State of Illinois
Introduced 2/15/2013, by Sen. Chapin Rose
Makes appropriations and reappropriations to the State Board of Elections for its ordinary and contingent expenses and various other activities. Effective July 1, 2013.
LRB098 08986 HLH 39121 b
AN ACT concerning appropriations.
Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois, represented in the General Assembly:
Section 5-5. The following amounts, or so much of those amounts as may be necessary, respectively, are appropriated to the State Board of Elections for its ordinary and contingent expenses as follows:
The Board
For Contractual Services............................ 27,200
For Travel.......................................... 19,000
For Equipment.......................................... 700
Total $46,900
For Personal Services.............................. 754,400
For Employee Retirement Contributions
Paid By Employer................................ 30,200
For State Contributions to State Employees'
Retirement System.............................. 304,200
For State Contributions to
Social Security................................. 57,800
For Contractual Services........................... 568,800
For Travel.......................................... 14,400
For Commodities..................................... 16,400
For Printing......................................... 9,800
For Equipment........................................ 6,000
For Telecommunications............................. 143,700
For Operation of Automotive Equipment................ 4,900
Total $1,910,600
For Personal Services............................ 1,702,500
For Employee Retirement Contributions
Paid By Employer................................ 68,100
For State Contributions to State
Employees' Retirement System................... 686,400
For State Contributions to Social Security......... 130,300
For Contractual Services............................ 33,400
For Travel.......................................... 51,300
For Printing......................................... 6,900
For Equipment........................................ 3,300
For Purchase of Election Codes...................... 17,500
For HAVA Maintenance of Effort
Contribution-State............................. 550,000
For Reimbursement to Counties for Increased
Compensation to Judges and other Election
Officials, as provided in Public Acts
81-850, 81-1149, and 90-672-Election
Day Judges only.............................. 2,300,000
For FY2014 costs related to development and
implementation of Statewide voter canvassing
operations and reporting system project, as
mandated by Public Act 95-0699................. 615,000
For FY2014 reimbursement and assistance to
local election jurisdictions for
ongoing support costs, and SBE maintenance
of local election jurisdiction interfaces
for the Illinois Voter Registration System
(IVRS) Statewide database.................... 6,150,600
For Payment of Lump Sum Awards to County Clerks,
County Recorders, and Chief Election
Clerks as Compensation for Additional
Duties required of such officials
by consolidation of elections law,
as provided in Public Acts 82-691
and 90-713.................................... 799,500
Total $12,564,800
General Counsel
For Personal Services.............................. 315,100
For Employee Retirement Contributions
Paid By Employer................................ 12,600
For State Contributions to State
Employees' Retirement System................... 127,100
For State Contributions to
Social Security................................. 24,200
For Contractual Services........................... 128,700
For Travel........................................... 9,500
For Equipment.......................................... 500
Total $617,700
Campaign Disclosure
For Personal Services.............................. 779,600
For Employee Retirement Contributions
Paid By Employer................................ 31,200
For State Contributions to State
Employees' Retirement System................... 314,300
For State Contributions to
Social Security................................. 59,700
For Contractual Services............................. 2,300
For Travel.......................................... 11,300
For Printing........................................ 20,200
For Equipment.......................................... 500
Total $1,219,100
Information Technology
For Personal Services.............................. 727,500
For Employee Retirement Contributions
Paid By Employer................................. 29,100
For State Contributions to State Employees'
Retirement System.............................. 293,300
For State Contributions to Social Security.......... 55,700
For Contractual Services........................... 342,400
For Travel.......................................... 10,900
For Commodities..................................... 24,000
For Printing........................................... 700
For Equipment...................................... 131,100
Total $1,614,700
Section 5-10. The following amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, are reappropriated from the Help Illinois Vote Fund to the State Board of Elections for Implementation of the Help America Vote Act of 2002:
For distribution to Local Election
Authorities under Section 251 of the
Help America Vote Act.......................... 9,300,000
For the implementation of the Statewide
Voter Registration System as required by
Section 1A-25 of the Illinois Election
Code, including maintenance of the
IDEA/VISTA program............................. 3,600,000
For administrative costs and discretionary
grants to Local Election Authorities
under Section 101 of the Help America
Vote Act....................................... 2,000,300
Total $14,900,300
Total, This Article (All Agency) $32,874,100
Section 99. Effective date. This Act takes effect July 1, 2013.