Rep. Camille Y. Lilly
Filed: 5/31/2013
| | 09800SB1409ham003 | | LRB098 09872 OMW 46773 a |
2 | | AMENDMENT NO. ______. Amend Senate Bill 1409, AS AMENDED, |
3 | | by replacing everything after the enacting clause with the |
4 | | following:
5 | | "Section 1. Short title. This Act may be cited as the |
6 | | Elmwood Park Railroad Relocation Authority Act. |
7 | | Section 5. Definitions. As used in this Act:
8 | | "Authority" means the Elmwood Park Railroad Relocation |
9 | | Authority.
10 | | "Order" means any order entered by the Illinois Commerce |
11 | | Commission regarding railroad operations within the area of the |
12 | | Authority.
13 | | "Person" includes an individual, partnership, firm, public |
14 | | or private corporation, and government or unit of government.
15 | | "Railroads" means any railroads operating or owning |
16 | | trackage or right of way within the area of the Authority.
| | 09800SB1409ham003 | - 2 - | LRB098 09872 OMW 46773 a |
1 | | Section 10. Legislative declaration. The General Assembly |
2 | | declares that the welfare, health, prosperity, and moral and |
3 | | general well being of the people of the State are, in large |
4 | | measure, dependent upon the sound and orderly development of |
5 | | municipal areas. The Village of Elmwood Park by reason of the |
6 | | location and its use for vehicular travel in access to the |
7 | | entire west metropolitan Chicago area, including |
8 | | municipalities in 2 counties, as well as commercial and |
9 | | industrial growth patterns and accessibility to O'Hare |
10 | | International Airport and massive freight related services, |
11 | | has become and will increasingly be the hub of transportation |
12 | | from all parts of the region and throughout the west |
13 | | metropolitan area. Motor vehicle traffic, pedestrian travel, |
14 | | and the safety of both motorists and pedestrians are |
15 | | substantially aggravated by the location of major railroad |
16 | | rights of way that divide the Village east from west and north |
17 | | from south. Those railroad rights of way have effectively |
18 | | impeded the development of highway usage and rights of way to |
19 | | further and enhance growth throughout the region. For the |
20 | | safety of the public it has been necessary to provide large |
21 | | numbers of protected crossings at great expense to the |
22 | | railroads, but often without complete safety to the public. The |
23 | | presence of the railroad rights of way at grade crossings |
24 | | within the Village is detrimental to the orderly expansion of |
25 | | industry and commerce and to progress of the region. To |
| | 09800SB1409ham003 | - 3 - | LRB098 09872 OMW 46773 a |
1 | | alleviate this situation it is necessary to relocate the |
2 | | railroad tracks and right of way in Elmwood Park and to |
3 | | separate the grades at crossings and to acquire property for |
4 | | relocation or submergence of the railroad or highways and to |
5 | | create an agency to facilitate and accomplish that relocation. |
6 | | Section 15. Creation; duration. There is created a body |
7 | | politic and corporate, a unit of local government, styled |
8 | | Elmwood Park Railroad Relocation Authority embracing that |
9 | | portion of Leyden Township within the Village of Elmwood Park, |
10 | | Cook County, Illinois. The Authority shall continue in |
11 | | existence until the accomplishment of its objective, the |
12 | | relocation of the railroad tracks in Elmwood Park and the grade |
13 | | separation of railroads from the right of way in Elmwood Park |
14 | | and along with necessary, related improvement of right of way |
15 | | and at-grade crossing closures within the Village of Elmwood |
16 | | Park, or until the Authority officially resolves that it is |
17 | | impossible or economically unfeasible to fulfill that |
18 | | objective. |
19 | | Section 20. Procedural capacity; seal; office. The |
20 | | Authority may sue and be sued in its corporate name, but |
21 | | execution shall not in any case issue against any property of |
22 | | the Authority. The Authority shall be subject to the |
23 | | jurisdiction of the Illinois Commerce Commission. It may adopt |
24 | | a common seal and change the seal at pleasure. The principal |
| | 09800SB1409ham003 | - 4 - | LRB098 09872 OMW 46773 a |
1 | | office of the Authority shall be in the Village of Elmwood |
2 | | Park, Illinois. |
3 | | The Authority may enter into contracts for the performance |
4 | | of its objectives, including agreements with other State |
5 | | entities and departments, as well as provide for the letting of |
6 | | construction contracts, consultant service agreements, |
7 | | professional and trade services, and other agreements |
8 | | consistent with the purposes and objectives of the Authority |
9 | | established by this Act. The Authority may accept |
10 | | jurisdictional transfer of public right-of-way for purposes of |
11 | | eliminating at-grade street and railroad crossings. |
12 | | Section 25. Acquisition of property. The Authority shall |
13 | | have the power to acquire by gift, purchase, legacy, or by the |
14 | | exercise of eminent domain the fee simple title to real |
15 | | property located within the boundaries of the Authority, |
16 | | including temporary and permanent easements, as well as |
17 | | reversionary interests in the streets, alleys and other public |
18 | | places and personal property, required for its purposes, and |
19 | | title thereto shall be taken in the corporate name of the |
20 | | Authority. Any such property which is already devoted to a |
21 | | public use may nevertheless be acquired, provided that no |
22 | | property belonging to the United States of America or the State |
23 | | of Illinois may be acquired without the consent of such |
24 | | governmental unit. No property devoted to a public use |
25 | | belonging to a corporation subject to the jurisdiction of the |
| | 09800SB1409ham003 | - 5 - | LRB098 09872 OMW 46773 a |
1 | | Illinois Commerce Commission may be acquired without a prior |
2 | | finding by the Illinois Commerce Commission that the taking |
3 | | would not result in the imposition of an undue burden on |
4 | | intrastate commerce. Eminent domain proceedings shall be |
5 | | conducted in all respects in the manner provided for the |
6 | | exercise of the right of the eminent domain under the Eminent |
7 | | Domain Act. No condemnation proceedings for the acquisition of |
8 | | new property shall be instituted without the prior concurrence |
9 | | of the effected Railroads in the route, width and title to be |
10 | | acquired thereby. All land and appurtenances thereto, acquired |
11 | | or owned by the Authority, are to be deemed acquired or owned |
12 | | for a public use or public purpose. |
13 | | Section 30. Eminent domain. Notwithstanding any other |
14 | | provision of this Act, any power granted under this Act to |
15 | | acquire property by condemnation or eminent domain is subject |
16 | | to, and shall be exercised in accordance with, the Eminent |
17 | | Domain Act. |
18 | | Section 35. Sale or exchange of property. The Authority |
19 | | shall have the power to sell, transfer, exchange, vacate or |
20 | | assign property acquired for the purposes of this Act as it |
21 | | shall deem appropriate. |
22 | | Section 40. Acceptance of grants, loans, and |
23 | | appropriations. The Authority shall have the power to apply for |
| | 09800SB1409ham003 | - 6 - | LRB098 09872 OMW 46773 a |
1 | | and accept grants, loans, advances, and appropriations from the |
2 | | Federal Government and from the State of Illinois or any agency |
3 | | or instrumentality thereof to be used for the purposes of the |
4 | | Authority, and to enter into any agreement in relation to such |
5 | | grants, loans, advances and appropriations. The Authority may |
6 | | also accept from the State, any State agency, department or |
7 | | commission, any county or other political subdivision, any |
8 | | municipal corporation, any Railroads, school authorities, or |
9 | | jointly therefrom, grants of funds or services for any of the |
10 | | purposes of this Act. The Authority shall be treated as a rail |
11 | | carrier subject to the Illinois Commerce Commission's |
12 | | jurisdiction and eligible to receive money from the Grade |
13 | | Crossing Protection Fund or any fund of the State or other |
14 | | source available for purposes of promoting safety and |
15 | | separation of at-grade railroad crossings or highway |
16 | | improvements. |
17 | | Section 45. Borrowing money and issuance of bonds. The |
18 | | Authority may incur debt and borrow money from time to time |
19 | | and, in evidence thereof, may issue and sell bonds in such |
20 | | amount or amounts as the Authority may determine, to provide |
21 | | funds for carrying out the purposes of this Act, and to pay all |
22 | | costs and expenses incident thereto, and to refund and |
23 | | refinance, from time to time, bonds so issued and sold, as |
24 | | often as may be deemed to be advantageous by the Authority. |
| | 09800SB1409ham003 | - 7 - | LRB098 09872 OMW 46773 a |
1 | | Section 50. Taxing powers. The Authority shall not have the |
2 | | power to levy real property taxes for any purpose whatsoever. |
3 | | Section 55. Board; composition; qualification; |
4 | | compensation and expenses. The Authority shall be governed by a |
5 | | board consisting of 5 members. The members of the Authority |
6 | | shall serve without compensation, but may be reimbursed for |
7 | | actual expenses incurred by them in the performance of duties |
8 | | prescribed by the Authority. However, any member of the |
9 | | Authority who serves as Secretary or Treasurer may receive |
10 | | compensation for services as that officer. |
11 | | Section 60. Appointments; tenure; oaths; vacancies. The |
12 | | members of the Authority shall be appointed by the Governor who |
13 | | shall give notice of the member's selection to each other |
14 | | member within 10 days after selection and before entering upon |
15 | | the duties of office. Each representative member of the |
16 | | Authority shall take and subscribe to the constitutional oath |
17 | | of office and file it with the Secretary of State. If a vacancy |
18 | | occurs by death, resignation or otherwise, the vacancy shall be |
19 | | filled by the appropriate selecting party. All appointments of |
20 | | members shall be for a 3 year term. |
21 | | Section 65. Removal of members. The Governor may remove |
22 | | from office any Authority member immediately in case of |
23 | | incompetency, neglect of duty or malfeasance of office or |
| | 09800SB1409ham003 | - 8 - | LRB098 09872 OMW 46773 a |
1 | | otherwise upon 15 days written notice to the other members. |
2 | | Absence from any 3 consecutive regular meetings of the |
3 | | Authority shall be deemed neglect of duty. |
4 | | Section 70. Organization; chair and temporary Secretary. |
5 | | As soon as possible after the appointment of the initial |
6 | | members, the Authority shall organize for the transaction of |
7 | | business, select a Chair and a temporary Secretary from its own |
8 | | number, and adopt bylaws to govern its proceedings. The initial |
9 | | Chair and successors shall be elected by the Authority from |
10 | | time to time from among members. The Authority may act through |
11 | | its members by entering into an agreement that a member act on |
12 | | the Authority's behalf, in which instance the act or |
13 | | performance directed shall be deemed to be exclusively of, for, |
14 | | and by the Authority and not the individual act of the member |
15 | | or its represented person. |
16 | | Section 75. Meetings; quorum; resolutions. Regular |
17 | | meetings of the Authority shall be held at least quarterly, the |
18 | | time and place of those meetings to be fixed by the Authority. |
19 | | Special meetings may be called by the Chair or by any 3 members |
20 | | of the Authority by giving notice thereof in writing, stating |
21 | | the time, place, and purpose of the meeting. The notice shall |
22 | | be served by special delivery letter deposited in the mails at |
23 | | least 48 hours before the meeting. A majority of the members of |
24 | | the Authority shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of |
| | 09800SB1409ham003 | - 9 - | LRB098 09872 OMW 46773 a |
1 | | business. All action of the Authority shall be by resolution |
2 | | and, except as otherwise provided in this Act, the affirmative |
3 | | vote of at least a majority shall be necessary for the adoption |
4 | | of any resolution. The Chair shall be entitled to vote on any |
5 | | and all matters coming before the Authority. |
6 | | Section 80. Secretary and Treasurer; oaths; bond of |
7 | | Treasurer. The Authority may appoint a Secretary and a |
8 | | Treasurer, who need not be members of the Authority, to hold |
9 | | office during the pleasure of the Authority, and fix their |
10 | | duties and compensation. Before entering upon the duties of |
11 | | their respective offices, they shall take and subscribe to the |
12 | | constitutional oath of office, and the Treasurer shall execute |
13 | | a bond with corporate sureties to be approved by the Authority. |
14 | | The bond shall be payable to the Authority in whatever penal |
15 | | sum may be directed by the Authority conditioned upon the |
16 | | faithful performance of the duties of the office and the |
17 | | payment of all money received by the Treasurer according to law |
18 | | and the orders of the Authority. The Authority may, at any |
19 | | time, require a new bond for the Treasurer in such penal sum as |
20 | | may then be determined by the Authority. |
21 | | Section 85. Deposit and withdrawal of funds; signatures. |
22 | | All funds deposited by the Treasurer in any bank or savings and |
23 | | loan association shall be placed in the name of the Authority |
24 | | and shall be withdrawn or paid out only by check or draft upon |
| | 09800SB1409ham003 | - 10 - | LRB098 09872 OMW 46773 a |
1 | | the bank or savings and loan association, signed by the |
2 | | Treasurer and countersigned by the Chair of the Authority. |
3 | | Subject to prior approval of the designations by a majority of |
4 | | the Authority, the Chair may designate any other member or any |
5 | | officer of the Authority to affix the signature of the |
6 | | Treasurer to any Authority check or draft for payment of |
7 | | salaries or wages and for payment of any other obligation of |
8 | | not more than $2,500.
9 | | No bank or savings and loan association shall receive |
10 | | public funds as permitted by this Section unless it has |
11 | | complied with the requirements established under Section 6 of |
12 | | the Public Funds Investment Act.
13 | | Section 90. Delivery of check after executing officer |
14 | | ceases to hold office. If any officer whose signature appears |
15 | | upon any check or draft issued pursuant to this Act ceases to |
16 | | hold office before the delivery of the check or draft to the |
17 | | payee, the officer's signature nevertheless shall be valid and |
18 | | sufficient for all purposes with the same effect as if the |
19 | | officer had remained in office until delivery of the check or |
20 | | draft. |
21 | | Section 95. Rules. The Authority may make all rules and |
22 | | regulations proper or necessary and to carry into effect the |
23 | | powers granted to it. The rules and regulations shall be |
24 | | consistent with the guidelines, objectives, and project scope |
| | 09800SB1409ham003 | - 11 - | LRB098 09872 OMW 46773 a |
1 | | as set out by the Illinois Commerce Commission. |
2 | | Section 100. Fiscal year. The Authority shall designate its |
3 | | fiscal year. |
4 | | Section 105. Reports and financial statements. Within 60 |
5 | | days after the end of its fiscal year, the Authority shall |
6 | | cause to be prepared by a certified public accountant a |
7 | | complete and detailed report and financial statement of the |
8 | | operations and assets and liabilities as relate to the Elmwood |
9 | | Park railroad grade separation project. A reasonably |
10 | | sufficient number of copies of the report shall be prepared for |
11 | | distribution to persons interested, upon request, and a copy of |
12 | | the report shall be filed with the Illinois Commerce Commission |
13 | | and with the county clerk of Cook County. |
14 | | Section 110. Construction. Nothing in this Act shall be |
15 | | construed to confer upon the Authority the right, power, or |
16 | | duty to order or enforce the abandonment of any present |
17 | | property of the railroads or the use in substitution therefor |
18 | | of any property acquired for the railroads in the absence of a |
19 | | contract duly executed by the railroads and the Authority |
20 | | setting forth the terms and conditions upon which relocation of |
21 | | the right of way and physical facilities of the railroads is to |
22 | | be accomplished. No such contract shall be or become |
23 | | enforceable until the provisions of the contract have been |
| | 09800SB1409ham003 | - 12 - | LRB098 09872 OMW 46773 a |
1 | | approved or authorized by the Illinois Commerce Commission. |
2 | | Section 115. Existing contracts, obligations, and |
3 | | liabilities. No contract, obligation, or liability whatever of |
4 | | the railroads to pay any money into the State treasury, nor any |
5 | | lien of the State upon or right to tax property of the |
6 | | railroads, shall be released, suspended, modified, altered, |
7 | | remitted, or in any manner diminished or impaired by the |
8 | | contract with the Authority, and any such charter provisions |
9 | | applicable to the property on which the railroads are now |
10 | | located shall be deemed in full force and effect with respect |
11 | | to any property on which the railroads are relocated in |
12 | | substitution therefor pursuant to the provisions of this Act or |
13 | | any such contract with the Authority pursuant thereto. |
14 | | Notwithstanding, upon order of the Illinois Commerce |
15 | | Commission, the Authority shall succeed to and assume the |
16 | | performance and actions of the represented persons under the |
17 | | terms of the order and amending orders previously entered |
18 | | relative to the Elmwood Park railroad grade separation project |
19 | | and consistent with the objectives of the Authority. |
20 | | Section 120. Severability. The provisions of this Act are |
21 | | severable under Section 1.31 of the Statute on Statutes. |
22 | | Section 200. The Eminent Domain Act is amended by adding |
23 | | Section 15-5-47 as follows: |
| | 09800SB1409ham003 | - 13 - | LRB098 09872 OMW 46773 a |
1 | | (735 ILCS 30/15-5-47 new) |
2 | | Sec. 15-5-47. Eminent domain powers in new Acts. The |
3 | | following provisions of law may include express grants of the |
4 | | power to acquire property by condemnation or eminent domain: |
5 | | the Elmwood Park Railroad Relocation Authority Act; Elmwood |
6 | | Park Railroad Relocation Authority; for general purposes.
7 | | Section 999. Effective date. This Act takes effect upon |
8 | | becoming law.".