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1 | AN ACT concerning transportation.
| |||||||||||||||||||
2 | Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois, | |||||||||||||||||||
3 | represented in the General Assembly:
| |||||||||||||||||||
4 | Section 5. The Illinois Vehicle Code is amended by changing | |||||||||||||||||||
5 | Section 3-616 as follows:
| |||||||||||||||||||
6 | (625 ILCS 5/3-616) (from Ch. 95 1/2, par. 3-616)
| |||||||||||||||||||
7 | Sec. 3-616. Disability license plates.
| |||||||||||||||||||
8 | (a) Upon receiving an application for a certificate of | |||||||||||||||||||
9 | registration for
a motor vehicle of the
the first division or | |||||||||||||||||||
10 | for a motor vehicle of the second
division weighing no more | |||||||||||||||||||
11 | than 8,000 pounds, accompanied with payment of the
registration | |||||||||||||||||||
12 | fees required under this Code from a person with disabilities | |||||||||||||||||||
13 | or
a person who is deaf or hard of hearing, the Secretary of | |||||||||||||||||||
14 | State,
if so requested, shall issue to such person registration | |||||||||||||||||||
15 | plates as provided for
in Section 3-611, provided that the | |||||||||||||||||||
16 | person with disabilities or person who is
deaf or hard of | |||||||||||||||||||
17 | hearing must not be disqualified from obtaining a driver's
| |||||||||||||||||||
18 | license under subsection 8 of Section 6-103 of this Code, and | |||||||||||||||||||
19 | further provided
that any person making such a request must | |||||||||||||||||||
20 | submit a statement, certified by
licensed physician, by a | |||||||||||||||||||
21 | physician assistant who has been delegated the
authority to | |||||||||||||||||||
22 | make this certification by his or her supervising physician, or | |||||||||||||||||||
23 | by
an advanced practice nurse who has a written collaborative |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | agreement with a
collaborating physician that authorizes the | ||||||
2 | advanced practice nurse to make
this certification, to
the | ||||||
3 | effect that such person is a person with disabilities
as | ||||||
4 | defined by Section 1-159.1 of this Code, or alternatively | ||||||
5 | provide adequate
documentation that such person has a Class 1A, | ||||||
6 | Class 2A or Type Four
disability under the provisions of | ||||||
7 | Section 4A of the Illinois Identification
Card Act. For | ||||||
8 | purposes of this Section, an Illinois Person
with a Disability | ||||||
9 | Identification Card issued pursuant to the Illinois | ||||||
10 | Identification Card Act
indicating that the person thereon | ||||||
11 | named has a disability shall be adequate
documentation of such | ||||||
12 | a disability. | ||||||
13 | (b) The Secretary shall issue plates under this Section to | ||||||
14 | a parent or
legal guardian of a person with disabilities if the | ||||||
15 | person with disabilities
has a Class 1A or Class 2A disability | ||||||
16 | as defined in Section 4A of the Illinois
Identification Card | ||||||
17 | Act or is a person with disabilities as defined by Section
| ||||||
18 | 1-159.1 of this Code, and does not possess a vehicle registered | ||||||
19 | in his or her
name, provided that the person with disabilities | ||||||
20 | relies frequently on the
parent or legal guardian for | ||||||
21 | transportation. Only one vehicle per family
may be registered | ||||||
22 | under this subsection, unless the applicant can justify in
| ||||||
23 | writing the need for one additional set of plates. Any person | ||||||
24 | requesting
special plates under this subsection shall submit | ||||||
25 | such documentation or such
physician's, physician assistant's, | ||||||
26 | or advanced practice nurse's
statement as is required in |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | subsection
(a) and a statement
describing the circumstances | ||||||
2 | qualifying for issuance of special plates under
this | ||||||
3 | subsection. An optometrist may certify a Class 2A Visual | ||||||
4 | Disability, as defined in Section 4A of the Illinois | ||||||
5 | Identification Card Act, for the purpose of qualifying a person | ||||||
6 | with disabilities for special plates under this subsection.
| ||||||
7 | (c) The Secretary may issue a
parking decal or
device to a | ||||||
8 | person with disabilities as defined by Section 1-159.1 without
| ||||||
9 | regard to qualification of such person with disabilities for a | ||||||
10 | driver's license
or registration of a vehicle by such person | ||||||
11 | with disabilities or such person's
immediate family, provided | ||||||
12 | such person with disabilities making such a request
has been | ||||||
13 | issued an Illinois Person with a Disability Identification Card | ||||||
14 | indicating that the
person named thereon has a Class 1A or | ||||||
15 | Class 2A disability, or alternatively,
submits a statement | ||||||
16 | certified by a licensed physician, or by a physician
assistant | ||||||
17 | or an advanced practice nurse as provided in subsection (a), to
| ||||||
18 | the effect that such
person is a person with disabilities as | ||||||
19 | defined by Section 1-159.1. An optometrist may certify a Class | ||||||
20 | 2A Visual Disability as defined in Section 4A of the Illinois | ||||||
21 | Identification Card Act for the purpose of qualifying a person | ||||||
22 | with disabilities for a parking decal or device under this | ||||||
23 | subsection.
| ||||||
24 | (d) The Secretary shall prescribe by rules and regulations | ||||||
25 | procedures
to certify or re-certify as necessary the | ||||||
26 | eligibility of persons whose
disabilities are other than |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | permanent for special plates or
parking decals or devices | ||||||
2 | issued under subsections (a), (b)
and (c). Except as provided | ||||||
3 | under subsection (f) of this Section, no
such special plates, | ||||||
4 | decals or devices shall be issued by the Secretary of
State to | ||||||
5 | or on behalf of any person with disabilities unless such person | ||||||
6 | is
certified as meeting the definition of a person with | ||||||
7 | disabilities pursuant to
Section 1-159.1 or meeting the | ||||||
8 | requirement of a Type Four disability as
provided under Section | ||||||
9 | 4A of the Illinois Identification Card Act for the
period of | ||||||
10 | time that the physician, or the physician assistant or advanced
| ||||||
11 | practice nurse as provided in
subsection (a), determines the | ||||||
12 | applicant will have the
disability, but not to exceed 6 months | ||||||
13 | from the date of certification or
| ||||||
14 | (e) Any person requesting special plates under this Section | ||||||
15 | may also apply
to have the special plates personalized, as | ||||||
16 | provided under Section 3-405.1.
| ||||||
17 | (f) The Secretary of State, upon application, shall issue | ||||||
18 | disability registration plates or a parking decal to
| ||||||
19 | corporations, school districts, State or municipal agencies, | ||||||
20 | limited liability
companies, nursing homes, convalescent | ||||||
21 | homes, or special education cooperatives
which will transport | ||||||
22 | persons with disabilities. The Secretary shall prescribe
by | ||||||
23 | rule a means to certify or re-certify the eligibility of | ||||||
24 | organizations to
receive disability plates or decals and to | ||||||
25 | designate which of the
2 person with disabilities emblems shall | ||||||
26 | be placed on qualifying
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | (g) The Secretary of State, or his designee, may enter into
| ||||||
2 | agreements with other jurisdictions, including foreign | ||||||
3 | jurisdictions, on
behalf of this State relating to the | ||||||
4 | extension of parking privileges by
such jurisdictions to | ||||||
5 | permanently disabled residents of this State who
display a | ||||||
6 | special license plate or parking device that contains the
| ||||||
7 | International symbol of access on his or her motor vehicle, and | ||||||
8 | to
recognize such plates or devices issued by such other | ||||||
9 | jurisdictions. This
State shall grant the same parking | ||||||
10 | privileges which are granted to disabled
residents of this | ||||||
11 | State to any non-resident whose motor vehicle is licensed
in | ||||||
12 | another state, district, territory or foreign country if such | ||||||
13 | vehicle
displays the international symbol of access or a | ||||||
14 | distinguishing insignia on
license plates or parking device | ||||||
15 | issued in accordance with the laws of the
non-resident's state, | ||||||
16 | district, territory or foreign country.
| ||||||
17 | (Source: P.A. 97-1064, eff. 1-1-13.)