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1 | AN ACT concerning safety.
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||
2 | Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||
3 | represented in the General Assembly:
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||
4 | Section 5. The Environmental Protection Act is amended by | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
5 | changing Section 9.1 as follows:
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||
6 | (415 ILCS 5/9.1) (from Ch. 111 1/2, par. 1009.1)
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||
7 | Sec. 9.1. State and federal implementation of Clean Air | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
8 | Act. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
9 | (a) The General Assembly finds that the federal Clean Air
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||
10 | Act, as amended, and regulations adopted pursuant thereto | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
11 | establish complex
and detailed provisions for State-federal | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
12 | cooperation in the field of air
pollution control, provide for | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
13 | a Prevention of Significant Deterioration
program to regulate | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
14 | the issuance of preconstruction permits to insure that
economic | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
15 | growth will occur in a manner consistent with the preservation
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||
16 | of existing clean air resources, and also provide for plan | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
17 | requirements for
nonattainment areas to regulate the | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
18 | construction, modification and operation
of sources of air | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
19 | pollution to insure that economic growth will occur in
a manner | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
20 | consistent with the goal of achieving the national ambient air
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||
21 | quality standards, and that the General Assembly cannot | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
22 | conveniently or
advantageously set forth in this Act all the | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
23 | requirements of such
federal Act or all regulations which may |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | be established thereunder.
| ||||||
2 | It is the purpose of this Section to avoid the existence of | ||||||
3 | duplicative,
overlapping or conflicting State and federal | ||||||
4 | regulatory systems.
| ||||||
5 | (b) The provisions of Section 111 of the federal Clean Air | ||||||
6 | Act (42
USC 7411), as amended, relating to standards of | ||||||
7 | performance for new
stationary sources, and Section 112 of the | ||||||
8 | federal Clean Air Act (42 USC
7412), as amended, relating to | ||||||
9 | the establishment of national emission
standards for hazardous | ||||||
10 | air pollutants are applicable in this State and are
enforceable | ||||||
11 | under this Act. Any such enforcement shall be stayed
consistent | ||||||
12 | with any stay granted in any federal judicial action to review
| ||||||
13 | such standards. Enforcement shall be consistent with the | ||||||
14 | results of any
such judicial review.
| ||||||
15 | (c) The Board may adopt regulations establishing permit | ||||||
16 | programs meeting
the requirements of Sections 165 and 173 of | ||||||
17 | the Clean Air Act (42 USC 7475
and 42 USC 7503) as amended. The | ||||||
18 | Agency may adopt procedures for the
administration of such | ||||||
19 | programs.
| ||||||
20 | (d) No person shall:
| ||||||
21 | (1) violate any provisions of Sections 111, 112, 165 or | ||||||
22 | 173 of the
Clean Air Act, as now or hereafter amended, or | ||||||
23 | federal regulations
adopted pursuant thereto; or
| ||||||
24 | (2) construct, install, modify or operate any | ||||||
25 | equipment, building,
facility, source or installation | ||||||
26 | which is subject to regulation under
Sections 111, 112, 165 |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | or 173 of the Clean Air Act, as now or hereafter
amended, | ||||||
2 | except in compliance with the requirements of such Sections | ||||||
3 | and
federal regulations adopted pursuant thereto, and no | ||||||
4 | such action shall be
undertaken (A) without a permit | ||||||
5 | granted by the Agency whenever a permit is required | ||||||
6 | pursuant to (i) this Act or Board regulations or (ii) | ||||||
7 | Section 111, 112, 165, or 173 of the Clean Air Act or | ||||||
8 | federal regulations adopted pursuant thereto or (B) in | ||||||
9 | violation of any
conditions imposed by such permit. Any | ||||||
10 | denial of such a permit or any
conditions imposed in such a | ||||||
11 | permit shall be reviewable by the Board in
accordance with | ||||||
12 | Section 40 of this Act.
| ||||||
13 | (e) The Board shall exempt from regulation under the State | ||||||
14 | Implementation
Plan for ozone the volatile organic compounds | ||||||
15 | which have been determined
by the U.S. Environmental Protection | ||||||
16 | Agency to be exempt from regulation
under state implementation | ||||||
17 | plans for ozone due to negligible photochemical
reactivity. In | ||||||
18 | accordance with subsection (b) of Section 7.2, the Board
shall | ||||||
19 | adopt regulations identical in substance to the U.S. | ||||||
20 | Environmental
Protection Agency exemptions or deletion of | ||||||
21 | exemptions published in policy
statements on the control of | ||||||
22 | volatile organic compounds in the Federal
Register by amending | ||||||
23 | the list of exemptions to the Board's definition of
volatile | ||||||
24 | organic material found at 35 Ill. Adm. Code Part 211. The
| ||||||
25 | provisions and requirements of Title VII of this Act shall not | ||||||
26 | apply to
regulations adopted under this subsection. Section |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | 5-35 of the Illinois
Administrative Procedure Act, relating to | ||||||
2 | procedures for rulemaking, does not
apply to regulations | ||||||
3 | adopted under this subsection. However, the Board shall
provide | ||||||
4 | for notice, a hearing if required by the U.S. Environmental | ||||||
5 | Protection
Agency, and public comment before adopted rules are | ||||||
6 | filed with the Secretary of
State. The Board may consolidate | ||||||
7 | into a single rulemaking under this subsection
all such federal | ||||||
8 | policy statements published in the Federal Register within a
| ||||||
9 | period of time not to exceed 6 months.
| ||||||
10 | (f) If a complete application for a permit renewal is | ||||||
11 | submitted
to the Agency at least 90 days prior to expiration of | ||||||
12 | the permit, all
of the terms and conditions of the permit shall | ||||||
13 | remain in effect until
final administrative action has been | ||||||
14 | taken on the application.
| ||||||
15 | If a complete application for a permit renewal is submitted | ||||||
16 | to the Agency less than 90 days prior to expiration, the | ||||||
17 | applicant shall pay a late filing fee in the amount of $5,000. | ||||||
18 | That fee shall be deposited into the Environmental Protection | ||||||
19 | Permit and Inspection Fund. The terms and conditions of the | ||||||
20 | permit shall remain in effect until final administrative action | ||||||
21 | has been taken by the Agency on the application. | ||||||
22 | If a complete application for a permit renewal is submitted | ||||||
23 | after the permit expires, the Agency may allow the terms and | ||||||
24 | conditions of the permit to remain in effect until final | ||||||
25 | administrative action has been taken by the Agency. This | ||||||
26 | authorization, if granted by the Agency, shall become effective |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | upon payment of a $10,000 late filing fee. That fee shall be | ||||||
2 | deposited into the Environmental Protection Permit and | ||||||
3 | Inspection Fund. | ||||||
4 | (Source: P.A. 97-95, eff. 7-12-11.)