adopted and a certified copy thereof |
26 | | filed with the
Department on or before June 1, whereupon the |
| | SB1951 Enrolled | - 46 - | LRB098 10598 HLH 40861 b |
1 | | Department of Revenue shall
proceed to administer and enforce |
2 | | this Section on behalf of the Metro East
Mass Transit District |
3 | | as of September 1 next following such
adoption and filing. |
4 | | Beginning January 1, 1992, an ordinance or resolution
imposing |
5 | | or discontinuing the tax hereunder shall be adopted and a
6 | | certified copy thereof filed with the Department on or before |
7 | | the first day
of July, whereupon the Department shall proceed |
8 | | to administer and enforce
this Section as of the first day of |
9 | | October next following such adoption
and filing. Beginning |
10 | | January 1, 1993, except as provided in subsection
(d-5) of this |
11 | | Section, an ordinance or resolution imposing
or discontinuing |
12 | | the tax hereunder shall be adopted and a certified copy
thereof |
13 | | filed with the Department on or before the first day of |
14 | | October,
whereupon the Department shall proceed to administer |
15 | | and enforce this
Section as of the first day of January next |
16 | | following such adoption and
or, beginning January 1, |
17 | | 2004, on or before the first day of April, whereupon
the |
18 | | Department shall proceed to administer and enforce this Section |
19 | | as of the
first day of July next following the adoption and |
20 | | filing.
21 | | (h) Except as provided in subsection (d-7.1), the State |
22 | | Department of
Revenue shall, upon collecting any taxes as
23 | | provided in this Section, pay the taxes over to the State |
24 | | Treasurer as
trustee for the District. The taxes shall be held |
25 | | in a trust fund outside
the State Treasury. |
26 | | As soon as possible after the first day of each month, |
| | SB1951 Enrolled | - 47 - | LRB098 10598 HLH 40861 b |
1 | | beginning January 1, 2011, upon certification of the Department |
2 | | of Revenue, the Comptroller shall order transferred, and the |
3 | | Treasurer shall transfer, to the STAR Bonds Revenue Fund the |
4 | | local sales tax increment, as defined in the Innovation |
5 | | Development and Economy Act, collected under this Section |
6 | | during the second preceding calendar month for sales within a |
7 | | STAR bond district. The Department shall make this |
8 | | certification only if the local mass transit district imposes a |
9 | | tax on real property as provided in the definition of "local |
10 | | sales taxes" under the Innovation Development and Economy Act. |
11 | | After the monthly transfer to the STAR Bonds Revenue Fund, |
12 | | on or before the 25th day of each calendar month, the
State |
13 | | Department of Revenue shall prepare and certify to the |
14 | | Comptroller of
the State of Illinois the amount to be paid to |
15 | | the District, which shall be
the amount (not including credit |
16 | | memoranda) collected under this Section during the second |
17 | | preceding calendar month by the Department plus an amount the |
18 | | Department determines is necessary to offset any amounts that |
19 | | were erroneously paid to a different taxing body, and not |
20 | | including any amount equal to the amount of refunds made during |
21 | | the second preceding calendar month by the Department on behalf |
22 | | of the District, and not including any amount that the |
23 | | Department determines is necessary to offset any amounts that |
24 | | were payable to a different taxing body but were erroneously |
25 | | paid to the District, then balance in the fund, less any amount |
26 | | determined by the Department
to be necessary for the payment of |
| | SB1951 Enrolled | - 48 - | LRB098 10598 HLH 40861 b |
1 | | refunds, and less any amounts that are transferred to the STAR |
2 | | Bonds Revenue Fund. Within 10 days after receipt by
the |
3 | | Comptroller of the certification of the amount to be paid to |
4 | | the
District, the Comptroller shall cause an order to be drawn |
5 | | for payment
for the amount in accordance with the direction in |
6 | | the certification.
7 | | (Source: P.A. 95-331, eff. 8-21-07; 96-328, eff. 8-11-09; |
8 | | 96-939, eff. 6-24-10.)
9 | | Section 20. The Water Commission Act of 1985 is amended by |
10 | | changing Section 4 as follows:
11 | | (70 ILCS 3720/4) (from Ch. 111 2/3, par. 254)
12 | | Sec. 4. Taxes. |
13 | | (a) The board of commissioners of any county water |
14 | | commission
may, by ordinance, impose throughout the territory |
15 | | of the commission any or
all of the taxes provided in this |
16 | | Section for its corporate purposes.
However, no county water |
17 | | commission may impose any such tax unless the
commission |
18 | | certifies the proposition of imposing the tax to the proper
19 | | election officials, who shall submit the proposition to the |
20 | | voters residing
in the territory at an election in accordance |
21 | | with the general election
law, and the proposition has been |
22 | | approved by a majority of those voting on
the proposition.
23 | | The proposition shall be in the form provided in Section 5 |
24 | | or shall be
substantially in the following form:
| | SB1951 Enrolled | - 49 - | LRB098 10598 HLH 40861 b |
1 | | -------------------------------------------------------------
2 | | Shall the (insert corporate
3 | | name of county water commission) YES
4 | | impose (state type of tax or ------------------------
5 | | taxes to be imposed) at the NO
6 | | rate of 1/4%?
7 | | -------------------------------------------------------------
8 | | Taxes imposed under this Section and civil penalties |
9 | | imposed
incident thereto shall be collected and enforced by the |
10 | | State Department of
Revenue. The Department shall have the |
11 | | power to administer and enforce the
taxes and to determine all |
12 | | rights for refunds for erroneous payments of
the taxes.
13 | | (b) The board of commissioners may impose a County Water |
14 | | Commission
Retailers' Occupation Tax upon all persons engaged |
15 | | in the business of
selling tangible personal property at retail |
16 | | in the territory of the
commission at a rate of 1/4% of the |
17 | | gross receipts from the sales made in
the course of such |
18 | | business within the territory. The tax imposed under
this |
19 | | paragraph and all civil penalties that may be assessed as an |
20 | | incident
thereof shall be collected and enforced by the State |
21 | | Department of Revenue.
The Department shall have full power to |
22 | | administer and enforce this
paragraph; to collect all taxes and |
23 | | penalties due hereunder; to dispose of
taxes and penalties so |
24 | | collected in the manner hereinafter provided; and to
determine |
25 | | all rights to credit memoranda arising on account of the
26 | | erroneous payment of tax or penalty hereunder. In the |
| | SB1951 Enrolled | - 50 - | LRB098 10598 HLH 40861 b |
1 | | administration of,
and compliance with, this paragraph, the |
2 | | Department and persons who are
subject to this paragraph shall |
3 | | have the same rights, remedies, privileges,
immunities, powers |
4 | | and duties, and be subject to the same conditions,
5 | | restrictions, limitations, penalties, exclusions, exemptions |
6 | | and
definitions of terms, and employ the same modes of |
7 | | procedure, as are
prescribed in Sections 1, 1a, 1a-1, 1c, 1d, |
8 | | 1e, 1f, 1i, 1j, 2 through 2-65
(in respect to all provisions |
9 | | therein other than the State rate of tax
except that food for |
10 | | human consumption that is to be consumed off the
premises where |
11 | | it is sold (other than alcoholic beverages, soft drinks, and
12 | | food that has been prepared for immediate consumption) and |
13 | | prescription
and nonprescription medicine, drugs, medical |
14 | | appliances and insulin, urine
testing materials, syringes, and |
15 | | needles used by diabetics, for human use,
shall not be subject |
16 | | to tax hereunder), 2c, 3 (except as to the disposition
of taxes |
17 | | and penalties collected), 4, 5, 5a, 5b, 5c, 5d, 5e, 5f, 5g, 5h,
18 | | 5i, 5j, 5k, 5l, 6, 6a, 6b, 6c, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 and 13 of
the |
19 | | Retailers' Occupation Tax Act and Section 3-7 of the Uniform |
20 | | Penalty
and Interest Act, as fully as if those provisions were |
21 | | set forth herein.
22 | | Persons subject to any tax imposed under the authority |
23 | | granted in this
paragraph may reimburse themselves for their |
24 | | seller's tax liability
hereunder by separately stating the tax |
25 | | as an additional charge, which
charge may be stated in |
26 | | combination, in a single amount, with State taxes
that sellers |
| | SB1951 Enrolled | - 51 - | LRB098 10598 HLH 40861 b |
1 | | are required to collect under the Use Tax Act and under
2 | | subsection (e) of Section 4.03 of the Regional Transportation |
3 | | Authority
Act, in accordance with such bracket schedules as the |
4 | | Department may prescribe.
5 | | Whenever the Department determines that a refund should be |
6 | | made under this
paragraph to a claimant instead of issuing a |
7 | | credit memorandum, the Department
shall notify the State |
8 | | Comptroller, who shall cause the warrant to be drawn
for the |
9 | | amount specified, and to the person named, in the notification
10 | | from the Department. The refund shall be paid by the State |
11 | | Treasurer out
of a county water commission tax fund established |
12 | | under paragraph (g) of
this Section.
13 | | For the purpose of determining whether a tax authorized |
14 | | under this paragraph
is applicable, a retail sale by a producer |
15 | | of coal or other mineral mined
in Illinois is a sale at retail |
16 | | at the place where the coal or other mineral
mined in Illinois |
17 | | is extracted from the earth. This paragraph does not
apply to |
18 | | coal or other mineral when it is delivered or shipped by the |
19 | | seller
to the purchaser at a point outside Illinois so that the |
20 | | sale is exempt
under the Federal Constitution as a sale in |
21 | | interstate or foreign commerce.
22 | | If a tax is imposed under this subsection (b) a tax shall |
23 | | also be
imposed under subsections (c) and (d) of this Section.
24 | | No tax shall be imposed or collected under this subsection |
25 | | on the sale of a motor vehicle in this State to a resident of |
26 | | another state if that motor vehicle will not be titled in this |
| | SB1951 Enrolled | - 52 - | LRB098 10598 HLH 40861 b |
1 | | State.
2 | | Nothing in this paragraph shall be construed to authorize a |
3 | | county water
commission to impose a tax upon the privilege of |
4 | | engaging in any
business which under the Constitution of the |
5 | | United States may not be made
the subject of taxation by this |
6 | | State.
7 | | (c) If a tax has been imposed under subsection (b), a
8 | | County Water Commission Service Occupation
Tax shall
also be |
9 | | imposed upon all persons engaged, in the territory of the
10 | | commission, in the business of making sales of service, who, as |
11 | | an
incident to making the sales of service, transfer tangible |
12 | | personal
property within the territory. The tax rate shall be |
13 | | 1/4% of the selling
price of tangible personal property so |
14 | | transferred within the territory.
The tax imposed under this |
15 | | paragraph and all civil penalties that may be
assessed as an |
16 | | incident thereof shall be collected and enforced by the
State |
17 | | Department of Revenue. The Department shall have full power to
18 | | administer and enforce this paragraph; to collect all taxes and |
19 | | penalties
due hereunder; to dispose of taxes and penalties so |
20 | | collected in the manner
hereinafter provided; and to determine |
21 | | all rights to credit memoranda
arising on account of the |
22 | | erroneous payment of tax or penalty hereunder.
In the |
23 | | administration of, and compliance with, this paragraph, the
24 | | Department and persons who are subject to this paragraph shall |
25 | | have the
same rights, remedies, privileges, immunities, powers |
26 | | and duties, and be
subject to the same conditions, |
| | SB1951 Enrolled | - 53 - | LRB098 10598 HLH 40861 b |
1 | | restrictions, limitations, penalties,
exclusions, exemptions |
2 | | and definitions of terms, and employ the same modes
of |
3 | | procedure, as are prescribed in Sections 1a-1, 2 (except that |
4 | | the
reference to State in the definition of supplier |
5 | | maintaining a place of
business in this State shall mean the |
6 | | territory of the commission), 2a, 3
through 3-50 (in respect to |
7 | | all provisions therein other than the State
rate of tax except |
8 | | that food for human consumption that is to be consumed
off the |
9 | | premises where it is sold (other than alcoholic beverages, soft
10 | | drinks, and food that has been prepared for immediate |
11 | | consumption) and
prescription and nonprescription medicines, |
12 | | drugs, medical appliances and
insulin, urine testing |
13 | | materials, syringes, and needles used by diabetics,
for human |
14 | | use, shall not be subject to tax hereunder), 4 (except that the
15 | | reference to the State shall be to the territory of the |
16 | | commission), 5, 7,
8 (except that the jurisdiction to which the |
17 | | tax shall be a debt to the
extent indicated in that Section 8 |
18 | | shall be the commission), 9 (except as
to the disposition of |
19 | | taxes and penalties collected and except that the
returned |
20 | | merchandise credit for this tax may not be taken against any |
21 | | State
tax), 10, 11, 12 (except the reference therein to Section |
22 | | 2b of the
Retailers' Occupation Tax Act), 13 (except that any |
23 | | reference to the State
shall mean the territory of the |
24 | | commission), the first paragraph of Section
15, 15.5, 16, 17, |
25 | | 18, 19 and 20 of the Service Occupation Tax Act as fully
as if |
26 | | those provisions were set forth herein.
| | SB1951 Enrolled | - 54 - | LRB098 10598 HLH 40861 b |
1 | | Persons subject to any tax imposed under the authority |
2 | | granted in
this paragraph may reimburse themselves for their |
3 | | serviceman's tax liability
hereunder by separately stating the |
4 | | tax as an additional charge, which
charge may be stated in |
5 | | combination, in a single amount, with State tax
that servicemen |
6 | | are authorized to collect under the Service Use Tax Act,
and |
7 | | any tax for which servicemen may be liable under subsection (f) |
8 | | of
Sec. 4.03 of the Regional Transportation Authority Act, in |
9 | | accordance
with such bracket schedules as the Department may |
10 | | prescribe.
11 | | Whenever the Department determines that a refund should be |
12 | | made under this
paragraph to a claimant instead of issuing a |
13 | | credit memorandum, the Department
shall notify the State |
14 | | Comptroller, who shall cause the warrant to be drawn
for the |
15 | | amount specified, and to the person named, in the notification |
16 | | from
the Department. The refund shall be paid by the State |
17 | | Treasurer out of a
county water commission tax fund established |
18 | | under paragraph (g) of this
19 | | Nothing in this paragraph shall be construed to authorize a |
20 | | county water
commission to impose a tax upon the privilege of |
21 | | engaging in any business
which under the Constitution of the |
22 | | United States may not be made the
subject of taxation by the |
23 | | State.
24 | | (d) If a tax has been imposed under subsection (b), a tax |
25 | | shall
also imposed upon the privilege of using, in the |
26 | | territory of the
commission, any item of tangible personal |
| | SB1951 Enrolled | - 55 - | LRB098 10598 HLH 40861 b |
1 | | property that is purchased
outside the territory at retail from |
2 | | a retailer, and that is titled or
registered with an agency of |
3 | | this State's government, at a rate of 1/4% of
the selling price |
4 | | of the tangible personal property within the territory,
as |
5 | | "selling price" is defined in the Use Tax Act. The tax shall be |
6 | | collected
from persons whose Illinois address for titling or |
7 | | registration purposes
is given as being in the territory. The |
8 | | tax shall be collected by the
Department of Revenue for a |
9 | | county water commission. The tax must be paid
to the State, or |
10 | | an exemption determination must be obtained from the
Department |
11 | | of Revenue, before the title or certificate of registration for
12 | | the property may be issued. The tax or proof of exemption may |
13 | | be
transmitted to the Department by way of the State agency |
14 | | with which, or the
State officer with whom, the tangible |
15 | | personal property must be titled or
registered if the |
16 | | Department and the State agency or State officer
determine that |
17 | | this procedure will expedite the processing of applications
for |
18 | | title or registration.
19 | | The Department shall have full power to administer and |
20 | | enforce this
paragraph; to collect all taxes, penalties and |
21 | | interest due hereunder; to
dispose of taxes, penalties and |
22 | | interest so collected in the manner
hereinafter provided; and |
23 | | to determine all rights to credit memoranda or
refunds arising |
24 | | on account of the erroneous payment of tax, penalty or
interest |
25 | | hereunder. In the administration of, and compliance with this
26 | | paragraph, the Department and persons who are subject to this |
| | SB1951 Enrolled | - 56 - | LRB098 10598 HLH 40861 b |
1 | | paragraph
shall have the same rights, remedies, privileges, |
2 | | immunities, powers and
duties, and be subject to the same |
3 | | conditions, restrictions, limitations,
penalties, exclusions, |
4 | | exemptions and definitions of terms and employ the
same modes |
5 | | of procedure, as are prescribed in Sections 2 (except the
6 | | definition of "retailer maintaining a place of business in this |
7 | | State"), 3
through 3-80 (except provisions pertaining to the |
8 | | State rate of tax,
and except provisions concerning collection |
9 | | or refunding of the tax by
retailers, and except that food for |
10 | | human consumption that is to be
consumed off the premises where |
11 | | it is sold (other than alcoholic beverages,
soft drinks, and |
12 | | food that has been prepared for immediate consumption)
and |
13 | | prescription and nonprescription medicines, drugs, medical |
14 | | appliances
and insulin, urine testing materials, syringes, and |
15 | | needles used by
diabetics, for human use, shall not be subject |
16 | | to tax hereunder), 4, 11,
12, 12a, 14, 15, 19 (except the |
17 | | portions pertaining to claims by retailers
and except the last |
18 | | paragraph concerning refunds), 20, 21 and 22 of the Use
Tax Act |
19 | | and Section 3-7 of the Uniform Penalty and Interest Act that |
20 | | are
not inconsistent with this paragraph, as fully as if those |
21 | | provisions were
set forth herein.
22 | | Whenever the Department determines that a refund should be |
23 | | made under this
paragraph to a claimant instead of issuing a |
24 | | credit memorandum, the Department
shall notify the State |
25 | | Comptroller, who shall cause the order
to be drawn for the |
26 | | amount specified, and to the person named, in the
notification |
| | SB1951 Enrolled | - 57 - | LRB098 10598 HLH 40861 b |
1 | | from the Department. The refund shall be paid by the State
2 | | Treasurer out of a county water commission tax fund established
3 | | under paragraph (g) of this Section.
4 | | (e) A certificate of registration issued by the State |
5 | | Department of
Revenue to a retailer under the Retailers' |
6 | | Occupation Tax Act or under the
Service Occupation Tax Act |
7 | | shall permit the registrant to engage in a
business that is |
8 | | taxed under the tax imposed under paragraphs (b), (c)
or (d) of |
9 | | this Section and no additional registration shall be required |
10 | | under
the tax. A certificate issued under the Use Tax Act or |
11 | | the Service Use Tax
Act shall be applicable with regard to any |
12 | | tax imposed under paragraph (c)
of this Section.
13 | | (f) Any ordinance imposing or discontinuing any tax under |
14 | | this Section
shall be adopted and a certified copy thereof |
15 | | filed with the Department on
or before June 1, whereupon the |
16 | | Department of Revenue shall proceed to
administer and enforce |
17 | | this Section on behalf of the county water
commission as of |
18 | | September 1 next following the adoption and filing.
Beginning |
19 | | January 1, 1992, an ordinance or resolution imposing or
20 | | discontinuing the tax hereunder shall be adopted and a |
21 | | certified copy
thereof filed with the Department on or before |
22 | | the first day of July,
whereupon the Department shall proceed |
23 | | to administer and enforce this
Section as of the first day of |
24 | | October next following such adoption and
filing. Beginning |
25 | | January 1, 1993, an ordinance or resolution imposing or
26 | | discontinuing the tax hereunder shall be adopted and a |
| | SB1951 Enrolled | - 58 - | LRB098 10598 HLH 40861 b |
1 | | certified copy
thereof filed with the Department on or before |
2 | | the first day of October,
whereupon the Department shall |
3 | | proceed to administer and enforce this
Section as of the first |
4 | | day of January next following such adoption and filing.
5 | | (g) The State Department of Revenue shall, upon collecting |
6 | | any taxes as
provided in this Section, pay the taxes over to |
7 | | the State Treasurer as
trustee for the commission. The taxes |
8 | | shall be held in a trust fund outside
the State Treasury. |
9 | | As soon as possible after the first day of each month, |
10 | | beginning January 1, 2011, upon certification of the Department |
11 | | of Revenue, the Comptroller shall order transferred, and the |
12 | | Treasurer shall transfer, to the STAR Bonds Revenue Fund the |
13 | | local sales tax increment, as defined in the Innovation |
14 | | Development and Economy Act, collected under this Section |
15 | | during the second preceding calendar month for sales within a |
16 | | STAR bond district. |
17 | | After the monthly transfer to the STAR Bonds Revenue Fund, |
18 | | on or before the 25th day of each calendar month, the
State |
19 | | Department of Revenue shall prepare and certify to the |
20 | | Comptroller of
the State of Illinois the amount to be paid to |
21 | | the commission, which shall be
the amount (not including credit |
22 | | memoranda) collected under this Section during the second |
23 | | preceding calendar month by the Department plus an amount the |
24 | | Department determines is necessary to offset any amounts that |
25 | | were erroneously paid to a different taxing body, and not |
26 | | including any amount equal to the amount of refunds made during |
| | SB1951 Enrolled | - 59 - | LRB098 10598 HLH 40861 b |
1 | | the second preceding calendar month by the Department on behalf |
2 | | of the commission, and not including any amount that the |
3 | | Department determines is necessary to offset any amounts that |
4 | | were payable to a different taxing body but were erroneously |
5 | | paid to the commission, then balance in the fund, less any |
6 | | amount determined by the Department
to be necessary for the |
7 | | payment of refunds, and less any amounts that are transferred |
8 | | to the STAR Bonds Revenue Fund. Within 10 days after receipt by
9 | | the Comptroller of the certification of the amount to be paid |
10 | | to the
commission, the Comptroller shall cause an order to be |
11 | | drawn for the payment
for the amount in accordance with the |
12 | | direction in the certification.
13 | | (h) Beginning June 1, 2016, any tax imposed pursuant to |
14 | | this Section may no longer be imposed or collected, unless a |
15 | | continuation of the tax is approved by the voters at a |
16 | | referendum as set forth in this Section. |
17 | | (Source: P.A. 96-939, eff. 6-24-10; 96-1389, eff. 7-29-10; |
18 | | 97-333, eff. 8-12-11.)
19 | | Section 25. The Senior Citizens Real Estate Tax Deferral |
20 | | Act is amended by changing Section 5 as follows:
21 | | (320 ILCS 30/5) (from Ch. 67 1/2, par. 455)
22 | | Sec. 5.
The county collector shall note on his books each
23 | | claim for deferral of real estate taxes which meets the |
24 | | requirements
of Section 3 and, when taxes are extended, shall |
| | SB1951 Enrolled | - 60 - | LRB098 10598 HLH 40861 b |
1 | | send to the
Department the tax bills, including special |
2 | | assessment bills forwarded to
the county collector under |
3 | | Section 3, on all tax deferred property in that
collector's |
4 | | county. Unless there is a shortfall in the appropriation or the |
5 | | Senior Citizens Real Estate Tax Revolving Fund balance, at |
6 | | which time the payments shall be made within 14 days of there |
7 | | being sufficient appropriation authority or sufficient fund |
8 | | balance, the The Department shall then pay by June 1 or within |
9 | | 30 days
of the receipt of these tax bills, whichever is later, |
10 | | to the county
collector, for distribution to the taxing bodies |
11 | | in his county, the
total amount of taxes so deferred. The |
12 | | Department shall make these
payments from the Senior Citizens |
13 | | Real Estate Deferred Tax Revolving Fund.
14 | | (Source: P.A. 84-807.)
15 | | Section 99. Effective date. This Act takes effect upon |
16 | | becoming law.